How to avoid crashes in tableView(_:cellForRowAt)? - ios

In the Fabric, I see a lot of crashes in the "tableView(_:cellForRowAt)" section. There is not a certain scenario for this exceptions. Anytime and in the any screen it can occur.There is no data for analysing the crashes. Only I know there are crashes in "tableView(_:cellForRowAt)".
I want to prevent this kind of exceptions although I do not know the root cause. Can I use a method like preventing NullPointer Exception (if (!null)) ?
Below two crashes in the different code sections ;
let XXX = Constants.sharedInstance.url+"/service/photo/"+userdas[(indexPath as NSIndexPath).row].id!+"/"+userdas[(indexPath as NSIndexPath).row].photo!+"/2"
self.notificationModel[indexPath.row].userNot.XXX?.XXXImageView = image

From your code, it's clear that you're making a couple of explicit force unwraps that could lead you to crash.
userdas[(indexPath as NSIndexPath).row].id!
userdas[(indexPath as NSIndexPath).row].photo!
I guess that in the third case XXXImageView is implicitly unwrapped UIImageView that also might be nil.
To avoid the crash in your first section you can use a guard
guard let id = userdas[indexPath.row].id,
let photo = userdas[indexPath.row].photo else {
let XXX = Constants.sharedInstance.url+"/service/photo/"+id+"/"+photo+"/2"
I'm not sure what you're doing in the second section, but you just need to check that you unwrapped parameters aren't nil as well


Accessing CFArray causes crash in Swift

My following code crashes with EXC_BAD_ACCESS, and I do not understand why. My initial understanding is that the memory retention in this case should be automatic, but it seems I am wrong... Maybe someone can help. Thank you! The code is written in Swift 5 and runs on iOS 15.2 in XCode 13.2.1.
Casting to NSArray causes trouble...
let someFont = CGFont("Symbol" as CFString)!
if let cfTags: CFArray = someFont.tableTags {
let nsTags = cfTags as NSArray
print(nsTags.count) // Prints: 16
let tag0 = nsTags[0] // CRASH: Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=257, ...)
Alternatively, using CFArray-API causes also trouble (The crash message is about a misaligned pointer but the root cause seems also the bad access, which occurs e.g. if I replace UInt32.self by UInt8.self, and hence eliminate the alignment problem).
let someFont = CGFont("Symbol" as CFString)!
if let cfTags: CFArray = someFont.tableTags {
print(CFArrayGetCount(cfTags)) // Prints: 16
let tag0Ptr: UnsafeRawPointer = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(cfTags, 0)!
tag0Ptr.load(as: UInt32.self)// CRASH :Thread 1: Fatal error: load from misaligned raw pointer
The issue here is that the CGFont API uses some advanced C-isms in their storage of table tags, which really doesn't translate to Swift: CGFontCopyTableTags() returns a CFArrayRef which doesn't actually contain objects, but integers. (This is technically allowed through CFArray's interface: it accepts void *s in C, into which you can technically stuff any integer which fits in a pointer, even if the pointer value is nonsense...) Swift expects CFArrays and NSArrays to only ever contain valid objects and pointers, and it treats the return values as such — this is why accessing via NSArray also fails (Swift expects an object but the value isn't an object, so it can't be accessed like a pointer, or retained, or any of the things that the runtime might expect to do).
Your second code snippet is closer to how you'll need to access the value: CFArrayGetValueAtIndex appears to return a pointer, but the value you're getting back isn't a real pointer — it's actually an integer stored in the array directly, masquerading as a pointer.
The equivalent to the Obj-C example from the CGFontCopyTableTags docs of
tag = (uint32_t)(uintptr_t)CFArrayGetValue(table, k);
would be
let tag = unsafeBitCast(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(cfTags, 0), to: UInt.self)
(Note that you need to cast to UInt and not UInt32 because unsafeBitCast requires that the input value and the output type have the same alignment.)
In my simulator, I'm seeing a tag with a value of 1196643650 (0x47535542), which definitely isn't a valid pointer (but I don't otherwise have domain knowledge to validate whether this is the tag you're expecting).

firestore collection path giving bugs with constants value and String value

So my goal is to get rid of these bugs completely. I am in a dilemma where each decision leads to a bug.
The first thing I can do that eventually becomes an issue is use a String-interpolated collection path in all my query functions like so:
func getEventName() {
listener = db.collection("school_users/\(user?.uid)/events").order(by: "time_created", descending: true).addSnapshotListener(includeMetadataChanges: true) { (querySnapshot, error) in
if let error = error {
print("There was an error fetching the data: \(error)")
} else { = querySnapshot! { document in
return EventName(eventName: (document.get("event_name") as! String))
The thing with this is, when I run the app on the simulator, I am restricted from pressing buttons and then sometimes I can press them and then sometimes they get restricted again. This bug is so confusing because it makes no sense where it springs from.
The other issue is I can use a Constants value in all the query functions in my collections path.
static let schoolCollectionName = "school_users/\(user?.uid)/events"
This is nested in a Firebase struct within the Constants struct. In order to keep Xcode from giving errors I create a let users = Auth.auth().currentUser variable outside the Constants struct. The issue with this value is that when I put that in all of my query functions collection paths, all the buttons are accessible and selectable all the time, but when a user logs out and I log in as a new user, the previous user's data shows up in the new user's tableview.
It would obviously make more sense to use the Constants value because you prevent typos in the future, but I can't figure out how to get rid of the bug where the old user's data shows up in the new user's tableview. Thanks in advance.
The user id should definitely not be a constant. What it sounds like is that right now, you have no reliable way to change users -- your setup probably depends on which user is logged in at app startup, since that's where your variable gets set.
I would do something more like this:
func getEventName() {
guard let user = Auth.auth().currentUser else {
//handle the fact that you don't have a user here -- don't go on to the next query
listener = db.collection("school_users/\(user.uid)/events").order(by: "time_created", descending: true).addSnapshotListener(includeMetadataChanges: true) { (querySnapshot, error) in
Note that now, user.uid in the interpolated path doesn't have the ? for optionally unwrapping it (which Xcode is giving you a warning for right now). It will also guarantee that the correct query is always made with the currently-logged-in user.
Regarding being able to press the buttons, that sounds like an unrelated issue. You could run your app in Instruments and check the Time Profiler to see if you have long-running tasks that are gumming up the main/UI thread.

Best practice for presenting App internal error to user?

I use guard statement and fatalError() a lot in my app to make sure data are in consistent state. They help to catch bugs in development phase. Now I'm in the late phase of the project and start to consider how to deal with those fatalError() calls in release build.
I don't want to remove them because they help to expose unknown bugs. I don't want to just leave them as is in the product release either because they would just abort the App, which doesn't provide user any helpful information about what went wrong. What I'd like to achieve is to show an error message on the screen and then abort when user press "OK". I think there may be two approaches to do it:
1) Don't call fatalError(). Throw error instead. Let the top level code handles the error (e.g., showing an alert). The issue with the approach is that it requires to change many functions to become throwable, which I think is inconvenient.
2) The second approach is that from what I read on the net, it's possible for code to create alert without access to the current view controller on screen. The trick is to create a new window. I haven't investigated the details yet.
My concern is that I think both approaches have same inherent limitation and are not applicable in all situations. For example, suppose there is something goes wrong in a UITableViewControler's data source delegate method, does it work to present an alert from within the delegate method? I doubt it.
So I wonder what's the common practice to present the fatal error message to user? Thanks for any suggestions.
similar to create a window, there is a way to get 'currentViewController', you can use it to show an alert anywhere.
let view = UIViewController.current.view view, message: errorMsg)
//or just:, handle it in Alert class
extension UIViewController {
class func current(base: UIViewController? = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController) -> UIViewController? {
if let nav = base as? UINavigationController {
return current(base: nav.visibleViewController)
if let tab = base as? UITabBarController {
return current(base: tab.selectedViewController)
if let presented = base?.presentedViewController {
return current(base: presented)
return base
for UITableView/UIScrollView/UICollectionView, you can use runtime swizzle method to add a placeholder image when there is no data or an error occored for all views. such as EmptyDataSet
recored the errors and save the log into a local file, upload it to your server if necessary, analyse them and help users to solve there problem.

Not using unwrapping in guard statements

I understand the use of optionals enough to know when its necessary to unwrap an optional using the exclamation point. Why is it that the exclamation point isn't needed in a guard statement?
This code works and compiles but doesn't use exclamation points:
struct Blog{
var author:String?
var name: String?
func blogInfo2(blog:Blog?){
guard let blog = blog else {
print("Blog is nil")
guard let author =, name = else {
print("Author or name is nil")
print(" Author: \(author)")
print(" name: \(name)")
This code also works if you do put the exclamation points:
struct Blog{
var author:String?
var name: String?
func blogInfo2(blog:Blog?){
guard let blog = blog! else {
print("Blog is nil")
guard let author =!, name =! else {
print("Author or name is nil")
print(" Author: \(author)")
print(" name: \(name)")
Isn't this a little contradictory or can someone clearly explain why the exclamation point isn't needed?
guard let unwrapped = optional is an Optional Binding (no link available directly to the correct book section, unfortunately). It safely tries to unwrap the value in the optional. If there is a value, the unwrap succeeds, and the value is assigned to the given name.
You should heavily favor the use of optional bindings, with either guard or if (the difference is the scope of the "unwrapped" name) over the use of forced unwrapping with !. A failed force unwrap is a fatal error; your program will simply crash.
I understand the use of optionals enough to know when its necessary to unwrap an optional using the exclamation point.
I have the feeling that you don't understand Swift Optionals enough if you make that assertion.
The contract behind an Optional is that it may or may not be nil; you don't know it and therefore you have to Unwrap it (like opening a box and see what's inside) before you can tell.
The box may be empty (nil Optional) or it may contain a value.
There are very few reasons to use the Forced Unwrap (!). Very Few, and it's generally considered a bad practice in most (but not all) cases.
To continue the analogy, by force unwrapping stuff, you're saying there is something in this box, and I want you to trust me and don't check.
Knowing that an Empty box will crash your application, this is a very dangerous thing to do, considering Optionals were introduced in Swift to protect you from these sort of crashes to begin with.
The if let/guard let statements basically peek inside the box and if there is something, they give it to you, but they also give you the chance to do something else in case the box is empty.
Xcode does force unwrapping when using IBOutlets because by design the contract is that those objects will be available by the time you can use them in your view controller, but unless you're 100% sure a value is not going to be nil then it's almost always better (and future proof) to use a guard statement (or an if).
In my experience, even when you know for sure, it's still safer to toss a guard and forget about the future problems that may arise.
The exclamation "force" unwraps an optional. guard let or if let unwraps it without forcing anything, so no exclamation point is used.

What is wrong with this line of Swift iOS Code?

I have created an iOS app using Swift and everything is working fine and dandy on the simulator. I get no errors or crashes at all, but when I submit my app to put up on the app store Apple rejects it and lets me know that it crashes when the user makes a selection. I cannot recreate this error/crash. I took the crash logs and symbolicated them. This line of code came up as the culprit for the crashes:
linksToPass = getLinks(season) as [String:[String]]
This line is trying to store the resulting Dictionary from the getLinks() function I created. It for sure is getting a dictionary and if there is no dictionary to send back I create a dictionary which has error information in it, so it is for sure returning a dictionary in that format no matter what. Seeing as I cannot recreate the crash, I am just trying to error check this line of code in any way possible so it does't crash when I resubmit to Apple.
I tried checking if the resulting dictionary was nil like so:
if(getLinks(seasons) != nil){
linksToPass = getLinks(season) as [String:[String]]
This is not valid though, and XCode lets me know that UInt8 is not compatible with NSDictionary or something of that nature.
I then fixed that line and changed it to this:
if(getLinks(seasons) != ["":[""]]){
linksToPass = getLinks(season) as [String:[String]]
I am just not sure if this is even a good way to check for errors. I was wondering if there were any suggestions on how I may go about making sure this line does not fail and result in a crash. Thank you very much.
Here is my getLinks() function if that helps add more info to the problem:
var season = ""
let hymn_links = Hymn_Links()
func getLinks (nameofseason:String) -> NSDictionary
switch (nameofseason)
return ["Maps Not Found": []]
EDIT #2:
This is my updated getLinks() function with the use of optionals.
func getLinks (nameofseason:String) -> NSDictionary?
switch (nameofseason)
return nil
Also in my statement of linksToPass I changed it to:
if let links = getLinks(season) as? [String:[String]]
linksToPass = links
hymnnames = [String] (linksToPass.keys)
There are some known issues with the Swift optimiser. Some people have resorted to shipping with debug builds.
My suggestion would be to test with an optimised build to see if you can reproduce it. You can then try shipping a debug build to the App store.
General Code Comments
Why are you returning an NSDictionary rather than a Swift dictionary anyway? Without knowing the contents and creation method for your hymn_links object I can't be sure how good it is.
I would avoid as casts until Swift 1.2 and stick to using as? and then handling the nil case. At least in your "Edit 2" a nil will cause a crash as nil cannot be cast to [String:[String]] although [String:[String]]? should be possible.
Can you guarantee that all of the items returned by the switch statement will never under any circumstances be nil? If not getLinks should return an Optional.
Note that is is virtually impossible for getLinks to know that one of the items will never be nil and in Swift un-handed nils are a crash waiting to happen. Unless all these methods correctly handle nil.
Return an Optional and handle that in the statement that calls getLinks.
Languages handle nils differently, Objective-C handles them rather well, Java and Swift by crashing. But Swift has a mechanism to handle nils without crashing: Optionals, use it.
