image density of foreground - opencv

I want to get the density of the foreground.To be specific,first I need to to get the region of the foreground,inside the blue curve.Then use pixels inside the region to compute density.Obviously it cannot be solved by threshold or contour methods.It is a part of a Chinese character,so OCR may be useful,I don't know.Any advice?Thanks.
Now I have some idea.Randomly select 100 dots or more,than compute the average pixels around these dots,say radius is 100 or other.Hope this would be a estimate of the density.Is there some algorithm to achieve this?
Original Image
Result expected

Dilation works really well for your application like #Mark Setchell already pointed out in the comments.
First, use the dilate function to fill the gap in between your components. I used a quadratic kernel of size 35:
Next, use the threshold function to obtain a binary image:
Finally, use the findContours function to calculate the image contours and draw them using drawContours. The result will look very similar to your desired output:
You may have to change some parameters (mainly the dilation kernel size) depending on your input, but this should generally be the best approach to your problem.


How to extract the paper contours in this image (opencv)?

I'm trying to extract the geometries of the papers in the image below, but I'm having some trouble with grabbing the contours. I don't know which threshold algorithm to use (here I used static threshold = 10, which is probably not ideal.
And as you can see, I can get the correct number of images, but I can't get the proper bounds using this method.
Simply applying Otsu just doesn't work, it doesn't capture the geometries.
I assume I need to apply some edge detection, but I'm not sure what to do once I apply Canny or some other.
I also tried sobel in both directions (+ve and -ve in x and y), but unsure how to extract these contours from there.
How do I grab these contours?
Below is some previews of the images in the process of the final convex hull results.
**Original Image** **Sharpened**
**Dilate,Sharpen,Erode,Sharpen** **Convex Of Approximated Polygons Hulls (which doesn't fully capture desired regions)**
Sorry in advance about the horrible formatting, I have no idea how to make images smaller or title them nicely in SOF

Relation between imageJ blur radius and OpenCV Gaussian Blur sigma

I am trying to blur a ROI in an image using Gaussian filter and imageJ software.
I am getting the desired result with blur radius as 9 in imageJ.
Now I am trying to write the corresponding OpenCV C++ application to do same operations which I did with imageJ.
The Gaussian Blur signature in openCV is as below:
C++: void GaussianBlur(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size ksize, double sigmaX, double sigmaY=0, int borderType=BORDER_DEFAULT )
What is the sigmaX and sigmaY corresponding to ImageJ blur radius of 9?
I tried many resources such as:
Blur Radius
but I am not getting the same results with OpenCV.
Could you please elaborate on how the results are "not the same" ?
The blur radius in ImageJ is defined as "'Radius' means the radius of decay to exp(-0.5) ~ 61%, i.e. the standard deviation sigma of the Gaussian" (coming from ImageJ documentation :
I see no reason why it should not be implemented the same way in OpenCV.
However, I also observe these differences between ImageJ and OpenCV gaussian blur.
While for the moment I have no solution to make these absolutely the same, I managed to get them closer, and can see one potential difference and one difference for sure in implementation :
Kernel size (potential difference) :
Are you aware that kernel size and gaussian radius are two different things ? Kernel size is the size of the kernel applied to the image (3*3, 5*5 etc), but inside this kernel a gaussian with any radius can theroetically exist. However, kernel size is often chosed such that on the kernel borders, the gaussian function has decayed to about zero.
This being said, ImageJ automatically choses the kernel for you depending on the radius you chose, in order to fulfill the "gaussian decays to zero on borders" condition. The OpenCV function also does that if you set sigma to your desired radius and ksize as zero. The question is "do they both do it the same way ?".
ImageJ's implementation of this is trickier than you might think : "In ImageJ, the size of the kernel actually used depends on the accuracy
needed: With sigma=1, for 16-bit and float images the kernel is 9 pixels
wide (which gives 9x9 for a 2D image), but for 8-bit or RGB images is is
only 7 pixels wide because there is no need for a very high accuracy if
there are only 256 different values. For large values of sigma, the situation is more complex: For sigma >=8, the data are first downscaled, then the Gaussian Blur is applied, and interpolation is used for upscaling to the original number of data points. The downscaling and interpolation algorithms are specially designed for best accuracy.", etc etc (coming from the "ImageJ forum", I can't post the link since I don't have enough reputation, but just google this quote if you want the source)
I do not know if OpenCV does such operations or if it computes the kernel size differently, thus giving different results. (couldn't find it with Google).
Borders (difference for sure) : As you probably know, the gaussian filter goes over every pixel in the image and computes a new value for this pixel based on its neighbors. But what about the pixels close to the borders, where the gaussian kernel is wider than their distance from the image's border ? How do algorithms handle it ? By inspecting my images closer, I found that the main differences between the OCV implementation and the IJ one were on the border pixels.
Well it turns out ImageJ and OpenCV handle these pixels differently :
ImageJ gaussian, "Like all convolution operations in ImageJ, it assumes that out-of-image pixels have a value equal to the nearest edge pixel." (from same ImageJ doc than above).
However, OpenCV lets you chose other options, and the default one, called BORDER_DEFAULT in the OpenCV call, is BORDER_REFLECT_101 ( (at least I think it is, it is the default border for another method using borders, so I would think it is also the default border for the gaussian). BORDER_REFLECT_101 sort of "mirrors" the borders (gfedcb|abcdefgh, see link).
To get closer to ImageJ (aaaaaaaa|abcdefgh), use BORDER_DEFAULT=BORDER_REPLICATE. With this, I get closer results between the two implementations (though not exactly the same, I will keep investigating and edit my answer if I find more clues).
[Note : I am working in Python2.7 (not C++) and OpenCV 3, but I don't think it has an impact on this problem]

Estimate average brightness of a grayscale picture with opencv

I have a grayscale picture, and I would to transform it to black and white only. But for that, I need to calculate the right threshold, and I would like that threshold to be equal to the average brightness of the picture.
So, I was wondering how I could calculate that threshold with OpenCV. Is there a method existing in the framework to do that easily ?
I wanted to add every value of brightness (between 0 and 255) for every pixel, then divide the sum by the number of pixel itself, but the method I found to access those datas is really slow (.at(i,j)[k] for a rgb picture). But my picture is in grayscale, and I would like it to be quite fast, so it can be run on an iPhone.
To calculate these statistics, use cv::sum(), or even better, cv::mean().
However, OpenCV already has a thresholding function that does everything you want to do for you:
Also you should check out Otsu's method, see cv::threshold() with THRESH_OTSU option.
You can use a Monte Carlo algorithm, sampling random points instead of all image points until you have covered 1% of the image. The result should be very similar to the actual value.

What's the use of Canny before HoughLines (opencv)?

I'm new to image processing and I'm working on detecting lines in a document image. I read the theory of Hough line transform but I can't see why I must use Canny before calling that function in opencv like being said in many tutorials. What's the point of finding edges in this case? The fact is that if I don't use Canny or threshold before HoughLines() the results will be very messy. I hope someone will explain for me the reason why.
2 of the tutorials I've read:
Imgproc Feature Detection
Hough Line Transform
Short Answer
cvCanny is used to detect Edges, as well as increase contrast and remove image noise.
HoughLines which uses the Hough Transform is used to determine whether those edges are lines or not. Hough Transform requires edges to be detected well in order to be efficient and provide meaning results.
Long Answer
The Limitations of the Hough Transform are described in more detail on Wikipedia.
The efficiency of the Hough Transform relies of the bin of acculumated pixel being distinct, e.g. a direct contrast between a pixel and its surrounding neighbours or if using a mask region a pixel region and its surrounds regions. If all pixels had similar acculumated values nothing would stand out as a line or circle. This leads to the reduction of colour (colour to grayscale, grayscale to black and white) in order to increase contract.
The number of parameters to the Hough Transform also increase the spread of votes in the pixel bins and increase the complexity of the transform, which mean that normally only lines or circles are reliably detected using it as they have less than 3 parameters.
The edges need to be detected well before running the Hough Transform otherwise its efficiency suffers further. Also noisy images don't work well with Hough transform unless the noise is removed before hand.
First of all, to detect lines you need to work on a boolean matrix image (or binary), I mean: the color is black or white, there's no grayscale.
HoughLines()'s requirement to work properly is to have this kind of image as input. That's the reason you have to use Canny or Treshold, to convert the colored image matrix into a boolean one.
Hough transformation
A line in one picture is actually an edge. Hough transform scans the whole image and using a transformation that converts all white pixel cartesian coordinates in polar coordinates; the black pixels are left out. So you won't be able to get a line if you first don't detect edges, because HoughLines() don't know how to behave when there's a grayscale.
Theoretically, you are correct. Finding edges is not absolutely required for the Hough Line algorithm to work.
The way the Hough works is basically it takes every point and connects it to every other point, and whatever points have the most lines going through them, those lines stay. For this, we need points. The Canny creates those points. Theoretically you could use any sort of filter - isolate all blue or purple points and connect them, whatever - but edges works well.
The Hough also does not weight its lines or points. To the Hough, an image is binary - made up of either 1s or 0, points or not points. There is no need for greyscale, and the canny conveniently returns binary images.
Thus is the Canny always part of the Hough.
all is about processing binary data,
complex data -> (a binary data, b binary data, c binary data, ..) (using canny(),sobel(), etc)
a binary data -> function1() (using houghlines())
b binary data -> function2()
c binary data -> function3() ..
a binary data -X-> function2() ..
complex data -X-> function1() ..

Find distorted rectangle in image (OpenCV)

I am looking for the right set of algorithms to solve this image processing problem:
I have a distorted binary image containing a distorted rectangle
I need to find a good approximation of the 4 corner points of this rectangle
I can calculate the contour using OpenCV, but as the image is distorted it will often contain more than 4 corner points.
Is there a good approximation algorithm (preferably using OpenCV operations) to find the rectangle corner points using the binary image or the contour description?
The image looks like this:
Use cvApproxPoly function to eliminate number of nodes of your contour, then filter out those contours that have too many nodes or have angles which much differ from 90 degrees. See also similar answer
little different answer, see
Look at the opencv function ApproxPoly. It approximates a polygon from a contour.
Try Harris Corner Detector. There is example in OpenCV package. You need to play with params for your image.
And see other OpenCV algorithms:
I would try generalised Hough Transform it is a bit slow but deals well with distorted/incomplete shapes.
This will work even if you start with some defects, i.e. your approxPolly call returns pent/hexagons. It will reduce any contour, transContours in example, to a quad, or whatever poly you wish.
vector<Point> cardPoly;// Quad storage
int PolyLines = 0;//PolyPoly counter ;)
double simplicity = 0.5;//Increment of adjustment, lower numbers may be more precise vs. high numbers being faster to cycle.
while(PolyLines != 4)//Adjust this
approxPolyDP(transContours, Poly, simplicity, true);
PolyLines = Poly.size();
simplicity += 0.5;
