Sorry for my question but I did not understand the answers that was related to this question so I hope someone can enlighten me further.
I am a new data science student and we are going to learn how to program in the functional language F#. We are learning about algorithms and I wanted to write the algorithms as F# functions to check if my calculations on paper were correct.
I get the following error saying:
"This value is not mutable. Consider using the mutable keyword let mutable n = expression"
My code looks like this:
let loop5( n ) =
let mutable x = 0
while n > 0 do
x <- x + 1
n <- n + 1
printfn "loop5(): x=%i for n=%i" x n
I'm trying to write a function looking like this (pseudocode):
x = 0
while n > 0
x = x + 1
n = n + 1
return x
Hope I made a clear question and someone can help me out here :-) Have a nice weekend
You're trying to mutate the loop's parameter n. The parameter is not mutable, so the compiler doesn't let you. That's exactly what the error tells you.
Now, normally, to make the error go away, you'd make the variable mutable. However, you can't make a function parameter mutable, so that's not an option.
Here you want to think what the meaning of your program should be. Does the loop function need to pass the updated value of n back to its caller, or is the whole mutation its internal business? If it's the former, please see #AnyMoose's answer, but from your example and explanation, I suspect it's the latter. If that is the case, simply make a mutable copy of the parameter and work with it:
let loop n' =
let mutable x = 0
let mutable n = n'
Separately, I want to point out that your program, as written, would actually loop indefinitely (or until it wraps around the max int value anyway), because instead of decreasing n at each step you're increasing it. If you want your program to actually finish before the next Ice Age, you need to make n decrease with each iteration:
n <- n - 1
Ref cells
Ref cells get around some of the limitations of mutables. In fact, ref cells are very simple datatypes which wrap up a mutable field in a record type. Ref cells are defined by F# as follows:
type 'a ref = { mutable contents : 'a }
The F# library contains several built-in functions and operators for working with ref cells:
let ref v = { contents = v } (* val ref : 'a -> 'a ref *)
let (!) r = r.contents (* val (!) : 'a ref -> 'a *)
let (:=) r v = r.contents <- v (* val (:=) : 'a ref -> 'a -> unit *)
The ref function is used to create a ref cell, the ! operator is used to read the contents of a ref cell, and the := operator is used to assign a ref cell a new value. Here is a sample in fsi:
let x = ref "hello";;
val x : string ref
x;; (* returns ref instance *)
val it : string ref = {contents = "hello";}
!x;; (* returns x.contents *)
val it : string = "hello"
x := "world";; (* updates x.contents with a new value *)
val it : unit = ()
!x;; (* returns x.contents *)
val it : string = "world"
Since ref cells are allocated on the heap, they can be shared across multiple functions:
open System
let withSideEffects x =
x := "assigned from withSideEffects function"
let refTest() =
let msg = ref "hello"
printfn "%s" !msg
let setMsg() =
msg := "world"
printfn "%s" !msg
withSideEffects msg
printfn "%s" !msg
let main() =
Console.ReadKey(true) |> ignore
The withSideEffects function has the type val withSideEffects : string ref -> unit.
This program outputs the following:
Assigned from withSideEffects function
The withSideEffects function is named as such because it has a side-effect, meaning it can change the state of a variable in other functions. Ref Cells should be treated like fire. Use it cautiously when it is absolutely necessary but avoid it in general. If you find yourself using Ref Cells while translating code from C/C++, then ignore efficiency for a while and see if you can get away without Ref Cells or at worst using mutable. You would often stumble upon a more elegant and more maintanable algorithm
Aliasing Ref Cells
Note: While imperative programming uses aliasing extensively, this practice has a number of problems. In particular it makes programs hard to follow since the state of any variable can be modified at any point elsewhere in an application. Additionally, multithreaded applications sharing mutable state are difficult to reason about since one thread can potentially change the state of a variable in another thread, which can result in a number of subtle errors related to race conditions and dead locks.
A ref cell is very similar to a C or C++ pointer. Its possible to point to two or more ref cells to the same memory address; changes at that memory address will change the state of all ref cells pointing to it. Conceptually, this process looks like this:
Let's say we have 3 ref cells looking at the same address in memory:
Three references to an integer with value 7
cell1, cell2, and cell3 are all pointing to the same address in memory. The .contents property of each cell is 7. Let's say, at some point in our program, we execute the code cell1 := 10, this changes the value in memory to the following:
Three references to an integer with value 10
By assigning cell1.contents a new value, the variables cell2 and cell3 were changed as well. This can be demonstrated using fsi as follows:
let cell1 = ref 7;;
val cell1 : int ref
let cell2 = cell1;;
val cell2 : int ref
let cell3 = cell2;;
val cell3 : int ref
val it : int = 7
val it : int = 7
val it : int = 7
cell1 := 10;;
val it : unit = ()
val it : int = 10
val it : int = 10
val it : int = 10
Anyone have a decent example, preferably practical/useful, they could post demonstrating the concept?
I came across this term somewhere that I’m unable to find, probably it has to do something with a function returning a function while enclosing on some mutable variable. So there’s no visible mutation.
Probably Haskell community has originated the idea where mutation happens in another area not visible to the scope. I maybe vague here so seeking help to understand more.
It's a good idea to hide mutation, so the consumers of the API won't inadvartently change something unexpectedly. This just means that you have to encapsulate your mutable data/state. This can be done via objects (yes, objects), but what you are referring to in your question can be done with a closure, the canonical example is a counter:
let countUp =
let mutable count = 0
(fun () -> count <- count + 1
countUp() // 1
countUp() // 2
countUp() // 3
You cannot access the mutable count variable directly.
Another example would be using mutable state within a function so that you cannot observe it, and the function is, for all intents and purposes, referentially transparent. Take for example the following function that reverses a string not character-wise, but rather by taking individual text elements (which, depending on language, can be more than one character):
let reverseStringU s =
if Core.string.IsNullOrEmpty s then s else
let rec iter acc (ee : System.Globalization.TextElementEnumerator) =
if not <| ee.MoveNext () then acc else
let e = ee.GetTextElement ()
iter (e :: acc) ee
let inline append x s = (^s : (member Append : ^x -> ^s) (s, x))
let sb = System.Text.StringBuilder s.Length
System.Globalization.StringInfo.GetTextElementEnumerator s
|> iter []
|> List.fold (fun a e -> append e a) sb
|> string
It uses a StringBuilder internally but you cannot observe this externally.
I have a Discriminated Union ("DU") type and a property OR method which computes something based on the DU instance. I am trying to achieve a pattern where the instance property performs the calculation the first time it is requested and then remembers the result - akin to a Singleton Pattern in Object Oriented Terms.
I am finding this challenging without the aid of a local instance variable to store the state of things...
I have tried simple memoization of a method but I then run into the problem of not having anywhere (in the instance) to store the memoized result.
Note: there will be many instances of this DU type in my application.
// Terrible mutable variable needed alongside the DU to achieve a singleton-like pattern
let mutable result: int option = None
type DU =
| Good of int
| Bad of int
// behaves like a Singleton
member this.GetSomething =
match result with
| None ->
printfn "Big bad side-effect to let us know it's a first time"
// big bad calculation that we only want to do once
let x = 1 + 1
// "memoize" it
result <- Some x
| Some y -> y
let instance = Good 1
let f1 = instance.GetSomething // first time
let f2 = instance.GetSomething // second call - no side effect1
You can't memoize inside of an immutable value, because memoization involves changing and maintaining state.
Obviously, you can do it outside of an immutable value:
let smth = getSomething "foo"
As long as you reuse smth instead of calling getSomething "foo" again, you've essentially memoized the result. This is safe if getSomething is referentially transparent; otherwise, it's not.
From the sample code posted in the OP, it looks more like you're looking for lazy initialization, which you can get from the Lazy<T> class. You'll still need an object in which to store the Lazy<T> instance, though.
open System
type MyObject() =
let result =
printfn "Big bad side-effect to let us know it's a first time"
// big bad calculation that we only want to do once
1 + 1
member this.GetSomething = result.Value
As you can see, in F# you can also use lazy expressions for this.
> let mo = MyObject ();;
val mo : MyObject
> let smth1 = mo.GetSomething;;
Big bad side-effect to let us know it's a first time
val smth1 : int = 2
> let smth2 = mo.GetSomething;;
val smth2 : int = 2
The MyObject class may look immutable, but that's only because state is being kept inside of the lazy expression.
This way it is possible to have a lazy inside a DU.
Because the type is Lazy.
type DU =
| Good of Lazy<int> // Lazy not lazy
| Bad of Lazy<int>
type MyObject() =
let result =
printfn "Big bad side-effect to let us know it's a first time"
// big bad calculation that we only want to do once
1 + 1) |> Good
member this.GetSomething = result
let mo = MyObject()
let f() =
match mo.GetSomething with
| Good x -> x.Value
| Bad y -> y.Value
Big bad side-effect to let us know it's a first time
val it : int = 2
val it : int = 2
I am trying to iterate through an IDictionary (reasons explained later...) in F#, and round each value to a specified precision. Essentially this is what I'm trying to do:
List.iter (fun(x) -> a.Item(x) <- Math.Round(a.Item(x), input.precision)) (ICollectionToDoubleList a.Keys)
(where ICollectionToDoubleList takes the ICollection a.Keys and casts it to a double list).
However since you can't alter mutable variables inside closures, this doesn't compile.
My first attempt at a solution was this:
List.iter (fun(x) -> let p = Math.Round(a.Item(x), input.precision)
a.Item(x) := p
) (ICollectionToDoubleList a.Keys)
However I'm getting the error:
This expression was expected to have type
'a ref
but here has type
on a.Item(x)
I could convert the IDictionary into two lists (or a list of tuples), perform the rounding, and re-cast into an IDictionary, but this seems a bit messy and convoluted.
Any guidance greatly appreciated.
I forgot to mention a was defined as:
let mutable (a : IDictionary<double,double>) = ...
I think you want
a.Item(x) <- p
In F# you use <- to assign to mutable values, whilst := assign to ref values.
You could even use
a.[x] <- p
for a slightly simpler version.
Explaination of what mutable means (it behaves like the opposite of const in C)
let mutable m = [|1|]
let t = [|1|]
m.[0] <- 0
t.[0] <- 0 //neither of these change m or t - only elements so they are fine
m <- [|1;2;3;|] //fine as m is mutable
t <- [|1;2;3;|] //not allowed as t is not mutable
If you are used to const in C, the above are roughly equivalent to
int* m = {1};
const int* t = {1}
note, neither is equivalent to
const int* q const = {1}
which is I think what you thought not mutable meant.
Ok so I've discovered the answer...
I have defined a as:
let mutable (a : IDictionary<double,double>) = ...
If I change this to
let (a : IDictionary<double,double>) = ...
then this compiles. It seems a little counter-intuative to me that a non-mutable value can be mutated, but a mutatable variable cannot!!
So if you go to a bank there is a device from which you can pull a number out.
I want to write a function like that. So everytime this function is called we get a next number in the series.
So if this function is called first time, we get 1. second time we get 2.... so on and so forth.
this is what I have written so far
let X =
let myseq = seq {1 .. 100}
let GetValue =
Seq.head (Seq.take 1 myseq)
let p = X;;
But it always return 1. My hope was that since the sequence is a closure, everytime I do a take, I will get the next number.
I also tried this
let X =
let mutable i = 1
let GetValue =
i <- i + 1
let p = X;;
This one only prints 2...
You have to return a function. And to it, you have to pass something every time, i.e. your +1 has to be deferred.
let factory =
let counter = ref 0
fun () ->
counter.Value <- !counter + 1
and now you get
> factory();;
val it : int = 1
> factory();;
val it : int = 2
doing it this way has the nice side-effect, that you completely hide the mutable reference cell inside the function and thus there is no way to somehow tamper with your counter.
Just for a reference, if you wanted a version that uses sequences (just like the first approach in your question), you can do that using the IEnumerable interface:
let factory =
// Infinite sequence of numbers & get enumerator
let numbers = Seq.initInfinite id
let en = numbers.GetEnumerator()
fun () ->
// Move to the next number and return it
en.MoveNext() |> ignore
It behaves the same way as factory in Daniel's answer. This still uses mutable state - but it is hidden inside the enumerator (which keeps the current state of the sequence between MoveNext calls).
In this simple case, I'd use Daniel's version, but the above might be handy if you want to iterate over something else than just increasing numbers.
You need to move the variable outside the declaration. You also need to declare a function so that it gets evaluated each time it is called.
let mutable i = 1
let X() =
i <- i + 1
This ensures that the function is called each time and that the variable is correctly incremented.
Is there a way to have mutable function arguments in F#, that would allow something like
let mutable i = 9
let somefun n = n <- 12; ()
somefun i
(* *not* a real-world example *)
I do understand that this can be made to work by wrapping it into a record type
type SomeRec = { mutable i: int }
let ri = { i = 9 }
let someotherfun r = r.i <- 12; ()
and that this can be done in a similar fashion for class members. However, even after browsing through the whole F# Language Specification (yes, I did!), there seems to be no syntax to allow the first case, and the compiler appears to be quite unhappy about my trying this. I was hoping there would be some sort of type annotation, but mutable cannot be used in such.
I also know that I should not be doing this sort of thing in the first place, but the first case (int binding) and the second (record type) are semantically identical, and any such objection would hold for both cases equally.
So I think that I am missing something here.
You can use ref as arguments
let v = ref 0
let mutate r =
r := 100
mutate v
printfn "%d" !v
Or byref keyword
let mutable v = 0
let mutate (r : byref<_>) =
r <- 100
mutate &v
printfn "%d" v
Use byref keyword which is equivalent to C# ref.
See Passing by reference.