How Flink and Beam SDKs handle windowing - Which is more efficient? - stream

I am comparing the Apache Beam SDK with the Flink SDK for stream processing, in order to establish the cost/advantages of using Beam as an additional framework.
I have a very simple setup where a stream of data is read from a Kafka source and processed in parallel by a cluster of nodes running Flink.
From my understanding of how these SDKs work, the simplest way to process a stream of data window by window is:
Using Apache Beam (running on Flink):
1.1. Create a Pipeline object.
1.2. Create a PCollection of Kafka records.
1.3. Apply windowing function.
1.4. Transform pipeline to key by window.
1.5. Group records by key (window).
1.6. Apply whatever function is needed to the windowed records.
Using the Flink SDK
2.1. Create a Data Stream from a Kafka source.
2.2. Transform it into a Keyed Stream by providing a key function.
2.3. Apply windowing function.
2.4. Apply whatever function is needed to the windowed records.
While the Flink solution appears programmatically more succinct, in my experience, it is less efficient at high volumes of data. I can only imagine the overhead is introduced by the key extraction function, since this step is not required by Beam.
My question is: am I comparing like for like? Are these processes not equivalent? What could explain the Beam way being more efficient, since it uses Flink as a runner (and all the other conditions are the same)?
This is the code using the Beam SDK
PipelineOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.create();
//Run with Flink
FlinkPipelineOptions flinkPipelineOptions =;
flinkPipelineOptions.setParallelism(-1); //Pick this up from the user interface at runtime
// Create the Pipeline object with the options we defined above.
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(flinkPipelineOptions);
// Create a PCollection of Kafka records
PCollection<KafkaRecord<byte[], byte[]>> kafkaCollection = p.apply(KafkaIO.<Long, String>readBytes()
.withBootstrapServers(KAFKA_IP + ":" + KAFKA_PORT)
.withTopics(ImmutableList.of(REAL_ENERGY_TOPIC, IT_ENERGY_TOPIC))
.updateConsumerProperties(ImmutableMap.of("", CONSUMER_GROUP)));
//Apply Windowing Function
PCollection<KafkaRecord<byte[], byte[]>> windowedKafkaCollection = kafkaCollection.apply(Window.into(SlidingWindows.of(Duration.standardSeconds(5)).every(Duration.standardSeconds(1))));
//Transform the pipeline to key by window
PCollection<KV<IntervalWindow, KafkaRecord<byte[], byte[]>>> keyedByWindow =
new DoFn<KafkaRecord<byte[], byte[]>, KV<IntervalWindow, KafkaRecord<byte[], byte[]>>>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext context, IntervalWindow window) {
context.output(KV.of(window, context.element()));
//Group records by key (window)
PCollection<KV<IntervalWindow, Iterable<KafkaRecord<byte[], byte[]>>>> groupedByWindow = keyedByWindow
.apply(GroupByKey.<IntervalWindow, KafkaRecord<byte[], byte[]>>create());
//Process windowed data
PCollection<KV<IIntervalWindowResult, IPueResult>> processed = groupedByWindow
.apply("filterAndProcess", ParDo.of(new PueCalculatorFn()));
// Run the pipeline.;
And this is the code using the Flink SDK
// Create a Streaming Execution Environment
final StreamExecutionEnvironment env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();
//Connect to Kafka
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("bootstrap.servers", KAFKA_IP + ":" + KAFKA_PORT);
properties.setProperty("", CONSUMER_GROUP);
DataStream<ObjectNode> stream = env
.addSource(new FlinkKafkaConsumer010<>(Arrays.asList(REAL_ENERGY_TOPIC, IT_ENERGY_TOPIC), new JSONDeserializationSchema(), properties));
//Key by id
stream.keyBy((KeySelector<ObjectNode, Integer>) jsonNode -> jsonNode.get("id").asInt())
//Set the windowing function.
.timeWindow(Time.seconds(5L), Time.seconds(1L))
//Process Windowed Data
.process(new PueCalculatorFn(), TypeInformation.of(ImmutablePair.class));
// execute program
env.execute("Using Flink SDK");
Many thanks in advance for any insight.
I thought I should add some indicators that may be relevant.
Network Received Bytes
Flink SDK
CPU Utilisation (Max)
Flink SDK
Beam seems to use a lot more networking, whereas Flink uses significantly more CPU. Could this suggest that Beam is parallelising the processing in a more efficient way?
Edit No2
I am pretty sure that the PueCalculatorFn classes are equivalent, but I will share the code here to see if any obvious discrepancies between the two processes become apparent.
public class PueCalculatorFn extends DoFn<KV<IntervalWindow, Iterable<KafkaRecord<byte[], byte[]>>>, KV<IIntervalWindowResult, IPueResult>> implements Serializable {
private transient List<IKafkaConsumption> realEnergyRecords;
private transient List<IKafkaConsumption> itEnergyRecords;
public void procesElement(DoFn<KV<IntervalWindow, Iterable<KafkaRecord<byte[], byte[]>>>, KV<IIntervalWindowResult, IPueResult>>.ProcessContext c, BoundedWindow w) {
KV<IntervalWindow, Iterable<KafkaRecord<byte[], byte[]>>> element = c.element();
Instant windowStart = Instant.ofEpochMilli(element.getKey().start().getMillis());
Instant windowEnd = Instant.ofEpochMilli(element.getKey().end().getMillis());
Iterable<KafkaRecord<byte[], byte[]>> records = element.getValue();
//Calculate Pue
IPueResult result = calculatePue(element.getKey(), records);
//Create IntervalWindowResult object to return
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME.withZone(ZoneId.of("UTC"));
IIntervalWindowResult intervalWindowResult = new IntervalWindowResult(formatter.format(windowStart),
formatter.format(windowEnd), realEnergyRecords, itEnergyRecords);
//Return Pue keyed by Window
c.output(KV.of(intervalWindowResult, result));
private PueResult calculatePue(IntervalWindow window, Iterable<KafkaRecord<byte[], byte[]>> records) {
//Define accumulators to gather readings
final DoubleAccumulator totalRealIncrement = new DoubleAccumulator((x, y) -> x + y, 0.0);
final DoubleAccumulator totalItIncrement = new DoubleAccumulator((x, y) -> x + y, 0.0);
//Declare variable to store the result
BigDecimal pue = BigDecimal.ZERO;
//Initialise transient lists
realEnergyRecords = new ArrayList<>();
itEnergyRecords = new ArrayList<>();
//Transform the results into a stream
Stream<KafkaRecord<byte[], byte[]>> streamOfRecords =, false);
//Iterate through each reading and add to the increment count
.map(record -> {
byte[] valueBytes = record.getKV().getValue();
assert valueBytes != null;
String valueString = new String(valueBytes);
assert !valueString.isEmpty();
return KV.of(record, valueString);
}).map(kv -> {
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(KafkaConsumption.class, new KafkaConsumptionDeserialiser()).create();
KafkaConsumption consumption = gson.fromJson(kv.getValue(), KafkaConsumption.class);
return KV.of(kv.getKey(), consumption);
}).forEach(consumptionRecord -> {
switch (consumptionRecord.getKey().getTopic()) {
assert totalRealIncrement.doubleValue() > 0.0;
assert totalItIncrement.doubleValue() > 0.0;
//Beware of division by zero
if (totalItIncrement.doubleValue() != 0.0) {
//Calculate PUE
pue = BigDecimal.valueOf(totalRealIncrement.getThenReset()).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(totalItIncrement.getThenReset()), 9, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
//Create a PueResult object to return
IWindow intervalWindow = new Window(window.start().getMillis(), window.end().getMillis());
return new PueResult(intervalWindow, pue.stripTrailingZeros());
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
public class PueCalculatorFn extends ProcessWindowFunction<ObjectNode, ImmutablePair, Integer, TimeWindow> {
private transient List<KafkaConsumption> realEnergyRecords;
private transient List<KafkaConsumption> itEnergyRecords;
public void process(Integer integer, Context context, Iterable<ObjectNode> iterable, Collector<ImmutablePair> collector) throws Exception {
Instant windowStart = Instant.ofEpochMilli(context.window().getStart());
Instant windowEnd = Instant.ofEpochMilli(context.window().getEnd());
BigDecimal pue = calculatePue(iterable);
//Create IntervalWindowResult object to return
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME.withZone(ZoneId.of("UTC"));
IIntervalWindowResult intervalWindowResult = new IntervalWindowResult(formatter.format(windowStart),
formatter.format(windowEnd), realEnergyRecords
.map(e -> (IKafkaConsumption) e)
.collect(Collectors.toList()), itEnergyRecords
.map(e -> (IKafkaConsumption) e)
//Create PueResult object to return
IPueResult pueResult = new PueResult(new Window(windowStart.toEpochMilli(), windowEnd.toEpochMilli()), pue.stripTrailingZeros());
//Collect result
collector.collect(new ImmutablePair<>(intervalWindowResult, pueResult));
protected BigDecimal calculatePue(Iterable<ObjectNode> iterable) {
//Define accumulators to gather readings
final DoubleAccumulator totalRealIncrement = new DoubleAccumulator((x, y) -> x + y, 0.0);
final DoubleAccumulator totalItIncrement = new DoubleAccumulator((x, y) -> x + y, 0.0);
//Declare variable to store the result
BigDecimal pue = BigDecimal.ZERO;
//Initialise transient lists
realEnergyRecords = new ArrayList<>();
itEnergyRecords = new ArrayList<>();
//Iterate through each reading and add to the increment count, false)
.forEach(object -> {
switch (object.get("topic").textValue()) {
assert totalRealIncrement.doubleValue() > 0.0;
assert totalItIncrement.doubleValue() > 0.0;
//Beware of division by zero
if (totalItIncrement.doubleValue() != 0.0) {
//Calculate PUE
pue = BigDecimal.valueOf(totalRealIncrement.getThenReset()).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(totalItIncrement.getThenReset()), 9, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
return pue;
And here is my custom deserialiser used in the Beam example.
public class KafkaConsumptionDeserialiser implements JsonDeserializer<KafkaConsumption> {
public KafkaConsumption deserialize(JsonElement jsonElement, Type type, JsonDeserializationContext jsonDeserializationContext) throws JsonParseException {
if(jsonElement == null) {
return null;
} else {
JsonObject jsonObject = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject();
JsonElement id = jsonObject.get("id");
JsonElement energyConsumed = jsonObject.get("energyConsumed");
Gson gson = (new GsonBuilder()).registerTypeAdapter(Duration.class, new DurationDeserialiser()).registerTypeAdapter(ZonedDateTime.class, new ZonedDateTimeDeserialiser()).create();
Duration duration = (Duration)gson.fromJson(jsonObject.get("duration"), Duration.class);
JsonElement topic = jsonObject.get("topic");
Instant eventTime = (Instant)gson.fromJson(jsonObject.get("eventTime"), Instant.class);
return new KafkaConsumption(Integer.valueOf(id != null?id.getAsInt():0), Double.valueOf(energyConsumed != null?energyConsumed.getAsDouble():0.0D), duration, topic != null?topic.getAsString():"", eventTime);

Not sure why the Beam pipeline you wrote is faster, but semantically it is not the same as the Flink job. Similar to how windowing works in Flink, once you assign windows in Beam, all following operations automatically take the windowing into account. You don't need to group by window.
Your Beam pipeline definition can be simplified as follows:
// Create the Pipeline object with the options we defined above.
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(flinkPipelineOptions);
// Create a PCollection of Kafka records
PCollection<KafkaRecord<byte[], byte[]>> kafkaCollection = ...
//Apply Windowing Function
PCollection<KafkaRecord<byte[], byte[]>> windowedKafkaCollection = kafkaCollection.apply(
//Process windowed data
PCollection<KV<IIntervalWindowResult, IPueResult>> processed = windowedKafkaCollection
.apply("filterAndProcess", ParDo.of(new PueCalculatorFn()));
// Run the pipeline.;
As for the performance, it depends on many factors but keep in mind that Beam is an abstraction layer on top of Flink. Generally speaking, I would be surprised if you saw increased performance with Beam on Flink.
edit: Just to clarify further, you don't group on the JSON "id" field in the Beam pipeline, which you do in the Flink snippet.

For what's worth, if the window processing can be pre-aggregated via reduce() or aggregate(), then the native Flink job should perform better than it currently does.
Many details, such as choice of state backend, serialization, checkpointing, etc. can also have a big impact on performance.
Is the same Flink being used in both cases -- i.e., same version, same configuration?


Join the collection using SideInput

Trying to join two Pcollection using SideInput transform. In the ParDo function while mapping the value, from the sideinput collection we may get the multiple mapping records as a collection. In such a case how to handle the collection and how to return those collection of values to the PCollection.
It would be good if some one help to solve this case. Here is the code snippet that I tried.
PCollection<TableRow> pc1 = ...;
PCollection<Row> pc1Rows = pc1.apply(
ParDo.of(new fnConvertTableRowToRow())).setRowSchema(schemaPc1);
PCollection<KV<Integer, Row>> keyed_pc1Rows = pc1Rows.apply(
WithKeys.of(new SerializableFunction<Row, Integer>() {
public Integer apply(Row s) {
return Integer.parseInt(s.getValue("LOCATION_ID").toString());
PCollection<TableRow> pc2 = ...;
PCollection<Row> pc2Rows = pc2.apply(
ParDo.of(new fnConvertTableRowToRow())).setRowSchema(schemaPc2);
PCollection<KV<Integer, Iterable<Row>>> keywordGroups = pc2Rows.apply(
new fnGroupKeyWords());
PCollectionView<Map<Integer, Iterable<Row>>> sideInputView =
keywordGroups.apply("Side Input",
View.<Integer, Iterable<Row>>asMap());
PCollection<Row> finalResultCollection = keyed_pc1Rows.apply("Process",
ParDo.of(new DoFn<KV<Integer,Row>, Row>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) {
Integer key = Integer.parseInt(c.element().getKey().toString());
Row leftRow = c.element().getValue();
Map<Integer, Iterable<Row>> key2Rows = c.sideInput(sideInputView);
Iterable<Row> rightRowsIterable = key2Rows.get(key);
for (Iterator<Row> i = rightRowsIterable.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Row suit = (Row);
Row targetRow = Row.withSchema(schemaOutput)
public static class fnGroupKeyWords extends
PTransform<PCollection<Row>, PCollection<KV<Integer, Iterable<Row>>>> {
public PCollection<KV<Integer, Iterable<Row>>> expand(
PCollection<Row> rows) {
PCollection<KV<Integer, Row>> kvs = rows.apply(
ParDo.of(new TransferKeyValueFn()));
PCollection<KV<Integer, Iterable<Row>>> group = kvs.apply(
GroupByKey.<Integer, Row> create());
return group;
public static class TransferKeyValueFn extends
DoFn<Row, KV<Integer, Row>> {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) throws ParseException {
Row tRow = c.element();
If you wish to join two PCollections together using a common key. the CoGroupByKey might make more sense. Please consider this approach instead of side inputs
Also this blog post has a great explanation as well.
I think using the SideInput suggestion would perform well if you have a very small collection which could fit into memory. You could use it as a side input with view.asMultimap. Then in a ParDo processing the larger PCollection (After a GBK, to give you an iterable over all elements for the key), lookup the key you are interested in from the side input. Here is an example test pipeline using a multimap pcollection.
However, if your collection is quite large then using Flatten to combine both pcollections together would be a better approach. Then using a GroupByKey afterward, which will give you an iterable for element under the same key. This will still be processed sequentially. Though, I believe you will will have issues with performance, unless you eliminate the hot key. Please see the explanation of using combiners to alleviate this.

Live monitoring using Apache Beam

I'd like to accomplish the following using Apache Beam:
calculate every 5 seconds the events that are read from pubsub in the last minute
The goal is to have a semi-realtime view on the rate data comes in. This can then be expanded towards more complex use cases afterwards.
After searching, I've not come across a way to solve this seemingly simple problem. Things that do not work:
global window + repeated triggers (triggers do not fire when there is no input)
sliding window + withoutDefaults (does not allow empty windows to be emitted apparently)
Any suggestion on how to solve this problem?
As already discussed, Beam does not emit data for empty windows. In addition to the reasons given by Rui Wang we can add the challenge of how the latter stages would handle those empty panes.
Anyway, the specific use case that you describe -monitoring rolling count of number of messages - should be possible with some work even if the metric falls down to zero eventually. One possibility would be to publish a steady number of dummy messages which would advance the watermark and fire the panes but are filtered out later within the pipeline. The problem with this approach is that the publishing source needs to be adapted and that might not always be convenient/possible. Another one would involve generating this fake data as another input and co-group it with the main stream. The advantage is that everything can be done in Dataflow without the need to tweak the source or the sink. To illustrate this I provide an example.
The inputs are divided in two streams. For the dummy one, I used GenerateSequence to create a new element every 5 seconds. I then window the PCollection (windowing strategy needs to be compatible with the one for the main stream so I will use the same). Then I map the element to a key-value pair where the value is 0 (we could use other values as we know from which stream the element comes but I want to evince that dummy records are not counted).
PCollection<KV<String,Integer>> dummyStream = p
.apply("Generate Sequence", GenerateSequence.from(0).withRate(1, Duration.standardSeconds(5)))
.apply("Window Messages - Dummy", Window.<Long>into(
.apply("Count Messages - Dummy", ParDo.of(new DoFn<Long, KV<String, Integer>>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) throws Exception {
c.output(KV.of("num_messages", 0));
For the main stream, that reads from Pub/Sub, I map each record to value 1. Later on, I will add all the ones as in typical word count examples using map-reduce stages.
PCollection<KV<String,Integer>> mainStream = p
.apply("Get Messages - Data", PubsubIO.readStrings().fromTopic(topic))
.apply("Window Messages - Data", Window.<String>into(
.apply("Count Messages - Data", ParDo.of(new DoFn<String, KV<String, Integer>>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) throws Exception {
c.output(KV.of("num_messages", 1));
Then we need to join them using a CoGroupByKey (I used the same num_messages key to group counts). This stage will output results when one of the two inputs has elements, therefore unblocking the main issue here (empty windows with no Pub/Sub messages).
final TupleTag<Integer> dummyTag = new TupleTag<>();
final TupleTag<Integer> dataTag = new TupleTag<>();
PCollection<KV<String, CoGbkResult>> coGbkResultCollection = KeyedPCollectionTuple.of(dummyTag, dummyStream)
.and(dataTag, mainStream).apply(CoGroupByKey.<String>create());
Finally, we add all the ones to obtain the total number of messages for the window. If there are no elements coming from dataTag then the sum will just default to 0.
public void processElement(ProcessContext c, BoundedWindow window) {
Integer total_sum = new Integer(0);
Iterable<Integer> dataTagVal = c.element().getValue().getAll(dataTag);
for (Integer val : dataTagVal) {
total_sum += val;
}"Window: " + window.toString() + ", Number of messages: " + total_sum.toString());
This should result in something like:
Note that results from different windows can come unordered (this can happen anyway when writing to BigQuery) and I did not play with the window settings to optimize the example.
Full code:
public class EmptyWindows {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EmptyWindows.class);
public static interface MyOptions extends PipelineOptions {
#Description("Input topic")
String getInput();
void setInput(String s);
public static void main(String[] args) {
MyOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(args).withValidation().as(MyOptions.class);
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(options);
String topic = options.getInput();
PCollection<KV<String,Integer>> mainStream = p
.apply("Get Messages - Data", PubsubIO.readStrings().fromTopic(topic))
.apply("Window Messages - Data", Window.<String>into(
.apply("Count Messages - Data", ParDo.of(new DoFn<String, KV<String, Integer>>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) throws Exception {
//"New data element in main output");
c.output(KV.of("num_messages", 1));
PCollection<KV<String,Integer>> dummyStream = p
.apply("Generate Sequence", GenerateSequence.from(0).withRate(1, Duration.standardSeconds(5)))
.apply("Window Messages - Dummy", Window.<Long>into(
.apply("Count Messages - Dummy", ParDo.of(new DoFn<Long, KV<String, Integer>>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) throws Exception {
//"New dummy element in main output");
c.output(KV.of("num_messages", 0));
final TupleTag<Integer> dummyTag = new TupleTag<>();
final TupleTag<Integer> dataTag = new TupleTag<>();
PCollection<KV<String, CoGbkResult>> coGbkResultCollection = KeyedPCollectionTuple.of(dummyTag, dummyStream)
.and(dataTag, mainStream).apply(CoGroupByKey.<String>create());
.apply("Log results", ParDo.of(new DoFn<KV<String, CoGbkResult>, Void>() {
public void processElement(ProcessContext c, BoundedWindow window) {
Integer total_sum = new Integer(0);
Iterable<Integer> dataTagVal = c.element().getValue().getAll(dataTag);
for (Integer val : dataTagVal) {
total_sum += val;
}"Window: " + window.toString() + ", Number of messages: " + total_sum.toString());
Another way to approach this problem is using a stateful DoFn with a looping Timer that triggers at each 5 second tick. This looping timer generates the default data necessary for the live monitoring, and ensures that each window has at least one event to process.
One issue with the approach described by is that, in a system with multiple keys, these "dummy" events need to be generated for every key.
See Option 1 and 2 in that article are an external heartbeat source and a generated source in the beam pipeline respectively. Option 3 is the looping timer.

apache ignite datastreamer how to set data into ignitefuture?

I am creating a batch data streamer in apache ignite, and need to control what happening after data receive.
My batch has a structure:
public class Batch implements Binarylizable, Serializable {
private String eventKey;
private byte[] bytes;
Then i trying to stream my data:
try (IgniteDataStreamer<Integer, Batch> streamer = serviceGrid.getIgnite().dataStreamer(cacheName);
StreamBatcher batcher = StreamBatcherFactory.create(event) ){
streamer.receiver(StreamTransformer.from(new BatchDataProcessor(event)));
statusService.updateStatus(event.getKey(), StatusType.EXECUTING);
int counter = 0;
Batch batch = null;
IgniteFuture<?> future = null;
while ((batch = batcher.batch()) != null) {
future = streamer.addData(counter++, batch);
Object getted = future.get();
Just for test use lets get only the last future, and try to analyze this object. In the code above I'm using BatchDataProcessor, that look like this:
public class BatchDataProcessor implements CacheEntryProcessor<Integer, Batch, Object> {
private final Event event;
private final String eventKey;
public BatchDataProcessor(Event event) {
this.event = event;
this.eventKey = event.getKey();
public Object process(MutableEntry<Integer, Batch> mutableEntry, Object... objects) throws EntryProcessorException {
Node node = NodeIgniter.node(Ignition.localIgnite().cluster().localNode().id());
ServiceGridContainer container = (ServiceGridContainer) node.getEnvironmentContainer().getContainerObject(ServiceGridContainer.class);
ProcessMarshaller marshaller = (ProcessMarshaller) container.getService(ProcessMarshaller.class);
LocalProcess localProcess = marshaller.intoProccessing(event.getLambdaExecutionKey());
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
} finally {
return new String("111");
So after localProcess.addBatch(mutableEntry) I want to send back an information about the status of this particular batch, so I think that I should do this in IgniteFuture object, but I don't find any information how to control the future object that's received in addData function.
Can anybody help with understanding, where can I control future that receives in addData function or some other way to realize a callback to streamed batch?
When you do StreamTransformer.from(), you forfeit the result of your BatchDataProcessor, because
for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : entries)
cache.invoke(entry.getKey(), this, entry.getValue());
// ^ result of cache.invoke() is discarded here
DataStreamer is for one-directional streaming of data. It is not supposed to return values as far as I know.
If you depend on the result of cache.invoke(), I recommend calling it directly instead of relying on DataStreamer.
BTW, be careful with fut.get(). You should do dataStreamer.flush() first, or DataStreamer's futures will wait indefinitely.

Can I use setWorkerCacheMb in Apache Beam 2.0+?

My Dataflow job (using Java SDK 2.1.0) is quite slow and it is going to take more than a day to process just 50GB. I just pull a whole table from BigQuery (50GB), join with one csv file from GCS (100+MB).
I use sideInputs to perform join (the latter way in the documentation above) while I think using CoGroupByKey is more efficient, however I'm not sure that is the only reason my job is super slow.
I googled and it looks by default, a cache of sideinputs set as 100MB and I assume my one is slightly over that limit then each worker continuously re-reads sideinputs. To improve it, I thought I can use setWorkerCacheMb method to increase the cache size.
However it looks DataflowPipelineOptions does not have this method and DataflowWorkerHarnessOptions is hidden. Just passing --workerCacheMb=200 in -Dexec.args results in
An exception occured while executing the Java class.
null: InvocationTargetException:
Class interface$MyOptions missing a property
named 'workerCacheMb'. -> [Help 1]
How can I use this option? Thanks.
My pipeline:
MyOptions options = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(args).withValidation().as(MyOptions.class);
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(options);
PCollection<TableRow> rows = p.apply("Read from BigQuery",""));
// Read account file
PCollection<String> accounts = p.apply("Read from account file","gs://my-bucket/accounts.csv")
PCollection<TableRow> accountRows = accounts.apply("Convert to TableRow",
ParDo.of(new DoFn<String, TableRow>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) throws Exception {
String line = c.element();
CSVParser csvParser = new CSVParser();
String[] fields = csvParser.parseLine(line);
TableRow row = new TableRow();
row = row.set("account_id", fields[0]).set("account_uid", fields[1]);
PCollection<KV<String, TableRow>> kvAccounts = accountRows.apply("Populate account_uid:accounts KV",
ParDo.of(new DoFn<TableRow, KV<String, TableRow>>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) throws Exception {
TableRow row = c.element();
String uid = (String) row.get("account_uid");
c.output(KV.of(uid, row));
final PCollectionView<Map<String, TableRow>> uidAccountView = kvAccounts.apply(View.<String, TableRow>asMap());
// Add account_id from account_uid to event data
PCollection<TableRow> rowsWithAccountID = rows.apply("Join account_id",
ParDo.of(new DoFn<TableRow, TableRow>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void processElement(ProcessContext c) throws Exception {
TableRow row = c.element();
if (row.containsKey("account_uid") && row.get("account_uid") != null) {
String uid = (String) row.get("account_uid");
TableRow accRow = (TableRow) c.sideInput(uidAccountView).get(uid);
if (accRow == null) {
LOG.warn("accRow null, {}", row.toPrettyString());
} else {
row = row.set("account_id", accRow.get("account_id"));
// Insert into BigQuery
WriteResult result = rowsWithAccountID.apply(BigQueryIO.writeTableRows()
.to(new TableRefPartition(StaticValueProvider.of("MYDATA"), StaticValueProvider.of("dev"),
.withFormatFunction(new SerializableFunction<TableRow, TableRow>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public TableRow apply(TableRow row) {
return row;
Historically my system have two identifiers of users, new one (account_id) and old one(account_uid). Now I need to add new account_id to our event data stored in BigQuery retroactively, because old data only has old account_uid. Accounts table (which has relation between account_uid and account_id) is already converted as csv and stored in GCS.
The last func TableRefPartition just store data into BQ's corresponding partition depending on each event timestamp. The job is still running (2017-10-30_22_45_59-18169851018279768913) and bottleneck looks Join account_id part.
That part of throughput (xxx elements/s) goes up and down according to the graph. According to the graph, estimated size of sideInputs is 106MB.
If switching to CoGroupByKey improves performance dramatically, I will do so. I was just lazy and thought using sideInputs is easier to handle event data which doesn't have account info as well.
Try one of:
1) setting the option using some code:;
2) having your application register DataflowWorkerHarnessOptions with the PipelineOptionsFactory
3) Having your own options class extend DataflowWorkerHarnessOptions
There's a few things you can do to improve the performance of your code:
Your side input is a Map<String, TableRow>, but you're using only a single field in the TableRow - accRow.get("account_id"). How about making it a Map<String, String> instead, having the value be the account_id itself? That'll likely be quite a bit more efficient than the bulky TableRow object.
You could extract the value of the side input into a lazily initialized member variable in your DoFn, to avoid repeated invocations of .sideInput().
That said, this performance is unexpected and we are investigating whether there's something else going on.

Stateful ParDo not working on Dataflow Runner

Based on Javadocs and the blog post at, I tried using a simple de-duplication example using 2.0.0-beta-2 SDK which reads a file from GCS (containing a list of jsons each with a user_id field) and then running it through a pipeline as explained below.
The input data contains about 146K events of which only 50 events are unique. The entire input is about 50MB which should be processable in considerably less time than the 2 min Fixed window. I just placed a window there to make sure the per-key-per-window semantics hold without using a GlobalWindow. I run the windowed data through 3 parallel stages to compare the results, each of which are explained below.
just copies the contents into a new file on GCS - this ensures all the events were being processed as expected and I verified the contents are exactly the same as input
Combine.PerKey on the user_id and pick only the first element from the Iterable - this essentially should deduplicate the data and it works as expected. The resulting file has the exact number of unique items from the original list of events - 50 elements
stateful ParDo which checks if the key has been seen already and emits an output only when its not. Ideally, the result from this should match the deduped data as [2] but all I am seeing is only 3 unique events. These 3 unique events always point to the same 3 user_ids in a few runs I did.
Interestingly, when I just switch from the DataflowRunner to the DirectRunner running this whole process locally, I see that the output from [3] matches [2] having only 50 unique elements as expected. So, I am doubting if there are any issues with the DataflowRunner for the Stateful ParDo.
public class StatefulParDoSample {
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StatefulParDoSample.class.getName());
static class StatefulDoFn extends DoFn<KV<String, String>, String> {
final Aggregator<Long, Long> processedElements = createAggregator("processed", Sum.ofLongs());
final Aggregator<Long, Long> skippedElements = createAggregator("skipped", Sum.ofLongs());
private final StateSpec<Object, ValueState<Integer>> keyTrackerSpec =
public void processElement(
ProcessContext context,
#StateId("keyTracker") ValueState<Integer> keyTracker) {
final String userId = context.element().getKey();
int wasSeen = firstNonNull(, 0);
if (wasSeen == 0) {
keyTracker.write( 1);
} else {
keyTracker.write(wasSeen + 1);
public static void main(String[] args) {
DataflowPipelineOptions pipelineOptions = PipelineOptionsFactory.create().as(DataflowPipelineOptions.class);
Pipeline p = Pipeline.create(pipelineOptions);
final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
PCollection<KV<String, String>> keyedEvents =
.apply(WithKeys.of(new SerializableFunction<String, String>() {
public String apply(String input) {
try {
Map<String, Object> eventJson =
mapper.readValue(input, Map.class);
return (String) eventJson.get("user_id");
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
.apply(ParDo.of(new StatefulDoFn()))
.apply(Combine.perKey(new SerializableFunction<Iterable<String>, String>() {
public String apply(Iterable<String> input) {
return !input.iterator().hasNext() ? "empty" : input.iterator().next();
PipelineResult result =;
This was a bug in the Dataflow service in batch mode, fixed in the upcoming 0.6.0 Beam release (or HEAD if you track the bleeding edge).
Thank you for bringing it to my attention! For reference, or if anything else comes up, this was tracked by BEAM-1611.
