Jenkins: Git Failed to connect to repository, returned status code 128 - jenkins

I'm attempting to clone a remote GitHub enterprise repository and am running into the following error after adding my remote repo's URL to the Git Plugin in my Jenkins configuration:
Failed to connect to repository : Command "git.exe ls-remote -h https://<<server>>/M/AS.git HEAD" returned status code 128:
stderr: fatal: unable to access 'https://<<server>>/M/AS.git/': Received HTTP code 502 from proxy after CONNECT

Firs of all You Need to setup github with jenkins in below section also
Go to Github --> click on profile dropdown --> settings --> devloper settings --> personal access token -->
generate new token --> select all scopes --> copy the token
Then go to Jenkins --> manage Jenkins --> github settings --> add user --> Select secret text--> paste the token
Then Test the git-hub connection by clicking test button If its Successful the Jenkins will ready to clone the GitHub repository
And also add Webhooks, Integrations & Services in GitHub

Make sure you have generated Git API Token in Git repository and added the same in the Jenkins Credentials.
If the is done, I don't think there will be any issue in connecting Git to Jenkins.
Also you can test if your Git server is able to ping your Jenkins server. (If you are running your own Git and Jenkins).
All the best.

Check your failed job environment variables.
If there is no environment variable named NO_PROXY, set one in the configuration of your JENKINS job:
Here, I assume your GitHub Enterprise has an URL like (replace ( by your own)
That will avoid Jenkins trying to access the remote server through the proxy.

If you are running from a VM, make sure you install the package 'git-core'.
You must have git installed in the machine where jenkins is running

I had the same issue and for me it helped a restart for the machine where it was installed Jenkins.


SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in Azure Pipeline to access our internal TFS 2018 server

I am trying since awhile to setup an Azure Pipeline to access our internal TFS 2018 server.
I created an "Other Git" Service Connection named: TFS_PRJ, I used this intranet URL:
For the authentication, I tried, my Windows domain account credentials as well as a PAT Token created in TFS with all access rights.
When I created the pipeline, I specified my self-hosted agent located on the same intranet and the master branch. Does this branch have an impact when accessing TFS? I can see in the logs: "Starting: Checkout TFS_PRJ#master to s". I don't see branches in TFS, should I create something in TFS to make it work?
When running the pipeline, I first have a timeout
Then it runs and after 6-7 minutes, logs shows this error: fatal: unable to access '': OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to
I understood that to access this server, the agent should not use the proxy that is currently used in pipelines accessing GitHub. This bypass is usually done by using a proxy.pac file but I don't see how to use this file in agent configuration. To enable the proxy bypass with agent files, the .proxy file contains: and the .proxybypass file contains:
To test that the TFS server is accessible, I logged onto the agent server as the service account and in the IE Internet options, I added * to the trusted sites and then I was able to access I am also able to ping the server
So, I have several questions:
The branch part, is it normal to use the master branch while there is no branch in TFS or does it need something more?
When I run the pipeline, it gives a timeout as it can't connect to TFS but what account and what proxy does it try to use at this point? The one defined in the service connection?
About the SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL error, is it my syntax of the .proxybypass file that is wrong? "", do you see anything thing else that could be done ?
Can there be some settings or access rights on the TFS server that I need to have or set ?
Update 1:
Thank you for this.
I created a YAML file in a Azure Repos with this content:
- none
name: 'myAgent'
- checkout: none
- task: CmdLine#2
script: 'git clone -b master'
Which returned:
Cloning into 'myProject'...
fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled
I should probably try with the PATToken in the URL...
On the agent, I added the Git folder of the agent to the path and ran:
git clone
Which returned:
Cloning into 'myProject'...
fatal: Authentication failed for ''
Then I tried to clone it from the Team Explorer in VS2019.
I have found two lists of projects, and "local Git repositories", I couldn't clone projects from so I tried to clone in the local Git but it didn't worked, not sure it was the thing to do either...
I took this screenshot, could it be my TFS project that is not suited for this ?
If you do not have other branch in TFS, it is normal to use the master branch, also we can specify branch name in the Get sources tab, please check the pic below.
You could check the service connection in the project settings->Service connections. It accesses the TFS repo via service account, such as below.
According to the error message OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to : It seems to be an issue in your network settings, maybe a proxy or a firewall blocking access to the remote repository.
You should check if your TFS server is behind the firewall or a proxy. If so, please turn it off and try again. Please also try running the clone command in a local machine directly to clone the affected repository to check if that works. If the server is behind a proxy, please try to set git configs for proxy something like this : git config --global http.proxy
You need configure the service account permission in the TFS Version Control.
Please check the sample, I disable the checkout step and add cmd to clone TFS 2018 repo, then publish it to Artifacts to check the content.
Note: The repo will save in the self-hosted agent folder, we could add task Power shell at the end and call script to delete the repo folder.
- none
name: Default
- checkout: none
- task: CmdLine#2
script: 'git clone -b {branch name} {TFS repo URL}'
- task: CopyFiles#2
SourceFolder: '$(Agent.BuildDirectory)'
Contents: '**'
TargetFolder: '$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)'
- task: PublishBuildArtifacts#1
PathtoPublish: '$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)'
ArtifactName: 'drop'
publishLocation: 'Container'
It’s mainly caused by the credentials have been remembered by Credential Manager. You should remove the credentials for which have been stored in Credential Manager.
you can open Credential Manager -> Windows Credentials -> under Generic Credentials -> remove the credentials like git:
In addition, please also delete the Visual Studio cache.
Note: You could also try to clone repo on a new machine.

How to configure Git in Jenkins using windows platform

I'm trying to configure the git repository in Jenkins, I followed all steps on github documentation but I had the bellow error on my application .
I've configured the agent, then I put the ssh url on jenkins.
I've configured the ssh on github as well.
Failed to connect to repository : Command "git ls-remote -h -- HEAD" returned status code 128:
stderr: Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists
The issue was solved that way
In windows, Jenkins will use the the SSH key of the user it is running as, which is located in the %USERPROFILE%.ssh folder ( on XP, that would be C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME.ssh, and on 7 it would be C:\Users\USERNAME.ssh). Therefore, you need to force Jenkins to run as the user that has the SSH key configured. To do that, right click on My Computer, and hit "Manage". Click on "Services". Go to Jenkins, right click, and select "Properties". Under the "Log On" tab, choose the user Jenkins will run as, and put in the username and password (it requires one). Then restart the Jenkins service by right clicking on Jenkins (in the services window), and hit "Restart".
Jenkins does not support passphrases for SSH keys. Therefore, if you set one while running the initial Github configuration, rerun it and don't set one.
I'm going to say you don't have the credentials configured properly as you did not mention that.
A similar Stack Overflow response is here, for a slightly different worded error. Similar issue here.
The Jenkins site and others have good examples on setting up Jenkins with GitHub.

Jenkins plugin git-parameter fetch working only once

I'm using Git-parameter plugin into Jenkins to build specific tag/branches. It was correctly working but now (not sure it's following and update or something) it's failing in a strange way:
If I create a new job (or duplicate a failing one) add the git parameter to retrieve tag (or branch) and my build steps I can build right away. It shows me the full tag list and can build the one I select.
On the second run, when I click "build with parameter" again then no list provided for the tag and with the branch I have this error :
Command "git ls-remote -h ssh://jenkins#"
returned status code 128:
stderr: /tmp/ line 6: ssh: command not found
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Please look at the Log
So it looks like access issue to the git repo but it's working on first run and I still can build same project (so doing a git checkout too) without this git parameter so I assume my git configuration / credentials are ok.
If you have any idea where to look ?
ps: Jenkins is running on the same machine as the repository (a linux)
Jenkins 2.73.2
Git plugin 3.6.2
Git Parameter Plug-In 0.8.1

Jenkins GitBlit integration

I am performing POC for my company using Jenkins, GitBlit integration.
I have installed GitBlit & Jenkins and followed below steps
Installed Jenkins & GitBlit
used authority.cmd for generating self signed certificate for using my ip address
created a ruby cucumber project in gitblit
in the edit -> receive selection of GitBlit repository added jenkins for pre-receive scripts
in the gitblit-1.7.1\data\groovy i have added my jenkins which is again hosted on localhost
here are my urls
Jenkins :- http://localhost:8080/
GitBlit :- https://--.--.---.100:8443
GitBlit repo url :- https://--.--.---.100:8443/r/testGit.git
in jenkins, i have created freestyle project
in the source code management added repo url
i am facing issue here jenkins is not able to connect and below is the error message and screenshot
Failed to connect to repository : Command "git.exe -c core.askpass=true ls- remote -h https://--.--.---.100:8443/r/testGit.git HEAD" returned status code 128:
stderr: fatal: unable to access 'https://--.--.---.100:8443/r/testGit.git/': SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain
Your choices are...
Switch to http:// rather than https://
Switch to ssh:// rather than https://
Switch to git:// rather than https://
Purchase a signed SSL certificate
Instruct Jenkins Git to not verify certificates

Configuring Jenkins with Cloud TFS (Supports GIT)

We are trying to configure Cloud TFS (Project Created with Git Support) & Jenkins (Ubuntu Machine).
When ever i try to enter the Repository URL it gives the following error.
Failed to connect to repository : Command "git ls-remote -h HEAD"
returned status code 128: stdout: stderr: fatal: Authentication
I have generated keys using SSH route, but unfortunately i can't add the key # Cloud TFS Repo.
I have even tried this format but somehow was not successful.
PS: Bare minimum's are installed (GIT & Git plugin for Jenkins)
Any help/instructions is appreciated.
You probably need to enable Alternate Credentials in tfs.
Have a look at this howto
