Autoshrinking text size for multiple ui labels - ios

I have five ui labels for one view. All of them have variable text content. To prevent truncating I have to use Autoshrink text size.
My ui labels are aligned in x axis top to bottom.
The problem is; when autoshrinking, all ui labels have different font sizes.
Is there a way to equalize font sizes of all ui labels when autoshrink.
I use interface builder autolayout constraints.
Thank you.

You could loop through your labels, find the smallest text size and then set that text size to all of them. That way, you know they'll all fit and have the same text size. You would have to do this programmatically. Alternatively, you could dynamically change the size of your UILabels based on the number of characters it holds times some constant factor. That way, the autoshrink should set the same size for each the text in each of the labels.


Constraint font sizes of multiple UILabels to be equal

I have multiple UILabels horizontally aligned next to each other. Since they have different lengths of text, when using auto layout (bind left anchor to the right anchor of the previous label etc.) it isn't sure which label to make larger and which one to make smaller so the widths are different and the font sizes are different as well.
To be clear: it's not important if the width of the labels is different, it's just that they should all have the same font size while still displaying everything in 2 lines.

Update multiple UILabel/UIButton font sizes by constant value

I want to be able to increase/decrease the size of several the label/button fonts on my storyboard by the same amount. As far as I know sizes can be changed when selected (though as labels or buttons separately) and adjusted but each is updated by one font value not say a percentage. Ideally I'd like to select all labels and buttons and enter a value to times them by (e.g 1.4x). Is there definitely no way of doing this?
I used the label multipliers to create percentage view sizes and auto shrink to resize the text to be proportionally sized.

Unique multiline UILabel looks using auto layout

I have a multiline UILabel that I'd like to look similar on different devices (iPhone only). If it was a single line, I'd simply place the auto layout constraints and enable Autoshrink and set the Minimum Font Scale.
The height of the label is dynamic is calculated based on text. To do that, I need the font, which should also be dynamic. The hack I could do is place an invisible label, and set the text I want to fit in a single line into it and calculate the font, but it seems too hacky.
Another thing I'm not that familiar with are size classes. But from what I've read, the same class is shared between all portraits, meaning 3.5, 4, 4.7 and 5.5 inch devices would be bound to the same class, therefore I couldn't use the separate font value?
How would I implement the 'font scaling' for multiline labels so I'm getting similar look on different screen sizes?
If by similar look you mean that the same words appear on each line, I don't think it's possible.
If the label height is dynamic based on the amount of text, the label will simply expand to the height required to show the text with the specified font size.
Font scaling only kicks in when there is not enough space to display the text with the specified font size. Therefore, you must constrain the height or number of lines.
I was able to approximate this using a multiline UILabel with font scale of .5. I set an Equal Heights constraint between it and its superview, with a multiplier of .25. See screenshots below.
In this approach, you would have to dynamically change the Equal Heights multiplier based on the amount of text you have.

Multi-line UILabel with auto layout, how to adjust font size according to content without changing label's frame?

I have a multi-line UILabel, which will display contents at run time, contents may only need 1 line or up to 3 lines.
When there is less contents, I'd like the label using a larger font size, and when there are more contents, I want the label to use multiple lines and smaller font size.
Due to autolayout, I can't set the frame of UILabel, and the frame of the label is unknown until run time, so that it can be compatible with different devices.
Currently I set line number of the label as a fixed number, which will divide contents into multiple lines when there is more contents, but when there is less contents, the single line uses a font size as small as when there is more contents. This is not the best experience.
set num of lines and font scale factor 0.5 or 0.75
If your content is small it would use the occupied lines and font size will be the actual size. When your content grows these properties will check if with actual fontsize the content can be adjusted to all lines or not. if its not adjustable with full size then font will be scalled to adjust in contentview.

UILabel AutoResize cuts off the top part of the text

I have a UILabel which autoresizes along with its parent view. The label has AdjustsFontSizeToWidth turned on and has a minimum text size of 0 - so basically it tries to fit all the text into whatever size the UILabel is.
The problem I am having is that vertically the text gets cut off. So yes, the label is adjusting its font size to the width of the label but the text is too tall for the label and thus some of the text is getting cut off.
Is there anyway to work around this so that all of the text, the full height and full width are shown?
I attach an image to show what I mean. The red box is the parent view, the purple box is the UILabel.
Thanks for your help.
What you are adjusting automatically is the Width and not the Height. The Height is something you'll have to adjust manually based on the maximum font size you will use. If the maximum (assigned initial) font size fits in height, so will the smaller one's do, after they are automatically adjusted
I suspect that Lefteris is right, that minimum text size focuses on font size for the width of the control. Note, though, if you want it to resize the font to fit, you want a non-zero minFontSize. See minimizeFontSize notes. Also check out the various NSString UIKit Additions that can be used to get the size of the control necessary to fit your text, and programmatically adjust the size (i.e. the frame) your UILabel accordingly.
In my case there was a bogus vertical centering of a view under the labels being clipped and squashed. That somehow took priority over compression resistance priority of 1000 for the labels. No warning on console about conflict though. But the view debugger was of some help.
