How to best move a huge .sqlite database to a new directory on an old, low memory iOS device? - ios

For my latest app update, I have to move the user's Core Data .sqlite database from the Documents directory to the Application Support directory. I use the migratePersistentStore:toURL:options:withType:error: method. I am dealing with one user who somehow managed to save enough data in her database so that it is now a whopping 9G. On top of that, her device is an iPad Air 1 - which had memory issues around the time it came out five or six years ago, and now it is 2018 and she is running the latest iOS. The migratePersistentStore:toURL:options:withType:error: method keeps crashing the app with low memory. But I have no other way to get the .sqlite to the necessary location. Can anyone advise me on how to best approach this situation? Ideally, something I could do in my code - but I would even appreciate suggestions on other ways I could just help the user to manually move that massive database at this point!

I guess you use migratePersistentStore because its the official way to do it. Its a good way, but sometimes you have to make your hands dirty:
Manually-moving database at app-start before you load it
This post shows that CoreData may use more than one file which you have to move. You can list the files in the directory, use a regex find all the files which have to be moved, move them to the new location and then load CoreData as usual from the new location.
This however requires there to be the necessary infrastructure in place to do this. You‘ll figure it out if you want to go this path.
You can hide this behind a feature-flag, only with a code, only for a certain user or after crashing with low memory so it doesn‘t impact users who don‘t need it.


used disk space never released documents or/and shared container

I am observing some strange behavior and am not sure what to make of it or how to get around it. The app may use a large amount of data and at some point GBs, I need to clear (delete) older data. I attempt to dynamically decide what and how much needs to be deleted.
The problem is that when I delete part or all of the data from the shared container, OS still reports that the app is using it. Restart did not help. Deleting the app solves the problem but given that I want to keep "newer" data and delete "older" data I do not want to delete the app. I also do not want the user to deal with this and want this to be done at the startup of the app.
Any suggestions?
Perhaps to make it more clear FileManager.default.removeItem(at: folderUrl) is used to remove folders/files. There is also trashItem method, but not sure it will change anything.
There are no errors, folders are deleted, yet OS reports space used by the app.
also may be similar to FileManager.default.removeItem not clearing storage

What is the best practice for storing a large number of images for iOS apps?

I'm in the middle of making an app that will end up needing somewhere between 300-500 different images. I don't know if a database is the right way to go about this, or storing them locally. I doubt locally could do it, seeing as the app size would get huge. Would I just download all the files necessary for an event, then unload them when the event is done

iOS: Documents directory being 'cleaned'

The Situation
I have an app that stores a core data database in the documents directory. It seems to work well for the most part, except for the fact a few users (of a very large number) are complaining their data just 'disappeared'.
It's a carefully/well coded app, no weird errors or crashes coming from Core Data.
My Suspicion
iOS sometimes shows the word 'cleaning' beneath app icons when storage space is low. This cleans some directories to free up space.
Could this be the cause? If so, how can I stop this? Any light that can be shed on this would be much appreciated.
The documents directory is the recommended place to store a core data database and iOS will never "clean up" anything stored there.
Users can manually delete files in the Documents directory, by uninstalling the app or (if you've enabled it in info.plist) browsing their phone from in iTunes.
Most users do not expect their data to be destroyed when they uninstall an app (Macs and PCs would leave the data in place for example), so this is probably what's happening.
You should consider storing a second copy of the data on your server, or on the user's iCloud account. That way it won't be destroyed by an uninstall. If it's your server, then you can justify charging money for this feature (recurring revenue is good right?).
Backups to iTunes and iCloud will both include your database, so you can instruct users to restore to a recent backup to get their data back.
Also double check your code to see how it handles an out of disk space error when attempting to save changes to the database. Depending how you're using Core Data, this could go bad.
These days Core Data in iCloud or some other cloud solution is the best approach.

Lock file for editing in Dropbox

I am building app in iOS that saves data in Dropbox. Multiple device can use the same data. While doing this, sometime two device may overwrite same file. To avoid this situation is there any like lock file for writing.
Any alternative workaround solutions are also welcome.
While I don't know the Dropbox API, I would always be careful with a locking mechanism. I know from some systems, that the locks lead to a problem, if for example the app crashes or quits and the lock does not get released.
A very simple approach though would be to store the modification date when you have read the file. Then, before saving changes, compare your stored value with the most current one. If they are different, the file was modified. Next ask your users how to proceed and either commit the changes, cancel or create a new file with the same name and some appendix. That is how some sync clients I use are dealing with this problem.

Syncing a local sqlite file to iCloud

I store some data in my iOS app directly in a local .sqlite file.  I chose to do this instead of CoreData because the data will need to be compatible with non-Apple platforms.
Now, I'm trying to come up with the best way to sync this file over iCloud.  I know you can't sync it directly, for many reasons.  I know CoreData is able to sync its DBs, but even ignoring that using CD would essentially lock this file into Apple platforms (I think? I've only looked into CD a bit), I need the iCloud syncing of this file to work across ALL of iCloud's supported platforms - which is supposed to include Windows.  I have to assume that there won't be any compatibility for the CoreData files in the Windows API.  Planning out the best way to accomplish this would be a lot easier if Apple would tell us any more than "There will be a Windows API [eventually?]"
In addition, I'll eventually need to implement at least one more sync service to support platforms that iCloud does not.  It would be helpful, though not required, if the method I use for iCloud can be mostly reused for future services.
For these reasons, I don't think CoreData can help me with this.  Am I correct in thinking this?
Moving on from there, I need to devise an algorithm for this, or find an existing one or an existing 3rd party solution.  I haven't stumbled across anything yet. However, I have been mulling over a couple possible methods I could implement:
Method 1:
Do something similar to how CoreData syncs sqlite DBs: send "transaction logs" to iCloud instead and build each local sqlite file off of those.
I'm thinking each device would send a (uniquely named) text file listing all the sql commands that that device executed, with timestamps.  The device would store how far along in each list of commands it has executed, and continue from that point each time the file is updated. If it received updates to multiple log files at once, it would execute each command in timestamp order.
Things could get 'interesting' efficiency-wise once these files get large, but it seems like a solvable problem.  
Method 2:
Periodically sync a copy of the working database to iCloud.  Have a modification timestamp field in every record.  When an updated copy of the DB comes through, query all the records with newer timestamps than some reference time and update the record in the local DB from the new data.
I see many potential problems with this method:
-Have to implement something further to recognize record deletion.
-The DB file could get conflicts. It might be possible to deal with them by handling each conflict version in timestamp order.
-Determining the date to check each update from could be tricky, as it depends on which device the update is coming from.
There are a lot of potential problems with method 2, but method 1 seems doable to me...
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what might be the best course of action? Any better ideas than my "Method 1" (or reasons why it wouldn't work)?
Try those two solutions from Ray Wenderlich:
Exporting/Importing data through mail:
File Sharing with iTunes:
I found it quite complex but helped me a lot.
Both method 1 and method 2 seem doable. Perhaps a combination of the two in fact - use iCloud to send a separate database file that is a subset of data - i.e. just changed items. Or maybe another file format instead of sqlite db - XML/JSON/CSV etc.
Another alternative is to do it outside of iCloud - i.e. a simple custom web service for syncing. So each change gets submitted to a central server via JSON/XML over HTTP, and then other devices pull updates from that.
Obviously it depends how much data and how many devices you want to sync across, and whether you have access to an appropriate server and/or budget to cover running such a server. iCloud will do that for "free" but all it really does is transfer files. A custom solution allows you to define your syncing model as you wish, but you have to develop and manage it and pay for it.
I've considered the possibility of transferring a database file through iCloud but I think that I would run into classic problems of timing - slow start for the user - and corrupted databases if the app is run on multiple devices simultaneously. (iPad/iPhone for example).
Sooo. I've had to use the transaction logs method. It really is difficult to implement, but once in place, seems ok.
I am using Apple's SharedCoreData sample as the base for this work. This link requires an Apple Developer Account.
I did find a much much better solution from Tim Roadley however this only works for IOS and I needed both IOS and MacOS.
rant> iCloud development really has to get easier and more stable! /rant
