Clear HTML5 date input on iOS - ios

I have been using the input type="date" form element but have found that the "Clear" option visible on the iOS datepicker behaves like a "reset" and that there is actually no way to clear a date value.
This happens with both Chrome & Safari on iOS.
I created a codepen that illustrates this (providing you access it with an iOS device or simulator) here:
<label for="the_date">The date:</label>
<input type="date"
Is there a workaround for this or do I need to revert to a JavaScript datepicker rather than relying on the HTML5 date input type for iOS users?


How to disable field's auoifilling in Chrome with Vaadin?

In all input fields in Chrome appear nonsens texts - some texts, that were written in other text field. It seems, that it is connected with default IDs. It can be probably resolved for text fields with setting custom id with setId(..) method. But it doesn't work for datefields, comboboxes etc. while the id is set for the parent div not the input itself eg.:
<div role="combobox" class="v-filterselect v-widget small v-filterselect-small v-has-width" id="Field-1553856663994" style="width: 100%;" autocomplete="off">
<input type="text" class="v-filterselect-input" autocomplete="nope" id="gwt-uid-134" aria-labelledby="gwt-uid-133" style="width: 100%;" tabindex="0" dir="">
<div class="v-filterselect-button" aria-hidden="true" role="button"></div></div>
Is the way in Vaadin to set id for inner element or to disable completion in Chrome?
Chrome the behavior on autocomplete attribute changed a while ago, but it has been until recently we made a change in our implementation according to that in Vaadin 8.
There is lengthy discssion about this in our issue tracker;::

iOS 12 Password Autofill with Local HTML file

I am currently testing iOS 12's new Password Autofill feature. The WWDC talk says it does support WKWebview. However I cannot get the keyboard to suggest any creds.
The sample project contains half a webview with 2 input fields and half contains 2 native text fields.
I added the textfields as the control. They DO populate creds and Password autofill works as expected.
On the web view it just shows the Passwords with key icon.
Here is my html
<title>My Page</title>
<form name="myform">
<div align="center">
<input id="user-text-field" type="email" autocomplete="username"/>
<input id="password-text-field" type="password" autocomplete="current-password"/>
Has anyone else gotten it to work with local html files? I did file a radar but they said they can not reproduce which is impossible. The sample app shows it simple does not work.
My Config
Xcode b4/b5
iOS 12 b4/b5
iPhone X

jQuery UI datepicker on mobile Safari (iPhone) month/year dropdown strange behaviour

This issue is apparent on mobile Safari on an iPhone (I haven't tested on other iOS devices) but I have not been able to reproduce on Windows or Android.
A simple version can be found at
I'm unable to use the native <input type="date"> as I require the flexibility of the datepicker.
To reproduce simply select a different month from the datepicker control then click on a day in the calendar or the random element - the iOS picker wheel re-appears.
Is there some way of letting iOS know it doesn't need to keep popping the picker up.
changeYear: true,
changeMonth: true
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="date">
<button type="submit">
random element with link

When is the Scan Credit Card option available on iOS8 Safari?

So Safari offers Scan Credit Card feature on iOS8 with some credit card forms.
My question is, how does Safari determine when to offer this option?
So far I found that this option is available on Amazon and PayPal, but none of my credit card input forms were able to reproduce this behaviour.
After a bit of research with an iOS8 browser and Chrome emulation I figured it out partially. I know of some solutions, but I don't know for sure if there are other ways to do it. You'll have to thank Apple for the amazing lack of documentation around this.
Currently Netflix/Amazon have credit card scanning working properly. So I emulated an iOS8 user agent in my Chrome browser and inspected the markup of their credit card number field. Here's Netflix's:
<input name="cardNumber" smopname="num" id="cardNumber-CC" class="cardNumber" type="text" value="************0891" pattern="[0-9]*">
And here's Amazon's:
<input name="addCreditCardNumber" size="20" maxlength="20">
At that point I played around with a form served over HTTPS that I had control over and started setting attributes to see what would happen. Below, "works" means "successfully triggered card scan" and "doesn't work" means "did not trigger card scan":
name="addCreditCardNumber" => works
name="cardNumber" => works
name="cardnumber" => works
class="cardNumber" => does not work
type="cardNumber" => does not work
id="cardNumber", id="creditCardNumber", id="creditCardMonth", id="creditCardYear" => works
Since the name attribute drives form data and might impact the way server-side form processing works I highly recommend triggering credit card scan by setting your input id to cardNumber.
I would link to the relevant documentation...but hey! There's none (at least, not that I know of)
I think your better bet is to use HTML5 Autocomplete Types on your inputs.
Stick to the credit card related types, and most modern browsers will auto recognize these fields for you, including Mobile Safari and the "Scan Credit Card" feature. Bonus is that you'll always get the correct keyboard on mobile devices too.
Example (note autocomplete, x-autocompletetype, and pattern attributes):
<input type="text" id="cc-num" autocomplete="cc-number" x-autocompletetype="cc-number" pattern="\d*">
<input type="text" id="cc-name" autocomplete="cc-name" x-autocompletetype="cc-full-name">
I also wrote a related blog post on this topic and built an HTML5 Autocomplete Cheatsheet.
In addition to Arnaud Brousseau's answer, a search for "card number" in the iOS simulator files yields this file:
A quick run of strings on it reveals these strings which are certainly used for matching potential fields:
card number
cc num
credit card number
new credit card
credit card no
card #
security code
card verification
name on credit card
name on card
card holder
name des karteninhabers
card type
cc type
payment type
expiration date
and a bit further:
date m
date mo
date y
date yr
Can't quite see (with this naïve approach) any references to which attributes (id, name, placeholder...) or other metadata (label maybe?) are actually compared against this list. Also, with the exception of "name des karteninhabers", this is really very english-oriented, that's quite unusual for Apple IMHO.
Thanks to #barbazoo, the Scan Credit Card option will be available over https with a valid (not self signed) certificate.
For the expiration fields, based on Arnaud's answer, I found that the expiration fields would be recognized from cardExpirationYear and cardExpirationMonth being in the id attribute.
This worked when the year and month are regular text inputs with the appropriate IDs. The month is populated as a 2-digit number and the year as a 4-digit number.
In a quick test using <select> tags, I found that it also populated the correct month and year.
<input type="text" id="cardNumber" placeholder="CC number">
<select id="cardExpirationMonth">
<option value="01">01</option>
<option value="02">02</option>
<option value="11">11</option>
<option value="12">12</option>
<select id="cardExpirationYear">
<option value="2014">2014</option>
<option value="2015">2015</option>
<option value="2024">2024</option>
<option value="2025">2025</option>
I don't know what other values will work in the option tags.
It's not about when, it's about how we can enable this feature in Safari browser.
Let's just talk about what happens when a form is submitted:
Some browsers stores all input values with it's name attribute. And it will offer to autocomplete those fields when it encounters same named input elements.
Some browsers scan for just autocomplete attribute for offering auto-completion and,
Some others scan for an attribute like label or name for input elements too.
Now, autocomplete attribute can have a larger set of values including cc-name (Card name), cc-number, cc-exp, cc-csc (Security number - CVV) etc. (full list here)
For example, we could say to a browser that, this is card number field and it should offer autocomplete when possible and it should enable scan credit card feature as:
<label>Credit card number:
<input type=text autocomplete="cc-number">
In general:
<input type="text" autocomplete="[section-](optional) [shipping|billing](optional)
[home|work|mobile|fax|pager](optional) [autofill field name]">
more detailed ex:
<input type="text" name="foo" id="foo" autocomplete="section-red shipping mobile tel">
And each autocomplete values goes like this:
section-red : wrapping as a section. (named red)
shipping : shopping/billing
mobile : home|work|mobile|fax|pager (For telephone)
tel : [Tokens][2]
When we code it like this browser know exactly what kind of value should be populated in that field.
But browser like safari need name or id or label values should also be set right.
Support so far for autocomplete, id and name attributes for auto-completing values.
Browse Ver OS ID Name Autocomplete
Chrome 50 OS X 10.11.4 No Yes Yes
Opera 35 OS X 10.11.4 No Yes Yes
Firefox 46 OS X 10.11.4 Yes Yes No
Edge 25 Windows 10 No Yes No
Safari 9.1 OS X 10.11.4 Partial Partial Partial
Safari 9 iOS 9.3.1 Partial Partial Partial
There are more things at play here. I strongly recommend this blog I referred.
I've found that something like this works, but I consider this a very ugly solution, since it depends on the actual displayed text between the label tags:
<title>AutoFill test</title>
<h1>AutoFill test</h1>
<h2>revision 4</h2>
<form action="#">
<input type="text" name="cardNumber" id="id1"> <label for="id1">Number</label><br>
<input type="text" name="cardName" id="id2"> <label for="id2">Name on card</label><br>
<label>Expiration date</label>
<input type="text" name="expirationMonth" id="id3" maxlength="2">
<input type="text" name="expirationYear" id="id4" maxlength="2"><br>
<input type="text" name="csc" id="5"> <label for="id5">CSC</label><br>
I am not entirely sure, but I think, that name parameters are not important.
This is now all broken after upgrading to iOS 8.1.3 this morning. When on iOS 8.1.2 all of the above worked just fine - now the keyboard option to scan credit card simply does not appear. Here's my code, which did work yesterday on iOS 8.1.2 and does not work today on iOS 8.1.3:
<title>Scan credit card using iOS 8</title>
<style type="text/css">
input {height:1.5em;width:95%}
input[type="number"] {font-size: 2.5em}
body {background-color:lightgray;font-size: 3em;font-family: sans-serif;}
#purchase {font-size: 2em;font-weight: bold;height:1.2em}
<form action="" method="POST">
Credit Card Number 1<br />
<input type="number" autocomplete="cc-number" name="cardNumber" id="cardNumber" value="" placeholder="*** **** *** ****" />
<br />
Expiry month <br />
<input type="number" name="expirationMonth" id="cardExpirationMonth" />
<br />
Expiry year <br />
<input type="number" name="expirationYear" id="cardExpirationYear" />
<br />
<br />
<input type="submit" value="Purchase" id="purchase">
Even after using the autocomplete and ID methods described above, I had a label at the top of my page with the value Credit / Debit / Gift Card that prevented iOS from offering the Scan CC option. I ended up adding this label above my CC number field to trick iOS into offering the Scan CC option:
<label style="opacity:0.01;color:#FFF;font-size:2pt;">Card Number</label>
Opacity of 0, or a font-size of 1pt prevents iOS from offering the option.

jquery mobile js include is overwriting bootstrap css - how do I fix?

I'm working on a Pyramid (python) web application, and trying to create a responsive-ish design that will gracefully switch between a desktop-sized browser and a mobile browser. I'm wanting to use Twitter Bootstrap for the desktop UI and jquery mobile for the mobile UI.
My CSS is like this:
#charset "utf-8";
#import url("") (max-width: 480px);
#import url("css/bootstrap.min.css") (min-width: 481px);
This actually seems to be working well in switching styles on the fly as the window resizes. If it's a larger window, it shows my desktop UI styles, and once it hits the "mobile" threshold it shows the jquery mobile UI. Sweet.
My problem appears to be in my HTML/mako template, though. I've placed my .js includes at the bottom of the page. The important snippet is:
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="${request.static_url('myapp:static/js/bootstrap.min.js')}"></script>
I have radio buttons with labels on the desktop UI like so:
<input type="radio" name="answer" id="1" value="1"> 1</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="answer" id="2" value="2"> 2</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="answer" id="3" value="3"> 3</label>
<input type="radio" name="answer" id="foo" value="foo">foo
When all .js includes are active, the actual radio input control is not inline with the label text; instead it appears to be set as a block element and is appearing onscreen on its own line after the label. I've tried tweaking the CSS to override the radio input styles but the best I can get so far is setting the radio type to inline but it's still appearing after the label, instead of before.
Buuuut, if I comment out the jquery mobile .js include:
<script src=""></script>
<!--<script src=""></script>-->
<script src="${request.static_url('myapp:static/js/bootstrap.min.js')}"></script>
then the desktop UI looks correct. Of course at that point I've lost my jquery mobile UI.
So what seems to be happening is something in the jquery mobile javascript is overriding the style includes, but I don't know what or why. Is there a way I can force things to not run the jquery mobile stuff at larger resolutions? Any help or hints?
You may need to disable jquery mobile for these input fields:
from :
if you'd prefer that a particular form control be left untouched by jQuery Mobile, simply give that element the attribute data-role="none". For example:
<label for="foo">
<select name="foo" id="foo" data-role="none">
<option value="a" >A</option>
<option value="b" >B</option>
<option value="c" >C</option>
