GraphQL schema file should contain a valid GraphQL introspection query result - ios

I have successfully installed Apollo in my project and i have successfully downloaded schema.json from my endPoint. After buliding my project for creating API.swift error is displayed.
The Error is GraphQL schema file should contain a valid GraphQL introspection query result
How can i fix this issue?

You must have the correct schema.json and your_query.graphql, make sure all value in your_query.graphql able in schema.json
You download your schema using the apollo CLI


How to Update a python library thats already present in GCP dataflow

I am using avro version 1.11.0 for parsing an avro file and decoding it. We have a custom requirement, so i am not able to use ReadFromAvro. When trying this with dataflow there arises a dependency issues as avro-python3 with version 1.82 is already available. The issue is of class TimestampMillisSchema which is not present in avro-python3. It fails stating Attribute TimestampMillisSchema not found in avro.schema.
I then tried passing a requirements file with avro==1.11.0 but now the dataflow was not able to start giving error "Error syncing pod" which seems to be because of dependencies conflicts.
Any Idea/help on how this should be resolved.

FastAPI - Unable to render Swagger in production

This is my FastAPI file.
from fastapi import FastAPI
from project.config.settings import base as settings
app = FastAPI(docs_url=f"{settings.URL_ROOT}/{settings.DOCS_URL}", redoc_url=None)
app.openapi_version = "3.0.0"
# some functions here
And I deployed this project to a server. But when I go to address of docs in my server,, it shows me following message:
Unable to render this definition
The provided definition does not specify a valid version field.
Please indicate a valid Swagger or OpenAPI version field.
Supported version fields are swagger: "2.0" and those that match openapi: 3.0.n (for example, openapi: 3.0.0).
What's the problem and how can I solve it?
FastAPI is behind Nginx. All of my endpoints are working correctly, but I cannot see docs.
You should check this page for proxy settings.
but as far as i understand, you can fix this by just adding root_path to openapi_url:
app = FastAPI(

Autorest error - swagger.json' is not a valid OpenAPI 2.0 definition (expected 'swagger: 2.0')

My api is running net core 3.0 with Swashbuckle.AspNetCore 5.0.0-rc5
When I run autorest on my generated swagger.json file I get:
swagger.json is not a valid OpenAPI 2.0 definition (expected 'swagger: 2.0')
My swagger.json file does indeed say "openapi": "3.0.1".
It used to be v2.0 but since I upgraded to net core 3.0 I had to upgrade Swashbuckle which now creates the json file with v3.0.1
I ran "choco install autorest" so I should be running the latest version
If autorest doesn't support openapi3.0 there must still surely be a way to generate an openapi2.0 json file?
Followed this thread, auto rest doesn’t support latest open api yet but there are workarounds
You can do this:
app.UseSwagger(o => o.SerializeAsV2 = true);

Migration from parse to azure not working for mobile app

i have migrated my iOS app parse DB to Azure, but had not finalised it yet.
I have changed end point to azure URL and its almost fine i mean i can login with my previous accounts.
But when i am querying anything to fetch or update data it giving me errors in response like:
[Error]: {"code":1,"message":"Internal server error."} (Code: 1, Version: 1.13.0)
[Error]: Response status code was unacceptable: 404
[Error]: This user is not allowed to access non-existent class: user (Code: 119, Version: 1.13.0)
Can anybody help me here that, will it be possible to update or fetch data to azure only after i finalize at parse migration or still there is something which i need to update from my code?
I had this issue. You just need to go to the parse dashboard and create the class
I found the solution from azure document.
I was getting error for fetching parse's PFFile object, and for that i need to add file key in azure settings. the value for the key can be find from azure settings.
image of azure settings
You can create a class in the ParseDashboard which will fix the problem. I was not able to open parse dashboard in browser (Only allowed remote https connection). I had to start it locally and finally was able to open the dashboard. Then i created the class there and it fixed my problem.
To launch the dashboard locally run the following commands
npm install -g parse-dashboard
parse-dashboard --appId yourAppId --masterKey yourMasterKey --serverURL "" --appName optionalName

How to add swagger.json at root of service package?

I have configured my project with swagger but when i try to access the it gives me error that "Can't read swagger JSON from" how can i add swagger json in project?
