Sync max min between many highcharts charts (in real time) - highcharts

First of all I know about the sync tables example here:
This is good but in my tables the Y axis is the same for all of the charts, the only problem is that each few seconds I dynamically add a point to each graph so I am looking for a way to have the same min and max for all of the charts (easier to compare).
I hooked into the afterSetExtremes()
And then calculated the min of all the mins and the max of all the maxes (from all the charts together) and I forced it as the new min and max for all the charts.
The problem is that once I use setExtremes:
Highcharts will stop calculating new mins and maxes which means that if the data in all of my charts is starting to shrink the max won't get re-calculated ever so the graphs will look kinda bad and hard to read (imagine max of 10k with data that is now around 1k in all of the charts).
I have an idea on how to solve it by reading the dataMin and dataMax props from highcharts for all the charts I have on my page and then calculating the min and max by myself each X seconds, my problem is that highcharts has some interesting way to calculate the max and min from dataMin and dataMax and I didn't find where it is defined or how I can use that function.
For example if in highcharts dataMax is 16442 then I believe the max would be 17500, I am not sure the exact logic that highcharts is doing there but I would like to keep the exact same behaviour.
1) What is the best way to sync min and max (Y axis) for different charts (but same units)?
2) If my solution here is the best approach then how can I use highcharts inner setMax from dataMax logic?
Thanks in advance!

It seems that you used setExtremes in the wrong place. Please take a look at my approach below, the charts have the same yAxis min and max every time you add a point:
function synchronizeCharts() {
var charts = Highcharts.charts,
Highcharts.each(charts, function(chart) {
min = min ? Math.min(min, chart.yAxis[0].min) : chart.yAxis[0].min;
max = max ? Math.max(max, chart.yAxis[0].max) : chart.yAxis[0].max;
Highcharts.each(charts, function(chart){
if (chart.yAxis[0].min !== min || chart.yAxis[0].max !== max) {
chart.yAxis[0].setExtremes(min, max);
Live demo:
If you still need to find out how Highcharts calculate extremes, you can look at the source code:


Highcharts : set a maximum number of ticks with a fixed interval

I would like to be set a fixed interval of 2 hours between every tick on the X axis, but also limit the number of ticks on the whole axis to 5, cropping out the extra data if necessary.
Currently I can achieve one or the other, but not both, using the following config :
tickInterval: 2 * 3600 * 1000 // sets the interval between each tick to 2 hours
tickPixelInterval: 100 // sets the number max number of ticks (for the current graph width) to 5
JSFiddle here
Is there a way to achieve both ?
You can set desired range using max or maxPadding properties.
API Reference:
Examples: - setting max - setting maxPadding

Highcharts: minRange=1 creates -1 and 1 on a chart with one data point

I am playing with a chart with a one data point.
Here is the jsfiddle demo:
I notice that if I add
minRange: 1
-1 or 1 will show up on both sides of the data point on the X axis.
I am new to Highcharts. What does minRange=1 mean here? If it is useless, then it should not create any problems, right?
Is this a bug in Highcharts?
Thanks and regards.
See highcharts API doc here:
minRange: the minimum range to display. The entire axis will not be allowed to
span over a smaller interval than this. For example, for a datetime
axis the main unit is milliseconds. If minRange is set to 3600000, you
can't zoom in more than to one hour.
So it is used to limit the zoom-in: you will not be able to zoom if the xAxis display less than 1

How to prevent Highstock from hiding data rows

I have a Highstock chart with type scatter. When I use the range selector some of the series disappear cause the have no data in the current range. How can I prevent the chart from scaling to only the existing data an keep the yaxis in the initial state?
I can see only two options:
set fixed min and max for yAxis
in afterSetExtremes call yAxis[0].setExtremes(min, max) in setTimeout function, but you need to calculate min and max on your own.

How to set min and max values for an axis?

I have some data that can have values in the range (0..100). Highcharts will sometimes label the axis from -10 to 110, which looks odd.
How can I prevent this? I can set a fixed min and max value for the axis, but if the current values happen to be between e.g. (50..60), I'd rather let Highcharts zoom in on the axis accordingly. Just don't want Highcharts to ever show anything outside of (0..100).
I could of course determine the appropriate min and max values myself every time I load data, but was hoping there would be some kind of minMin and maxMax setting?
So it looks like this isn't possible; opened a feature request.
Nowadays highcharts has floor and ceiling options for this use case.

Highcharts doesn't display series with lots of data points

I have a chart that I would like to display based on a date range from the user. This particular chart has a data point for every 15 minutes. So there can be a lot of data points for each series if a users selects a large date range. Here is a couple of examples:
623 data points in a series
1470 data points in a series
In the first example the chart does display. In the second example the chart does not display. There is a Highstock demo (52,000 points with data grouping) that works with a lot of data points. I have tried to change the above charts to a highstock chart and still have the same results.
What can I do to fix this?
This is due to the turbo threshold option:
"When a series contains a data array that is longer than this, only one
dimensional arrays of numbers, or two dimensional arrays with x and y
values are allowed. Also, only the first point is tested, and the rest
are assumed to be the same format. This saves expensive data checking
and indexing in long series."
It is set to 1000 points by default. Your chart is not rendering because each point in your series is an object and their number is greater than the threshold.
Here's a jfFiddle demonstrating your plot working with the threshold set to 2000.
Here's the modified section of code:
plotOptions: {
spline: {
turboThreshold: 2000,
Another solution would be to encode your series data in a 2-d array instead of having each point represented by and object with x-y properties.
a workaround for turboThreshhold is something like this if you generation your response with PHP:
if(count($responseObj) > 1000){
$modolo = round(count($responseObj) / 1000);
for($i = count($responseObj)-1; $i >= 0 ; $i--){
if(($i % $modolo) != 0){
unset ($responseObj[$i]);
$responseObj = array_merge($responseObj);
