How to open another app from my app in swift [duplicate] - ios

This question already has answers here:
Launch an app from within another (iPhone)
(14 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
We have a standard SAP BI App and we don't have the code for that and our company purchased it for our internal use and now my PM has asked me to open SAP BI App from our custom App programmatically and I have done it using url scheme's and then I am facing the problem he wants me to open our custom App automatically when ever the user clicks on a specific button in standard SAP BI App for which I don't have any code.
Is it possible to open my custom App from SAP BI App.

The only way to open an app from other app is to enable it in the code of the app you want to be opened. If that app dones't provide a URL scheme to open it, you can't'
Read more here:
Launch an app from within another (iPhone)

URL Schemes are the only way to communicate between apps.Apps that support custom URL schemes can use those schemes to receive messages.For example, an app that wants to show an address in the Maps app can use a URL to launch that app and display the address.
and Here is something useful that i found related

You'll need set a custom URL scheme in your second app for that. Check this tutorial or simply do a search with "iphone custom URL schemes". There's a lot of good tutorials.


Opening specific iOS settings page using React Native's Linking function [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Link to app manage subscriptions in app store
(10 answers)
Closed last month.
Out of all the other posts about this topic I still fail to find how to properly execute this.
I have many apps from the iOS App Store that has button to "Manage my subscription" which links directly to Settings -> iCloud -> Subscriptions page.
I'm trying to use React Native's Linking function to do so ie.
import { Linking } from 'react-native';
But it only opens the main Settings page. I tried several different URLs to test if I could open other pages of the Settings app without any luck. (Got the Settings app's URLs from
I read in a few posts that I need to tweak my XCode project's settings to add a custom URL handler but those answers seem outdated. I have also read that my app could get rejected because of this but as I said, I have many apps that I use that does specific pages of the iOS Settings app so I don't think it's a problem for Apple.
I'm looking for a definitive answer to this.
For iOS 14 and over the URL format has changed. The root= part should be removed.
For iOS 14 the new format is:
And for iOS 13 the format was:
Found the answer in this comment here: Opening the Settings app from another app

Launch an app from within another without scheme(iOS)

Is it possible to launch another iPhone application or appstore from within another app?, For example in my application if I want the user to open another of my application from current app. (close/minimize the current app, open the Phone app). We searched and found its possible with SharedApplication. But it requires to update all our apps. We posted without customUrl or schemes. We are using Objective-C.

How can I show my app in the menu that is displayed when text is selected in another iOS app?

Let's say I am in Safari and I select some text on a web page. A menu pops up that shows "Copy" and possibly other options.
How can I show my app in that menu?
(The purpose would be to send that text to my app in a custom url scheme.)
I thought I saw this behavior in safari, but I was mistaken. It was in an app called Equipd.
Here is an example:
![enter image description here][2]
Is this due to a collaboration between Equipd and Pleco? Or can Equipd just do this because it knows about Pleco's custom url scheme? Or is something else going on here?
It's not possible to edit this kind of menu without using jailbreak-methods. But Apple won't allow these kind of methods in their App Store apps.
But you can use the new App Extensions which Apple introduced with iOS 8. You should check the App Extension Programming Guide Apple provides.
There are different extension-types. What you will need is the Share Extension.

Open one App from another programmatically [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Launch an app from within another (iPhone)
(14 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
We have a standard SAP BI App and we don't have the code for that and our company purchased it for our internal use and now my PM has asked me to open SAP BI App from our custom App programmatically and I have done it using url scheme's and then I am facing the problem he wants me to open our custom App automatically when ever the user clicks on a specific button in standard SAP BI App for which I don't have any code.
Is it possible to open my custom App from SAP BI App.
The only way to open an app from other app is to enable it in the code of the app you want to be opened. If that app dones't provide a URL scheme to open it, you can't'
Read more here:
Launch an app from within another (iPhone)
URL Schemes are the only way to communicate between apps.Apps that support custom URL schemes can use those schemes to receive messages.For example, an app that wants to show an address in the Maps app can use a URL to launch that app and display the address.
and Here is something useful that i found related
You'll need set a custom URL scheme in your second app for that. Check this tutorial or simply do a search with "iphone custom URL schemes". There's a lot of good tutorials.

Is it possible to have an iOS webapp call another regular app to open? Works with Mobile Safari.

I am working with my web developers that are stuck on a problem with a Web-app we are creating.
The webapp works great, you add the website to your home screen on the ipad, open it and use the website within the webapp interface outside of safari.
The issue is that we have one function that doesnt work, where when clicking a URL link within mobile safari, it calls an external app (Optiscan- a qr code reader), and then when scanning the code, then returns you to Mobile safari.
The question is - is there a way to call a URL that will open an external app, from within a webapp? Similar to how it would work from mobile safari?
If so - i am then wondering if an app can be written that calls the webapp to open. For example if i needed the QR code reader to then re-open the web app and pass it the QR code.
In iOS, native Apps can define Custom URL Schemes. If you know the scheme of an App, you can simply open it by clicking on a link like Launch Facebook App. This should launch the Facebook App for iOS if installed.
There was a crowd-sourced list of known URL schemes on but they seem to have some problems and the list is not available as of writing this. If the URL scheme of the App you need to open is not public, try contacting the developer and ask for it. I'm sure if you ask kindly, he will help you ;-)
Edit: Almost forgot to say, opening Apps like this won't return to your Web-App magically. That's something the developer of said App would have to implement.
Edit 2: I found another website that has many custom URL schemes in it's database: It does not have a URL scheme for Optiscan but for other QR Readers, maybe this will help you.
