data-wow-duration vs animation-duration? - animate.css

This post is in relation to animate.css and wow.js. This might be a very silly question but what is the difference between animation-duration and animation-delay vs data-wow-duration and data-wow-delay?
Thank you!

data-wow-duration is the length of time the animation will play - and - data-wow-delay is how long to wait before playing the animation.


How to Make Something Happen at a certain point in a Roblox Animation

I'musing Roblox Studio and can't figure out how to make it print 'test' at a certain point in the animation. Here is the code:
local animationTrackTwo = character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(script.Parent.ThrowSnowball)
I think i inserted a keyframe into the animation called 'Throw" (I may have done it wrong) but it says GetKeyframeReachedSignal is not a valid member of animationTrack. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Try using the :GetMarkerReachedSignal() function, More information can be found at:

Does RxDart support back pressure?

When there is a fast producer and slow consumer, I want to replace all old waiting emissions with the newest one - something similar to RxJava's Emitter.BackpressureMode.LATEST
Is there any way to achieve this in RxDart or Dart Streams?
Hi it seems like I'm too late)
But maybe it will help someone else
For back pressure in rxDart there is the Debounce method.
subject.debounce(new Duration(milliseconds: 500)).listen((s) => print(s));
More info:

Close script in R

I'm trying to do something like this:
for( i in ...){
The problem is that when I'm running Main.R, It uses all memory RAM because file.R doesn't stop and it is creating a lot of them. (Sorry for my english).
So I get a message on Windows saying that memory couldn't read and write...
How can I fix this? Can I close ONLY file.R when it finishes?
PS:file.R call another scripts...
Thanks a lot.
You can use gc() during or after running of your function to release some memory. Also after rm() it may be useful.
The problem is that I was using pararell so at the end of file.RI have written stopCluster(cl) and the task close after that.

Is there a bug with simulator when we trying to make a timer with timeInterval < 0.1 second?

I'm making a new stopwatch Application with Watchkit, first my application is very simple like this:
first of all i tried to make a playButtonPressed to start a timer:
#IBAction func playButtonPressed() {
println("playButton pressed")
timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(0.01, target: self, selector: Selector("updateTimer"), userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
startTime = NSDate()
with my updateTimer function like this:
func updateTimer() {
duration = NSDate().timeIntervalSinceDate(startTime)
println("updateTimer: \(dateStringFromTimeInterval(duration))")
the dateStringFromTimeInterval function can help me make a dateString with duration is TimeInterval variable.
every thing is ok with my output on Debug area, i can see the dateString at printOut. But my label is lagging for setting the timeLabel as you can see here:
I don't know why, can any one can help me fix that or may be it is a bug of apple watchkit right now? i don't know it'll be lag on real device or not.
You have several good questions in here. Unfortunately I have nothing but bad news for you. I have been working extensively with WKInterfaceTimers over the past couple of weeks and they have severe limitations and bugs associated with them. I have a couple responses broken down here in detail.
Issue 1 - Using a WKInterfaceDate as a Timer
This is going to be really frowned upon by Apple and I wouldn't doubt this would be possible grounds for rejection. As #mattt mentions, you don't want to use an NSTimer to flip the date value. Each time you try to switch the date label, Apple lumps all those changes together and pushes them from the Extension on the iPhone to the Watch over WiFi or Bluetooth. It does this to try to optimize battery life.
Because of this, you will never be able to accurately display the time on the Watch in the way that you are currently doing. The proper way to do this is to use a WKInterfaceTimer.
Issue 2 - Using a WKInterfaceTimer
While WKInterfaceTimers are built to do exactly what you want, they have some limitations. The major one for your use case is that it only does up to second precision, not millisecond. Secondly, the timers are extremely inaccurate. I've seen them anywhere from 50ms to 950ms off. I've followed this radar to bring the issue to Apple's attention.
In summary, your current implementation is not going to be super accurate and will be frowned upon by Apple, and the WKInterfaceTimer is extremely inaccurate and can only perform second precision.
Sorry for the downer answer. :-(

Youtube js API - seek backward in time not working

Seeking forward in time works.If I seekTo(160), for example, it works. But, if I try to seek backwards seekTo(30), it sets back to 160. This happens in opera,chrome; works like it should in firefox.
player.seekTo(duration, true);
Just set the allowSeekAhead value to true and it should work. It worked for me.
I had the same problem has you described.
I don't know if it can help but I found out that after you query the API for the video duration, seek to previous location seemed to work...
I needed to do a "replay" kind of thing so what I've done is :
var duration = player.getDuration();
player.seekTo(duration-duration, false); // equals to video exact start time which should be the same as 0
My tests showed that doing
player.seekTo(0, false);
was working after the duration has beed queried but I didn't wanted to take any chances :-)
