How to select 6 random records from table - ruby-on-rails

My portfolio_controller.rb has an index method like this:
def index
#portfolio = PortfolioItem.all
How can I specify in the condition that the code in this block should be executed 6 times? In other words, how can I access exactly 6 values from the #portfolio object in my view, using a loop? This is what I have so far:
<% #portfolio.shuffle.each do |portfo| %>

Using all, followed by shuffle, is a bad solution for two reasons.
A slight improvement would be to use sample(6) instead of shuffle.first(6), as this removes a step from the process.
However, the bigger issue here is that Portfolio.all.<something> (where the <something> method requires converting the data into a ruby Array) will fetch all of the data into memory - which is a bad idea. As the table grows, this will become a bigger performance issue.
A better idea is to perform the "random selection" in SQL (with the order and limit methods), rather than in ruby. This avoids the need to fetch other data into memory.
The exact solution is database-specific, unfortunately. For PostgreSQL and SQLite, use:
Portfolio.order('RANDOM()').limit(6).each do |portfolio|
Or for MySQL, use:
Portfolio.order('RAND()').limit(6).each do |portfolio|
You could define this as a helper in the Portfolio model - for example:
class Portfolio < ApplicationRecord
# ...
scope :random_sample, ->(n) { order('RANDOM()').limit(n) }
# ...
And then in your view:
#portfolio.random_sample(6).each do |portfolio|

You can something like this :
<%(1..6).each do |i| %>
<% #your statements %>

<% #portfolio.shuffle.each_with_index do |portfo, index| %>
<%if index <= 6%>
<p><%= portfo.title %></p>
<% end %>
Or You can do it as
<% #portfolio.shuffle.take(6).each do |portfo| %>
<p><%= portfo.title %></p>
<% end %>


How do I elegantly check for presence of both the object and associated objects?

I have an instance variable #tally_property, and if there are photos on that object I would like to cycle through the photos and show them.
So my code snippet looks like this:
<% if %>
<% do |photo, index| %>
The issue is that based on the above, if #tally_property is nil, then the entire first line throws an error.
So is there a 'nil' check I can do that isn't bulky, i.e. I don't want to do if #tally_property.nil?, on both the primary object and the association, and is elegant and ruby & rails-esque?
I would use the safe navigation operator (&.) and write something like this:
<% #tally_property&.photos&.each_with_index do |photo, index| %>
<% end %>
In Ruby 2.3.0+ you can use the safe navigation operator:
ActiveSupport has a .try method that can be used to the same end in older versions of ruby:
You can add a simple conditional to be able to safely iterate through the collection:
<% (#tally_property.try(:photos)||[]).each_with_index do |photo, index| %>
<% end %>
Rails 4 adds ActiveRecord::Relation#none and a change in behaviour so that associations always return a ActiveRecord::Relation. So its perfectly acceptable to write:
<% #tally_property.try(:photos).try(:each_with_index) do |photo, index| %>
<% end %>
After upgrading your app. Or you can use a partial and render:
<%= render partial: 'photos', collection: if #tally_property %>
Which removes the need for writing the iteration.
Use && (or and, they each have their sweetspot).
Taking it out of Erb for a moment, I would generally write something like this:
if #tally_property and
Depending on photos I might use:
if #tally_property and
or perhaps:
if #tally_property and not
Sometimes I'll use a temporary variable:
if (photos = #tally_property &&
photos.each #…
That kind of thing.
I would recommend this episode of Ruby Tapas, And/Or for a longer (but still quick) look at it.
One more way, just select all photos connected to this tally_property:
example how it might be:
Photo.joins(:tally_property).each_with_index do |photo, index|

ActiveRecord select all columns from multiple tables after joins

I have two models Article - :id, :name, :handle Comment - :id, :name, :article_id
My query looks like data ="articles.*, comments.*").joins("INNER JOIN comments on = comments.article_id")
Now both the models have conflicting fields. Ideally I would want to be able to do something like or
Note I am aware of option of doming something like as article_name but I have some tables with around 20 columns. So don't want to do that.
The example you are showing is barely utilising the Rails framework at all. It seems you are thinking to much of the database structure instead of thinking of the result as Ruby Objects.
Here is what I would suggest you do to get access to the data (since you are using Rails, I assume it is for a webpage so my example is for rendering an html.erb template):
# In controller
#articles = Article.includes(:comments)
# In views
<% #articles.each do |article| %>
<h1><%= %></h1>
<% article.comments.each do |comment| %>
<p><%= %></p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
But if you just want all the column data into a big array or arrays (database style), you could do it like this
rows = Article.includes(:comments).inject([]) { |arr, article|
article.comments.inject(arr) { |arr2, comment|
arr2 << (article.attributes.values + comment.attributes.values)
If you don't know how the inject method works, I really recommend to read up on it because it is a very useful tool.

How to perform if statements on associated has_many records in Rails

In a Rails 3.2 app I have a model Project, which has many Tasks. Each Task has a :status field, which is an integer as follows
In the Project show view, I want to display a text alert if any of the associated tasks are flagged as urgent.
If the status field was within the Project model, I would do something like this:
<% if Project.status == 2 %>
<div class="alert">URGENT TASKS!</div>
<% end %>
How can I set up a similar if statement, that will cycle through all associated Tasks, and return true if at least one task is marked as urgent?
I'm not sure what terms I should be searching on for this sort of functionality. Or maybe I'm not looking at the problem the right way. I'd be grateful for any pointers in the right direction.
This method in Project will do it:
def urgent?
tasks.detect{|t| t.status==2}
Then you can do, if you have #project set to the project you're looking at:
<% if #project.urgent? %>
...whatever ...
<% end %>
This next bit was added in answer to your comment. This method in Project will return the highest priority set (lowest number in your example) for any task in a particular project:
def highest_priority{|t| t.status}.min
You can then switch between them in your view:
<% case #project.highest_priority
when 1 %>
...priority 1 stuff...
<% when 2 %>
...priority 2 stuff...
<% when 3 %>
...and so on...
<% end %>
I guess that you want to check if a project has some urgent task to be completed. If thats the case I think the best way to achieve that would be to create new method in the Project model, something like this:
def has_urgent_task?
Assuming you have defined your statuses as constants in your Task model, if not just replace Task::URGENT for 2.
So in your view you only need to do this:
<% if #project.has_urgent_task? %>
<div class="alert">URGENT TASKS!</div>
<% end %>

How to add "0," after each loop in Ruby

How to add "0," after each loop in Ruby (At the data: part of the series)
So first loop would
show only the value
next loop 0,value
next loop 0,0,value
next loop 0,0,0,value
series: [
<% #prot = ProjectTask.where("project_id = ? AND taskType = ?" ,, "Pre-Sales")%>
<% #prot.each do |prt| %>
<% hoursSum = 0 %>
name: '<%= prt.task_name%>',
data: [(here after each loop of #prot i want to add "0," here)<% #taskHours = Effort.where(:project_task_id => %>
<% #taskHours.each do |th| %>
<% hoursSum = hoursSum + th.hours %>
<% end %>
<%= hoursSum%>
},<% end %>
<% #prot.each_with_index do |index, prt| %>
<%= "0," * index %>
<% end %>
This logic seems too complex to be in a view - I would migrate it to a helper function that builds up the data array and call that instead.
I think you'll find it a lot easier to do what you want then without having to deal with all the clutter of the erb tags etc. There's lots of ways you could do it - Yossi's suggestion of using each_with_index is a perfectly good one.
Two little things though - I would advise against shortened names for stuff like #prot - just call it #project_task. It's more readable and you can guarantee you call it the same thing throughout your code (instead of having some places where you call it #prot, others where it's #ptask etc) which will save you more time than you lose typing a longer name, I promise you.
Also - you use camelCase for some of your variables - I would advise sticking with the Ruby convention of snake_case.

Rails 3.1 adding an object to an array returned by find_by_sql / can't show in erb file

I'm porting a php app to rails so I have a set of sql statements that I'm converting to find_by_sql's. I see that it returns a collection of objects of the type that I called on it. What I'd like to do is then iterate through this collection (presumably an array) and add an instance of a specific object like this:
#class is GlobalList
#sql is simplified - really joining across 3 tables
def self.common_items user_ids
items=find_by_sql(["select gl.global_id, count(gl.global_id) as global_count from main_table gl group by global_id"])
#each of these items is a GlobalList and want to add a location to the Array
items.each_with_index do |value,index|
#not sure if this is possible
return items
#common_items=GlobalList.common_items user_ids
#view code - the third line doesn't work
<% #common_items.each_with_index do |value,key| %>
<%=debug(value.location) %> <!-- works -->
global_id:<%=value.location.global_id %> <!-- ### doesn't work but this is an attribute of this object-->
<% end %>
So I have 3 questions:
1. is items an Array? It says it is via a call to .class but not sure
2. I am able to add location these GlobalList items. However in the view code, I cannot access the attributes of location. How would I access this?
3. I know that this is pretty ugly - is there a better pattern to implement this?
I would get any data you need from locations in the sql query, that way you avoid the n+1 problem
#items=find_by_sql(["select as location_foo,
gl.global_id as global_id,
count(gl.global_id) as global_count
from main_table gl
inner join locations on locations.global_id = gl.global_id
group by global_id"])
Then in the view:
<% #items.each do |gl| %>
<%= gl.location_foo %> <-- select any fields you want in controller -->
<%= gl.global_count %>
<%= gl.global_id %>
<% end %>
If you want to keep it close to as is, I would:
def self.common_items user_ids
items=find_by_sql(["select gl.global_id, count(gl.global_id) as global_count
from main_table gl group by global_id"]) do |value|
[value, Location.find_by_global_id(value.global_id)]
Then in the view:
<% #common_items.each do |value,location| %>
<%=debug(location) %>
global_id:<%=value.global_id %>
<% end %>
