Hey there I'm wondering what I need to add google text to speech like what we see in the picture when click to microphone icon he speak the text
enter image description here
First of all you'll have to add the following to the dependencies (in your pubspec.yaml file):
flutter_tts: ^0.2.4
Then run from command line:
flutter packages get
After you have done these two steps you'll have to import
import 'package:flutter_tts/flutter_tts.dart';
and then instantiate inside your class:
FlutterTts flutterTts = 'Whatever text you what to listen to';
Inside the body of your scaffold you'll now have to add a RaisedButton which has an Icon as it's child and the onPressed method which contains the method to convert your text to audio.
body: Center(
child: RaisedButton(
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
child: Icon(Icons.volume_up, color: Colors.grey),
onPressed: () {
I need to recreate this layout in Flutter to be displayed as items in a ListView.
Both layouts (Emma & Tonny) are the same.. the only difference is the colors that depend on some other data/status, something that I will decide programmatically later.
I already have the ListView.builder as follow:
itemCount: WeeklyList.contacts.length,
itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
return InkWell(
onTap: () => onTapMe(WeeklyList.contacts[index]),
child: TripItemCard(index, WeeklyList.contacts[index]));
and.... the main missing guy:
Widget TripItemCard(int index, Info info) {
return SizedBox(
height: 116,
child: Card(
//.... Card Layout.....
NOTE: I wrapped the Card with a SizedBox to be able to have a Height specified for all cards.
There are 8 widgets in total:
1- The Card
2- Picture
3- Fullname
4- Role
5- PickUp Label
6- PickUp Time
7- DropOff Label
8- DropOff Time
Lastly and Very Important Things
1- Please be advised that there are 2 TEXTs (Name and DropOff Status) who have BACKGROUND and TEXT color... and both of them... fully expanded (width). This is very important to maintain the horizontal color balance.
2- Also PickUp and DropOff are aligned to the right where the PickUp and DropOff Time/Status respectively are aligned to the left.
The basic layout should look like this and you can add the details to it.
Row(children: [
children: [
color: const color,
child: const Text(data),
I have migrated to Flutter 2.0 which is just the new release now. In my project I have used Flat Buttons but it got deprecated now in Flutter 2.0 and the suggestion pop up to use Text Button instead of Flat Buttons.
Now the problem is in Flat Buttons there are option directly to set the properties of button such as color, padding etc. but when I replaced it with Text Button there is error in using this properties. I have checked the documentation and found that there is the property of style: ButtonStyle(backgroundcolor: ____________). But when I have put Colors.blue in the backgroundcolor property it gives me error.
So I want to know that how is the behaviour of Buttons in Flutter 2.0 and how we can style the Buttons?
My snippet of code is here in which I want to style the button.
width: 200.0,
child: TextButton(
style: ButtonStyle(), // I want to style this.
onPressed: () => Navigator.pushNamed(context, SignupPage.id),
/*color: Colors.blue,
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),*/ //Commented code is deprecated in Flutter 2.0
child: Text(
'Create Account',
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white, fontSize: 16.0),
The style argument with a backgroundcolor is the way to do it, but does not take a Color object, its type is MaterialStateProperty<Color?>? so you should provide an object of that type.
documentation is here https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/material/TextButton-class.html
and here https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/material/ButtonStyle-class.html
Buttons now have a state, so you have to define the colors for each state:
you can define one color for all the states.
backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.all(Colors.green),
you can define a different color for each state.
backgroundColor: MaterialStateProperty.resolveWith(
(Set states) {
if (states.contains(MaterialState.pressed))
return Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary.withOpacity(0.5);
return null; // Use the component's default.
I'm building an application for a building that can navigate a user, one of the ways I am doing this is by using a floor plan of the building and I want to draw a path between nodes in this floor plan to create a route. The user enters where they want to be and then route finding algorithm outputs a path, the way I want to build this path is by having a user select a source node and a target node from two seperate lists, I want them to press a button on the map view screen and have a list with these nodes appear but no matter what I try the list will not display.
I've tried using setState and having a ListView returned but that seems to be where it's failing as such as I have print statements to help verify where in the code I've reached, I don't know if it's the search terms I'm using but nothing I have found so far seems to be related to this kind of use case. This is similar to what I want but this is just a list already being displayed and then being updated.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
//currently inside of a scaffold
bottomNavigationBar: BottomAppBar(
child: new Row(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween,
children: <Widget>[
icon: Icon(Icons.trip_origin),
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
//extra code as part of scaffold
Widget _sourceList() {
print("working1"); //this prints
return ListView.builder(
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
itemBuilder: (context, i) {
print("working2"); //this does not
return _buildRow();
Widget _buildRow() {
return new ListTile(title: Text(a.name));
So basically I just want a list to display when the user presses a button, then have that list disappear after a selection is made. The actual result is I can press the button and nothing is displayed, I only reach working1 in the code not working2.
How do I position a FloatingActionButton on the left side inside a Scaffold?
Currently the only available options are centerFloat, centerDocked, endFloat and endDocked.
Maybe Material Design does not intend to position the FAB at startFloat or startDocked.
That would be fine if RTL changed endFloat and endDocked to appear on the left side, but that is not the case.
In April 2020, the available options have been expanded and startFloat as well as startDocked are included options now.
Here is the full list of available options (see the FloatingActionButtonLocation documentation):
You can even easily define your own locations using StandardFabLocation.
As of 2020, you can use the following:
floatingActionButtonLocation: FloatingActionButtonLocation.startFloat
A parameter that can be passed to the Scaffold Widget from material.dart
Source: PR 51465
There is also another solution to this problem. Fab button by default is always at the bottom end of the screen. So if we wrap our Scaffoldwith a Directionality and set its text direction to TextDirection.rtl, then the button goes left. but since now the body itself is mirrored, we can wrap the body with another Directionality and set its text direction to TextDirection.ltr
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
textDirection: TextDirection.rtl,
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Something),
body: Directionality(
textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
child: Center(child: const Text('Press the button below!'))),
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: () {
child: Icon(Icons.navigation),
backgroundColor: Colors.green,
I'm trying to hit an object behind the top most visible object. I was trying to achieve this by using the GestureDetector's behavior property.
The code for this is as follows:
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new GestureDetector(
onTap: () => print("Bottom"),
child: new Container(
color: Colors.redAccent,
child: new Center(
child: new GestureDetector(
onTap: () => print("Top"),
behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent,
child: new Container(
width: 200.0,
height: 200.0,
color: Colors.blue.withOpacity(0.3),
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work. Only Top gets printed to the console. The docs make it seem like this is the correct way of doing it, but perhaps I'm missing something here?
I want the bottom one or both to receive the onTap event tbh.
If just getting the Bottom event is fine, then simply removing:
onTap: () => print("Top"),
Works for me. After commenting out that line, it prints Bottom when I tap on the inner square.
Tested with this version:
Dannys-MacBook:flutter danny$ flutter --version
Flutter 0.4.5-pre.96 • channel master • https://github.com/DanTup/flutter.git
Framework • revision d79f2ee223 (12 hours ago) • 2018-05-26 12:29:53 -0700
Engine • revision 1ed25ca7b7
Tools • Dart 2.0.0-dev.58.0.flutter-f981f09760
That said, removing the inner GestureDetector does the same to, so I'm wondering if there's some reason you added it?