Struts2 use <s:select> with <s:iterator> - struts2

Is it possible to define a Struts Select field, <s:select>, with an Iterator for options, <s:iterator>?
e.g., I don't want to use the Key/Value/List properties,
<s:select id="criteriaRequestStatusList" name="searchRequestCriteria.requestStatusList"
listValue="description" listKey="id" />
because I have some special symbols such as coming from the server side and they aren't escaped.
The following works regarding escaping , but it's an HTML Select. I don't want to use this either, because it doesn't populate the form values properly on load.
<select id="criteriaRequestStatusList" name="searchRequestCriteria.requestStatusList" class="requestor input-block-level" name="requestors" multiple="multiple">
<s:iterator value="requestStatuses">
<option value="${id}">${description}</option>
My goal is,
<s:select ..>

You can set the value on the POHTML select using the normal value attribute.
The <s:select> tag expects values to be ready-to-use; personally I'd transform them on the server side before exposing them to the view layer.
You might be able to use OGNL in the listTitle property (I might have the property name wrong) to un-entity it; I don't recall.


Using custom data attribute in Struts 2 s:select

I'm trying to use custom data attributes of HTML in Struts2 tags
here is my sample code
<s:select list="myList" listKey="myListVal" listValue="myListDesc" data-inputs="myListInput" ></s:select>
i was expecting something like this for example
<select >
<option value="myListVal1" data-inputs="myListInput1">myListDesc1</option>
<option value="myListVal2" data-inputs="myListInput2">myListDesc2</option>
<option value="myListVal3" data-inputs="myListInput3">myListDesc3</option>
instead I'm getting this
<select data-inputs="myListInput" >
<option value="myListVal1" >myListDesc1</option>
<option value="myListVal2" >myListDesc2</option>
<option value="myListVal3" >myListDesc3</option>
Is it possible to describe data-attribute in struts select tags for Options inside it.
Override the <s:select> tag template. Or just use HTML tags with <s:iterator>
<select name="list">
<s:iterator value="myList" status="stat">
<option value="<s:property value="myListVal"/>" data-inputs="myListInput<s:property value="#stat.index"/>"><s:property value="myListDesc"/></option>
You can't inject custom attributes into a Struts2 UI Tag directly.
According to Dave Newton's comment, you can with Struts2 >= 2.1.x
But still it's not possible to apply them to the option elements instead of the select, so I'll leave the answer in case you need to extend the original select tag to define a custom behaviour (like apply certain attributes to the options).
You can extend the <s:select> Struts2 tag to allow it to manage new kind of attributes...:
or create your own tag directly, but in your case would be overkill:
Last but not least, you could even add your custom attributes once the page is rendered, using something like jQuery (demo: ); they will be accessible, but not visible in source.

Struts2 - How to escape values while filling the options of a select box

I have the following code :
<s:select name="" list="#groupListAction.groups" listKey="id" listValue="name"
headerKey="" headerValue="Please select" id="addUser-primaryGroup" />
The problem is that the option text will have unescaped HTML like <b>Name</b>. This will cause the options to be displayed in bold. How can I prevent this ? Only the <s:property/> tag seems to escape html.
That's true.. According to documentation, only property tag has parameter escape which is by default set to true. Select tag has no such parameter, so I am afraid you have to escape HTML server side... You can use JSoup or similar library for HTML manipulation...
You could use this approach instead: html select with struts iterator <s:iterator>
<select id="xxx" size="1" name="xxx">
<option value=""> <s:text name="" /></option>
<s:iterator value="xxx">
<s:if test="%{key.indexOf('|') == -1}">
<option value="">XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</option>
This will allow you to control the situation with <s:property> tag and escape it.

struts2 <s:iterator> with <s:param> not working

I am displaying the list values with tag.At the same time i want to provide a hyperlink for the displaying values to provide action for the displaying value.I am using <s:param> for that.but the values are not passing.I am writing like below
<s:iterator status="stat" value="transactionList">
<s:url id="open" action="openTransaction">
<s:param name="transactionCode" value="<s:property value='monthName'/>"/>
<tr class="gradeB">
<s:a href="%{open}"><s:property value='transactionCode'/></s:a>
<td><s:property value="monthName"/></td>
<td><s:property value="transactionDesc"/></td>
Now the transactionCode property is displaying with hyperlinks and by clicking on that the action is forwarding to openTransaction method.but the value i passed with <s:param> is not going,it is giving null. In iteration for that particular transaction code i want to pass that particular transaction code only. In struts 1.x I used display tag table decorator for this purpose, it takes the current row object.Here also i want to pass the current row values to the action. Please help me.
If you want to use <s:property> tag to put a param inside an url you have to do it like that:
<s:url ...>
<s:param name="foo"><s:property value="bar"/></s:param>
The documentation of <s:param> explains the difference between using this way of putting a param and your way.
Note: When you declare the param tag, the value can be defined in either a value attribute or as text between the start and end tag. Struts behaves a bit different according to these two situations. This is best illustrated using an example:
<param name="color">blue</param> <-- (A) -->
<param name="color" value="blue"/> <-- (B) -->
In the first situation (A) the value would be evaluated to the stack as a java.lang.String object. And in situation (B) the value would be evaluated to the stack as a java.lang.Object object.
For more information see WW-808.
Edit: Also remember that if you are using 2.1.x or higher, the id attribute of <s:url> is deprecated and it has been replaced with var. You can read it here.
<c:url var="search" value="/image/search.action">
<c:forEach items="${filtersMap}" var="map">
<c:param name="filtersMap.${map.key}" value="${map.value}"/>
${filtersMap} is a map param from action

Freemarker hash for Struts2 tag's list property

I'm using Freemarker as the templating engine for a Struts 2 application and having some problems trying to pass a Freemarker hash to the tag's list value.
Currently I'm trying something like this in my template:
< name="myDropdown" list={"1":"Foo", "2":"Bar", 3:"Baz"} />
The resulting HTML that's rendered is this:
<select name="myDropdown" id="myDropdown">
<option value="freemarker.ext.beans.HashAdapter$1$1$1#2c9bebb">freemarker.ext.beans.HashAdapter$1$1$1#2c9bebb</option>
<option value="freemarker.ext.beans.HashAdapter$1$1$1#16ca4a">freemarker.ext.beans.HashAdapter$1$1$1#16ca4a</option>
<option value="freemarker.ext.beans.HashAdapter$1$1$1#173ee8">freemarker.ext.beans.HashAdapter$1$1$1#173ee8</option>
Based on the documentation it seems like this should work, but really the only examples are of using Freemarker lists. Hashes are only mentioned as another option, but I haven't been able to find any code examples that use them.
Ultimately my question is, what Freemarker syntax should I use with the Struts 2 select tag in order to render the following HTML?
<select name="myDropdown" id="myDropdown">
<option value="1">Foo</option>
<option value="2">Bar</option>
<option value="3">Baz</option>
Using the listKey and listValue properties of the select tag seems to do the trick.
The working code is now:
< name="myDropdown" list={"1":"Foo", "2":"Bar", 3:"Baz"} listKey="key" listValue="value" />
Seems like that should be taken care of automatically by the tag, but I was not able to get it to work without explicitly setting those two additional properties.

Why use <g:textField /> in Grails?

What is the reason to use g:textField in Grails if you're already familiar with standard HTML form tags?
If I understand correctly the following two markup alternatives are equivalent:
<input type="text" name="name" value="${}" id="name" />
<g:textField name="name" value="${}" />
Are there any circumstances under which using g:textField would add value? Am I missing something?
The textField tag is provided as a convenience (slightly shorter than writing the HTML input) and is there to provide a full set of form tags. Personally I prefer to write as much plain HTML as possible in my Grails views and only tend to use the tags that really offer a benefit such as the form tag. I have not found an instance where using textField would have added any value outside of requiring a few less characters to type.
<g:textField /> is not shorter as plain text field tag, except id attribute will be attached automatically.
However, I recommend you to use customized tags associating the bean values with input fields. That shortens the code a lot. For more information you can read
Also you can find useful stuff in Form Helper Plugin
