Jenkins/Groovy move variables out to a config file - jenkins

I've been asked to move some variable from a Groovy script out into a configuration file. I'm fine using something like :-
readFile('../xx-software.cfg').split('\n').each { fileName ->
sh "wget ${theURL}${fileName}"
However, even though I have added xx-software.cfg into the same directory as my Groovy script it does become available for use within that groovy script.
I hope this makes sense!?
How can I move my variables out into a config file to make it easier for the application support team to make future edits without changing the code?

There are a few approaches you could use.
Firstly, file format for the configuration and how to read the data into variables. You could use Java Properties format, YAML or JSON and these are all handled by the Pipeline Utility Steps plugin with steps here. You can read the file with these steps:
Next problem, how to get the file available to your pipeline so it can be read from the workspace using these steps. Possibilities are:
In source control with your pipeline code. It can be fetched with the pipeline.
In a separate source control for configuration, your pipeline will need a step to fetch it.
Use the Jenkins Config File Provider plugin. It has a step to provide a config file managed in Jenkins.
Provide it as a Custom Tool zipped archive from a binary server like Artifactory. You can use custom tool definition pipeline steps to make this available to the pipeline.
The Config File Provider option might provide any easy way to have a file that can be updated, but there won't be any version control of it.


Best way to store the deployment path in jenkins

I am creating jenkins pipeline for all our application where I wanted to build and deploy. I can able to achieve that but all the deployment paths are hard coded on the pipeline script.
We have around 8 application and 5 environments. it means I need to specify 40 different deployable path on the pipeline scripts.
I like to know, are they any best way to store the deployment path?. I thought about storing them in XML and reading that while doing the build, but not sure on implementation.
looking for some ideas.
script {
def msbuild tool name: 'Msbuila', type: 'msbuild'
def action "${msbuild}\\msbuild.exe"
def rootPath "${NORKSPACE}\\test\\test";
def sinPath "${rootPath}\\test.sin"
def binPath "${rootPath}\\test\\bin"
bat “nuget restore \"${sinPath}\""
bat "\"${action}\" \"${sinPath)\" "
robocopy("\"${binPath}\" \"\\\\\\test\" /MIR /xF ")
What I would do is use a config repository, having it configured this way:
Each application is a different repository (example: app_config)
Each environment is a different file
The same enviroment file in each repository is called by the same name
Each enviroment file is a yaml (key:value)
Then on the jenkins pipeline I would get the repo, read the yaml using readYAML (check the command usage and name, theres is a while since I used it) and load it on a map.
Then you use the variables of the map and that should help you
The tricky part is how to match the code repositories and the config repositories. As I mentioned before, I would use the same name and append "_config"

How to use a GitLab link for applying jenkins.yml file for the concept of Jenkins Configuration as Code

I have a local instance of Jenkins. I have previously tried storing the jenkins.yml in my system and giving its path on http://localhost:8080/configuration-as-code. This worked but I want to use a Gitlab repository to store the jenkins.yml file.
I have already tried giving the gitlab link of my jenkins.yml in the path or URL textbox. Some weird things happened, like
1. jenkins broke or huge error console
2. It reapplies the previous configuration(from system path)
systemMessage: "Hello, world"
Your problem as described: you want the job configuration to be saved in GIT and, when a build is triggered, the job should get the current stand of its configuration from there and then, run the build.
Maybe there is a kind of plug-in that does it for you, but I am not aware of any. Maybe anyone?
My suggestion is to define a pipeline job and use a declarative pipeline. It is a file, normally named Jenkinsfile that can be stored in GIT. In the Job, you define the GIT address and when you trigger a build, the file is got from GIT and executed.
There are several flaws in this: pipelines learning curve is not small, you are confronted with groovy (not XML!) and your current XML file is barelly useful.
Maybe someone shows up and tells us about new (for me) plugin that solves your problem using the configuration XML file. In the other hand, pipelines are such a beautyful feature that I encourage you to give it a try

How to configure the TSLint plugin for sonarqube in Jenkins?

I installed the TSLint plugin for sonarqube in my Jenkins server But its not described the git page as to how to set the configuration properties and values. How to specify the source directory, how to ignore test directory are two main concerns. Can some one provide an example configuration property set with basic configurations that I can use in my Jenkins?
You can use a file for configuration. There are some example projects provided by SonarSource that might be helpful.
Here's a quick example of how you could set the source directory, test directory, and files to ignore:
sonar.exclusions=client-app/node_modules, client-app/lib
The sample projects have moved here. There isn't a JavaScript example anymore, but the syntax would be the same for any language.
The documentation for parameters that can be set is currently located here:

How to pass job-specific files to Jenkins as part of job configuration?

I have a jenkins job that pulls source code from GitHub public repo. I need to pass some files such as instance-specific configuration files containing secrets to the job and merge with source code prior to running build because these files are obviously inappropriate to be put in public SCM. The Jenkins instance is a multi-tenanted shared service.
The config files don't change often so I don't want to implement using file parameter which forces user manually input the file on every run. Another reason file parameter doesn't work is some builds are triggered automatically by SCM.
I don't want to use Config File Provider Plugin either, because the plugin requires jenkins admin access but I want users with job-level privileges manage the files themselves.
Ideally the uploaded files are saved alongside with job config.xml instead of in workspace, because I would like to delete workspace after each build. I can write scripts to copy the files from job config folder to workspace.
Are there any solutions available? Thanks.
If the "special" files are being placed in a folder with say some access privileges to it, couldn't you either run a Pre-SCM-Buildstep to move the files with shell commands, or introduce a regular build step (i.e. after the SCM stuff and before the other build steps) that would also use shell commands to move files?

Jenkins: Log Parser Plugin configuration

i'm quite new in Jenkins. I would like to use the log parser plugin to parse the console output of jenkins.
Like the documentation explains I have to add a file, which is containing my parsing rules.
So there is my question:
How do i upload files to jenkins? Do they need to be located in the projects workspace? My workspace is connected with a git repository. So i have to commit that file?
For example the file /tmp/rules.txt how do i get the rules.txt in the /tmp/ folder (and which folder is it, the workspace/tmp or the /tmp/ of the server itself)?
Do I have to transfer it via ssh?
Thanks for help!
This file dont have to be in the projects workspace. You don't have to uploat it on Git. Just create file somewhere on the computer, where jenkins runs.
You must change Global Configuration (/jenkins/configure). There is a section "Console Output Parsing". In description you can put, for example, : "Rules1" and in "Parsing Rules File" - path. Then in each job you want to use this rules configure Post-build Actions -> Console output (build log) parsing.
