Display iPad screen as iPhone? - ios

I have searched through the web and I did not get clues.
Is there a way to display iPad screen as an iPhone like this app does it?
The iPad displays an iPhone screen. Is there some configuration to display this behavior?

What you are seeing is the default behavior of running an iPhone-only app on an iPad. You don't have to do anything other than declare your iOS app as an iPhone-only app.
Of course it would be better for your users if your app properly worked on and took advantage of the iPad's screen but that's up to you.

If the supported devices, that appear under Project > Target > General Tab > Deployment Info
is selected to be "iPhone" and you run this version of app on an iPad, it will appear as the example you shared.


Apple Rejection App: We also noticed that your app did not run at iPhone resolution when reviewed on iPad running iOS 10.2.1 [duplicate]

I made an iPhone App with Xcode. The devices setting is set to "iPhone". But in iTunes Connect it is rejected because it doesn't run on the iPad.
That is weird because it is an iPhone app, but when I checked it in Xcode, I can run it with the iPad simulator,however I think that normally this is not possible with an iPhone app.
I have added pictures to make my question clearer:
So what is gone wrong and how can I fix it?
Picture from resolution center:
Thanks all, I Found the problem/solution:
In my info.plist there was an extra row called supported interface orientations(iPad) where the portrait mode was added.
I have no idea how this got added here but when I removed it, the problem was solved.
From the Apple iOS App Store Review Guidelines (https://developer.apple.com/app-store/review/guidelines/):
2.10 iPhone Apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
Basically, if you set an app to "Universal" it will have iPad and iPhone versions of the UI and will appear in the search results for both. If you set it to iPhone only, it will still be installable on iPads, but it doesn't appear in the search results by default. Additionally when a user does install it on an iPad it will just scale up the UI to best fit the screen. You cannot prevent your app from running on iPads.
Every app can run on the iPad no matter if it is supported or not. The option you have in Xcode is if you want to configure it to look good on the iPad using it's own storyboard. If you configure it for both iPad and iPhone your app fill get a + in the right corner of the price on the App Store and show up on iPad searches. However if you don't configure it to support iPads it'll not show up on searches of the Apple App Store, unless osmose selects iPhone only. You can easily submit your app to the App Store, without it being rejected my friend.
Hope that helps. Keep coding.
Nothing is wrong here , you can do this in debug mode for development purpose. Even you can run it on your iPad device from xCode. Don't worry about it, nothing wrong here.

Problems with device target for iOS app

Hello all :-)
I want to release an iPhone/iPod Touch only app. However, I know iPad users can still download the app from the app store, which is fine by me. I was simulating my app on simulator to see how it would look like on an iPad. When I simulated it, the app looked terrible: the layout was not the same as the iPhone version, some labels were colliding and buttons were "cut" out of the screen.
I want iPad users to have the same view as an iPhone. I believe a 1x/2x button would appear on the screen in that case. How can I do that?
Any help/advice would be really appreciated!
Thank you :-)
When you upload your app to the App Store it will also allow iPad users to download the iPhone version of the app. This will have the 1x/2x button you are looking for.
However if you test your project on the iPad simulator before you upload the app, it will not be the same iPhone version of the app that the iPad users will see. Instead the simulator will run an actual iPad version of the app which is not what your looking for.
In your project settings, set your target device to iPhone only. Upload the app. When iPad users download the app they will get the iPhone only version with the 1x/2x button for the iPad.
In your project settings, make sure the "Devices" settings is "Universal" (this is under "Deployment Info"). If it was not before, you may have to make some layout adjustments.
Use Autolayout for fixing the design issues
in storyboard right pane -> attribute inspector -> simulated metrics-> select inferred in size for all controllers
You should be seeing this in the simulator (note the letterboxing on all sides):
And your build settings should show 1 as the target device family:
If not, you are iPad-native and that's the source of the trouble.

iOS app not displaying correctly iPad

I am working on an App which should be able to run on iPhones and iPads.
I have been able to run it on iPhones and it is displaying perfectly. But when I run it on an iPad the App itself is very zoomed in. I am not sure what main issue.
This is how it displays on iPad:
And this is how it comes up on an iPhone:
Any idea how to fix it or what the issue is?
Your app isn't made to run on the iPad. When displayed on the iPad, it just stretches the display of the iPhone version (you can see that by the 1x button on the lower right corner of the screen). You need to setup your XCode project as a Universal App (instead of it being just for iPhone) and then you'll be able to take advantage of the entire iPad screen and design the display especially for it.
You can set the app as Universal on your project properties in XCode:

Running iPhone application on iPad shows a black bar on top of the app

I have see a black bar on top of the iPad app , actually app is designed for iPhone and running in iPad, Not able to reproduce in iPhone and this happens very rare.
Please Help on how to fix this issue
did you create the .xib file for ipad or storyboard? if so the also change your device in the deployment info section from iphone to universal.
You need to create universal application for both iPhone or iPad, currently your application target only iPhone Device.

Cordova 3.6.0: add only iphone support, no ipad at all

when i create a new cordova project using the cordova cli, it creates a clean project presetting the target device to iphone, but still adding ipad resources.
I can also install the app on iPad, even if i select iPhone on the Device select box.
I compared the cordova project with a new project i created in xCode6 selecting iPhone. I see differences, for example in cordova i can still see "Supported interfaces orientations (iPad)" and also the icons and splash screens for iPad. But in my new default xCode6 project, i can only see iphone related stuff.
How can i make cordova created ONLY for iPhone, no ipad files at all?
UPDATE: The reason is NOT to disable iPad support, i know it has to run fine on iPads compatible mode, but i have scaling issues, because the project seems to have iPads related resources and settings i dont see because its set to iPhone only. I had to switch to iPad and untick the unwanted orientations because on iPad it was allowing landscape even if i build for iPhone only. Very strange.
When you launch the app, just launch it for iPhone alone if you don't want to support iPads.
Go through this thread.
Here's the final accepted answer there:
The final answer is:
Once you added iPad support in App submission, there is no way to
remove it.
You have to block the access in iPad during App launch by checking
UIDevice.currentDevice.userInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad
Other then that every iPhone app will always launch on iPad even without support but will open in an smaller window.
