Google Analytics tracking Ecommerce In thankyou page - session-cookies

I’ve got a simple e-commerce site realized in php without using any e-commerce framework.
I’m trying to track purchases amount and their source (organic, social, paid search) with Google analytics using e-commerce tracking. Purchases are done from paypal. I set the thankyou page correctly and users are redirected to this page after the payment. I use Instant Payment Notification for updating the db with the new purchase and send a confirmation email to the customer.
How could I get the client session data to get correctly these data with:
ga('ecommerce:addTransaction', {
'id': '1234', // Transaction ID. Required.
'affiliation': 'Acme Clothing', // Affiliation or store name.
'revenue': '11.99', // Grand Total.
'shipping': '5', // Shipping.
'tax': '1.29' // Tax.
And send them with:
The problem is that if I insert the google analytics tracking code in the thankyou page, the page is not “linked” to the session of the customer because paypal redirect there as a new one, I suppose, and I cannot get the purchase and source data.
I also tried to use measurement protocol in IPN page, and that worked fine, but all the traffic in Google Analytics appear as direct, because these informations are sent from the php page on the server and not from the client browser.
I’m looking for the correct approach to these situation.
Thank you

Probably what you are looking for is this.
Google Analytics uses this for its cross-domain tracking, basically it passes the client id from a domain to another through a ?ga=XXXYYYZZZ parameters that links that session to that specific user to bypass the "cross-cookie" situation.
Unfortunately, I do not have experience with IPN but this is probably what you are looking for.
ga('create', 'UA-XXXXX-Y', 'auto');
ga(function(tracker) {
// Logs the client ID for the current user.
And then you send this clientID in your request and it will be linked by Analytics with the proper information.


Square - How to get ApplicationID using OAuth for Payment Form

Can someone help me to understand how make Payment Form works for merchants?
I am working on ECommerce site where merchants can sell their products. To use Square as payment provider I used OAuth to retrieve access token (which works fine).
To take payment I use Payment Form (to get card nonce). On Payment Form init I need to send ApplicationID & LocationId. I'am able to get last one but not the first one param.
If I try to use my own ApplicationID I get the error on Transactions/Charge
"detail":"Card nonce not found in this `sandbox` application environment. Please ensure an application ID belonging to the same environment is used for the SqPaymentForm."
This error happens when you use a combination of sandbox application Ids and production application Ids. I'm guessing that you are using your correct application id, and attempting to charge with your sandbox access token.
If you want to take a sandbox payment with the payment form, use your sandbox application id, it should look like sandbox-sq0idp-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Each merchant must use their own credentials to load locations. You must send the merchant locationId selected and their access_token to do the charge in its account.

Instagram api not returning any followers although response code is 200

I am using instagram to recieve the list of people i follow and although api returns the status code 200 I recieve absolutely no data.I tried using postman client instead of my code and even from there no data is being returned I am hitting the following service.
one thing to be noted is my application is in sandbox mode and this same access token is working and fetching other information about the user including media shared by the user and its basic information etc and user follows and is followed by several users.
Please suggest the solution thanks in advance.
I may have answer to this question since I was facing the same issue on my WinRT project yesterday.
You may need the relationship scope instead of 'follower_list' scope.
I am assuming that you have provided the scope as 'follower_list' in the authorization URL and logged in as yourself or through your own Instagram account(the same account with which you have created your Instagram app). And now if you are hitting the above service it will return nothing in data since you are requesting if the user is following you or not(so obviously you are not following yourself)!! So if you try logging in with someone else's Instagram account and hit the above service with follower_list scope it will return your Instagram account in data if the logged in person is following you.
The above service will return all the users that are following you AND present in your sandbox users list. (Or at least that is my conclusion on this)
For further clarification try for hitting this service there they are using the relationship scope.

Public/Private Events When Querying Facebook Graph API

I'm building an RoR application that uses the Facebook Graph API, scraping a users events via their user_access token. I'm essentially taking that user token and making a Graph call to the API, getting all the events the user has either given a rsvp, created, declined, maybe and not_replied response to the events they've been invited to. Here is my query...
GraphAPIEndPoint = [created, declined, maybe, not_replied]
GraphAPIEndPoint.each do|endpoint|
data =
events = data.get_connections("me", "events/#{endpoint}", fields: ['id',"name","description","place","start_time","end_time","timezone","ticket_uri", "cover"])
This query gives me the desired data but I'm unsure whether I'm getting private events from the user, which I don't want. After I've received the data, I've checked some source url's in my browser, which show a Facebook default error page saying, "Sorry this page isn't available". Other Facebook url's I've tested show me their events as public events, only the ones that seem specific to a group of friends or family give me this default error page. Also, if the events were deleted by the author (which could be an answer as to why I'm getting the default error page), why am I still getting the JSON for the event?
My only assumption is that I am, and if so, what are the privacy parameters to prevent this from happening and give me only the public events?(Please no FQL suggestions)
Thanks for your help!

How to use Stripe Connect in an iOS app

Has anyone had success using Stripe connect with an iOS app. I have a few questions:
I'm following the guidelines here:
Registering an Application: easy, no problem here
Then a little further down:
Send your users to Stripe: again, easy no problem here, I just have a button that opens up the link in a UIWebView. I assume having the client_id in the URL is fine? A lot of my uncertainty is what IDs/keys I should hard-code into the app
Then a little further down:
After the user connects or creates a Stripe account, we'll redirect them back to the redirect_uri you set in yourapplication settings with a code parameter or an error.
What I'm doing here is using the UIWebview's webView:shouldStartLoadWithReqest:navigationType delegate method to check for the string "code=" in the URL. If it finds that, then I'm able to grab the "code" parameter. So in reality, the redirect_uri is completely unnecessary for me. Is this the right way to handle this? Should I be doing this within my app or on my server?
After receiving the code, we are supposed to make a POST call to receive an access_token. Again, should this be done within the app or on the Server? It requires the use of a secret_key, so I'm guessing server? And how do I send credit card information along with this token if the token needs to be sent to the server? I know how to obtain the card number, exp date, and CVV. But in terms of passing it to the server (with or without the token) is something I'm not sure of.
Then when it comes to actually writing PHP, Ruby, or Python code on the server, I'm at a total loss.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You should setup a small web app to create stripe charges and storing you customers Authorization Code. Configure two routes in your web app for redirect_uri and webhook_uri and add the url in your Stripe Apps settings. The charges should be created from a server side app because it requires the secret_key / authorization_code which should not be stored in an iPad app. Otherwise they may lead to a security leak. I'm trying to describe the concept below:
Provide the stripe connect button in your app and set the link to open in Safari (not in an web view). You should add a state parameter to the url with an id which is unique to your users.
On tapping the button your user will be redirected to Stripe where s/he will be asked to authorize your application. Upon authorization stripe will hit your redirect_uri with a authorization_code and the state you previously provided. Do a post call according to Stripe Documentation with the authorization_code to get an access_token. Store the access_token mapped with the state in a database.
Define a custom url scheme in your app. Invoke the custom url from your web app. The user supposed to open the url in mobile safari. So invoking the custom url will reopen your application. You can pass an additional parameter to indicate failure / success. In your app update the view based on this parameter.
Now you are all set to create a charge on your server on behalf of the iPad user. Use stripe iOS sdk to generate a card_token from the card information. It'll require your stripe publishable_key. Then define an api in your web app which takes 3 parameters: card_token, user_id and amount. Call this api from your iPad app whenever you want to create a charge. You can also encrypt this information with a key if you're worried about security using any standard encryption method. You can easily decrypt the info in your web app as you know the key.
When this api is called from the iPad app you'll receive the user_id (which you saved as state previously), card_token and amount. Retrieve the access_token mapped to the user_id (or state). You can then made a charge on behalf of the user using the access_token, card_token and amount.
You can use ruby / php / python / node in the server as Stripe provides sdk for them. I assume other languages can be used as well as there is a REST interface.
Please note that this is just a concept. It should work like it but I haven't implemented it yet. I'll update this answer with sample code when I'm done.
You can use UIWebView. You will still need to use redirect urls and monitor the redirect using the delegate "webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType:"

PayPal Sandbox - CreateBillingAgreement call returns Internal Error (10001)

I'd appreciate any help with this, I've run around in circles trying all sorts of combinations with the PayPal Api - but I'm hitting a brick wall on this one.
I'm looking to call the CreateBillingAgreement method but each time I do it fails and reports a 10001 'internal error' from paypal in the response.
I have a valid token and I'm using version 84.0. I've successfully called SetupExpressCheckout and DoExpressCheckout, both of which succeed and the payment goes through. I'm setting up a future payment / pre-authorisation on the SetupExpressCheckout and the user agrees to that no problems.
​Do I need to change settings on the merchant in the sandbox? Am I calling things in the wrong order maybe? (SetExpress, GetExpress, DoExpress, CreateBilling)?
​I'm looking to use this billing agreement to allow a reference transaction in the future. I'm having a test account 'pay' using paypal and not forwarding any credit card details, the payment is for a digital service with no delivery (no shipping is set, no addresses or delivery costs are involved). The overall goal is to provide a one-click re-order button, whereby no details need to be entered by the customer.
I'm using the C# api in 4, or more specifically I've created Service References from the paypal sandbox wsdl and I'm using those in
​Any and all help is appreciated - thanks.
You don't need to call CreateBillingAgreement if you're specifying billingtype MerchantInitiatedBilling in your SetExpressCheckout and DoExpressCheckoutPayment API call. CreateBillingAgreement is only necessary if you don't want to call DoExpressCheckoutPayment.
If MerchantInitiatedBilling is set, DoExpressCheckoutPayment will already return a billing agreement ID, which you can use in DoReferenceTransaction.
I don't have access to an example at hand, but will update this post as soon as I've found one for you.
