How to identify object that is deleted from a collection (array)? - ios

I have following code to handle pull to refresh response
let copyData = data.reversed() // it is pull to refresh response (load page 1)
for (_,element) in copyData.enumerated() {
let foundElement = allObjects.filter{$ ==} // Find element in main array
if let firstElement = foundElement.first, let index = allObjects.index(of: firstElement) {
allObjects[index] = element // Replace if found
} else {
allObjects.insert(element, at: 0) // Insert if not found
self.arrayPosts = allObjects
Where data is codable class which is API response of pull to refresh. allObjects is preloaded data with pagination
Question : Suppose In allObjects i have 50 Object (5 Pages of 10 ID is (1 to 50))
User pull to refresh And I load first Page from API (ID 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11) then how to identify which object is deleted (8,9) ?
Should I compare allObjects 's 10th index with data's 10th index object's ID ?
Is it better way to handle this ? Please suggest

Don't compare pages (i.e. 10 items at a time) - if an item is added/deleted the pages will get out of sync, and you'll end up with missing / duplicate objects.
Presumably your objects are sorted by some key / date, etc.
Take the value of the key in your last downloaded object.
Copy all the existing objects with keys <= that last key into a new array.
Compare your downloaded array against this sub-array.
Objects in the downloaded array that are not in the sub-array should be removed.

Here How I handle this. Code is quite complex for first time read but added comments to understand it
func handleResponse(page:Int,isForRefersh:Bool = false, data:Array<InspirePost>) {
guard data.count != 0 else {
// Check if we are requesting data from pull to referesh and First page is empty then we don't have data to show change state to empty
if self.arrayPosts.count == 0 || (isForRefersh && page == 1) {
self.state = .empty
} else {
self.state = .populated(posts: self.arrayPosts)
// Now we need to check if data called by referesh control then
//1) Replace object in array other wise just append it.
var allObjects = self.state.currentPost
if isForRefersh {
// If both array Has same number of element i.e both has page one loaded
if data.count >= allObjects.count {
allObjects = data
} else {
let copyData = data.reversed()
for (_,element) in copyData.enumerated() {
if let index = allObjects.firstIndex(where: {$ ==}) {
allObjects[index] = element // Replace if found
} else {
allObjects.insert(element, at: 0) // Insert if not
let minID = data.min(by: {$ ?? 0 < $ ?? 0})?.id
// DELETE item
let copyAllObject = allObjects
for (_,element) in copyAllObject.enumerated() {
guard let id =, id >= minID ?? 0 else {
if !data.contains(element) {
if let indexInMainArray = allObjects.index(where: {$ == id}) {
allObjects.remove(at: indexInMainArray)
//When we pull to refersh check the curent state
switch self.state {
case .empty,.populated : // if empty or populated set it as populated (empty if no record was avaiable then pull to refersh )
self.state = .populated(posts: allObjects)
case .error(_, let lastState) : // If there was error before pull to referesh handle this
switch lastState {
case .empty ,.populated: // Before the error tableview was empty or popluated with data
self.state = .populated(posts: allObjects)
case .loading,.error: // Before error there was loading data (There might more pages if it was in loading so we doing paging state ) or error
self.state = .paging(posts: allObjects, nextPage: page + 1)
case .paging(_,let nextPage): // Before error there was paging then we again change it to paging
self.state = .paging(posts: allObjects, nextPage: nextPage)
case .loading: // Current state was loading (this might not been true but for safety we are adding this)
self.state = .paging(posts: allObjects, nextPage: page + 1)
case .paging(_,let nextPage): // if there was paging on going don't break anything
self.state = .paging(posts: allObjects, nextPage: nextPage)
self.arrayPosts = allObjects
} else {
allObjects.append(contentsOf: data)
self.isMoreDataAvailable = data.count >= self.pageLimit
if self.isMoreDataAvailable {
self.state = .paging(posts: allObjects, nextPage: page + 1)
} else {
self.state = .populated(posts: allObjects)
self.arrayPosts = self.state.currentPost
Where I have
indirect enum PostListStatus {
case loading
case paging(posts:[InspirePost],nextPage:Int)
case populated(posts:[InspirePost])
case error (error:String,lastState:PostListStatus) // keep last state for future if we need to know about data or state
case empty
var currentPost:[InspirePost] {
switch self {
case .paging(let posts , _):
return posts
case .populated( let posts):
return posts
case .error( _, let oldPost) :
switch oldPost {
case .paging(let posts , _):
return posts
case .populated( let posts):
return posts
return []
return []
var nextPage : Int {
switch self {
case .paging(_, let page):
return page
return 1

You may make set for both allObjects and data. Then use subtracting(_:) method in set to find the missing one.
Remove those missing ones from the main array and use it. Once you have correct main array elements, page them while displaying.


Reuse a view getting data from a different repository

I have a UIVIewController with a collection View and a custom cell showing some data form an API endpoint.
This data is retrieve from this code:
private func getItems() {
self.ItemsStartFetch(Text: "Fetching rooms", noItems: noRoomsViewContainer, itemsViewer: collectionContainer)
let roomsController: RoomsController = RoomsController()
roomsController.GetRooms { (status, items) in
// Start Legacy Code
RoomsController.rooms = items
// End Legacy Code
self.items = items
self.ItemsRetrieved(noItemsView: self.noRoomsViewContainer, itemsViewer: self.collectionContainer , showViewer: (items.count > 0))
Now i need to create an exact same view where the difference will be retrieving the data from another endpoint, with the same estructure, but this time it comes from
private func getItems() {
self.ItemsStartFetch(Text: "Fetching designs", noItems: noDesignsViewContainer, itemsViewer: collectionContainer)
let designsController: DesignsController = DesignsController()
designsController.GetDesigns { (status, items) in
// Start Legacy Code
DesignsController.Designs = items
// End Legacy Code
self.items = items
self.ItemsRetrieved(noItemsView: self.noDesignsViewContainer, itemsViewer: self.collectionContainer , showViewer: (items.count > 0))
How can I inject into the UIViewConroller the controller to use?

How to do update the list view by changing the drop-down item

I want to change my list as I change my drop-down item..The list is dynamic so as I changed my option from list should update which will change only when that API that is called to form a list is changed by the selected drop-down item...The whole url will be same ,the only change is in the item.
Future<ParsedDataModel> fetchTicketListData(String queueName) async {
String openURL = "'$queueName'";
// hitting login api
final response3 = await http.get(openURL);
if (response3.statusCode == 200 && response3.body.contains("200 Ok"))
// parsing plain data to desired model
ParsedDataModel ticketDataModel =
return ticketDataModel;
} else {
throw Exception('There was a problem');
Future<List<QueueModel>> fetchTicketsList() async {
var dataList = await fetchTicketListData('InternalTools');
if (dataList.isNoResult) {
throw Exception('No result found.');
} else {
List<QueueModel> openTicketList = makeTicketList(dataList);
openTicketsList = openTicketList;
return openTicketsList;
// function to parse the data into list of (QueueModel)
List<QueueModel> makeTicketList(ParsedDataModel parsedData) {

How to remove duplicate object in array?

I have a VC where I fetch data for only the 1st object in an array of objects. so I only fetch arrayOfObjects[0] then when I enter a second VC I need to fetch all the other data associated with the other objects in that same array. But then I have a problem where I end up fetching that first bit of data I already had again. So my array would look like, data1, data1, data2, data3 ... which is not what I want of course.
Currently what I had tried to fix this issue, was to do the following: MainObject?.arrayOfSubObjects.remove(at: 0), this however means that on the first go it works well, but every time I go back to the preceding VC and then back I subtract one of the objects that I want to be there. So I end up with: data2, data3 ...
So my question is how can I remove that extra object from the beginning, but not delete anything after its been deleted?
Some things i have tried:
if selectedPost?.media[0].videoURL != nil {
if selectedPost?.media[0].videoURL == selectedPost?.media[1].videoURL {
selectedPost?.media.remove(at: 0)
} else {
print("NO!!!!!! they are not the same ")
} else if selectedPost?.media[0].image != nil {
if selectedPost?.media[0].image == selectedPost?.media[1].image {
selectedPost?.media.remove(at: 0)
} else {
print("NO!!! they are not the same ")
This however does not do anything, it always ends up going into the else. I have also tried stuff like setting number schemes, but this failed because the VC kept reloading
You can try to do it like this:
guard let selectedPost = selectedPost else { return }
if {$0.image == image}) { return } // Here the $0.image should be replaced with $0.mediaURL == mediaURL for the videos or however you videoURL is called in Media image, timeStamp: Double(timeStamp)))
Try conforming Hashable in you Media class:
class Media : Hashable {
var hashValue : Int {
return image.hashValue
var image = UIImage()
// .....
static func == (lhs: Media, rhs: Media) -> Bool {
return lhs.hashValue == rhs.hashValue
Then you can compare two media objects with ==, So you can do something similar to the top part of this answer. Good luck

In order to maintain live updates while also paginating using Firestore, should I maintain an array of listeners (`ListenerRegistration`)? [duplicate]

I am working with Firestore right now and have a little bit of a problem with pagination.
Basically, I have a collection (assume 10 items) where each item has some data and a timestamp.
Now, I am fetching the first 3 items like this:
.order(by: "timestamp", descending: true)
.limit(to: 3)
Inside my snapshot listener, I save the last document from the snapshot, in order to use that as a starting point for my next page.
So, at some time I will request the next page of items like this:
.order(by: "timestamp", descending: true)
.start(afterDocument: lastDocument)
.limit(to: 3)
.addSnapshotListener(snapshotListener2()) // Note that this is a new snapshot listener, I don't know how I could reuse the first one
Now I have the items from index 0 to index 5 (in total 6) in my frontend. Neat!
If the document at index 4 now updates its timestamp to the newest timestamp of the whole collection, things start to go down.
Remember that the timestamp determines its position on account of the order clause!
What I expected to happen was, that after the changes are applied, I still show 6 items (and still ordered by their timestamps)
What happened was, that after the changes are applied, I have only 5 items remaining, since the item that got pushed out of the first snapshot is not added to the second snapshot automatically.
Am I missing something about Pagination with Firestore?
EDIT: As requested, I post some more code here:
This is my function to return a snapshot listener. Well, and the two methods I use to request the first page and then the second page I posted already above
private func snapshotListener() -> FIRQuerySnapshotBlock {
let index = self.index
return { querySnapshot, error in
guard let snap = querySnapshot, error == nil else {
// Save the last doc, so we can later use pagination to retrieve further chats
if snap.count == self.limit {
self.lastDoc = snap.documents.last
} else {
self.lastDoc = nil
let offset = index * self.limit
snap.documentChanges.forEach() { diff in
switch diff.type {
case .added:
log.debug("added chat at index: \(diff.newIndex), offset: \(offset)")
self.tVHandler.dataManager.insert(item: Chat(dictionary: as NSDictionary), at: IndexPath(row: Int(diff.newIndex) + offset, section: 0), in: nil)
case .removed:
log.debug("deleted chat at index: \(diff.oldIndex), offset: \(offset)")
self.tVHandler.dataManager.remove(itemAt: IndexPath(row: Int(diff.oldIndex) + offset, section: 0), in: nil)
case .modified:
if diff.oldIndex == diff.newIndex {
log.debug("updated chat at index: \(diff.oldIndex), offset: \(offset)")
self.tVHandler.dataManager.update(item: Chat(dictionary: as NSDictionary), at: IndexPath(row: Int(diff.oldIndex) + offset, section: 0), in: nil)
} else {
log.debug("moved chat at index: \(diff.oldIndex), offset: \(offset) to index: \(diff.newIndex), offset: \(offset)")
self.tVHandler.dataManager.move(item: Chat(dictionary: as NSDictionary), from: IndexPath(row: Int(diff.oldIndex) + offset, section: 0), to: IndexPath(row: Int(diff.newIndex) + offset, section: 0), in: nil)
So again, I am asking if I can have one snapshot listener that listens for changes in more than one page I requested from Firestore
Well, I contacted the guys over at Firebase Google Group for help, and they were able to tell me that my use case is not yet supported.
Thanks to Kato Richardson for attending to my problem!
For anyone interested in the details, see this thread
I came across the same use case today and I have successfully implemented a working solution in Objective C client. Below is the algorithm if anyone wants to apply in their program and I will really appreciate if google-cloud-firestore team can put my solution on their page.
Use Case: A feature to allow paginating a long list of recent chats along with the option to attach real time listeners to update the list to have chat with most recent message on top.
Solution: This can be made possible by using pagination logic like we do for other long lists and attaching real time listener with limit set to 1:
Step 1: On page load fetch the chats using pagination query as below:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
[self fetchChats];
-(void)fetchChats {
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
FIRQuery *paginateChatsQuery = [[[self.db collectionWithPath:MAGConstCollectionNameChats]queryOrderedByField:MAGConstFieldNameTimestamp descending:YES]queryLimitedTo:MAGConstPageLimit];
if(self.arrChats.count > 0){
FIRDocumentSnapshot *lastChatDocument = self.arrChats.lastObject;
paginateChatsQuery = [paginateChatsQuery queryStartingAfterDocument:lastChatDocument];
[paginateChatsQuery getDocumentsWithCompletion:^(FIRQuerySnapshot * _Nullable snapshot, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (snapshot == nil) {
NSLog(#"Error fetching documents: %#", error);
///2. Observe chat updates if not attached
if(weakSelf.chatObserverState == ChatObserverStateNotAttached) {
weakSelf.chatObserverState = ChatObserverStateAttaching;
[weakSelf observeChats];
if(snapshot.documents.count < MAGConstPageLimit) {
weakSelf.noMoreData = YES;
else {
weakSelf.noMoreData = NO;
[weakSelf.arrChats addObjectsFromArray:snapshot.documents];
[weakSelf.tblVuChatsList reloadData];
Step 2: On success callback of "fetchAlerts" method attach the observer for real time updates only once with limit set to 1.
-(void)observeChats {
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
self.chatsListener = [[[[self.db collectionWithPath:MAGConstCollectionNameChats]queryOrderedByField:MAGConstFieldNameTimestamp descending:YES]queryLimitedTo:1]addSnapshotListener:^(FIRQuerySnapshot * _Nullable snapshot, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (snapshot == nil) {
NSLog(#"Error fetching documents: %#", error);
if(weakSelf.chatObserverState == ChatObserverStateAttaching) {
weakSelf.chatObserverState = ChatObserverStateAttached;
for (FIRDocumentChange *diff in snapshot.documentChanges) {
if (diff.type == FIRDocumentChangeTypeAdded) {
///New chat added
NSLog(#"Added chat: %#",;
FIRDocumentSnapshot *chatDoc = diff.document;
[weakSelf handleChatUpdates:chatDoc];
else if (diff.type == FIRDocumentChangeTypeModified) {
NSLog(#"Modified chat: %#",;
FIRDocumentSnapshot *chatDoc = diff.document;
[weakSelf handleChatUpdates:chatDoc];
else if (diff.type == FIRDocumentChangeTypeRemoved) {
NSLog(#"Removed chat: %#",;
Step 3. On listener callback check for document changes and handle only FIRDocumentChangeTypeAdded and FIRDocumentChangeTypeModified events and ignore the FIRDocumentChangeTypeRemoved event. We are doing this by calling "handleChatUpdates" method for both FIRDocumentChangeTypeAdded and FIRDocumentChangeTypeModified event in which we are first trying to find the matching chat document from local list and if it exist we are removing it from the list and then we are adding the new document received from listener callback and adding it to the beginning of the list.
-(void)handleChatUpdates:(FIRDocumentSnapshot *)chatDoc {
NSInteger chatIndex = [self getIndexOfMatchingChatDoc:chatDoc];
if(chatIndex != NSNotFound) {
///Remove this object
[self.arrChats removeObjectAtIndex:chatIndex];
///Insert this chat object at the beginning of the array
[self.arrChats insertObject:chatDoc atIndex:0];
///Refresh the tableview
[self.tblVuChatsList reloadData];
-(NSInteger)getIndexOfMatchingChatDoc:(FIRDocumentSnapshot *)chatDoc {
NSInteger chatIndex = 0;
for (FIRDocumentSnapshot *chatDocument in self.arrChats) {
if([chatDocument.documentID isEqualToString:chatDoc.documentID]) {
return chatIndex;
return NSNotFound;
Step 4. Reload the tableview to see the changes.
my solution is to create 1 maintainer query - listener to observe on those removed item from first query, and we will update it every time there's new message coming.
To make pagination with snapshot listener first we have to create reference point document from the collection.After that we are listening to collection based on that reference point document.
Let's you have a collection called messages and timestamp called createdAt with each document in that collection.
//get messages
//first we will fetch the very last/latest document.
//to hold listeners
const very_last_document= await this.afs.collectons('messages')
.get({ source: 'server' });
//if very_last.document.empty property become true,which means there is no messages
//present till now ,we can go with a query without having a limit
//else we have to apply the limit
if (!very_last_document.empty) {
const start =[ - 1].data().createdAt;
//listner for new messages
//all new message will be registered on this listener
const listner_1 = this.afs.collectons('messages')
.endAt(start) <== this will make sure the query will fetch up to 'start' point(including 'start' point document)
.onSnapshot(messages => {
for (const message of messages .docChanges()) {
if (message .type === "added")
//do the job...
if (message.type === "modified")
//do the job...
if (message.type === "removed")
//do the job ....
err => {
//on error
//old message will be registered on this listener
const listner_2 = this.afs.collectons('messages')
.startAfter(start) <== this will make sure the query will fetch after the 'start' point
.onSnapshot(messages => {
for (const message of messages .docChanges()) {
if (message .type === "added")
//do the job...
if (message.type === "modified")
//do the job...
if (message.type === "removed")
//do the job ....
this.listenerArray.push(listner_1, listner_2);
err => {
//on error
} else {
//no document found!
//very_last_document.empty = true
const listner_1 = this.afs.collectons('messages')
.onSnapshot(messages => {
for (const message of messages .docChanges()) {
if (message .type === "added")
//do the job...
if (message.type === "modified")
//do the job...
if (message.type === "removed")
//do the job ....
err => {
//on error
//to load more messages
//Assuming messages array holding the the message we have fetched
//getting the last element from the array messages.
//that will be the starting point of our next batch
const endAt = this.messages[this.messages.length-1].createdAt
const listner_2 = this.getService
.orderBy('createdAt', "asc") <== should be in 'asc' order
.endBefore(endAt) <== Getting the 20 documnents (the limit we have applied) from the point 'endAt';
.onSnapshot(messages => {
if (messages.empty && this.messages.length)
this.messages[this.messages.length - 1].hasMore = false;
for (const message of messages.docChanges()) {
if (message.type === "added")
//do the job...
if (message.type === "modified")
//do the job
if (message.type === "removed")
//do the job
err => {
//on error

How to do a "not in" query in Parse

I'm building a sort of hot or not style app in Swift where the user can vote: HOT, NOT and MAYBE on an image, respectively.
For every time the user gets to a image, they vote by tapping the IBAction, which triggers a query that shows the result of the total votes and total hots from Parse as shown in my code below.
I plan to have 1,000 images.
Can I preload some of the objectIDs that correspond to each respective image, and then when the user votes on the image, the data is already preloaded/queried from parse? How would I go about that? Someone recommended in my previous question to use a NOT IN query in Parse. How do I do a NOT IN query in Parse and how would I go about doing that?
For now, I'm writing a query for each ObjectID which would take 1000 queries from 1000 different images... Obviously unscalable.
Further code explanations:
The swipePosition variable is just a counter that counts which image the user is on. The images being stored are in an Array for now stored on Xcode. Maybe they can be preloaded as well if they are stored on Parse?
(I am only showing the "hotButtonQuery" function, but there is also a Not and Maybe buttonQuery function.)
Is there a way to simply this code so that it's scalable? Because, as of now, there's no way I can scale past 25 images.
func hotButtonQuery() {
if swipePosition == 0 {
var query = PFQuery(className:"UserData")
query.getObjectInBackgroundWithId("RlvK3GhfqE") {
(userData: PFObject!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
if error != nil {
else {
userData.incrementKey("totalVotes", byAmount: 1)
userData.incrementKey("hot", byAmount: 1)
var updateTotalVotesUILabel = userData.objectForKey("totalVotes") as NSInteger
var updateHotsUILabel = userData.objectForKey("hot") as NSInteger
println("parse was updated!")
self.totalVotesLabel.text = String(updateTotalVotesUILabel)
self.totalHotsLabel.text = String(updateHotsUILabel)
} else if swipePosition == 1 {
var query = PFQuery(className:"UserData")
query.getObjectInBackgroundWithId("30WlVtgurP") {
(userData: PFObject!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
if error != nil {
else {
userData.incrementKey("totalVotes", byAmount: 1)
userData.incrementKey("hot", byAmount: 1)
var updateTotalVotesUILabel = userData.objectForKey("totalVotes") as NSInteger
var updateHotsUILabel = userData.objectForKey("hot") as NSInteger
//println("total HOTs:")
println("parse was updated!")
self.totalVotesLabel.text = String(updateTotalVotesUILabel)
self.totalHotsLabel.text = String(updateHotsUILabel)
} else if swipePosition == 3 {
var query = PFQuery(className:"UserData")
query.getObjectInBackgroundWithId("5D6ARjk3xS") {
(userData: PFObject!, error: NSError!) -> Void in
if error != nil {
else {
userData.incrementKey("totalVotes", byAmount: 1)
userData.incrementKey("hot", byAmount: 1)
var updateTotalVotesUILabel = userData.objectForKey("totalVotes") as NSInteger
var updateHotsUILabel = userData.objectForKey("hot") as NSInteger
//println("total HOTs:")
println("parse was updated!")
self.totalVotesLabel.text = String(updateTotalVotesUILabel)
self.totalHotsLabel.text = String(updateHotsUILabel)
just use
query.whereKey("key", doesNotMatchKey: "matchcheck", inQuery: innerQuery)
An example of Not In:
var query = PFUser.query()
if (friendsFilter){
var friendsRelation:PFRelation = PFUser.currentUser().relationForKey("friendsRelation")
query = friendsRelation.query()
var friendsRelation:PFRelation = PFUser.currentUser().relationForKey("friendsRelation")
var innerQuery = friendsRelation.query()
query = PFUser.query()
query.whereKey("username", doesNotMatchKey: "username", inQuery: innerQuery)
