access documents directory on physical device - ios

I created some text files contains the logs of my app but I can't access those files from my physical device I can only access them on the simulator using this path :
is there a way to view the documents directory associated to my app on my physical device?

Follow the steps.
Select Add Additional Simulators. From devices tab select your application and download container. You'll find all details.


Access other .ipa's files installed on my iphone via my app

Can I access other .ipa files present on my iphone via my app and pass it to the backend server.
Will I be able to do that after jailbreak? If not on a non-jailbroken device.
The short answer is NO.
Other than that you can register the app as an app that works with different file types and the user can open them manually. Take a look of different App Extensions types Document Provider and Share.
You can't get exact IPA file.
You can get it's container from XCode if it is your app, In container you will found document directory of app where you might have saved data to get this
Goto xcode -> Device And Simulator -> Select your Device -> choose Application
Press Setting button on bottom and press download container

How to place a file on xamarin android device so it is available on the device and the network

I've found out that
gives me /storage/emulated/0/Documents, but I can't see this folder on my android device.
view of device folders
Ideally I want to be able to copy or create a csv file into a folder where it can be 'seen' by the device and the network the device is part of.
How can I create such a folder? Thank you.

Debugging & accessing NSDocumentsDirectory in real device

I have my apps using NSDocumentsDirectory for saving the downloads & offline data on device. From debugging point of view, I was debugging as usual on simulator & was trying to access the path for these downloads & I was able to do that. I have my doubts as :
I am not able to access the location /var/mobile/Applications/SOME-HEX-CODED-PATH/Documents/ via terminal that was shown in the NSDocumentsDirectory paths during debugging on device. Whereas in iOS Simulator I am able to open , read/ write at that location.
I am not able to browse through the /var/mobile directory as it is not listed in the finder, not even as hidden directory.
Is that directory is mounted on runtime ?
Please clarify.
I am not sure to fully understand your question. You want to access, from your laptop, the filesystem of your device?
You are not supposed to do that on a regular device at least. If you want to browse your documents directory do it through the organiser (Window/Organiser) and then "devices" tab and select your device and your app. You will be able to see your sandboxed filesystem in the bottom part and downloaded its content.

Check files in Documents, Library or tmp directory on iOS device

I am making on an app and want to get access to the directories that system create automatically when app installed on device. Of course when I use simulator I can find these directories without any problems, but how to open them on device. Maybe via iTunes or maybe Xcode has access to these directories.
The folders are below:
Why I need it:
Because after my app restore some products (iOS simulator does not support StoreKit) I have few records in the tmp folder in SQLite database.
#neilco , it's not necessary to use 3d party tools for this. In Xcode, go to organizer, select the connected device, "applications" tab, select desired application and hit "export" button below. This will export you app to your mac, so you can see your depicted folder structure, files' contents etc.
Take a look at using iExplorer as this allows you to views the folder structure of apps on a device.

Access to Application Support Directory on the device during development

One can physically access to the app's Document Directory on the device using iTunes File Sharing. What about the Application Support Directory? (The same way if the app is on the simulator)
Anyway one can do this?
Take a look at
This should provide you with a package of all data within the App's sandbox
