Rails parse csv separtor ¦ - ruby-on-rails

i have csv file with strange format
2783¦Larson and Sons
967¦Becker Group
333¦Rolfson LLC
I have tried to do this
CSV.foreach("#{Rails.root}/csv_files/suppliers.csv") do |supplier|
p supplier[0]
but have got a string "2783¦Larson and Sons"
How to separate values?
For example will return
supplier[0] #=> "2783"
supplier[1] #=> "Larson and Sons"

Why would you expect CSV to know how to handle this weird input? You should explicitly specify the encoding and the column separator.
encoding: Encoding::ISO_8859_1,
col_sep: "\xC2\xA6".force_encoding(Encoding::ISO_8859_1)) do |supplier|
puts supplier.inspect
#⇒ [["2783", "Larson and Sons"],
# ["967", "Becker Group"],
# ["333", "Rolfson LLC"]]


Invalid Byte Sequence in UTF-8 from Excel file

(Ruby 2.5) I have a method that reads and parses a csv file that's being uploaded via Alchemy CMS
def process_csv(csv_file, current_user_id, original_filename)
errors = []
index = 0
string_converter = lambda { |field| field.strip }
total = CSV.foreach(csv_file, headers: true).count
csv_string = csv_file.read.encode!("UTF-8", "iso-8859-1", invalid: :replace)
CSV.parse(csv_string, headers: true, header_converters: :symbol, skip_blanks: true, converters: [string_converter] ) do |row|
# do other stuff
but when I try to upload a csv file that has a column (name) with a string that contains special characters then I receive the Invalid Byte Sequence in UTF-8 error. I'm trying to test the value N'öt Réal Stô'rë.
I've tried a few solutions that I found on the web but no luck - any suggestions?
It's unclear what your csv_fileis. I guess it is a File-object.
Sometimes I got csv from Excel as a UTF-16. So let's try an example:
I have a csv-file stored in UTF-16BE with the following content:
1;Das ist UTF-16 BE;Ä
If I execute the following code:
require 'csv'
def process_csv(csv_file)
csv_string = csv_file.read#.encode!("UTF-8", "iso-8859-1", invalid: :replace)
CSV.parse(csv_string, headers: true, skip_blanks: true, col_sep: ';') do |row|
p row # do other stuff
then I get also a Invalid byte sequence in UTF-8-error.
If I use
process_csv(File.open('example_utf16BE.txt', 'rb', encoding: 'BOM|utf-16BE'))
then everything works.
So I guess, you get a File-object in a wron encoding and the code csv_file.read.encode!("UTF-8", "iso-8859-1", invalid: :replace) is a code part to repair this problem.
What you can do:
Add to you code:
p csv_file
p csv_file.external_encoding
You should get
Now check, if the file (in my example: example_utf16BE.txt has really the encoding of the 2nd line.
If not, try to adapt the File-object creation.
If this is not possible, then you can try to use csv_file.set_encoding 'utf-8' to change the encoding before you read the content.

Ruby - checking if file is a CSV

I have just wrote a code where I get a csv file passed in argument and treat it line by line ; so far, everything is okay. Now, I would like to secure my code by making sure that what we receive in argument is a .csv file.
I saw in the Ruby doc that it exist a == "--file" option but using it generate an error : the way I understood it, it seems this option only work for the txt files.
Is there a method specific that allowed to check if my file is a csv ? Here some of my code :
if ARGV.empty?
puts "j'ai rien reçu"
# option to check, don't work
elsif ARGV[0].shift == "--file"
# my code so far, whithout checking
else CSV.foreach(ARGV.shift) do |row|
etc, etc...
I think it is unpossible to make a real safe test without additional information.
Just some notes what you can do:
You get a filename in a variable filename.
First, check if it is a file:
Then you could check, if the encoding is correct:
raise "Wrong encoding" unless content.valid_encoding?
Has your csv always the same number of columns? And do you have only one liner?
This can be a possibility to make the next check:
return false if line.count(sep) < columns - 1
This check can be modified for your case, e.g. if you have always an exact number of rows.
In total you can define something like:
require 'csv'
#columns defines the expected numer of columns per line
def csv?(filename, sep: ';', columns: 3)
return false unless File.exist?(filename) #"No file"
content = File.read(filename, :encoding => 'utf-8')
return false unless content.valid_encoding? #"Wrong encoding"
return false if line.count(sep) < columns - 1
CSV.parse(content, :col_sep => sep)
if csv = csv?('test.csv')
csv.each do |row|
p row
You can use ruby-filemagic gem
gem install ruby-filemagic
$ irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'filemagic'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> fm = FileMagic.new
=> #<FileMagic:0x7fd4afb0>
irb(main):003:0> fm.file('foo.zip')
=> "Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract"
Use File.extname() to check the origin file
File.extname("test.rb") #=> ".rb"

Rails 4.2 - how to fix ascii code in CSV exporting without gem 'iconv'?

When exporting csv in Rails 4.2 app, there are ascii code in the csv output for Chinese characters (UTF8):
We tried options in send_data without luck:
send_data #payment_requests.to_csv, :type => 'text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present'
send_data #payment_requests.to_csv.force_encoding("UTF-8")
In model, there is forced encoding utf8:
# encoding: utf-8
But it does not work. There are online posts talking about use gem iconv. However iconv depends on the platform's ruby version. Is there cleaner solution to fix the ascii in Rails 4.2 csv exporting?
If #payment_requests.to_csv includes ASCII text, then you should use encode method:
depending on which internal encoding #payment_requests.to_csv has.
You can try:
for Chinese characters
CSV.generate(options) do |csv|
csv << column_names
all.each do |product|
csv << product.attributes.values_at(*column_names)
end.encode('gb2312', :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => "?")
This is what worked for me:
head = 'EF BB BF'.split(' ').map{|a|a.hex.chr}.join()
csv_str = CSV.generate(csv = head) do |csv|
csv << [ , , , ...]
#elements.each do |element|
csv << [ , , , ...]

Ruby CSV File Parsing, Headers won't format?

My rb file reads:
require "csv"
puts "Program1 initialized."
contents = CSV.open "data.csv", headers: true
contents.each do |row|
name = row[4]
puts name
...but when i run it in ruby it wont load the program. it gives me the error message about the headers:
syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting $end
contents = CSV.open "data.csv", headers: true
so I'm trying to figure out, why won't ruby let me parse this file? I've tried using other csv files I have and it won't load, and gives me an error message. I'm trying just to get the beginning of the program going! I feel like it has to do with the headers. I've updated as much as I can, mind you I'm using ruby 1.8.7. I read somewhere else that I could try to run the program in irb but it didn't seem like it needed it. so yeah... thank you in advance!!!!
Since you are using this with Ruby 1.8.7, :headers => true won't work in this way.
The simplest way to ignore the headers and get your data is to shift the first row in the data, which would be the headers:
require 'csv'
contents = CSV.open("data.csv", 'r')
contents.each do |row|
name = row[4]
puts name
If you do want to use the syntax with headers in ruby 1.8, you would need to use FasterCSV, something similar to this:
require 'fastercsv'
FasterCSV.foreach("data.csv", :headers => true) do |fcsv_obj|
puts fcsv_obj['name']
(Refer this question for further read: Parse CSV file with header fields as attributes for each row)

Illegal quoting on line using FasterCSV in ruby 1.8.7

I am facing "Illegal quoting" error when parse the content from SQL dump and the dump file is in the format of TXT with tab (\t) separator.
require 'rubygems'
require 'faster_csv'
FasterCSV.foreach(excel_file, :quote_char => '"',:col_sep =>'\t', :row_sep =>:auto, :headers => :first_row) do |row|
col= row.to_s.split(/\t/)
if col[3]!="" or !col[3].empty?
#Inser Color
elsif col[3].empty?
color_id= nil
rescue Exception => e
puts e
The program executed and run successfully but there is an invalid data present like
below (#font-face ...) mean execution terminated with error of "Illegal quoting on line 3.
ID Name code comments
1 white 234 good
2 Black 222
3 red 343 #font-face { font-family: "Verdana"; .....}
Can any one suggest me how to skip when invalid data occurs in column ?
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure if this will solve the error you are seeing, but you need to use double quotes around escaped characters, e.g.:
:col_sep => "\t"
FasterCSV isn't very kind to badly formatted data.
I don't know that there is a solution for this.
However - if your example file doesn't actually contain any quoting using "
then perhaps just use a different quot_char (eg ')
You can use the ASCII code for the NULL character -- \0x00 -- as such:
FasterCSV.foreach(excel_file, :quote_char => '\0x00',:col_sep =>'\t', :row_sep =>:auto, :headers => :first_row) do |row|
You can find a chart of some ASCII chars here: http://www.bluesock.org/~willg/dev/ascii.html
