nocache.js not found in Vaadin project - vaadin

"Requested resource [/VAADIN/widgetsets/AppWidgetset/AppWidgetset.nocache.js] not found.." I get this when I'm including new addons, either from a JAR file or through Maven. Sometimes, if I've added the dependency in Maven, adding the JAR file as well to the build path fixes it, sometimes it's the other way around, other times compiling the widgetset and/or theme fixes it, and there are even times when nothing helps. This type of behavior seems to me more random than scientific.
I would love to know how to properly add dependencies to the project so that I can avoid this problem.

Select the UI project and goto Properties - Deployment Assembly. Check if you already have widgetset.jar file. If the widgetset.jar is missing then Click on Add -> Maven Project and select widgetset (make sure the jar file naming convention follows backend project like WEB-INF/lib/qqq-widgetset-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar and WEB-INF/lib/qqq-backend-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar)


File missing error iOS Xcode

I have a sample project with multiple schemes.I am new to such a project.
I want to know How When and Where do we use such a flow(multiple projects in a single project).
See the image below,I am getting a file missing error while I try to build the project.But I don't know why I am getting such an error.The file that says is missing is already there in the project folder.
What am i doing wrong?I have added the three schemes by directly clicking +addfiles button to "my project " button at the bottom of the navigation pane.
the error is : "HTTPConnection.h file is missing."
Concerning your first question....
Sub-projects inside a project are useful if they build something (a library, usually) that your main project depends on. If the library is under development at the same time as the application, you may want to build it from source as a dependency rather than pre-building it and managing the installation of it as a binary file.
As for the missing file problem, including it in the project (or sub-project) doesn't automatically make it visible if it's not also in the source directory. In that case, it needs to be added to the project's header search paths.

"Synchronize Grails Settings" does not work (intellij 14)

We have had this problem with all versions of intellij right up to 14.1.3.
When you click on
Grails->Synchronize Grails Settings
nothing happens. Nothing is executed, the cursor does not change, and, importantly, there is no way to get Intellij to recognize that your configuration has changed (e.g. if you change the version of an existing plugin defined in your buildConfig.groovy).
This is a huge problem.
Interestingly, it works on a MAC with identical project, intellij and java version version.
I don't expect an answer or resolution - but if anyone else gets the same problem, it would be nice to know we are not the only ones.
The grails project consists of the application, and a number of exploded plugins. Everything else works fine.
Project structure:
It was imported into intellij by doing a "grails integrate-with --intellij" in the mainApp dir, then simply opening the resultant ipr file in intellij.
Try this
Select the module which has dependency issue.
Click F4 (module settings)
Click on modules in left side (project settings)
Click on dependencies tab on right side
Verify all the inline plugin modules that your module depends on are there in dependencies, if not, add them by clicking + and selecting module dependency

Adding a dependency to a repository with Xcode 6.1

I'm new to programming on iOS and I'm running into a roadblock with adding dependencies to my repository.
When I drag and drop a framework into the project directory and reference everything, I can build the project no problem. The issue is when I commit my project to the repository, the framework files do not get copied over. I can see that they are located in their original directory in some other location. Xcode merely references these files instead of adding them to the project directory.
So my question is, how do you add a framework or dependency to a project directory and commit it alongside your project to your repository?
Note I'm using SVN, however a Version Management System agnostic solution works for me.
In your case, or most cases people just download the framework and add it from there directly though it works in their machines, but will not work in other machine, because of absolute path added to the Header Search Paths settings in Build Settings.
In case of Third Party frameworks are as follows, will work for any case. Add the relative path rather than absolute path, though you don't set it, it is automatically added while you add a framework. So what are the steps? See below
Step 1
Create a folder named framework inside your svn/git folder of your project, and put all the frameworks inside the folder..
Step 2
Now add the framework, from the framework folder as you were doing earlier.
Step 3
Check your Header Search Paths in Build Settings. You will see entry for your framework header path. It should look something like
Change the above entry by
Doing the above will automatically change this /Users/username/ProjectFolder/Project/ part of your path according to any system you clone the project. And it will work automatically.
Note - Before performing the steps, remove all old Header entries, which has absolute path.
Hope it helps.

VS-MDA: Custom iOS-Framework in Plugin

we want to create a MobFox-Plugin for our hybrid apps. It is already running well in CLI-Cordova Apps, but it does not work in our hybrid apps, because it seems that the directory structure of the framework (the symbolic links between headers and version directory) is destroyed by Windows, where the framework is inside the plugin in the mda project. If I start a build, the header directory of is not recognized as a symbolic link, but as an ordinary executable textfile on the Mac.
This is how I include the framework in the plugin xml:
<framework src="libs/ios/MobFox.framework" custom="true"/>
I also tried to copy the MobFox.framework to the SDK Frameworks Folder and reference it like the standard system libraries (which work well):
<framework src="MobFox.framework" />
But this also fails, though the Framework is now included correctly in Xcode. But the compiler now says that it cannot find the MobFox.h-class, this is how it's included:
#import <MobFox/MobFox.h>
So I really think that the problem is that Windows cannot handle the symbolic links inside the .framework File. Does anybody has a workaround or solution for this problem? Or an idea why my Workaround with placing the file in the Standard-Frameworks Folder does not work?
Any help would be highly appreciated.
Same problem here - it appears that when the plugin is published to the cordova registry it loses the symbolic links inside the .Framework package that tell XCode where everything is.
They are maintained on git, so it is something in the plugman export/publish that is going wrong.
So for example
cordova plugin add
will work for the plugin I am writing, but not
cordova plugin add com.uxcam.cordova.plugin
which is the published version.
If you delve down into the 'plugins' folder of the project you added it too and 'show package contents' on the com.uxcam.cordova.plugin file you can then get into 'src/ios'UXCam.framework' and see how it has messed up the symbolic links in the framework folder that should point at the Headers folder and a link the the library binary as well.
Reference: Cordova bug report here:
Update: I've worked around the problem by manually putting files in the framework into the places they need to be. So now on the github project I reference above you can see that the framework library is directly in the UXCam.framework folder, and there is an explicit Headers folder that has the UXCam.h file in it. This works for a published plugin now.
Not an ideal solution and every time I update the framework I'll have to fix the layout again, but works for now until I can find the proper place to report the problem.

Duplicate package problem

I am trying to integrate Twitter in my application. I import two .jar files with different names, but one package has the same name in both files. When I compile, it shoes following error.
Description Resource Path Location Type
D:\CustomClasses\ksoap2-j2me-core-prev-2.1.2.jar(org/kxml2/io/KXmlParser.class): Error!: Duplicate definition for '' found in:
Assuming the two JARs are third party (not platform libraries), you should consider a more sophisticated compilation and packaging step. But before going down this path, check to see whether the JARs you are importing don't come in different forms -- ones that don't embed their dependencies.
Either way, have a step in your compilation to extract just the parts that you need from each JAR.
If you are not using build scripts but use an IDE for everything, set up a build script just to build your customized dependencies JAR.
