Dart - getting start - missing step - how to install pub - dart

I'm trying to get started and setup to develop Dart.
I'm following the instructions on https://webdev.dartlang.org/guides/get-started to install on Linux. However there seems to be an essential step missing.
On the above link, step 2 is about installing the SDK.
Step 3 is titled:
Get CLI tools or WebStorm (or both)
However step gives examples of using the pub command, and the links it references also use this command, however there are no instructions on where to find the pub utility or how to install it.
I would have assumed that pub was provided as part of the Dart SDK. I can run dart in my terminal, and see that it is installed. For example dart --version returns Dart VM version: 2.0.0 (Unknown timestamp) on "linux_x64". But pub returns zsh: command not found: pub
My question, therefore, is where do I find, and how do I install pub?

You need to add thedart-sdk/bin directory to the system PATH variable.


Testing solution from Exercism

I just installed Exercism and would like to test if I managed to complete the hello-world assignment.
I changed the hello_world.dart file in the lib folder to print the solution, but now I am struggling with running the test file.
In the guide it says to simply run
$ pub run test
Is the $-sign meant to mean something to me? Cause all I am getting is: "'$' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file." I have the same issue with running "pub get" or "pub run test". (What does pub mean?)
To summarize, I ran:
exercism configure "my token"
exercism download --exercise=hello-world --track=dart
cd C:\Users\Martin\exercism\dart\hello-world
I changed the file in C:\Users\Martin\Exercism\dart\hello-world\lib
And then I tried
$ pub run test
pub run test
pub get
And none of these seem to do anything. So, I don't know how to test my file.
I do have flutter installed and run is fine with Android Studio, if that is relevant. It seems to me that I can choose to write the solution in both notepad++ or Android Studio.
Thanks for any help
pub is package manager for dart programming language, just like npm for javascript. Since you've installed it on WINDOWS i'm guessing you used choco - package manager to install the dart-sdk. https://dart.dev/get-dart.
Once installed make sure you've set dart-sdk the path in Environment variable.

stagehand command not found when trying to create new application

I just installed stagehand on my mac and the install went off without a hitch, but when I try using it to spawn a new dart application I get this error -bash: stagehand: command not found. Any ideas?
I've looked at my machine, and stagehand is in ~/.pub-cache/bin which I think I had to add to my .profile manually:
export PATH=$PATH:~/.pub-cache/bin
(edit: I've just found the confirming information tucked away in the pub pages: https://www.dartlang.org/tools/pub/cmd/pub-global#running-a-script-from-your-path)
I'm on mac too. I did this:
brew tap dart-lang/dart
brew install dart
zsh: command not found: stagehand
And then this command fixed it:
pub global activate stagehand
Now it works:
Welcome to Stagehand!
I came across same issue on my windows pc. I had to check flutter installation directory and add following .pub-cache\bin directory to Windows path environment variable.
I think this might be helpful to any Windows user.
On MacOS run this command: export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"
I installed it, but still gave me error not found, but I noticed warning in following message after running the command:
Package stagehand is currently active at version 3.3.11.
Resolving dependencies...
The package stagehand is already activated at newest available version.
To recompile executables, first run `global decativate stagehand`.
Installed executable stagehand.
Warning: Pub installs executables into C:\Users\Nijat\AppData\Local\Pub\Cache\bin, which is not on your path.
You can fix that by adding that directory to your system's "Path" environment variable.
A web search for "configure windows path" will show you how.
Activated stagehand 3.3.11.
The problem is this line:
Warning: Pub installs executables into C:\Users\Nijat\AppData\Local\Pub\Cache\bin, which is not on your path.
Thus, you also need to add that to your environment variables. This solved my problem and now I can run stagehand.

Error installing llvm and clang from source in Linux

I am trying to install clang from source following the instructions as given in http://clang.llvm.org/get_started.html ( Steps 1-4 and 7) in Ubuntu 14.04
Inside the build directory , I ran make which succeeded. I wasn't sure what to do after that , so I ran make install inside the build directory, following which I got this cmake error:
There is no executable named clang in /build/bin folder anyway, but I can find others like clang-check, clang-query, etc. What's going wrong?
PS: My main requirment is to experiment with alpha security checkers of clang analyzer and also write my own checker later.

Is there a workaround for pub dependency resolution through proxies?

I'm trying to play with https://github.com/dart-lang/web-ui-code-lab for dart development. If I follow the pdf and open step05, then try to run chat_server.dart, I get this error (my path has no spaces in it, in case that's relevant):
dart --enable-checked-mode bin/chat_server.dart
Unable to open file: path/to/web-ui-code-lab-master/step05/bin/packages/dart_chat/file_logger.dart'file:///path/to/dart/web-ui-code-lab-master/step05/bin/chat_server.dart': Error: line 5 pos 1: library handler failed
import 'package:dart_chat/file_logger.dart' as log;
I presume this means that there are some missing dependencies, but I can't run pub install because I'm behind a corporate http proxy:
Running pub install ...
Pub install failed, [1] Resolving dependencies...
Timed out trying to find package "web_ui 0.2.8+6" at http://pub.dartlang.org.
Hence, I started looking for a temporary workaround for pub dependency resolution. I tried changing the pubspec.yaml to go through the git:// protocol instead of http (which won't resolve without going through the proxy):
name: dart_chat
description: This is a chat app written in Dart using the Dart Web UI package
git: git://github.com/dart-lang/web-ui.git
I get further than before with pub install, so I think it successfully went through the git protocol and is trying to resolve web_ui's dependencies, but unfortunately doing so fails on web_ui's dependency for logging (which looks like it's still going through http://):
Running pub install ...
Pub install failed, [1] Resolving dependencies...
Timed out trying to find package "logging 0.2.7" at http://pub.dartlang.org.
It looks like I can't change the yaml to use the sdk's logging dependency either:
sdk: logging
because that's an incompatible source with web_ui:
Pub install failed, [1] Resolving dependencies...
Incompatible dependencies on 'logging':
- 'dart_chat' depends on it from source 'sdk'
- 'web_ui' depends on it from source 'hosted'
Is there any other way to get around this proxy issue with the current dev tools? Could I mirror pub.dartlang.org somehow? Or mirror the git repositories for each dependency? Thanks.
You said that you're using a Mac. If it's a laptop, why don't you try doing it from home? I'll notify the author of pub about this issue to see if he has any suggestions.
Currently there is no way to set a proxy in the Dart Editor, you can star this issue to check when it will be available.
I found a workaround to run the Pub install/update behind a proxy: in Windows, you can acess the "Environment variables" and add a variable named HTTP_PROXY with the value

pub install does not work in Dart

I am trying to install glmatrix using pub install. My OS is Windows 7 and I have Git installed.
Here is my pubspec.yaml
name: WebGLTut1
description: A sample application
git: git://github.com/pjako/glmatrix.dart.git
When I run pub install I get the following error:
Running pub install ... Pub install fail, FormatException: Could not
parse "git://github.com/pjako/glmatrix.dart.git".".
I googled a while to find a solution but couldn't. Please help.
I found the problem. There has to be a TAB/Space when specifying git: url in pubsec.yaml as follows.
git: git://github.com/pjako/glmatrix.dart.git
This solved the previouse problem of FormatException. But now when I run pub install again it throws theis error.
Running pub install ... Pub install fail, Git failed.
As you identified you update, yaml files are whitespace sensitive; that's why you don't have to use lots of curly braces like json. :)
I see a few of possible problems here:
Glmatrix doesn't appear to have its own pubspec defined. Libraries participating in the package system much declare a pubspec file with the name property defined. The name is important because pub uses it when you declare your dependencies. Let's say you had a project called toast with the following simple pubspec:
name: butter
version: 0.0.0
Then you would need to declare your dependency to that project like so:
git: git://github.com/foo/toast.git
Have the project owner make the changes or fork it yourself, add the pubspec, and then reference your fork in your pubspec.
Glmatrix is does not conform to the pubspec package layout conventions (your own projects should also conform to this). Although I believe that pub may handle non-conforming layouts currently, it may not in the future. So again, you can either ask the project owner to fix, or fork and fix it yourself.
Since you are on windows, make sure git is in your system PATH variable. If you are using the bash shell, git will work, but it's not going to work outside of bash (like from Dart editor) until you add it to your PATH.
