How to define query in solr - join

I am making a log searching service for business by solr.
I have some problem during query configuration.
I have below data.
message_type, mobile_no, ident_no, resultCode
||CCR, 01012345678, 1, null||
||CCA, null, 1, 5012||
I want to find all records with same ident_no by using mobile_no.
So, I am thinking sql statement like below.
I defined below query for solr.
http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q={!join from=ident_no to=ident_no}mobile_no:01012345678
I didn’t receive the result by using query.
Is this query incorrect?

If you have added field mobile number in your schema.xml,then you can fetch the result by using query as mobile number : 1234567890


Solr pass value between subquery and upper query

I have to perform the following SQL query on a Solr collection:
select c.CONTRACT
from contracts c
where c.LIMIT_TYPE = 4
and c.TRANSACTION_DATE_DB = (select max(TRANSACTION_DATE_DB) from contracts c2 where c.CONTRACT = c2.CONTRACT and c2.LIMIT_TYPE = 4)
group by c.CONTRACT
order by c.CONTRACT desc;
The objective of the query is the following:
the subquery find, for each contract, the record with last transaction date for limit type 4
the upper query checks if, for each contract, if the record returned has status enabled.
I've seen that there are two possible ways to perform this query using solr: join and subquery
Here below I'll paste my 100th attempt using subquery:
The subquery is correct. However, for each contract, the result contains all the records for that contract. In fact, I'm missing here how to make the upper query return, for each contract, only the record having the same transaction_date_db returned by the subquery.
I tried to add the following condition:
But still, I don't have the desired result.
I've also saw join, but I've failed miserably :P
Does anyone have any suggestion? Going crazy for two days now.
Thanks a lot

Using a subquery as a parameter

I am using Google Sheets and have a connected query where I am using parameters. When one of the parameters is configured to be a subquery, the query will run, but no results are returned.
For example, here is my (simplified) query:
FROM table
WHERE campaign IN (#CAMPAIGN);
In this example, I have the #CAMPAIGN parameter in the Google Sheet configured as:
SELECT DISTINCT campaign FROM table2
If I manually substitute the parameter in the BQ console, it runs fine and returns the expected results. Is there a reason this functionality does not work with parameter substitution in the Google Sheet? Is there a way around this?
Depending on how much SQL SELECT type lookups you do, it may help to use a #customfunction that I wrote. You need to place my SQL .js in your Google sheets project and the =gsSQL() custom function will be available.
The one requirement for this versus using =QUERY() is that unique column titles are required for each column.
It is available on github:
gsSQL github project
This example works if each sheet is a table, so it would be entered something like
=gsSQL("SELECT, books.title, books.author_id
FROM books
WHERE books.author_id IN (SELECT id from authors)
ORDER BY books.title")
In this example, I have a sheet named 'books' and another sheet named 'authors'.
If you need to specify a named range or an A1 notation range as a table, this can also be done with a little more work...
=gsSQL("SELECT, books.title, books.author_id
FROM books
WHERE books.author_id IN (SELECT id from authors)
ORDER BY books.title", {{'books', 'books!$A$1:$I', 60};
{'authors', 'authors!$A$1:$J30', 60}}, true)
In this example, the books and authors come from specific ranges, the data will be cached for 60 seconds and column titles are output.

Handcrafted OData queries on Exact Online with Invantive

We are currently running a number of hand-crafted and optimized OData queries on Exact Online using Python. This runs on several thousand of divisions. However, I want to migrate them to Invantive SQL for ease of maintenance.
But some of the optimizations like explicit orderby in the OData query are not forwarded to Exact Online by Invantive SQL; they just retrieve all data or the top x and then do an orderby.
Especially for maximum value determination that can be a lot slower.
Simple sample on small table:<<division>>/financial/Journals?$select=BankAccountIBAN,BankAccountDescription&$orderby=BankAccountIBAN desc&$top=5
Is there an alternative to optimize the actual OData queries executed by Invantive SQL?
You can either use the Data Replicator or send the hand-craft OData query through a native platform request, such as:
insert into NativePlatformScalarRequests
( url
, orig_system_group
select replace('{division}/financial/Journals?$select=BankAccountIBAN,BankAccountDescription&$orderby=BankAccountIBAN desc&$top=5', '{division}', code)
, 'MYSTUFF-' || code
from systempartitions#datadictionary
limit 100 /* First 100 divisions. */
create or replace table exact_online_download_journal_top5#inmemorystorage
select jte.*
from ( select npt.result
from NativePlatformScalarRequests npt
where npt.orig_system_group like 'MYSTUFF-%'
and npt.result is not null
) npt
join jsontable
( null
passing npt.result
columns BankAccountDescription varchar2 path 'd[0].BankAccountDescription'
, BankAccountIBAN varchar2 path 'd[0].BankAccountIBAN'
) jte
From here on you can use the in memory table, such as:
select * from exact_online_download_journal_top5#inmemorystorage
But of course you can also 'insert into sqlserver'.

Select join table fields in SOLR

I have a SQL query something like this
P . ID,
P .code,
properties P
LEFT JOIN locations l ON l. ID = P .location_id;
I want to convert this query to SOLR query. I can join two cores by below system*:*&fq={!join from=id to=location_id fromIndex=locations}p_id:12345
But I cant select the fields of locations core.How can I do this? Your valuable suggestion will be appreciated.
You can use subquery in the fl. Something like this fl=*,locations:[subquery fromIndex=locations]&locations.q={!terms f=id v=$row.location_id}
More info here
You can't. Solr does not support returning fields from both ends of an join. Solr is not a relational database, so you're usually better off trying to not use it as one.
Instead, index the information about each location to each property, and query based on that.
If any location info changes (which it turns out, usually happens very rarely), reindex the documents assigned that location.

using SQL aggregate functions with JOINs

I have two tables - tool_downloads and tool_configurations. I am trying to retrieve the most recent build date for each tool in my database. The layout of the DB is simple. One table called tool_downloads keeps track of when a tool is downloaded. Another table is called tool_configurations and stores the actual data about the tool. They are linked together by the tool_conf_id.
If I run the following query which omits dates, I get back 200 records.
SELECT DISTINCT a.tool_conf_id, b.tool_conf_id
FROM tool_downloads a
JOIN tool_configurations b
ON a.tool_conf_id = b.tool_conf_id
ORDER BY a.tool_conf_id
When I try to add in date information I get back hundreds of thousands of records! Here is the query that fails horribly.
SELECT DISTINCT a.tool_conf_id, max(a.configured_date) as config_date, b.configuration_name
FROM tool_downloads a
JOIN tool_configurations b
ON a.tool_conf_id = b.tool_conf_id
ORDER BY a.tool_conf_id
I know the problem has something to do with group-bys/aggregate data and joins. I can't really search google since I don't know the name of the problem I'm encountering. Any help would be appreciated.
Solution is:
SELECT b.tool_conf_id, b.configuration_name, max(a.configured_date) as config_date
FROM tool_downloads a
JOIN tool_configurations b
ON a.tool_conf_id = b.tool_conf_id
GROUP BY b.tool_conf_id, b.configuration_name
