Xcode 10 it constantly is crashing with no errors - ios

I installed Xcode 10 but keeps on crashing sometimes it crash the moment is loading a project or playground but is not showing any error it all. Any of you are experience this issue and if you have had how did you fixed?
I'll really appreciate your help.

This issue is getting because of Mac OS update
if you are using GitLab, Please reclone project repository.
After reclone application will working fine.
Clear all derived data and empty trash before opening project.


React Native App Crash (Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x54))

Recently came onto this issue when trying to run my app on the simulator through xCode or the React Native CLI. The bundle loads from localhost then the app immediately crashes with "Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x54)" in "main.m" in Xcode. I am unable to get the app running even though it builds fine. (even tried running on release instead of debug)
This issue just started recently occurring and I cannot find anything in our Git logs that would cause any kind of issue - all pretty minor changes on the RN side and nothing native. Has anyone seen this issue/knows how to properly trace it? Seems like a super generic error and it is unclear on how to figure out what is actually going on.
Xcode version 11.5, React Native 0.62.0, and targetting iOS 10.
After running the app a few times I was able to get this error in the Xcode Output
For me, running this watchman watch-del-all && yarn cache clean was what worked. I found it on an issue on github. Strange but it worked like magic
After tons of debugging, confusion, and many hours of frustration it came down to removing and readding one dependency. There was no specific error message I could trace or change I could find in our git history that would've caused this. I literally ended up tediously removing code from the App until I found the library that was the problem.

Build Error in Xcode 11.3.1 - IBCocoaTouchFramework-ThirteenAndLater

I am having following error every single time I try to build an app in Xcode 11.3.1 on macOS Catalina 10.15.3. I see this error for UIKit as well as SwiftUI based projects. Xcode fails to load storyboard file (or scene) and fails to build
/<PATH TO PROJECT>/Base.lproj/LaunchScreen.storyboard:1:1:
Failed to find or create execution context for description '<IBCocoaTouchPlatformToolDescription: 0x7fd283181f90> System content for IBCocoaTouchFramework-ThirteenAndLater <IBScaleFactorDeviceTypeDescription: 0x7fd283187160> scaleFactor=2x'.
Please note, this error is not specific to LaunchScreen.storyboard file. I have tried not having launch screen and instead straight Main.storyboard but nothing works.
I have tried everything else including rebooting my mac, killing Simulator process deleting Derived Data. All these steps, a few of these steps but cannot get rid of it. My Xcode is plagued with this issue and I cannot build any project.
If you have encountered this issue, please share what you did to solve it.
Thanks in advance.
In my case, reinstalling Xcode fixed it for me.

Parse error "Could not build module 'UIKit'" but the app runs fine

I created a new project in Xcode 11, the "Single View app" in objective C. In every class the line #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> is highlighted in red, with the message "Could not build module 'UIKit.'" However the app builds and runs with no problem.
I've read a lot of questions like this on SO from years back, but none with XCode 11 and it doesn't sound like any of them would build without breaking. For me it is purely a parsing issue.
I tried deleting derived data, and I reinstalled XCode multiple times. The last time I went through this tutorial for completely erasing XCode from my computer: https://macpaw.com/how-to/uninstall-xcode-on-macos
Through the rest of the day the issue seemed to be gone. But this morning it's back again.
This seems to be happening with any XCode project I have, including brand new ones with no code changes.
I would just ignore the "errors" but it keeps me from being able to use autocomplete which slows down my workflow a lot.
This issue seems to have gone away. I'm not sure why but I'm happy for it.
This issue came back again after updating my computer. I have not been able to update Xcode for a while not. I'm not sure if the issue is related
I was able to update Xcode, and the issue went away again.
I updated my Mac to Catalina 10.15.1 and was able to update Xcode to 11.2. After this the parse error discontinued and all of my syntax highlighting is back to normal.

Xcode 8.2.1 quits unexpectedly every time when I open my project

I'm getting an error Xcode 8.2.1 quit unexpectedly whenever Xcode is opened. This was working fine till last night. I have tried restart system but didn't worked.I have updated mac OS with macOS Sierra (version 10.12.3).
I already deleted derived data from preferences but it's not working for me.
please tell me why its happening like this...Thanks a lot in advance...
I've had this situation before.
My solution is that:
quit Xcode clearly
open other no question project or create a new project
open the your project again which will quit unexpectedly
it's maybe Xcode's bug, this is work to me, hope it's work to you too!
That state information might have become corrupted.
Follow these steps hope it will help you
1.) Right click on your project.
2.) Choose package content.
3.) Delete all extra files except project.pbxproj
4.) Come back to your project.
5.) Run

Xcode 6 crash when hitting run, persistent error in code

Xcode 6 won't build when I run simulator on mac or on my own ipad...
The last run in failed to build because of an error, which I fixed. Yet the error message, telling me that addObject is not a member, which clearly nonsensical, still remains in the code. I rewrote the code around the error and nothing is making it disappear, not restarting Xcode or my computer has helped either. I assume this has something to do with the crash.
Any idea what I can do?
For the error in the code, hit command+shift+k to clean your project. This might fix your problem.
If it still occurs, even after rebooting and restarting Xcode I'd recommend to reinstall Xcode completely: deinstall it first (using CleanMyMac for instance) and then download and install it.
Hope this helps :)
