Xtext validation across (unreferenced) files - xtext

I am struggling to validate (non-duplication) globally, across multiple files that do not explicitly reference each other.
Consider the standard initally-generated grammar
grammar org.xtext.example.mydsl.MyDsl with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
generate myDsl "http://www.xtext.org/example/mydsl/MyDsl"
'Hello' name=ID '!';
It is simple to validate that no file contains greeting for the same name.
package org.xtext.example.mydsl.validation
import org.eclipse.xtext.validation.Check
import org.xtext.example.mydsl.myDsl.Greeting
import org.xtext.example.mydsl.myDsl.Model
import org.xtext.example.mydsl.myDsl.MyDslPackage
class MyDslValidator extends AbstractMyDslValidator {
def checkGreetingLocallyUnique(Greeting greeting) {
for(greeting_ : (greeting.eContainer as Model).greetings) {
if(greeting!==greeting_ && greeting.name==greeting_.name) {
warning('Greeting duplication',
I do not understand how to validate non-duplication against all the files known to the global-index.
The stub of the method is
def checkGreetingGloballyUnique(Greeting greeting) {
for(greeting_ : /*???*/ ) {
if(greeting!==greeting_ && greeting.name==greeting_.name) {
warning('Global Greeting duplication',
How do I get access to the global index from within the validator?

the easiest way for a local duplicate validation is to enable it in the workflow and regenerate the language (this does not check locally though)
validator = {
composedCheck = "org.eclipse.xtext.validation.NamesAreUniqueValidator"
to search the index
IContainer.Manager containermanager;
ResourceDescriptionsProvider resourceDescriptionsProvider;
public .... getAllEntitiesFor( EObject eObject ) {
IResourceDescriptions resourceDescriptions = resourceDescriptionsProvider.getResourceDescriptions( eObject.eResource() );
IResourceDescription resourceDescription = resourceDescriptions.getResourceDescription( eObject.eResource().getURI() );
List<IContainer> visiblecontainers = containermanager.getVisibleContainers( resourceDescription, resourceDescriptions );
for (IContainer container : visiblecontainers) {
for (IEObjectDescription eobjectDescription : container.getExportedObjects()) {
EObject eObjectOrProxy = eobjectDescription.getEObjectOrProxy();

After much hacking, I obtained the following.
IResourceDescriptions iResourceDescriptions
Provider<XtextResourceSet> resourceSetProvider;
def checkGreetingGloballyUnique(Greeting greeting) {
for (resourceDescriptions : iResourceDescriptions.allResourceDescriptions) {
for (_greetingDescription : resourceDescriptions.getExportedObjectsByType(MyDslPackage.Literals.GREETING)) {
val _greeting = resourceSetProvider.get.getEObject(_greetingDescription.EObjectURI, true) as Greeting
// don't use equality, ALWAYS not equal!!
if (greeting.eResource.URI != _greeting.eResource.URI) {
// this means distinct files, all greetings in same file have same uri
if (greeting.name == _greeting.name) {
warning('Global greeting duplication', MyDslPackage.Literals.GREETING__NAME,
Rewrite, based on #Christian Dietrich's comments, I have the following solution.
IContainer.Manager containerManager;
IResourceDescriptions resourceDescriptions
Provider<XtextResourceSet> resourceSetProvider;
def checkGreetingGloballyUnique(Greeting greeting) {
var greeting_description = resourceDescriptions.getResourceDescription(greeting.eResource.URI)
var visibleContainers = containerManager.getVisibleContainers(greeting_description, resourceDescriptions)
for (visibleContainer : visibleContainers) {
for (_greetingDescription : visibleContainer.getExportedObjectsByType(MyDslPackage.Literals.GREETING)) {
val _greeting = resourceSetProvider.get.getEObject(_greetingDescription.EObjectURI, true) as Greeting
// don't use equality, ALWAYS greeting != _greeting !!
if (greeting.eResource.URI != _greeting.eResource.URI) {
// this means distinct files, all greetings in same file have same uri
if (greeting.name == _greeting.name) {
warning('Global greeting duplication', MyDslPackage.Literals.GREETING__NAME,


How to use jmockit in Spock to test static methods to return multiple different values?

I want to use jmockit to test the static method in Spock, and combine the where tag to achieve different values of each mock to test different business logic. I tried a lot of writing methods, but they all failed. I hope I can get help or suggestions here. Thank you very much
Here is an example of my business code:
public class MyUtils {
public static int staticMethod(int origin) {
return 0;
public class MyClass {
public void verify(int origin) {
if (MyUtils.staticMethod(origin) == 1) {
if (MyUtils.staticMethod(origin) == 2) {
This is my Spock test code:
def "verify"() {
mock | _
mockStatic(1) | _
mockStatic(2) | _
def mockStatic(val){
new MockUp<MyUtils>() {
public int staticMethod(int origin) {
return val
I know that power can implement such a function, but because our team has been using jmockit, we want to know whether jmockit can implement such multiple different values of mock in Spock?
Put your method call into a closure and evaluate the closure during each iteration:
package de.scrum_master.stackoverflow.q67882559
import mockit.Mock
import mockit.MockUp
import mockit.internal.state.SavePoint
import spock.lang.Requires
import spock.lang.Specification
import spock.lang.Unroll
class StaticMethodJMockitTest extends Specification {
def jMockitSavePoint = new SavePoint()
def cleanup() {
def "verify"() {
MyClass myClass = new MyClass()
mockClosure << [
{ /* no mock */ },
{ mockStatic(1) },
{ mockStatic(2) }
def mockStatic(val) {
new MockUp<MyUtils>() {
int staticMethod(int origin) {
return val
public static class MyUtils {
public static int staticMethod(int origin) {
return 0;
public static class MyClass {
public void verify(int origin) {
if (MyUtils.staticMethod(origin) == 1) {
if (MyUtils.staticMethod(origin) == 2) {
If you wish to use data tables, you need to help the parser a bit by explicitly adding it -> inside in the closure, if the closure is in the first column of the data table. You can also use some nice naming for your unrolled iterations:
def "verify #description"() {
MyClass myClass = new MyClass()
description | mockClosure
"no mock" | { /* no mock */ }
"mock result 1" | { mockStatic(1) }
"mock result 2" | { mockStatic(2) }
The reason for creating and rolling back the save point is that JMockit does not play nice with Spock concerning mock lifecycles and the maintainer has no intention to even think about helping. See JMockit issue #668 for more info.

Xtext: Use EClass in XExpression

I am writing on a Xtext grammar that uses XExpressions and also operates on Eclasses. Now I want to also be able to access Eclasses from the XExpression, for example I write an expression like this:
Eclass1.attribute1 = Eclass2.attribute1
I would like to know, how I can use the Eclass from within the XExpression?
grammar org.xtext.example.mydsl.Mydsl with
import "http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore" as ecore
generate mydsl "http://www.xtext.org/example/mydsl/Mydsl"
(operations += Operation)*;
terminal ATTR : ID ('.' ID)+;
'operation' left=[ecore::EClass|ATTR] 'and' right=
[ecore::EClass|ATTR] 'defined' 'as' condition=XExpression
Inferrer/ Infer method
def dispatch void infer(Model element, IJvmDeclaredTypeAcceptor acceptor, boolean isPreIndexingPhase) {
acceptor.accept(element.toClass("example.mydsl")) [
for (operation : element.operations) {
left = operation.left
right = operation.right
if (left.eIsProxy()) {
left = EcoreUtil.resolve(left, operation) as EClass
if (right.eIsProxy()) {
right = EcoreUtil.resolve(right, operation) as EClass
//field for right class left out, but works the same
members += left.toField(left.name,typeRef(left.EPackage.name+"."+left.name))
members += operation.toMethod("conditionExpr",
typeRef(Void.TYPE)) [
body = operation.condition
class MyDslRuntimeModule extends AbstractMyDslRuntimeModule {
def Class<? extends ImplicitlyImportedFeatures> bindImplicitlyImportedTypes() {
return MyImportFeature
class MyImportFeature extends ImplicitlyImportedFeatures{
override protected getStaticImportClasses() {
(super.getStaticImportClasses() + #[PackageFromWorkSpace]).toList
I Am not sure if i get your question.
Ususally EMF generates constants for EAttributes so if you want to access the attributes themselfs
so you could either do
can you give some more hints on what you actually want to do
update: here is a snippet on how to get a java class from a reference to an eclass
val EClass eclazz = f.clazz
val uri = EcorePlugin.getEPackageNsURIToGenModelLocationMap(true).get(eclazz.EPackage.nsURI)
val rs = new ResourceSetImpl
val r = rs.getResource(uri, true)
val p = r.contents.head
if (p instanceof GenModel) {
val genClass = p.findGenClassifier(eclazz)
if (genClass instanceof GenClass) {
members+=f.toField(eclazz.name, genClass.qualifiedInterfaceName.typeRef)

is there a way to use dependencies injection using typescript

i'm relative new to this, so i want to implement dependency injection using typescript (is the first time I use this pattern), I'm more that using language programming like java or c# for OOP, so there is more easy to apply this pattern,
I found an example on internet and I can use it without problems on eclipse and visual studio, but when i use it on typescript the IDE raise an error like this:
Supplied parameters do not match any signature of call target
and is just at the end of implement it when this error appears
my base class:
class Motor {
Acelerar(): void {
GetRevoluciones(): number {
let currentRPM: number = 0;
return currentRPM;
export {Motor};
my class that uses motor
import { Motor } from "./1";
class Vehiculo {
private m: Motor;
public Vehiculo(motorVehiculo: Motor) {
this.m = motorVehiculo;
public GetRevolucionesMotor(): number {
if (this.m != null) {
return this.m.GetRevoluciones();
else {
return -1;
export { Vehiculo };
my interface and the type of motor
interface IMotor {
Acelerar(): void;
GetRevoluciones(): number;
class MotorGasoline implements IMotor {
private DoAdmission() { }
private DoCompression() { }
private DoExplosion() { }
private DoEscape() { }
Acelerar() {
GetRevoluciones() {
let currentRPM: number = 0;
return currentRPM;
class MotorDiesel implements IMotor {
Acelerar() {
GetRevoluciones() {
let currentRPM: number = 0;
return currentRPM;
DoAdmission() { }
DoCompression() { }
DoCombustion() { }
DoEscape() { }
and here is where the error appears:
import { Vehiculo } from "./2";
enum TypeMotor {
class VehiculoFactory {
public static VehiculoCreate(tipo: TypeMotor) {
let v: Vehiculo = null;
switch (tipo) {
case TypeMotor.MOTOR_DIESEL:
v = new Vehiculo(new MotorDiesel()); break;
case TypeMotor.MOTOR_GASOLINE:
v = new Vehiculo(new MotorGasoline()); break;
default: break;
return v;
I don't wanna use any library or module like SIMPLE-DIJS or D4js or any other for the moment, I just wanna know how to implement without them
You have this error because you don't specify a constructor on the Vehiculo type.
To declare a constructor you should use use the constructor keyword and not the name of the class.
class Vehiculo {
private m: Motor;
constructor(motorVehiculo: Motor) {
this.m = motorVehiculo;
public GetRevolucionesMotor(): number {
if (this.m != null) {
return this.m.GetRevoluciones();
else {
return -1;

How to compile an XBlockExpression within a longer generated code

I have a DSL that includes blocks that need to be wrapped as methods returned inside an anonymous class created by the generated code. For example:
model {
task {
val x = 2*5;
Math.pow(2, x)
should compile to (note task becoming an instance of Runnable, with the body of the task becoming the body of the Runnable.run() method):
import java.util.Collection;
public class MyFile {
public Collection<Runnable> tasks() {
ArrayList<Runnable> tasks = new ArrayList<>();
return tasks;
public static Runnable getTask0() {
Runnable _runnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
final int x = (2 * 5);
Math.pow(2, x);
return _runnable;
Following the discussion in this question, I was able to get this particular example to work. (Github repo includes unit tests.) But I had to do it by representing the Task element in the grammar as a sequence of XExpressions (source), which my XbaseCompiler subclass had to iterate over (source).
Instead, it would have been nice to be able to just have Task contain an XBlockExpression in a property action, and then in the compiler just do doInternalToJavaStatement(expr.action, it, isReferenced). My sense is that this is really the "right" solution in my case, but when I tried it, this would result in an empty body of the generated run method, as if the block was not processed at all. What's going on, and am I missing some required bits of setup/wiring things together/bindings that are necessary for this to work?
you ususally try to avoid that by using a better inference strategy e.g.
{Model}"model" "{"
"var" name=ID ":" type=JvmParameterizedTypeReference
{Task} "task" content=XBlockExpression
class MyDslJvmModelInferrer extends AbstractModelInferrer {
#Inject extension JvmTypesBuilder
def dispatch void infer(Model element, IJvmDeclaredTypeAcceptor acceptor, boolean isPreIndexingPhase) {
acceptor.accept(element.toClass("test.Model2")) [
for (v : element.vars) {
members+=v.toField(v.name, v.type.cloneWithProxies) [
var i = 0;
for (t : element.tasks) {
val doRunName = "doRun"+i
members += t.toMethod("task"+i, Runnable.typeRef()) [
body = '''
return new «Runnable» () {
public void run() {
members += t.toMethod(doRunName, Void.TYPE.typeRef()) [
body = t.content
i = i + 1
and that basically is it.
you may follow https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=481992
If you really want to adapt the xbase typesystem that may be a lot more of work e.g. (just covering a minimal case)
{Model}"model" "{"
"var" name=ID ":" type=JvmParameterizedTypeReference
{Task} "task" content=XTaskContent
XTaskContent returns xbase::XExpression:
{XTaskContent} block=XBlockExpression
class MyDslJvmModelInferrer extends AbstractModelInferrer {
#Inject extension JvmTypesBuilder
def dispatch void infer(Model element, IJvmDeclaredTypeAcceptor acceptor, boolean isPreIndexingPhase) {
acceptor.accept(element.toClass("test.Model")) [
for (v : element.vars) {
members+=v.toField(v.name, v.type.cloneWithProxies) [
var i = 0;
for (t : element.tasks) {
members += t.toMethod("task"+i, Runnable.typeRef()) [
body = t.content
i = i + 1
Type Computer
class MyDslTypeComputer extends XbaseTypeComputer {
override computeTypes(XExpression expression, ITypeComputationState state) {
if (expression instanceof XTaskContent) {
_computeTypes(expression as XTaskContent, state);
} else {
super.computeTypes(expression, state)
protected def void _computeTypes(XTaskContent object, ITypeComputationState state) {
state.acceptActualType(getTypeForName(Runnable, state), ConformanceFlags.CHECKED_SUCCESS )
class MyDslCompiler extends XbaseCompiler {
override protected internalToConvertedExpression(XExpression obj, ITreeAppendable appendable) {
if (obj instanceof XTaskContent) {
appendable.append("new ").append(Runnable).append("() {").newLine
appendable.append("public void run()").newLine
reassignThisInClosure(appendable, null)
internalToJavaStatement(obj.block, appendable, false)
} else {
super.internalToConvertedExpression(obj, appendable)
class MyDslRuntimeModule extends AbstractMyDslRuntimeModule {
def Class<? extends ITypeComputer> bindITypeComputer() {
return MyDslTypeComputer
def Class<? extends XbaseCompiler> bindXbaseCompiler() {
return MyDslCompiler

dart, how to define a class so it can be used as a class attribute?

I've seen in polymer.dart they have:
class CustomTag {
final String tagName;
const CustomTag(this.tagName);
but how does that interact with the rest of the code? from just the code above I can't see how using #CustomTag('my-tag') actually does anything but creates a CustomTag which is then garbage collected since nothing is referencing it.
To answer the question in the title; these are called Annotations; they are simply const constructors.
To answer the second question; these are usually used for tooling (eg. #deprecated) or rewriting via a Transformer. You can access them at runtime using mirrors, but that's probably not practical/advisable for a production web app that gets converted to JavaScript.
Here's some sample code taken from this answer
import "dart:mirrors";
void main() {
var object = new Class1();
var classMirror = reflectClass(object.runtimeType);
// Retrieve 'HelloMetadata' for 'object'
HelloMetadata hello = getAnnotation(classMirror, HelloMetadata);
print("'HelloMetadata' for object: $hello");
// Retrieve 'Goodbye' for 'object.method'
var methodMirror = (reflect(object.method) as ClosureMirror).function;
Goodbye goodbye = getAnnotation(methodMirror, Goodbye);
print("'Goodbye' for object: $goodbye");
// Retrieve all 'Goodbye' for 'object.method'
List<Goodbye> goodbyes = getAnnotations(methodMirror, Goodbye);
print("'Goodbye's for object.method': $goodbyes");
// Retrieve all metadata for 'object.method'
List all = getAnnotations(methodMirror);
print("'Metadata for object.method': $all");
Object getAnnotation(DeclarationMirror declaration, Type annotation) {
for (var instance in declaration.metadata) {
if (instance.hasReflectee) {
var reflectee = instance.reflectee;
if (reflectee.runtimeType == annotation) {
return reflectee;
return null;
List getAnnotations(DeclarationMirror declaration, [Type annotation]) {
var result = [];
for (var instance in declaration.metadata) {
if (instance.hasReflectee) {
var reflectee = instance.reflectee;
if (annotation == null) {
} else if (reflectee.runtimeType == annotation) {
return result;
class Class1 {
void method() {
class HelloMetadata {
final String text;
const HelloMetadata(this.text);
String toString() => "Hello '$text'";
class Goodbye {
final String text;
const Goodbye(this.text);
String toString() => "Goodbye '$text'";
'HelloMetadata' for object: Hello 'Class1'
'Goodbye' for object: Goodbye 'method'
'Goodbye's for object.method': [Goodbye 'method', Goodbye 'Class1']
'Metadata for object.method': [Hello 'method', Goodbye 'method', Goodbye 'Class1']
