xcode 10b6 fabric missing or malformed provisioning profile - ios

Just updated to Xcode 10b6 and when i try to distribute the app through the fabric plugin i got the error "Archive Preparation Error: -3" - The archive's embedded.mobileprovision provisioning is missing or malformed"
No idea how to solve this.

Just find myself trying stuff..
File -> Workspace settings
Change Build system from New Build System (default) to Legacy Build System

In xcode 10+ the option to change to legacy build is in file >> project settings


CodeName One server error: Signing for "<AppName>" requires a development team. Select a development team in the project editor

I'm trying to submit a build to CodeName One's servers for ios, but I'm getting the following error:
Check dependencies
Code Signing Error: Signing for "<AppName>" requires a development team. Select a development team in the project editor.
warning: skipping file '/var/folders/p7/d3z112yd0156kxkm2p21p8ym0000gn/T/build2312703286849472619xxx/dist/<>-src/<>-Prefix.pch' (unexpected file type 'sourcecode.c.objc.preprocessed' in Frameworks & Libraries build phase)
warning: skipping file '/var/folders/p7/d3z112yd0156kxkm2p21p8ym0000gn/T/build2312703286849472619xxx/dist/<>-src/<>-Info.plist' (unexpected file type 'text.plist.xml' in Frameworks & Libraries build phase)
Warning: The Link Binary With Libraries build phase contains this target's Info.plist file '<>-src/<>-Info.plist'.
Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 11.2'
The following build commands failed:
Check dependencies
(1 failure)
Failed xcodebuild step
The code builds fine locally; the error shows up when it is submitted to the remote build servers. I've seen several questions on SO about this xcodebuild issue, but none are for CodeName One. (I assume CodeName One is using xcode when they do their server build.) How do I select a development team from the CodeName One NetBeans plugin?
I used the CodeName One wizard to generate the ios certificates; not sure if that makes a difference.
Is this a university or an enterprise iOS developer account? If so you need to get into the iOS Signing section in Codename One Settings and configure the right options.
After looking at the build error log, Shai was able to identify the issue. The xcode version had been set to 9.2 instead of 7.3. By changing the value of the codename1.arg.ios.xcode_version variable in the codenameone_settings.properties file from 9.2 to 7.3, the build completed successfully.

Check dependencies error in Cordova iOS build

After updating to High Sierra and Xcode 9.1, I'm unable to build Cordova apps. The first failure was about the team being missing, so I turned that on. I'm now hung up on:
Check dependencies
Code Signing Error: xxx has conflicting provisioning settings. xxx is automatically signed for development, but a conflicting code signing identity iPhone Distribution has been manually specified. Set the code signing identity value to "iPhone Developer" in the build settings editor, or switch to manual signing in the project editor.
Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 11.1'
It seems pretty obvious, but when I do what it says, I don't get anywhere. I've fiddled with all various settings of automatic and manual settings (dev and production) that seemed reasonable. I've even built a whole new certificate and distribution profile, but no change. I've followed instructions from After upgrading to xcode 9, cordova app won't build, error 70, requires provisioning profile with no luck. I've googled up a lot of issues with the Xcode upgrade, but there doesn't seem to be a comprehensive list of exactly what needs to change for support. I'm just finding various snippets that don't work for me...
Currently working with cordova-ios version 4.5.3.
After a disgusting amount of time spent on this, I was finally able to get mine published... I'll outline what I remember of the workflow below:
run ionic cordova platform rm ios then ionic cordova platform add ios
open Xcode and select your development team, keep the signing set to automatic
run ionic cordova build ios --prod – don't add the --release flag
if you now have a .xcarchive file in platforms/ios, open it in Xcode and skip to the very bottom, otherwise continue to the next point
open the .xcodeproj file and click Product > Archive – this will create the release build
If you get the "check dependencies" error at this point:
uncheck / disable automatic signing
re-check / enable automatic signing
run Product > Archive again
This should successfully build your app release, at which point you'll have the option to "Submit to App Store"... Good luck!

Jenkins Archiving fails says :"You have to provide a value for either the marketing or technical version. Found neither."

I am trying to build Xcode project in Jenkins, I was able to successfully run my first Jenkins project. After compilation it gave me "app" bundle.
Now i'm trying to archive the bundle, but I'm getting the following error
"You have to provide a value for either the marketing or technical version. Found neither."
I tried playing with configuration but nothing seems to be working.
Xcode has a built-in tool called agvtool. Agvtool only works if you have "Apple generic" version system in settings.
Change the version system to "Apple generic" in target settings.

Cocoapods/ CrittercismSDK causing App Submission Error: ITMS-90035

I am trying to upload an app to Testflight using XCode 6.3. However, on trying to validate the app, it is giving me the error message below:
I have tried regenerating the certificates and provisioning profiles without having any success.
ERROR: ERROR ITMS-90035: "Invalid Signature. Code object is not signed
at all. The binary at path [VirtualMechanic.app/dsym_upload.sh]
contains an invalid signature. Make sure you have signed your
application with a distribution certificate, not an ad hoc certificate
or a development certificate. Verify that the code signing settings in
Xcode are correct at the target level (which override any values at
the project level). Additionally, make sure the bundle you are
uploading was built using a Release target in Xcode, not a Simulator
target. If you are certain your code signing settings are correct,
choose "Clean All" in Xcode, delete the "build" directory in the
Finder, and rebuild your release target. For more information, please
That dsym_upload.sh script does not belong in the app bundle as it's the script that is run as part of a Build Phase that is used to upload the debug symbols to Crittercism.
Find the Build Phase that is copying it into the app bundle and remove it, however please note that it will still need to be run within a Build Phase.
Here's the official Crittercism Support Article related to the issue which recommends upgrading the pod to version 5.2.0.

Provisional profile is missing when building for iOS 5.0

I am able to create the .ipa file for 4.2, but it fails when I do it for 5.0. In 5.0 when I archive the build, the provisioning profile is missing.
It successfully runs in the simulator and in my iPhone. When I select "Product->Archive" to build the archive, it successfully archives the project but it losses the identifier name, and the version is 'Unspecified'. When I press the "Share" button it doesn't find the provisioning profile and can't build the ipa file.
How can I get the ipa file built?
you need to download the .mobileprovision files from developer.apple.com. You can just double click the files in finder and install them. Be sure in the build settings to point them to proper distro profiles/developer profiles.
SOLVED - Actually the the project was done with xcode 3.2.6 and it had two dependencies. When it was transitioned to 4.2, build setting wasn't changed. I had to convert the build settings of 2 dependencies and the main application then i could build the ipa file.
