Create phonegap app with framework7 latest version - phonegap

I created a phonegap app with framework7 but the default version is 1.4 where framework7 is now at 3.3
is there a way to start the phonegap app with latest framework7 versions? a lot of the functions do not work with the default 1.4 in phonegap.

In order to have the last version of Framework7 working in your app you need to migrate from v1 to v3.
The change is not simply matter of updating files. You can find some more detailed instructions in the migration guide from the Framework7 author himself.


How to upload Old Cordova iOS App to the App Store with WKWebView

Cordova iOS is giving me a very hard time. I have a Cordova iOS app written in 2016 and I am handling it now.
I believe you are familiar with the following app store issues regarding UIWebView:
ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted.
Instead, use WKWebView for improved security and reliability. Learn more (
Now my application is quite huge; it has Apple Pay feature, biometrics, lots of bridge calls between website and iOS app.
I tried to update Cordova in my app and then uploaded it, but it never worked. So I find out that first the physical structure of my app was wrong, all I had in my source tree is 'src' folder which had everything. So I created "hello world" Cordova iOS project from terminal (command line) and then noticed the difference of folders and files like config.xml hooks, nodeModules etc ..
Now my solution was to create a sample helloworld app and then copy my code into ios folder (platform->iOS-> My 100 files). But it did work. I followed this link:
And i thought if i follow following lines of code in terminal :
cordova create wkwvtest wkwvtest
cd wkwvtest
cordova platform add ios#4
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine
I will create a Cordova app which will have ios 4 version of Cordova and then WKWebView will be integrated in my app and then i will be able to upload this app on app store.
But even this sample application gives me app store error of deprecated UIWebView. Has anyone found the clear cut solution to this problem?
Q1: Have you ever uploaded a sample test app like hello world to the TestFlight which has Cordova ios 4.1+ or even cordova ios 5.1+ version. Because I am assuming in Cordova wkwebview plugin all things related to uiwebview has already been handled or atleast in the latest version it has been handled and we don't need to do anything else apart from installing latest Cordova ios version.
Question 2: What should I do to upload my app on app store it has cordova-ios 4.1.1 right now. I tried many possible ways. Like for eg a) created a sample cordova-ios app with latest Cordova ios 5.1.1 and copied all my source files (almost 100-500) into ios folder, removed all uiwebview instance in my code (almost 50 places), but when I search for 'uiwebview' cordova library still has almost 120 search results.

State of WKWebView on Cordova iOS 9?

iOS 8 introduced WKWebView, a modernised web view for iOS with more features, particularly notably JIT compilation for Javascript code which significantly improves performance.
However WKWebView on iOS 8 had some bugs which prevented Cordova using it by default. AFAIK there are plugins that can use it, but they all say "beta", "incomplete" etc. Also as far as I'm aware iOS 9 fixes the bugs that stopped Cordova defaulting to WKWebView in iOS 8.
So what is the state of WKWebView in Cordova on iOS 9? I can't seem to find any information about this. Does Cordova default to WKWebView on iOS 9? If not why not, and can it be officially enabled another way?
New edit: June 2019
Apple has not removed UIWebView in iOS 13 beta, so looks like it can be used at least for another year.
Ionic WebView plugin, starting in version 3.0.0 no longer uses a web server, but the WKURLSchemeHandler instead, that required to drop support for iOS 10 and older.
Still backport most fixes to 2.x branch that still have the web server for those that want to support iOS 10.
WKWebView was not integrated into cordova-ios 5.0.0, a plugin is still required to use it. Should be there for 6.0.0 version.
And now there is Ionic Capacitor available, an Apache Cordova alternative that was built with the WKWebView since the beginning. It has its own set of plugins, but it's also compatible with most Cordova plugins.
Old edit: August 2018
Apple has deprecated UIWebView in iOS 12 and will probably remove it in iOS 13.
Apache Cordova has announced that it will integrate the cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine into cordova-ios in next major release (5.x.x), but UIWebView will still work and be the default one. Also, you'll be able to switch between them in runtime to easily test your app.
In a future release it will remove the whole UIWebView code and the WKWebView will be the only option.
But cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine still have a lot of issues. I still recommend using cordova-plugin-ionic-webview as using GCDWebServer solves most of the WKWebView issues.
New edit: November 2017
Ionic team has launched a new WKWebView plugin that is no longer a fork of the Cordova one and uses GCDWebServer internally and overcomes most of the Cordova plugin known issues.
New edit: 24 August 2016
Updated just to add a fork of the apache's WKWebView plugin created by the ionic framework team that adds some enhancements to the plugin.
The enhancements will probably land on the core plugin soon, but you can take a look and test the ionic fork now.
New edit: 9 December 2015
cordova ios 4.0.0 has been released
and the version 1.0.0 of cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine
To try it:
cordova create wkwvtest wkwvtest
cd wkwvtest
cordova platform add ios#4
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine
As I already told, cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine only supports iOS 9, on iOS 8 it will use UIWebView and has some know issues
If you want to support iOS 8 too, you can use the wkwebview-engine-localhost (experimental) or cordova-plugin-wkwebview from Telerik, both of them use a local web server
You can use WKWebView with cordova using the WKWebView plugins available.
The problem you mention is that WKWebView can't load local files, so the plugins use a local web server to workaround the problem.
There are some of them like this one from telerik (with the web server built in) or the official from cordova team (with the web server as dependency plugin)
As the bug you mention is fixed on iOS 9, the current cordova plugin (compatible with iOS 8 and iOS 9, using the web server) has been renamed to wkwebview-engine-localhost, and the current name cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine will be used for a new plugin that will support iOS 9 only and won't use the web server
You can see the issues to track the progress here
EDIT: I bring news
WKWebView support
The cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine plugin will be iOS 9 only and it
will be a core plugin. The development of this updated plugin is still
in progress. Apple has fixed the bug where we couldn’t load documents
from file:// urls, and it is iOS 9 only. On non-iOS 9 devices,
cordova-ios will fallback to using the UIWebView.
The old version of this plugin used a local webserver to load your
main document. This older plugin can be used where you want to use
WKWebView in both iOS 8 and iOS 9 deployments, but the plugin will
remain as a cordova-labs experiment. This plugin has some re-factoring
work to be done.

iOS PhoneGap App Submission

As per the recent news Apple requires the app to be build and compiled using Xcode 5 and iOS7.
Also according to this article all the PhoneGap iOS apps should be use version 2.5.0 and up.
I currently have an app with Cordova version 2.0.0. I fixed couple of issues i had in iOS7 and it compiles and works fine on iOS7.
I am confused. Do I have to update the PhoneGap/Cordova to 3.3.0 which is the latest version or updating to 2.5.0 will be fine for submitting app to app store ?
In the article you linked it is explained that apps built with versions of PhoneGap prior to 2.5.0 do not meet app store requirements. So there's part of the answer: you cannot submit with 2.0.0.
What 2.5.0 specifically fixes is quoted here:
Apps must be built for retina displays and for iPhone5 - new splash screen and icon support has been added to the config.xml to bring your apps up to date with this requirement. These changes are supported in PhoneGap 2.5.0+ only.
You can choose yourself whether you want to of to 3.3.0 rather than just 2.5.0 - but why would you not want to go to the latest version? Unless it breaks anything you may as well get the latest changes which presumably include the latest bug fixes too. Any reason not to go to 3.3.0?
PhoneGap 3.3.0 added support for Android 4.4 - you probably want that, right?

Cordova/PhoneGap on iOS - minimum version?

I have an application developed using PhoneGap 2.3 that runs on Andriod, BBOS and iOS. I need to update the application but I cannot find any confirmation as to the minimum version of Cordova/PhoneGap that is required for iOS submission.
PhoneGap Build still offers 2.5 upward; is it fair to assume that 2.5 is therefore acceptable for an iOS application? Note that I am not actually using PhoneGap build for the iOS submission as I require a modified plist so I am building with XCode.
minimum version is 2.5 because it removed the UDID functions forbidden from apple on may

BarcodeScanner on PhoneGap 1.5 for iOS

I'm trying to use the BarcodeScanner PhoneGap plugin on the new PhoneGap 1.5 but can't compile it.
I'm following the instructions here:
But it seems to be for the previous releases.
I'm using the Xcode 4.2, PhoneGap 1.5 and building for iOS 4.0+
Has anyone got this plugin working in PhoneGap 1.5?
Hi new updation available that supports upto 2.0
Phonegap 1.5 has come up with a major change which broke many things. I see it's backward compatible but not completely sure.
I just wrote a YouTubeUploader plugin with Phonegap 1.5 and realized instead of Phonegap it's Cordova stuff there. So if the plugin doesn't work, try modifying source code to use Cordova naming instad of Phonegap.
I will write about my plugin soon.
