What does cc.attrs.id do in jsf-2? - jsf-2

I'm new in javascript and i come here to ask you something i don't understand. In many js's files, I see line like that : "id=#{cc.attrs.id}". I suppose that the attribute "id" take a value which is in id variable. The problem is, many times, I don't find cc folder or file. What is cc ?
Thanks for your response and have a nice day !


Error: 'Imported XML Content cannot be parsed'

Here's what I'm doing:
=IMPORTXML("https://www.predictit.org/api/marketdata/markets/7164", "/MarketData/Contracts/MarketContract/ID")
The other answers I've seen about this have said that Javascript would be the issue, but the page in question seems to load without it, and I've tried using IMPORTJSON and IMPORTFROMWEB to no avail.
Please help!
You are input incorrect parameter for the xmlpath, a proper formula should be as following and you need to spend sometime to find the correct xmlpath to extract the specific string or information you want,
Here is one example from Google:
=IMPORTXML("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_landing", "//a/#href")

Remove first part of a string that haven't fixed length

I ran into some problems with my code and I don't know how to fix it. So my problem:
On a View of my application, there is a filepath displayed like this:
But I only want the filename as Output, means:
How can i achieve this? I tried with several options like string.slice! etc, but it doesn't work, since the number after "attachment" is increased by 1 for every single upload. At beginning I thought about to simply remove 2 chars, don't matter what they are. But then i ran into another problem that happens when the 100 file is uploaded. In this case i would have to remove 3 chars instead of 2, and i'm again at the beginning of my problem.
May someone of you can help me?
Thanks a lot!
I assume that you need to retrieve the file of a path.
for ex if your file name is "/resume/attachment/12/yaml_error_complete.yml"
Then try this one
If I understand your question right, then, maybe it should help you:
a = "/resume/attachment/12/yaml_error_complete.yml"
#=> "yaml_error_complete.yml"
In addition to the sulution with split('/') you could do the following

Xtext - Temporarily tolerate unresolvable references and make the reference name user readable

Let's say I have a language that models a part of stackoverflow. Users are held in one resource, questions in another.
user fred : fred#foobar.com
user notfred : notfred#foobar.com
question 123 by fred message "smart question"
question 124 by notfred message "not so smart question"
Now, the user "fred" wants to remove his account, but this wouldn't work because after loading both resources into my ResourceSet I would have a non-empty Resource#getErrors().
I can work around this by filtering XtextLinkingDiagnostic from the errors, but still other users reading the "smart question" cannot tell anymore that it was asked by someone called "fred". The info is still there, I can access it for example when I set a LinkingDiagnosticMessageProvider with LazyLinkingResource#setDiagnosticMessageProvider(...); however, the best thing I can now do is, show other users validation errors that "fred" was deleted, but they wouldn't know "fred" wrote the message they are just reading. Knowing this would help them a lot because everybody knows that "fred" writes great questions, right?
Long story short, I have an application into which users can load a declaration and a definition file. In very few cases something goes wrong and both files don't match perfectly, which means the definition has entries that are not declared in the declaration. However, I know that ~95% of the entries will still match!
Users cannot fix this quickly, but it is likely that they are happy just editing the 95% definitions, but they still need to be able to read the names of the 5% declarations without editing them!
I am not currently using any UI-parts of Xtext to edit the definitions, but rather a custom UI in form of a table. The current state with the missing declarations is that everything except a value column will be empty. The reference ID would be in another column, and knowing this ID would help the user a lot! Is there a clean way to achieve this?
Have a look at the 'Node Model' e.g. org.eclipse.xtext.nodemodel.util.NodeModelUtils.findNodesForFeature(EObject, EStructuralFeature) allows you to access the text that is written in the file

CAB file API clarification

Since I'm not really seeing any content anywhere that doesn't point back to the original Microsoft documents on this matter, or source code that really doesn't seem to answer the questions I'm having, I thought I might ask a few things here. (Delphi tag is there because that's what my dev environment is on the code I'm making from this)
That said, I had a few questions the API document wasn't answering. First one: fdi_notify messages. What is "my responsibility" is in coding these: fdintCABINET_INFO: fdintPARTIAL_FILE: fdintNEXT_CABINET: fdintENUMERATE: ? I'll illustrate what I mean by an example. For fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO, "my responsibility" is to Close a file related to handle given me, and set the file's date and time according to the data passed in fdi_notify.
I figure I'm missing something since my code isn't handling extracting spanned CAB files...any thoughts on how to do this?
What you're more than likely running into is that FDICopy only reads the cab you passed in. It will use fdintNEXT_CABINET to get spanned data for any files you extract in response to fdintCOPY_FILE, but it only calls fdintCOPY_FILE for files that start on that first cab.
To get a directory listing for the entire set, you need to call FDICopy in a loop. Every time you get a fdintCABINET_INFO event, save off the psz1 parameter (next cab name). When FDICopy returns, check that. If it's an empty string you're done, if not call FDICopy again with the next cab as the new path.
fdintCABINET_INFO: The only responsibility for this is returning 0 to continue processing. You can use the information provided (the path of the next cabinet, next disk, path name, nad set ID), but you don't need to.
fdintPARTIAL_FILE: Depending on how you're processing your cabs, you can probably ignore this. You'll only see it for the second and later images in a set, and it's to tell you that the particular entry is continued from a previous cab. If you started at the first cab in the set you'll have already seen an fdintCOPY_FILE for the file. If you're processing random .cabs, you won't really be able to use it either, since you won't have the start of the file to extract.
fdintNEXT_CABINET: You can use this to prompt the user for a new directory for the next cabinet, but for simple spanning support just return 0 if the passed in filename is valid or -1 if it isn't. If you return 0 and the cab isn't valid, or is the wrong one, this will get called again. The easiest approach (if you don't request a new disk/directory), is just to check pfdin^.fdie. If it's FDIError_None it's equal the first time being called for the requested cab, so you can return 0. If it's anything else it's already tried to open the requested cab at least once, so you can return -1 as an error.
fdintENUMERATE: I think you can ignore this. It isn't covered in the documentation, and the two cab libraries I've looked at don't use it. It may be a leftover from a previous API version.

Capturing Field Name Metadata from a CSV File in Altova MapForce

I've been asked to prototype a replacement "file transformation process" (that currently is a mess of SQL) using Altova's MapForce. My input is a CSV file with headers. My problem is that I need to capture both the data AND the column name to use in downstream processing.
I need to have MapForce feed a C# method (imported as that takes two parameters: fieldName and value. I can access the value trivially, but after hours pouring over the manual (1000 pages!) I haven't found any examples of how to access the field name as an output.
The reason each output needs the field name and the value has to do with how all our mappings/transformations are currently managed - on a database. The .NET code jumps in at this point and does any necessary database lookups.
For example, if I had the following file:
"Symbol", "Account", "Price", ...
"FOO", "10101", "1.23", ...
"BAR", "10201, "13.56", ...
And a static method string TransformField( string fieldName, string value ),
I'd like to map the CSV file's Symbol data output to the method's value parameter and the Field Name "Symbol" to the method's fieldName parameter.
Some limitations:
I need to keep the "wiring" visible in the MapForce GUI. I'll have non-programmers maintaining the mappings in the future. So doing all this in code is not an option.
MapForce is the tool of choice by the company. Part of the reason our original process is such a mess is because the original programmer rolled his own mapping/transformation tool (out of TSQL no less - ouch).
We can treat all inputs/outputs to the method call as strings. Conversions will happen later.
I would like to avoid using scalar literals as inputs. I already have the column names from the file - I do not want to re-type each one and feed it to my method.
I'm not sure how many users out there have experience with this tool, but after 3 days of tinkering with it, I see much potential. If only I can get past this current sticking point, I think the company will have a solid alternative to their current mess.
Thanks for any/all suggestions.
I solved my issue and, for future reference, want to post a solution. I handled my problem by using MapForce's FlexText. This allowed me to extract the header from the CSV file and "invert" the column names as data inputs to the transformation process. Once I knew the approach to take, I was able to find more information directly from Altova.
I found a couple helpful tutorials while digging through their website:
Altova Online Videos
Web Tutorial
Hope this can help someone else in the future!
