Cannot create automated build in dockerhub from github - dockerhub

I am having trouble creating a new automated build in Dockerhub, using the Github link.
I cannot create an automated build from my Github account link that is already building against another repo. It is currently linking to the same account in Github that one of my Dockerhub builds is already using, but when I try to create a new automated build it does not display any linked accounts. I then go through the process of linking, which then tells me its already linked.
No idea whats up with this but its super annoying.

I ended up solving this by un-linking then re-linking my github account. It is now working fine.


How to add an image to an organization in Docker Hub ?

I have a personal account, on Docker Hub, linked to my GitHub account, where I can build an image of my repository normally.
Now I've created an organization on GitHub where I've forked my code. I've also created an organization on Docker Hub using my personal account, and created a repository in this organization. But I can't seem to figure out how to trigger a build in this repository!
I don't have access to the same menus, I don't know what I'm missing here. Any clue? Thanks.
I think you have to create an 'Automated build', not a simple repository.
In the top left of the UI, go to 'Create' > 'Create Automated Build', then select Github or Bitbucket, select the source repository, then for the 'Repository Namespace & Name' I guess that you should be able to choose your organization for the namespace.
Of course you have to deleted the simple repository you created if you want to use the same repository name.

Build chain in the cloud?

(I understand this question is somewhat out of scope for stack overflow, because contains more problems and somewhat vague. Suggestions to ask it in the proper ways are welcome.)
I have some open source projects depending in each other.
The code resides in github, the builds happen in shippable, using docker images which in turn are built on docker hub.
I have set up an artifact repo and a debian repository where shippable builds put the packages, and docker builds use them.
The build chain looks like this in terms of deliverables:
pre-zenta docker image
zenta docker image (two steps of docker build because it would time out otherwise)
zenta debian package
zenta-tools docker image
zenta-tools debian package
xslt docker image
adadocs artifacts
Currently I am triggering the builds by pushing to github and sometimes rerunning failed builds on shippable after the docker build ran.
I am looking for solutions for the following problems:
Where to put Dockerfiles? Now they are in the repo of the package needing the resulting docker image for build. This way all information to build the package are in one place, but sometimes I have to trigger an extra build to have the package actually built.
How to trigger build automatically?
..., in a way supporting git-flow? For example if I change the code in zenta develop branch, I want to make sure that zenta-tools will build and test with the development version of it, before merging with master.
Are there a tool with which I can overview the health of the whole build chain?
Since your question is related to Shippable, I've created a support issue for you here - If you are interested in discussing the best way to handle your scenario, you can also send me an email at You can set up your entire flow, including building the docker images, using Shippable.

Renaming a repo wrecks travis

I renamed my repo on github and now everything is broken. It started off with the "build status" image being broken.
From desperation I revoked travis's github access to my account. I wanted to delete my travis account to start fresh but that's impossible it seems :(
I tried to stop CI on my one repo and I got this error:
An error happened when we tried to alter settings on GitHub. It may be caused by API restrictions, please review and add your authorized Orgs
I'd love to, but travis's website doesn't seem to have a "reauth" button.
I think my travis is in limbo :(
Fixed it, just had to sign out and sign in to travis. That re-auths travis from github because it uses github sign-in.
Maybe there should be a button for that in the main travis UI?

Where can I find build artifacts in Travis?

I'm new to Travis. The user docs are fantastic and I had little trouble getting my little project to build. But how do I get at the thing that was built? Can I?
The build log shows my binary getting linked, but I see no way to access it.
I'm not interested in automating deploys or uploads, I just want to see what was produced.
Any artifacts from builds are purged after a successful build, together with the build environment. Travis CI isn't explicitly storing them for you, but can be convinced to do so:

Artifactory Hudson Builds not showing artifacts

I'm trying to setup Artifactory(free version) and Hudson to deploy artifacts.
The main stuff already works, i can deploy to Artifactory via Hudson. Using the Artifactory Hudson Plugin with generic deployment.
I am also able to browse the deployed stuff via the Tree & Simple Browser.
What not works correctly is the Build Browser, it does show everything except the artifacts deployed by the build. In the published modules view it should show all artifacts, but the tables are just greyed out for me.
Example how it should look:
Link to the official Jfrog Artifactory demo repository
Does anyone know if this view is maybe a pro feature, or any other tips how to resolve this problem?
The build integration feature is limited in the OSS version. You need the Pro version to get the full deal.
I've used the description setter plugin . In my case i take the last revision and put a link to the artifact in artifactory. In this way on every build i can see a direct link to the artifact changing the path like you want.
