Is there a way to detect NaN and -NaN? - lua

I want to save lua number to string and handle NaN case correctly.
Detecting any NaN is easy, x ~= x.
However, only one way which I've found to detect is it NaN or -NaN is to use tostring(x) == 'nan'. Is there a better way to do it?

Instead of tostring(x) == 'nan', which is not portable, you can do the comparison with the actual tostring call: tostring(x) == tostring(0/0) or tostring(x) == tostring(-(0/0)) depending on what you need. If you need to do multiple comparisons, you can save the result of tostring and reuse it.

There are more than two NaNs exist (actually, there are 2^52-1 NaNs according to IEEE-754).
Their tostring-ed representations are platform-dependent.
This is an example how to get three different NaNs (I'm using Lua 5.3 built with Visual Studio):
n = string.unpack(">d", string.pack(">d", 0/0):sub(1, -2).."#")
print(0/0, -(0/0), n) --> -1.#IND 1.#QNAN -1.#QNAN
So, it would be more correct to not distinguish between different variants of NaN.


Is there a way to assert that the first digit (most significant) of number is a particular digit?

I would like to assert that the most significant digit of a number is a particular value, but I don't actually know the length of the number. If it was the least significant digit, I know I could use the python mod (%) to check for it. But with an unknown number of digits, I'm unsure of how I could check this in z3.
For example, I may know that the left most digit is a 9, such as 9x, or 9xx, or 9xxx etc.
Thanks so much in advance
The generic way to do this would be to convert to a string and check that the first character matches:
from z3 import *
s = Solver()
n = Int('n')
s.add(SubString(IntToStr(n), 0, 1) == "9")
r = s.check()
if r == sat:
m = s.model()
print("n =", m[n])
print("Solver said:", r)
This prints:
n = 9
Note that IntToStr expects its argument to be non-negative, so if you need to support negative numbers, you'll have to write extra code to accommodate for that. See for details.
Aside While this will accomplish what you want in its generality, it may not be the most efficient way to encode this constraint. Since it goes through strings, the constraints generated might cause performance issues. If you have an upper limit on your number, it might be more efficient to code it explicitly. For instance, if you know your number is less than a 1000, I'd code it as (pseudocode):
n == 9 || n >= 90 && n <= 99 || n >= 900 && n <= 999
etc. until you have the range you needed covered. This would lead to much simpler constraints and perform a lot better in general. Note that this'll work even if you don't know the exact length, but have an upper bound on it. But of course, it all depends on what you are trying to achieve and what else you know about the number itself.

Difference of TermCriteria type in OpenCV : COUNT and MAX_ITER

The doc page of TermCriteria says that the MAX_ITER is the same as COUNT and the type can be one of : COUNT, EPS or COUNT + EPS. I am wondering whether there is a difference between COUNT + EPS and MAX_ITER + EPS. I found that in different places, there are these two different styles. Would that lead to different effects while running?
There is no difference. COUNT and MAX_ITER mean the same. They have the same value, hence are indistinguishable.
Well, their meaning depends on what function takes a TermCriteria tuple/struct/object. Still, same value means the identifiers are interchangeable.
Those named constants live in an enum. The values are chosen to be bits in a bit field. So they're actually flags and should, ordinarily, be combined with | (bitwise OR operator).
The + is a funny custom and probably because of the following... if you give two termination criteria, an algorithm terminates if any of them becomes true. So one could say both the one and the other are given... and now people get their brain gyri twisted thinking of "and" and "or". Combining those flags with + sidesteps that nicely.
cv.TermCriteria_COUNT == 1
cv.TermCriteria_MAX_ITER == 1
cv.TermCriteria_EPS == 2
so your choices are:
Beware that you don't say COUNT + MAX_ITER (wrong!) because that is 1 + 1 = 2 and that is now EPS, which isn't what that expression was supposed to express.
The documentation may not contain all the information, and it is generated from OpenCV public header files (via doxygen and its config file).
Just use an IDE/Editor, browsing the source code, search TermCriteria, and will see MAX_ITER and COUNT enumeration element values. Should be same.

The tensor product ti() in GAM package gives incorrect results

I am surprising to notice that it is somehow difficult to obtain a correct fit of interaction function from gam().
To be more specific, I want to estimate an additive function:
where m_1(x)=x^2, m_2(z)=z^2,m_{12}(x,z)=xz. The following code generate this model:
test1 <- function(x,z,sx=1,sz=1) {
#--m1(x) function
#--m2(z) function
#--m12(x,z) function
n <- 1000
x <- runif(n,a,b)/20
z <- runif(n,a,b)
u <- rnorm(n,0,0.5)
y <- model$m + u
So I use gam() by fitting the model as
b3 <- gam(y~ ti(x) + ti(z) + ti(x,z))
vis.gam(b3);title("tensor anova")
#---extracting basis matrix
#---extracting series estimator
Question: when I plot the estimated function by gam()above against its true function, I end up with
However, the function estimate of m_1(x) is largely different from x^2, and the interaction function estimate m_{12}(x,z) is also largely different from xz defined in test1 above. The results are the same if I use predict(b3).
I really can't figure it out. Can anybody help me out by explaining why the results end up with this? Greatly appreciate it!
First, the problem of the above issue is not due to the package, of course. It is closely related to the identification conditions of the smooth functions. One common practice is to impose the assumptions that E(mj(.))=0 for all individual function j=1,...,d, and E(m_ij(x_i,x_j)|x_i)=E(m_ij(x_i,x_j)|x_j)=0 for i not equal to j. Those conditions require one to employ centered basis function in series estimator, which has been done already in GAM package. However, in my case above, function m(x,z)=x*z defined in test1 does not satisfy the above identification assumptions, since the integral of x*z with respect to either x or z is not zero when x and z have range from zero to two.
Furthermore, series estimator allows the individual and interaction function to be identified if one impose m(0)=0 or m(0,x_j)=m(x_i,0)=0. This can be readily achieved if we center the basis function around zero. I have tried both cases, and they work well whenever DGP satisfies the identification conditions.

How to return very long integer in Lua

I am trying to return very long integer number but my result returns as
How do I make it return 76561197971049296 ?
local id64 = 76561197960265728
Z = string.match("STEAM_0:0:5391784", 'STEAM_%d+:%d+:(%d+)')
Y = string.match("STEAM_0:0:5391784", 'STEAM_%d+:(%d+):%d+')
--For 64-bit systems
--Let X, Y and Z constants be defined by the SteamID: STEAM_X:Y:Z.
--Let V be SteamID64 identifier of the account type (0x0110000100000000 in hexadecimal format).
--Using the formula W=Z*2+V+Y
if Z == nil then
return "none"
return Z*2+id64+Y
I installed lbc arbitrary precision now with this code
return bc.add(bc.number(id64),bc.number(2)):tostring()
it returns 70000000000000002 but if I delete 3 digits from id64 it displays correctly.
How can I get correct result without deleting the digits?
You need to use strings for long numbers. Otherwise, the Lua lexer converts them to doubles and loses precision in this case. Here is code using my lbc:
local bc=require"bc"
local id64=bc.number"76561197960265728"
local Y,Z=string.match("STEAM_0:0:5391784",'STEAM_%d+:(%d+):(%d+)')
if Z == nil then
return "none"
return (Z*2+id64+Y):tostring()
check out this library for arbitrary precision arithmetics. this so post might be of interest to you as well.
Assuming your implementation of Lua supports that many significant digits in the number type, your return statement is returning that result.
You're probably seeing exponential notation when you convert the number to a string or printing it. You can use the string.format function to control the conversion:
assert( "76561197971049296" == string.format("%0.17g", 76561197971049296))
If number is an IEEE-754 double, then it doesn't work. You do have to know how your Lua is implemented and keep in mind the the technical limitations.
If you have luajit installed, you can do this:
local ffi = require("ffi")
steamid64 = tostring("uint64_t", 76561197960265728) +"uint64_t", tonumber(accountid)))
steamid64 = string.sub(steamid64, 1, -4) -- to remove 'ULL at the end'
Hope it helps.

Can a SHA-1 hash be all-zeroes?

Is there any input that SHA-1 will compute to a hex value of fourty-zeros, i.e. "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"?
Yes, it's just incredibly unlikely. I.e. one in 2^160, or 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006842277657836021%.
Also, becuase SHA1 is cryptographically strong, it would also be computationally unfeasible (at least with current computer technology -- all bets are off for emergent technologies such as quantum computing) to find out what data would result in an all-zero hash until it occurred in practice. If you really must use the "0" hash as a sentinel be sure to include an appropriate assertion (that you did not just hash input data to your "zero" hash sentinel) that survives into production. It is a failure condition your code will permanently need to check for. WARNING: Your code will permanently be broken if it does.
Depending on your situation (if your logic can cope with handling the empty string as a special case in order to forbid it from input) you could use the SHA1 hash ('da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709') of the empty string. Also possible is using the hash for any string not in your input domain such as sha1('a') if your input has numeric-only as an invariant. If the input is preprocessed to add any regular decoration then a hash of something without the decoration would work as well (eg: sha1('abc') if your inputs like 'foo' are decorated with quotes to something like '"foo"').
I don't think so.
There is no easy way to show why it's not possible. If there was, then this would itself be the basis of an algorithm to find collisions.
Longer analysis:
The preprocessing makes sure that there is always at least one 1 bit in the input.
The loop over w[i] will leave the original stream alone, so there is at least one 1 bit in the input (words 0 to 15). Even with clever design of the bit patterns, at least some of the values from 0 to 15 must be non-zero since the loop doesn't affect them.
Note: leftrotate is circular, so no 1 bits will get lost.
In the main loop, it's easy to see that the factor k is never zero, so temp can't be zero for the reason that all operands on the right hand side are zero (k never is).
This leaves us with the question whether you can create a bit pattern for which (a leftrotate 5) + f + e + k + w[i] returns 0 by overflowing the sum. For this, we need to find values for w[i] such that w[i] = 0 - ((a leftrotate 5) + f + e + k)
This is possible for the first 16 values of w[i] since you have full control over them. But the words 16 to 79 are again created by xoring the first 16 values.
So the next step could be to unroll the loops and create a system of linear equations. I'll leave that as an exercise to the reader ;-) The system is interesting since we have a loop that creates additional equations until we end up with a stable result.
Basically, the algorithm was chosen in such a way that you can create individual 0 words by selecting input patterns but these effects are countered by xoring the input patterns to create the 64 other inputs.
Just an example: To make temp 0, we have
a = h0 = 0x67452301
f = (b and c) or ((not b) and d)
= (h1 and h2) or ((not h1) and h3)
= (0xEFCDAB89 & 0x98BADCFE) | (~0x98BADCFE & 0x10325476)
= 0x98badcfe
e = 0xC3D2E1F0
k = 0x5A827999
which gives us w[0] = 0x9fb498b3, etc. This value is then used in the words 16, 19, 22, 24-25, 27-28, 30-79.
Word 1, similarly, is used in words 1, 17, 20, 23, 25-26, 28-29, 31-79.
As you can see, there is a lot of overlap. If you calculate the input value that would give you a 0 result, that value influences at last 32 other input values.
The post by Aaron is incorrect. It is getting hung up on the internals of the SHA1 computation while ignoring what happens at the end of the round function.
Specifically, see the pseudo-code from Wikipedia. At the end of the round, the following computation is done:
h0 = h0 + a
h1 = h1 + b
h2 = h2 + c
h3 = h3 + d
h4 = h4 + e
So an all 0 output can happen if h0 == -a, h1 == -b, h2 == -c, h3 == -d, and h4 == -e going into this last section, where the computations are mod 2^32.
To answer your question: nobody knows whether there exists an input that produces all zero outputs, but cryptographers expect that there are based upon the simple argument provided by daf.
Without any knowledge of SHA-1 internals, I don't see why any particular value should be impossible (unless explicitly stated in the description of the algorithm). An all-zero value is no more or less probable than any other specific value.
Contrary to all of the current answers here, nobody knows that. There's a big difference between a probability estimation and a proof.
But you can safely assume it won't happen. In fact, you can safely assume that just about ANY value won't be the result (assuming it wasn't obtained through some SHA-1-like procedures). You can assume this as long as SHA-1 is secure (it actually isn't anymore, at least theoretically).
People doesn't seem realize just how improbable it is (if all humanity focused all of it's current resources on finding a zero hash by bruteforcing, it would take about xxx... ages of the current universe to crack it).
If you know the function is safe, it's not wrong to assume it won't happen. That may change in the future, so assume some malicious inputs could give that value (e.g. don't erase user's HDD if you find a zero hash).
If anyone still thinks it's not "clean" or something, I can tell you that nothing is guaranteed in the real world, because of quantum mechanics. You assume you can't walk through a solid wall just because of an insanely low probability.
[I'm done with this site... My first answer here, I tried to write a nice answer, but all I see is a bunch of downvoting morons who are wrong and can't even tell the reason why are they doing it. Your community really disappointed me. I'll still use this site, but only passively]
Contrary to all answers here, the answer is simply No.
The hash value always contains bits set to 1.
