I need to build a classification algorithm and use it for data that consists of points x={x_1, x_2,..., x_n} where x_1 etc. are themselves experimentally measured quantities and so have posterior distributions.
How should I take this behaviour of the data into account? Should I train the algorithm on noisy data to begin with?
Firstly, you always want to start with the simplest/clean data. That will serve as a point of reference for improvement. Basically, get the famous IRIS dataset and train your algorithm on it. Compare your result with the known IRS dataset accuracy. This should be your starting point.
When do data pre-processing, it is suggested to do either scaling or normalization. It is easy to do it when you have data on your hand. You have all the data and can do it right away. But after the model built and run, does the first data that comes in need to be scaled or normalized? If it needed, it only one single row how to scale or normalize it? How do we know what is the min/max/mean/stdev from each feature? And how is the incoming data is the min/max/mean each feature?
Please advise
First of all you should know when to use scaling and normalization.
Scaling - scaling is nothing but to transform your features to comparable magnitudes.Let say if you have features like person's income and you noticed that some have value of order 10^3 and some have 10^6.Now if you model your problem with this features then algorithms like KNN, Ridge Regression will give higher weight to higher magnitude of such attributes.To prevent this you need to first scale your features.Min-Max scaler is one of the most used scaling.
Mean Normalisation -
If after examining the distribution of the feature and you found that feature is not centered around zero then for the algorithm like svm where objective function already assumes zero mean and same order variance, we could have problem in modeling.So here you should do Mean Normalisation.
Standardization - For the algorithm like svm, neural network, logistic regression it is necessary to have a variance of the feature in the same order.So why don't we make it to one.So in standardization, we make the distribution of features to zero mean and unit variance.
Now let's try to answer your question in terms of training and testing set.
So let's say you are training your model on 50k dataset and testing on 10k dataset.
For the above three transformations, the standard approach says that you should fit any normalizer or scaler to only training dataset and use only transform for the testing dataset.
In our case, if we want to use standardization then we will first fit our standardizer on 50k training dataset and then used to transform it 50k training dataset and also testing dataset.
Note - We shouldn't fit our standardizer to test dataset, in place of we will use already fitted standardizer to transform testing dataset.
Yes, you need to apply normalization to the input data, else the model will predict nonsense.
You also have to save the normalization coefficients that were used during training, or from training data. Then you have to apply the same coefficients to incoming data.
For example if you use min-max normalization:
f_n = (f - min(f)) / (max(f) - min_(f))
Then you need to save the min(f) and max(f) in order to perform normalization for new data.
My crime classification dataset has indicator features, such as has_rifle.
The job is to train and predict whether data points are criminals or not. The metric is weighted mean absolute error, where if the person is criminal, and the model predicts him/her as not, then the weight is large as 5. If person is not criminal and the model predicts as he/she is, then weight is 1. Otherwise the model predicts correctly, with weight 0.
I've used classif:multinom method in mlr in R, and tuned the threshold to 1/6. The result is not that good. Adaboost is slightly better. Though neither is perfect.
I'm wondering which method is typically used in this kind of binary classification problem with a sparse {0,1} matrix? And how to improve the performance measured by the weighted mean absolute error metric?
Dealing with sparse data is not a trivial task. Lack of information makes difficult to capture features such as variance. I would suggest you to search for subspace clustering methods or to be more specific, soft subspace clustering. The last one usually identifies relevant/irrelevant data dimensions. It is a good approach when you want to improve classification accuracy.
We all know that the objective function of SVM is iteratively trained. In order to continue training, at least we can store all the variables used in the iterations if we want to continue on the same training dataset.
While, if we want to train on a slightly different dataset, what should we do to make full use of the previously trained model? Or does this kind of thought make sense? I think it is quite reasonable if we train a K-means model. But I am not sure if it still makes sense for the SVM problem.
There are some literature on this topic:
alpha-seeding, in which the training data is divided into chunks. After you train a SVM on the ith chunk, you take those and use them to train your SVM with the (i+1)th chunk.
Incremental SVM serves as an online learning in which you update a classifier with new examples rather than retrain the entire data set.
SVM heavy package with online SVM training as well.
What you are describing is what an online learning algorithm does and unfortunately the classic definition for SVM is done in a batch fashion.
However, there are several solvers for SVM that produces quasy optimal hypothesis to the underneath optimization problem in an online learning way. In particular my favourite is Pegasos-SVM which can find a good near optimal solution in linear time:
In general this doesn't make sense. SVM training is an optimization process with regard to every training set vector. Each training vector has an associated coefficient, which as a result is either 0 (irrelevant) or > 0 (support vector). Adding another training vector imposes another, different, optimization problem.
The only way to reuse information from previous training I can think of is to choose support vectors from the previous training and add them to the new training set. I'm not sure, but this probably will negatively affect generalization - VC dimension of an SVM is related to the number of support vectors, so adding previous support vectors to the new dataset is likely to increase the support vector count.
Apparently, there are more possibilities, as noted in lennon310's answer.
I have been working through the concepts of principal component analysis in R.
I am comfortable with applying PCA to a (say, labeled) dataset and ultimately extracting out the most interesting first few principal components as numeric variables from my matrix.
The ultimate question is, in a sense, now what? Most of the reading I've come across on PCA immediately halts after the computations are done, especially with regards to machine learning. Pardon my hyperbole, but I feel as if everyone agrees that the technique is useful, but nobody wants to actually use it after they do it.
More specifically, here's my real question:
I respect that principle components are linear combinations of the variables you started with. So, how does this transformed data play a role in supervised machine learning? How could someone ever use PCA as a way to reduce dimensionality of a dataset, and THEN, use these components with a supervised learner, say, SVM?
I'm absolutely confused about what happens to our labels. Once we are in eigenspace, great. But I don't see any way to continue to move forward with machine learning if this transformation blows apart our concept of classification (unless there's some linear combination of "Yes" or "No" I haven't come across!)
Please step in and set me straight if you have the time and wherewithal. Thanks in advance.
Old question, but I don't think it's been satisfactorily answered (and I just landed here myself through Google). I found myself in your same shoes and had to hunt down the answer myself.
The goal of PCA is to represent your data X in an orthonormal basis W; the coordinates of your data in this new basis is Z, as expressed below:
Because of orthonormality, we can invert W simply by transposing it and write:
Now to reduce dimensionality, let's pick some number of components k < p. Assuming our basis vectors in W are ordered from largest to smallest (i.e., eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue is first, etc.), this amounts to simply keeping the first k columns of W.
Now we have a k dimensional representation of our training data X. Now you run some supervised classifier using the new features in Z.
The key is to realize that W is in some sense a canonical transformation from our space of p features down to a space of k features (or at least the best transformation we could find using our training data). Thus, we can hit our test data with the same W transformation, resulting in a k-dimensional set of test features:
We can now use the same classifier trained on the k-dimensional representation of our training data to make predictions on the k-dimensional representation of our test data:
The point of going through this whole procedure is because you may have thousands of features, but (1) not all of them are going to have a meaningful signal and (2) your supervised learning method may be far too complex to train on the full feature set (either it would take too long or your computer wouldn't have a enough memory to process the calculations). PCA allows you to dramatically reduce the number of features it takes to represent your data without eliminating features of your data that truly add value.
After you have used PCA on a portion of your data to compute the transformation matrix, you apply that matrix to each of your data points before submitting them to your classifier.
This is useful when the intrinsic dimensionality of your data is much smaller than the number of components and the gain in performance you get during classification is worth the loss in accuracy and the cost of PCA. Also, keep in mind the limitations of PCA:
In performing a linear transformation, you implicitly assume that all components are expressed in equivalent units.
Beyond variance, PCA is blind to the structure of your data. It may very well happen that the data splits along low-variance dimensions. In that case, the classifier won't learn from transformed data.
I am doing remote sensing image classification. I am using the object-oriented method: first I segmented the image to different regions, then I extract the features from regions such as color, shape and texture. The number of all features in a region may be 30 and commonly there are 2000 regions in all, and I will choose 5 classes with 15 samples for every class.
In summary:
Sample data 1530
Test data 197530
How do I choose the proper classifier? If there are 3 classifiers (ANN, SVM, and KNN), which should I choose for better classification?
KNN is the most basic machine learning algorithm to paramtise and implement, but as alluded to by #etov, would likely be outperformed by SVM due to the small training data sizes. ANNs have been observed to be limited by insufficient training data also. However, KNN makes the least number of assumptions regarding your data, other than that accurate training data should form relatively discrete clusters. ANN and SVM are notoriously difficult to paramtise, especially if you wish to repeat the process using multiple datasets and rely upon certain assumptions, such as that your data is linearly separable (SVM).
I would also recommend the Random Forests algorithm as this is easy to implement and is relatively insensitive to training data size, but I would advise against using very small training data sizes.
The scikit-learn module contains these algorithms and is able to cope with large training data sizes, so you could increase the number of training data samples. the best way to know for sure would be to investigate them yourself, as suggested by #etov
If your "sample data" is the train set, it seems very small. I'd first suggest using more than 15 examples per class.
As said in the comments, it's best to match the algorithm to the problem, so you can simply test to see which algorithm works better. But to start with, I'd suggest SVM: it works better than KNN with small train sets, and generally easier to train then ANN, as there are less choices to make.
Have a look at below mind map
KNN: KNN performs well when sample size < 100K records, for non textual data. If accuracy is not high, immediately move to SVC ( Support Vector Classifier of SVM)
SVM: When sample size > 100K records, go for SVM with SGDClassifier.
ANN: ANN has evolved overtime and they are powerful. You can use both ANN and SVM in combination to classify images
More details are available #semanticscholar.org