How can I install react-native-contacts? - react-native-contacts

I'm having issues installing react-native-contacts. How is this done?
react-native: 0.49.3
react-native-contacts: 2.1.1

You can find installation instructions at basically you can install react-native-contacts via react native link or you can link the project manually. Same as any other native module for react native.


React-Native error "RN Sketch not found in the UIManager"

I'm trying to build a react-native sketch project and I believe I've installed all the required libraries for it to work on my machine, but for some reason I keep on getting this error, which I'm not sure how to resolve.
Also, I wasn't sure what it meant by the linking of the react native to react native sketch, when installing the react-native sketch.
react-native link react-native-sketch
Maybe sharing your code will help debug the issue. But if the code is right then see below for installation.
So when installing this package, it is not enough to just install it. You must link to React Native. So do;
npm i -S react-native-sketch
That will install it. Now to make React Native 'aware' of this newly installed package, link it as follows;
react-native link react-native-sketch
This is just putting it in simple terms for understanding.
You should get a success message for both of the above - if an error occurs while running any of the above command lines, then it did not succeed and you'll get the error above.
If developing on IOS, don't forget to pod install and re run the project after installing the package!
CD to IOS directory - type 'pod install' and ENTER. Re Run the project.

Upgrading React Native plugin to support autolinking and React Native versions 0.6>=

I am fairly new to React Native but am helping manage a React Native plugin and would like some guidance for upgrading it so that it is compatible with auto linking and React Native versions 0.60 and up in iOS.
Our plugin currently only works with React Native up to and including 0.59.x through the react-native link command and sometimes involves manually dragging our xcodeproj and .a binary inside Xcode.
When trying to instrument our plugin with a blank hello world React Native app of version 0.60.5, after react-native link and dragging in Xcode, we get an error saying rctbridgemodule.h not found and have to add React.xcodeproj too. This however doesn’t work on some apps we’ve tried. Furthermore the issue is in newer versions of React eg 0.61.4, the React.xcodeproj file is no longer in the React folder in node_modules. 

I’ve had a look at the What do I need to have in my package to make it work? Section in this link:
But to me its not very clear how we should be configuring a pod spec in the root of our repo. Our package is scoped also. I’m assuming that there shouldn’t need to be any changes to the actual code of our plugin but rather just some modifications to our pod spec and package configuration. Any guidance in how this works and how to upgrade our plugin to support versions 0.6 and above would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

No such module 'DJIWidget' when trying to integrate DJI video feed

I have been trying to integrate the DJIWidget library into my Xcode project to display a live video feed from a drone, but I have been unable to get Xcode to find the DJIWidget module.
I tried downloading the DJI iOS-FPVDemo-Swift project and running pod install, but it has the exact same problem, where Xcode cannot find the DJIWidget module.
Is this an issue with the way Cocoapods is installing it?
I am using Xcode 10.1.
I remember DJIWidget has an issu with the last version of Cocoapods 1.6.0. Could you degragde your Cocoapods to 1.5.3 and try again. Hope this helps.

React Native: How to install 3rd Party Native Module Plugin on Post-Integration .xworkspace Project

I've successfully integrated a very basic React Native Project(without any Native Module Plugin) with the existing iOS Native App(Written in Objective-C) on which presentViewController and dismissViewController are both implemented successfully.
However I cannot find any post and official documentation to show how to install those third-party react-native native modules, such as react-native-deivce-info, react-native-camera etc., into the post-integration .xworkspace project. Can anybody show me the steps? For example, the "react-native-video". Thank you so much.

Having issues with an iOS react native native module using a CocoaPod

I'm creating a native module wrapper for the Google Nearby Messsages API.
I've installed the api using these instructions
I then published the project to npm and created an example project to consume react-native-nearby.
I've been stuck with this issue.
I ran yarn to install react-native-nearby and react-native link react-native-nearby. Yet it can't find GNSMessages.h which should have been installed using cocoapods? Would be happy to get a lead as to why it can't find that file.
