Get Jenkins Workspace Number - jenkins

if I am running concurrent Jenkins jobs, eg,
How do I get the value of #2, #3, etc? Is there an env variable, or do I have to back it out from the path? It isn't EXECUTOR_NUMBER, which doesn't always match.

As #ben5556 told you in the comment, you have to parse the WORKSPACE environment variable.
For me, the best way to get the number (without using sh) is:
You can remove the # at the beginning of the string if you only want the number.


How can I get the numbers of folders in _work folder in agent?

I want to get the number inside the _work folder of an on-premise TFS agent.
For example:
From C:/agent/_work/1 get the 1.
Is there a variable to get the 1 part?
You can use a small PowerShell script to extract the number and set a new variable for the sequences steps:
$folderPath = "$env:Agent_BuildDirectory"
$folderNumber = $folderPath.Split('\')[$folderPath.Split('\').Count - 1]
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=folderNumber]$folderNumber"
Now you can use the variable $(folderNumber) in the sequences tasks.
There is no reason for you to parse this information out. The current working folder for a given build or release is accessible in the variable $(Agent.BuildDirectory).
If you are trying to reference the working folder of a different build, then you are doing something wrong with your build process, and there are a number of different, valid solutions to that problem.
Check out the different variable values and ways to customize them if needed. Note the Agent.DeploymentGroupId is is not something you would change.
Release variables and debugging
The ID of the deployment group the agent is registered with. This is available only in deployment group jobs.
Example: 1
The working directory for this agent, where subfolders are created for every build or release. Same as Agent.RootDirectory and System.WorkFolder.
Example: C:\agent_work

JMeter: more than nine parameters from Jenkins

I am trying to pass more than nine parameters from Jenkins to JMeter4.0.
As I was reading, I found out that JMeter does not accept more than 9 parameters. As a workaround, I want to pass all the parameters as a string and split it in JMeter BeanShell.
java -jar -Xms512m -Xmx2048m C:\JMeter4\bin\ApacheJMeter.jar -Jjenkinsparams="%Timetorun%,%Users%" -n -t %JMeterPath%\bin\tests\tests.jmx -l %WORKSPACE%\Results.csv
The tests run on a Windows machine. From this call I have
jenkinsparams = "300,2"
I use a BeanShell PreProcessor like this:
String line = "${__P(jenkinsparams)}";
String[] words = line.split(",");
I tried few to check the values. For words[1] I have the correct value sent from Jenkins: 2. For the users the value displayed is: void.
I am trying to use it for Number of Threads as: ${__P(users,1)}.
What am I doing wrong? The values clearly arrive from Jenkins but I have a problem passing it to my variable. Thank you
You don't have a script variable named users, so you should either log words[0]:[0]);
Or you can log the value of JMeter variable called users:"users"));
Or you can assign words[0] to variable called users:
String users = words[0];;
Also you are saving it as variable, not property, so you can retrieve it elsewhere in script as
The syntax __P refers to property, so if you want to use it as property, you need to change how you are saving it:
props.put("users", words[1]);
If you do that, ${__P(users,1)} should work
Now, if you want to use this value as number of threads, then you need to do this:
Have Setup thread group with 1 thread, and your script
In the script you must save users as property, otherwise it won't pass between threads
Next thread group then can use it as number of threads
As long as your command line fits into 8191 characters it should not be a problem to pass as many arguments to JMeter as you want, here is an evidence from Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination
So keep calm and pass as many parameters as needed via -J command line arguments.
Be aware that starting from JMeter version 3.1 users are recommended to use JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language instead of Beanshell so going forward please consider switching to Groovy.

How can I have unique build numbers across branches with Jenkins & the Pipeline Multibranch Plugin

We are using Jenkins Pipeline Multibranch Plugin with Blue Ocean.
Through my reading, I believe it is quite common to tie your project's build number to the Jenkins run, as this allows traceability from an installed application through to the CI system, then to the change in source control, and then onto the issue that prompted the change.
The problem is that for each branch, the run number begins at 0. For a project with multiple branches, it seems impossible to guarantee a unique build number.
You can get the Git branch name from $GIT_BRANCH and add this to $BUILD_NUMBER to make an ID that's unique across branches (as long as your company doesn't do something like get themselves taken over by a large corporation that migrates you to another Jenkins server and resets all the build numbers: to protect against that, you might want to use $BUILD_URL).
Only snag is $GIT_BRANCH contains the / character, plus any characters you used when naming the branch, and these may or may not be permitted in all the places where you want an ID. ($BUILD_URL is also going to contain characters like : and /) If this is an issue, one workaround would be to delete unwanted characters with tr:
export MY_ID=$(echo $GIT_BRANCH-$BUILD_NUMBER | tr -dc [A-Za-z0-9-])
(-dc means delete the complement of these characters, so A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and - are the characters you want to keep.)
Maybe instead of a unique (global numeric) build number you might want to try a unique (global) build display name?
According to "pipeline syntax: global variables reference" currentBuild.displayName is a writable property. So you could e.g. add additional information to the build number (in order to make it globally unique) and use that string in subsequent artifact/application build steps (to incorporate that in the application's version output for your desired traceability), e.g. something like:
currentBuild.displayName = "${env.BRANCH_NAME}-${}"
Using the build's schedule or start time formatted (currentBuild.timeInMillis) as a readable date, or using the SCM revision might be also useful, e.g. resulting in "20180119-091439-rev149923".
See also:!msg/jenkinsci-users/CDuWAYLz2zI/NLxwOku4AwAJ
One way is to have a Job that is being called from all branches and using it's build number. That job can be just a normal pipeline job with a dummy Jenkinsfile like echo "hello". Then just call it like this
def job = build job: 'build number generator', quietPeriod: 0, parameters: [
string(value: "${BRANCH_NAME}-${BUILD_NUMBER}", name: 'UID')
def BNUMBER = job.getNumber().toString()
currentBuild.displayName = "build #"+BNUMBER
Not sure if that UID parameter is needed but it forces all calls into "build number generator" job to be unique so Jenkins wouldn't optimize builds that happen at same time to use same "build number generator" job.
You can use an external service to manage a unique build number for your project. It helps to get unique build numbers across branches and across CI servers too.

Jenkins Extended Choice Parameter - using the values

I'm new to Jenkins so this is probably an easy one. I have the Extended Choice Parameter plugin installed. I'm using the Multi Select parameter type to pick from a list of servers (SERVER1,SERVER2,SERVER3) I've set Source for Value, Default Value, and Value Description.
I save it, and it looks great. I can pick any or all servers for the build. Now for the big question.. how do I use these values in the build? Basically I have a step in the build that can take in a comma separated list that is called by a shell command:
What do I put in for $blah to use that list of servers?
Just to be clear, if I'm on command line I would do the following:
I'm sure it's something simple but I just cannot find it in the docs or an example.
We could get the servers list like this
or this on Windows
To see the list of environment variables which we could you, try this URL (change localhost by your Jenkins URL, TEST by the job name, 10 by the build number)
UPDATE to #sniperd's edition:
This URL will shows us the parameters list in the Job:

Build number of previous build number

I am trying to create a Jenkins pipeline job which will check the status of previous before it trigger the execution. But I am not able to find the url to previous build number. I tried constructing url using BUILD_NUMBER-1 option but not working because BUILD_NUMBER is not a integer. Could someone help me to find the url to previous build ?
You can make use of the currentBuild global variable. You can see all global variables at http://jenkins-url/pipeline-syntax/globals.
The number can be retrieved from it. You can see all of the whitelisted calls on RunWrapper.
build number (integer)
So, in your pipeline you could do currentBuild.number.
If there is a previous build, you could also use previousBuild and use currentBuild.previousBuild.number. Keep in mind that previousBuild can be null.
