Handle the button list in UITableViewCell - ios

I’m continuing to the last ViewController in my movie booking project. Because I’m new on iOS so please apologize if my question is so popular and very basic. Thank you in advance!.
So I have trouble to solve problem with the list of buttons in the cell.
I have the swift class file for the button:
class ButtonReverse: UIButton {
//something here. Color, etc.
class TypeOfSeat {
var normalSeat: Bool
var coupleSeat: Bool
var reversedSeat: Bool
var reversingSeat: Bool
// something here
class Total: TypeOfSeat {
var priceOfSeat: Int
func invoice () -> Int {
/// something here to return total of invoice.
// return total }
In the UITableViewCell.
I have list of the buttons to be ordered vertically.
How can I loop over the cell and create list of the buttons in one cell and random the button color that I have defined before be implement the function:
cellForRows at: IndexPath
All of buttons will be sorted in just one cell. Red is reversed seats. Yellow is reversing seat. And Green is available seat ready for reverse.
I have idea to use uicollectionview. But I want to use it with tableview only because i’m just starting with uitableview.
To handle the button in the cell I’m just using simple function to call delegate for UIAlert and show message: the seat is reversed or show the total......when user touch the button.
Many thanks,

To achieve your desired result you can follow these steps :
Use CollectionView.
Take your colors in an array and use random to get color randomly and make an array for your collection (say dataArray).
If you are using buttons just to click, then don't use them instead you can give cell's content view (or you can take one view in cell) corner radius to make them circle and assign the color.
Then implement didSelectItem method to get the click item of particular cell (or color) and fetch the data from your dataArray based on indexPath.item as index.


Adding a cell to another TableView. (selecting an item from a tableview, showing it in another tableview)

I'm building an app which which has built in with 2 different tabs. First tab is is "Home" which basically has a tableview with cells that configured from an api.(The api gets me country names for now)
Those cells also have a "Star" button which prints the data of the specific cell for now.
Second tab is "Saved" tab(SavedViewController), where I want to show the "starred" countries, using a tableview.
You can see the image below in order to get an idea for the app.
App simulation Image
The star button has a function in my CountriesTableViewCell. I'm using a saveButtonDelegate in order to let the SavedViewController know about an item is going to be saved. The code in CountriesTableViewCell for star button is as below.
#objc func buttonTapped() {
//If Button is selected fill the image. Else unfill it.
if !isSaveButtonSelected {
saveButton.setImage(UIImage(systemName: "star.fill"), for: .normal)
isSaveButtonSelected = true
saveButtonDelegate?.saveButtonClicked(with: countryData) //Checking if save button is clicked
countryData is the data that I get from the api, and this is the data I want to pass to SavedViewController.
struct CountryData: Codable {
let name : String
So on the SavedViewController, I'm handling the data using the SaveButtonProtocol conformance as below:
extension SavedViewController: SaveButtonProtocol {
func saveButtonClicked(with data: CountryData) {
print("countryData in savevc is \(countryDataArray)")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
Whenever I click the star button on the first tab, this function is getting called on SavedViewController. So whenever I click to button, those print statements above work fine.
The problem is, whenever the star button is clicked, it should append the data of the current clicked cell to countryDataArray in SavedViewController. But the array is not populating as it should.
Let's say I pressed the first cell's star button, my print("countryData in savevc is (countryDataArray)") statement prints : ["Vatican City"], then I press the second cell's star button it only prints ["Ethiopia"] while it should print ["Vatican City", "Ethiopia"]
Why this issue is happening? My best guess is I'm delegating SavedViewController from the cell class so it behaves differently for every other cell. If that is the problem what should I do to solve it?
Many Thanks.
You should store your data in a shared (static array) object so you only have one source and add the saved indicator in your country struct so you do not rely on what is displayed in one view controller.

Dimming other cells in UICollectionView when a cell is selected

I'm trying to build a UICollectionView for a messaging application, where each UICollectionViewCell in the UICollectionView corresponds to a message. I am using MessageKit, which extends UICollectionView, to handle the messages. When the user taps a message, I want to reveal information about the message (time sent, user reactions to the message, etc.).
GroupMe does this in a very elegant way by (1) expanding the message vertically to reveal information, and (2) dimming the rest of the messages in the view and disabling user interaction for them. Note that the highlighted cell is still interaction enabled. See before/after images below.
Before tapping message
After tapping message
Here I am focused on achieving (2), i.e. when a message is tapped, I want to dim all other cells and disable user interaction for them. I also want to be able to animate this change so that it dims all the other cells over some short duration. When the user taps anywhere in the view, I'd like the highlighted cell to 'unhighlight', and user interaction to be re-enabled for all cells, and similarly animate the revert.
I'm a little stumped on how to achieve this behavior - any ideas on how to implement this in Swift? Any pointers that could get me started in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!
You could add a UIView for each Cell’s subview, except for the one selected. This view could be animated by changing the alpha value with fading/appearing effect.
You can override isSelected property in your custom UICollectionViewCell to handle the user interaction and alpha on cell selection, i.e.
class CollectionViewCell: UICollectionViewCell {
override var isSelected: Bool {
didSet {
self.isUserInteractionEnabled = self.isSelected
self.alpha = self.isSelected ? 1.0 : 0.5
//rest of the code...

How to retain previous selection in collectionview after reload in Apple TV

Hi in my Apple TV application i have one left collectionview right collectionview.Like splitview.When ever i focus cell on left data will refresh on right and when i select any cell in right collection view i am refreshing left and right collectionviews with new data (Like next level).And when on click on menu i will refresh both collectionviews with old data (Like coming to previous level). I want to highlight cell in left collectionview with red colour but i am reloading left collectionview while going forward or coming backward so always first cell is highlighting with Red colour. Can anyone suggest how to maintain previous selection in left collection-views because i am using only one collectionview for left menu and just reloading data.
The easiest way to retain focus in a UITableView or UICollectionView is to use UICollectionView.remembersLastFocusedIndexPath = true. This will automatically restore focus to the last focused item in a collection/table view and also automatically focus on the first item if there was no previously focused item or if the collection view data is reloaded.
If you need more control, the next level is to set UICollectionView.remembersLastFocusedIndexPath = false and use UICollectionViewDelegate.indexPathForPreferredFocusedView from your UIViewController instead. This method is only called whenever focus changes to a collection view programmatically though (but not if focus changes to a collection view as a result of TV remote interaction).
Now to ensure that indexPathForPreferredFocusedView is called when you switch between the left and right collection views using a TV remote, you will need to intercept shouldUpdateFocusInContext to override focus switches between the left and right collection view programmatically:
override func shouldUpdateFocusInContext( ... ) -> Bool {
if let nextView: UIView = context.nextFocusedView, let previousView: UIView = context.previouslyFocusedView{
if (nextView.isDescendant(of:leftCollectionView) && previousView.isDescendant(of:rightCollectionView)){
setFocusTo(leftCollectionView) // will invoke delegate indexPath method
return false // prevent system default focus change in favor of programmatic change
else if (nextView.isDescendant(of:rightCollectionView && previousView.isDescendant(of:leftCollectionView){
setFocusTo(rightCollectionView) // will invoke delegate indexPath method
return false
return true
internal var focusedView: UIView?
internal func setFocusTo(_ view:UIView){
focusedView = view
override var preferredFocusEnvironments -> [UIFocusEnvironment]{
return focusedView != nil ? [focusedView!] : super.preferredFocusEnvironments
func indexPathForPreferredFocusedView(in collectionView: UICollectionView) -> IndexPath? {
Alternatively, instead of using setFocusTo( collectionView ) + indexPathForPreferredFocusedView, you can just use setFocusTo( collectionViewCell ). Overriding indexPathForPreferredFocusedView is more robust though since it catches all cases where focus shifts for reasons other than user interaction (ex: system focus update due to an alert displaying + dismissing)

Update array data used to create UITableView when IBAction is fired

I have created a UITableView that includes a UIImage, and two UILabels. This data is passed to a details view controller when the user selects the row. I have also successfully created a UIButton in the prototype cell that updates the text of one of the UILabels. I am unsuccessfully attempting to update this label within the array so this change is reflected on the details view controller. This is what I tried with no success:
#IBAction func updateTableData(_ sender: Any) {
grinds = createArray()
Here is a link to the repo: https://github.com/andrewTuzson/tableViewPractice
In the screenshot below, the left image displays the tableview after the first cell has been toggled to "Needs Work". The right image displays the details screen that is loaded after selecting the row.
How should I approach solving this?
If you want to update a tableViewCell upon the button click then, you should make the model array global to access it in click method and update what you want then reload the tableView either with delegate or NSNotificationCenter
in the custom class of the cell declare an integer property and in cellForRow set it like this
cell.index = indexpath.row

Swift 2.0, UITableView: cellForRowAtIndexPath returning nil for non-visible cells

Please don't mark this as a duplicate question because I have found no suitable answer for my query.
I have a table view with cells that contain text fields. I have a button at the bottom of the screen. The number of rows is greater than the screen can display, so some cells are not in view. I want that at any point when the button is pressed, all textfields be read and the text input be processed. I am unable to do so because apparently because of the reusability of cells, cells out of view do not exist at all and cellForRowAtIndexPath for those indexPaths gives a runtime error. I have read answers that say that this simply can't be done. But I find it hard to believe that there is no workaround to this. Please help. Thanks in advance!
This definitely can't shouldn't be done (accessing cells that are off screen, or implementing workarounds to allow it), for reasons of (at least) performance and memory usage.
Having said that there is, as you put it, a workaround. What you will need to do it change how you are storing the values in those text fields. Rather than iterating through cells and retrieving the text directly from the text fields you should store the text for each field in an collection.
Define a dictionary property on your table view controller / data source to hold the text for each row.
Act as the delegate of UITextField and assign as such in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
Implement textField:didEndEditing: (or whatever is appropriate for your use case) and store the text in the dictionary keyed against the index path relating to the cell that contains that text field.
Update the button action method to use this dictionary instead of iterating through cells.
Create a UITableViewCell subclass, add your tableViewCells a index property and introduce a delegate like:
protocol CustomCellDelegate {
func didEditTextField(test : String, atIndex : Int)
Create a delegate variable on your UITableViewCell subclass.
var delegate : CustomCellDelegate?
Implement the UITextViewDelegate in your tableViewCell and set the cell to be the delegate of your textfield.
Implement these two methods:
func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField) -> Bool {
return true
func textFieldDidEndEditing(textField : UITextField) {
// call back with the delegate here
// delegate?.didEditTextField(textfield.text, atIndex: self.index)
So when the user ends editing the textField, your cell will call out with a delegate, sending the text and the index.
On your viewController, when you init your tableViewCell, set the delegate of the cell to the viewController, and set the index to indexPath.row .
Set up on your viewController a String array with as many items as many tableViewCells you got. Init the array with empty strings.
So you got the delegate on your viewController, and whenever it is called, you just insert the returned text to right index in the string array on your viewcontroller.
What do think, will this work?
If we can assume that cells that have NEVER been created has no text inputs, then create an Array or Set ourselves and clone the content/input texts there whenever user inputs to a cell's textfield.
Whenever, that button is clicked, you can iterate the array instead of cells to get all the inputs.
This is a bit hacky though..
