AdWords PLACEMENT_PERFORMANCE_REPORT not pulling URLs - google-ads-api

This should be extremely simple but for some reason it doesn't seem to work. I'm trying to pull the URLs of display placements using the DISPLAY_PERFORMANCE_REPORT but instead of URLs it's just returning "--".
The code I'm using is:
var report =
"SELECT CampaignName, Clicks, FinalAppUrls, FinalUrls " +
"WHERE Clicks > 0 " +
var rows = report.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
var url = row["FinalUrls"];
I've tried logging the CampaignName and clicks and they're working as expected, so can't understand what the issue is here. The only thing I can think of is that in the reference guide it says:
List of final URLs of the main object of this row. UrlList elements
are returned in JSON list format
I'm not entirely sure what JSON list format is, but when I log the typeof url it says it's a string, so thought it shouldn't be an issue.

The FinalAppUrls and FinalUrls list the target URLs that you set on the individual managed placements.
If you're interested in the URL (domain, rather) of the placement itself, you'll have to request either the Criteria or the DisplayName field in your report——they both contain the domain of the placement.


How to find the right xpath for Google sheets?

I would like to scrape data from a page, but cannot figure out the right xpath for Google sheets. I would like to extract the number 202 from (on top of the page, "202
vakantiehuizen gevonden in Friesland")
If I take the xpath, I get: //*[#id="result-container-items"]/div[1]/div/div/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/strong
In Google sheets I have tried =IMPORTXML(A1;"//*[#id="result-container-items"]/div[1]/div/div/div[1]/div[1]/div[1]/strong)") and some others like =IMPORTXML(A1;"//div[#class='search-numbers']"), but none of them are working. For the last one I get an error with 'Resource with URL content has exceeded the size limit.' but I'm guessing my xpath is wrong.
Can anyone help me out? Thanks!
IMPORTXML has its limitations especially on JS elements. However, if scripting is an option, try using UrlFetchApp.fetch() in Google Apps Script.
function fetchUrl(url) {
var html = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url).getContentText();
// startString and endString must be unique or at least the first result
// enclosing the result we want
var startString = 'search-result-div" ';
var endString = 'alternate-dates-filter-bar';
var startIndex =;
var endIndex =;
// regex for numbers and text content
var numbers = /strong>([^<]+)<\/strong/;
var text = /span>([^<]+)<\/span/;
// clean content then combine matches of numbers and text
var content = html.substring(startIndex, endIndex).replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ');
var result = numbers.exec(content)[1] + ' ' + text.exec(content)[1];
return result.trim();
Code above is specific to what you are fetching. You will need to update the script processing of the response if you want anything else.
You can reuse this on other url and will fetch the similar value located on your wanted xpath in your post.
This doesn't make use of the xpath.
google sheets do not support the scraping of JavaScript elements. you can check this if you disable JS for a given URL and you will be left with content you could import. in your case, this cant be achieved with IMPORTXML:

How to bind an entity object on a Detail page

I am developing a master detail Fiori app using SAP UI5. As the details contains more than 40 columns, I made separate OData services for master & detail.
In Master page, data are coming correctly. Now my task is that on any table line, when user clicks on Detail, next page will be open with details base on two key values of master table.
I'm getting two keys in variables in detail page as follows and it is working fine:
var spayid ="payid");
var spaydt ="paydt");
Next, I have created two filters as follows which is also working fine.
var filter1 = new Filter({
path: "Laufi",
operator: FilterOperator.EQ,
value1: spayid
var filter2 = new Filter({
path: "Laufd",
operator: FilterOperator.EQ,
value1: spaydt
Now I am calling OData service which is also working fine:
var oODataModel = new ODataModel("proxy/http/", {
json: true,
useBatch: false
I don't know now how to filter data. What should be included in above so that it will filter data according to my filters filer1 and filter2? I have tried following but it is not working.
filters : [ filter1, filter2 ],
json: true,
useBatch: false
I am very good in ABAP but not an expert in SAPUI5. I am in learning phase.
First of all, I was thinking to pass parameters on OData service so that only the required data are fetched. Means my OData call should be like this:
new ODataModel("proxy/http/ spayid, Laufd = spaydt)?sap-client=100");
But this seems not like possible.
Second option is that I will fetch whole details in OData service and then during binding to table I will apply filter.
The purpose of the sap.ui.model.Filter class is usually to apply filters to lists on the UI. For example, if you have a list of items and you want to limit that list to a subset of items which fulfills certain criteria.
But what you have here appears to be a classic master-detail scenario where you have a list of items and then when the user selects one show more information about that one item.
The usual solution for such a scenario is to assign the full model to the detail-view and then use an element binding (also known as "context binding") on the view to tell it which item to display.
When the source of the item is a click on an element which already had an element binding, then you can actually retrieve the correct binding path from the click event and just apply it to your detail-view.
From one of the official demos:
onItemSelected: function(oEvent) {
var oSelectedItem = oEvent.getSource();
var oContext = oSelectedItem.getBindingContext("products");
var sPath = oContext.getPath();
var oProductDetailPanel = this.byId("productDetailsPanel");
oProductDetailPanel.bindElement({ path: sPath, model: "products" });
When you don't have any convenient way to get an element path from, then you have to construct one yourself:
var detailPanel = this.getView().byId("idOfDetailPanel");
detailPanel.bindElement("PdetailSet(Laufi = " + spayid +", Laufd = " + spaydt + ")");
The latter code snippet does of course assume that the oData-service actually supports access with a key consisting of laufi and laufd. This is decided by:
The definition of the key fields of the entity type in the SAP Gateway Service Builder (transaction SEGW)
The ABAP implementation of the method get_entity of the data provider class of that oData-service.

URL Mapping - Replacing characters in a parameter pulled from a database

I am currently trying to figure out, how to modify the parameter being integrated into the URL Mapping I am using.
static mappings =
constraints {
// apply constraints here
name test1: "/.../$title/..."{
controller = "study"
action = "st_show"
name test2: "/.../$title/..."{
controller = "search"
action = "se_show"
The parameter $title is pretty much a dataset, which is pulled from a database and which will get transmitted in the following format [ this is a title ]. So there are square brackets in front and behind the string and words are seperated through blanks.
If I am creating a link through g:link now with the params nested in, it gets put into the url as it is pulled from the database. What I am attempting is to create SEO-URLs, which will present a certain title of a publication devided by hyphens instead of url-encoded "%20".
Until now, I was able to generate dynamic urls looking like this:
Furthermore I already implemented it through JQuery, though it should be static and users should be able to copy the link to open up the page themselves - that wouldn't be possible when changing the url client-side while loading up the page.
Is there a way to define a function with something like replaceAll.(' ', '-'), which can be invoked onto the parameter in the mapping to replace blanks with hyphens and f.e. square brackets with an empty character?
That's pretty much, what I wasn't able to come by through the documentation.
Thank you already in advance for your help!
I managed to solve my problem by creating a service with a function containing a regex and executing this function onto the parameter title in my g:link, which I firstly converted to a string, which gets passed to the function.
<g:link controller="study" action="st_show" params="[data: data, ... title: ConversionService.convert(fieldValue(bean: path).toString(), ... data: data)]"></g:link>
And the function in the ConversionService
public static String convert(String title){
title = title.replaceAll("\\s", "-").replaceAll("[^0-9a-zA-Z\\-]", "");
return title;

How to export a csv from Google Sheet API?

I can't find any reference to an API that enables Rest API clients to export an existing Google Sheet to a csv file.
I believe there should be a way to export them.
The following URL gives you the CSV of a Google spreadsheet per sheet. The sheet must be accessible by the public, by anyone with the link (unlisted).
The parameters you need to provide are:
sheet ID (that is simply the ID in the URL of a Google Spreadsheet{{ID}}/edit)
sheet name (that is simply the name of the sheet as given by the user){{ID}}/gviz/tq?tqx=out:csv&sheet={{sheet_name}}
With that URL you can run a GET-request to fetch the CSV.
Or paste it in your browser address bar.
You can use the Drive API to do this today -- see, however that will limit you to the first sheet of the document. The Sheets API doesn't expose exporting as CSV today, but may offer it in the future.
Nobody's mentioned gspread yet, so here's how I did it:
#open sheet
sheet = gc.open_by_key(sheet_id)
#select worksheet
worksheet = sheet.get_worksheet(0)
#download values into a dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(worksheet.get_all_records())
#save dataframe as a csv, using the spreadsheet name
filename = sheet.title + '.csv'
df.to_csv(filename, index=False)
Firstly you should make document accessible for anyone. Then you get url. From this url you should extract long id composed from big and small letters and numbers. Then use this script.
wget --output-document=temp.csv "$long_id/export?gid=$g_id&format=csv&id=$long_id"
If you use only one card in document, their number is: g_id="0"
The problem you will probably have is connected with strange spaces in obtained file. I use this second script to process it
#Delete all lines beginning with a # from a file
sed '/^#/ d' temp.csv |
# reomve spaces
tr -d "[:blank:]" |
# regexp "1,2" into 1.2
sed 's/\"\([−]\?[0-9]*\),\([0-9]*\)\"/\1.\2/g' > out.csv
As Sam mentioned, api is better solution. There is now great documentation on address:
With example that generate output having CSV structure.
If you don't have easy access to or familiarity with PHP, here's a very barebones Google Apps Script Web App that once deployed and the caller permission accepted, should allow clients with an appropriately scoped access token or api key to export an existing Google Sheet to a csv file. It takes a Google Sheets spreadsheet id and sheet name (and optional download filename) as query parameters, and returns the corresponding theoretically RFC 4180 compliant CSV file.
Further instructions on deploying an Apps Script project as a web app are here:
You can deploy it and test it out easily in the browser just by visiting the "Current web app URL" (as provided when you publish as web app from the script editor), and accepting the consent screen, or even just visit the one that I deployed (configured to execute as the accessing user, and unverified/scary consent) at the example URL.
The tricky part (as usual) is getting the OAuth token or API key set up, but if you're already calling the Google Sheets V4 API, you've probably already got that dialed in. I used CURL to make sure that it behaved as a REST api, but the technique I used to get an OAuth token there is both a distraction and frankly a little scary to include here since it's really easy to mess up. If you don't already have a way to get one, that's probably a good topic for a separate SO question in any case.
One related (and big!) caveat: I'm not 100% sure how the consent and verification interact with a pure Rest client (i.e. how that works if you DON'T visit this in the browser first...), and/or whether this script would need to be in the same GCP project as the other code that uses the Sheets API. If there's interest, and/or it doesn't work right out of the box, please let me know and I'll happily dig deeper and follow up.
// Example URL, assuming:
// "Current web app URL":
// spreadsheetId: 1xNDWJXOekpBBV2hPseQwCRR8Qs4LcLOcSLDadVqDA0E
// sheet name: Sheet1
// (optional) filename: mycsv.csv
'spreadsheetid', // example: "1xNDWJXOekpBBV2hPseQwCRR8Qs4LcLOcSLDadVqDA0E"
'sheetname' // Case-sensitive; example: "Sheet1"
// Returns an RFC 4180 compliant CSV for the specified sheet in the specified spreadsheet
function doGet(e) {
REQUIRED_PARAMS.forEach(function(requiredParam) {
if (!e.parameters[requiredParam]) throw new Error('Missing required parameter ' + requiredParam);
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById(e.parameters.spreadsheetid);
var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(e.parameters.sheetname);
if (!sheet) throw new Error("Could not find sheet " + e.parameters.sheetname + " in spreadsheet " + e.parameters.spreadsheetid);
var filename = e.parameters.filename || (spreadsheet.getName() + "_" + e.parameters.sheetname + ".csv");
var numRows = sheet.getLastRow();
var numColumns = sheet.getLastColumn();
var values = sheet.getSheetValues(1, 1, numRows, numColumns);
function quote(s) {
s = s.toString();
if ((s.indexOf("\r") == -1)
&& (s.indexOf("\n") == -1)
&& (s.indexOf(",") == -1)
&& (s.indexOf("\"") == -1)) return s;
// Fields containing line breaks (CRLF)*, double quotes, and commas should be enclosed in double-quotes;
// anything other than that we already returned, so if we get here -- escape it and quote it.
// *That's what the text of the RFC says, but the ABNF (...and Excel) treat EITHER CR or LF as requiring quotes.
// Replace any double quote with a double double quote, and wrap the whole thing in quotes
return "\"" + s.replace(/"/g, '""') + "\"";
var csv = {
}).join("\r\n") + "\r\n";
return ContentService

Google AdWords and google_conversion_value

I have online shop application, and I integrated it with Google AdWords, by adding proper script into web application.
Problem I have, is that Value on Google's Analysis control panel page is 0, despite the thing that I do have Conversions (many-per-click) with value of 12.
Code I integrated looks like this:
var google_conversion_id = <number is here>;
var google_conversion_language = "en";
var google_conversion_format = "3";
var google_conversion_color = "ffffff";
var google_conversion_label = "<label is here>";
var google_conversion_value = <?php echo $charge; ?>;
I added those lines (with several more JS lines required for Google AdWords) into last page, when payment has been made on my webshop.
PHP variable $charge have value of sold order.
Despite all of those, my Value is still 0. Can you help me waht I'm doing wrong, and how can I get proper value for it?
Try wrapping the PHP output with double quotes like so:
var google_conversion_value = "<?php echo $charge; ?>";
so that the rendered output looks like:
var google_conversion_value = "150";
The value can be either in quotes or not - it doesn't matter.
I am not an expert on PHP but from what little I do know is that it looks ok here. The easiest way to check is to get the Google Tag Assistant extension for Google Chrome that will let you check on the value that is being sent back to Google:
Using the extension when your conversion tag fires lets you see the values that are actually sent back and so you can confirm if the value is correctly being set.
If it does look like the value is being sent back ok, it would be best to wait at least 72 hours to verify that the value is appearing inside AdWords.
