Unexpected result from Max function in FreePascal - delphi

The running example is really simple to understand:
program Project1;
SysUtils, Math;
fValue: double;
fValueMax: double;
fValue := 7.0207503445953527;
fValueMax := Max(0, fValue);
However the result is completely unexpected. For some reason, the Max function does not only return the larger number from the two arguments but also changes it's value.
In the example code above, the expected value of fValueMax is exactly fValue, but instead fValueMax is bigger. The difference is approximately E-7, so small, but still unexpected and crashes my following code (which is not published here to keep the question clear and simple).

I should state upfront that the last time I used Pascal was close to 25 years ago. But I pulled down Free Pascal out of curiosity and tried this:
program Project1;
SysUtils, Math;
fValue: double;
fValueMax: double;
fSingle: single;
fValue2: double;
fValue2b: double;
fValueMax2: double;
fValue := 7.0207503445953527;
fSingle := 7.0207503445953527;
fValueMax := Max(0, fValue);
writeln(fValue); // prints 7.0207503445953527E+000
writeln(fValueMax); // prints 7.0207505226135254E+000
writeln(fSingle); // prints 7.020750523E+00
fValue2 := 7.0207503445953527;
fValue2b := 0.0;
fValueMax2 := Max(fValue2b, fValue2);
writeln(fValue2); // prints 7.0207503445953527E+000
writeln(fValueMax2); // prints 7.0207503445953527E+000
My first two writeln commands show the same result that you reported seeing. I suspected that perhaps Max was returning a value with less precision that the double you expected to get back, so I created fSingle and assigned it the same literal as you assigned to fValue, and sure enough, its value looks very close to what you're getting back in fValueMax.
So finally, instead of invoking Max with fValue and the literal 0, I called it with two variables of type double, one of which I had set to 0.0. In this case you can see that the input (fValue2) and the output (fValueMax2) have exactly the same value. So while I don't know exactly what Pascal's rules are for determining which overload to call, I wonder if your original call to Max was somehow resolving to the version that takes two single values and returns the same.
While you may be aware of this, I feel compelled to throw in the usual caution about how floating-point types like single and double won't always be able to exactly represent the values you want them to. Here's a good overview.


Data Type Conversion of Delphi var Parameter

I have a function that has a var Extended parameter. The compiler complains if I try to use a Double type argument when I call the function. However, if I pass the Extended value back as the function Result (and assign to a Double variable), then the compiler is happy.
Is this expected? If so, is there any way to fool the compiler to reduce the precision of the parameter to match the argument?
function foo1(var e: extended): boolean;
e := 0.0;
Result := true;
function foo2(): extended;
Result := 0.0;
procedure CallFoo();
d: double;
if foo1(d) then Exit; // compiler complains
d := foo2; // compiler happy
var parameters require the actual argument to match exactly. You can only pass an Extended variable.
One option for you is to introduce overloads for each of the floating point types you need. But my advice is to stop using Extended and switch to Double. The Extended type only exists on 32 Intel platforms and very seldom offers any benefit over Double. On the contrary, its unusual size of 10 bytes often leads to poor performance due to misalignment and inefficient cache usage.

Preventing "combining signed and unsigned types widened both operands" compiler warning

This code, which is used to setup a component, produces a compiler warning:
[DCC Warning] Unit1.pas(742): W1024 Combining signed and unsigned types
- widened both operands
iPrecision: cardinal;
iRadius: cardinal;
iActive: boolean;
iInProximity: boolean;
iPrecision := Max(50, 100 - (3 + 2 * ord(iActive and iInProximity)) * iRadius);
Can this be typecast somehow to prevent a compiler warning?
In your case, ord() returns an integer, so needs to be explicitely type-casted to cardinal, by changing ord() into cardinal() as such:
iPrecision := Max(50, 100 - (3 + 2 * cardinal(iActive and iInProximity)) * iRadius);
You will get rid of the warning, and your code will be almost the same.
Arnaud has explained that ord() returns a signed value which is the source of the warning. Both Arnaud and Ken have suggested how to remove the warning by avoiding the use of unsigned operands.
I would like to offer an alternative opinion and suggest that you instead choose to use signed operands. Let's suppose that you perform the calculation using only signed operands. Consider the following program:
function CalcPrecision(Radius: cardinal; Active, InProximity: boolean): Cardinal;
Result := Max(50, 100-(3+2*Cardinal(Active and InProximity))*Radius);
Writeln(CalcPrecision(1000, True, True));
I'm sure that you would hope that the output of this program would be 50. It's not. The output is 4294962396.
What happens is that you perform 100-X in an unsigned context where X>100. When you do this you have integer overflow and the result is a very large positive value. Since you are using unsigned arithmetic, you cannot expect this to be a negative value because there are no negative values in unsigned.
Of course, if the compiler option for overflow checking was enabled, you would encounter a runtime error. But even that is not what you want. The simple way to get the answer you need is to perform the operation using signed arithmetic.
function CalcPrecision(Radius: Integer; Active, InProximity: boolean): Integer;
Result := Max(50, 100-(3+2*ord(Active and InProximity))*Radius);
Writeln(CalcPrecision(1000, True, True));
And this program produces the desired output of 50.
If for some reason, you need to store the value back to an unsigned variable, then do that outside the calculation. It's important for the reasons illustrated above that the calculation is performed with signed values.
Precision: Cardinal;
Precision := CalcPrecision(1000, True, True);
Of course, it's true that you can come up with input values that will overflow the calculation, even if it is written using signed arithmetic. But in practise you will find that such input is exceptionally unlikely. On the other hand, it's very easy to trip your equation up when it is performed unsigned, using quite reasonable input data.
You can avoid the compiler warning by either
Changing your Cardinal variables to a signed type such as Integer
Use a slight workaround like this:
BoolValues: array[Boolean] of Cardinal = (0, 1);
iPrecision := Max(50, 100 - (3 + 2 * BoolValues[iActive and iInProximity]) * iRadius);

How do I work around Delphi's inability to accurately handle datetime manipulations?

I am new to Delphi (been programming in it for about 6 months now). So far, it's been an extremely frustrating experience, most of it coming from how bad Delphi is at handling dates and times. Maybe I think it's bad because I don't know how to use TDate and TTime properly, I don't know. Here is what is happening on me right now :
// This shows 570, as expected
ShowMessage(IntToStr(MinutesBetween(StrToTime('8:00'), StrToTime('17:30'))));
// Here I would expect 630, but instead 629 is displayed. WTF!?
ShowMessage(IntToStr(MinutesBetween(StrToTime('7:00'), StrToTime('17:30'))));
That's not the exact code I use, everything is in variables and used in another context, but I think you can see the problem. Why is that calculation wrong? How am I suppose to work around this problem?
a := StrToTime('7:00');
b := StrToTime('17:30');
your code, using MinutesBetween, effectively does this:
ShowMessage(IntToStr(trunc(MinuteSpan(a, b)))); // Gives 629
However, it might be better to round:
ShowMessage(IntToStr(round(MinuteSpan(a, b)))); // Gives 630
What is actually the floating-point value?
ShowMessage(FloatToStr(MinuteSpan(a, b))); // Gives 630
so you are clearly suffering from traditional floating-point problems here.
The major benefit of Round is that if the minute span is very close to an integer, then the rounded value will guaranteed be that integer, while the truncated value might very well be the preceding integer.
The major benefit of Trunc is that you might actually want this kind of logic: Indeed, if you turn 18 in five days, legally you are still not allowed to apply for a Swedish driving licence.
So you if you'd like to use Round instead of Trunc, you can just add
function MinutesBetween(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Int64;
Result := Round(MinuteSpan(ANow, AThen));
to your unit. Then the identifier MinutesBetween will refer to this one, in the same unit, instead of the one in DateUtils. The general rule is that the compiler will use the function it found latest. So, for instance, if you'd put this function above in your own unit DateUtilsFix, then
uses DateUtils, DateUtilsFix
will use the new MinutesBetween, since DateUtilsFix occurss to the right of DateUtils.
Update 2:
Another plausible approach might be
function MinutesBetween(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Int64;
spn: double;
spn := MinuteSpan(ANow, AThen);
if SameValue(spn, round(spn)) then
result := round(spn)
result := trunc(spn);
This will return round(spn) is the span is within the fuzz range of an integer, and trunc(spn) otherwise.
For example, using this approach
07:00:00 and 07:00:58
will yield 0 minutes, just like the original trunc-based version, and just like the Swedish Trafikverket would like. But it will not suffer from the problem that triggered the OP's question.
This is an issue that is resolved in the latest versions of Delphi. So you could either upgrade, or simply use the new code in Delphi 2010. For example this program produces the output you expect:
SysUtils, DateUtils;
function DateTimeToMilliseconds(const ADateTime: TDateTime): Int64;
LTimeStamp: TTimeStamp;
LTimeStamp := DateTimeToTimeStamp(ADateTime);
Result := LTimeStamp.Date;
Result := (Result * MSecsPerDay) + LTimeStamp.Time;
function MinutesBetween(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Int64;
Result := Abs(DateTimeToMilliseconds(ANow) - DateTimeToMilliseconds(AThen))
div (MSecsPerSec * SecsPerMin);
Writeln(IntToStr(MinutesBetween(StrToTime('7:00'), StrToTime('17:30'))));
The Delphi 2010 code for MinutesBetween looks like this:
function SpanOfNowAndThen(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): TDateTime;
if ANow < AThen then
Result := AThen - ANow
Result := ANow - AThen;
function MinuteSpan(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Double;
Result := MinsPerDay * SpanOfNowAndThen(ANow, AThen);
function MinutesBetween(const ANow, AThen: TDateTime): Int64;
Result := Trunc(MinuteSpan(ANow, AThen));
So, MinutesBetween effectively boils down to a floating point subtraction of the two date/time values. Because of the inherent in-exactness of floating point arithmetic, this subtraction can yield a value that is slightly above or below the true value. When it is below the true value, the use of Trunc will take you all the way down to the previous minute. Simply replacing Trunc with Round would resolve the problem.
As it happens the latest Delphi versions, completely overhaul the date/time calculations. There are major changes in DateUtils. It's a little harder to analyse, but the new version relies on DateTimeToTimeStamp. That converts the time portion of the value to the number of milliseconds since midnight. And it does so like this:
function DateTimeToTimeStamp(DateTime: TDateTime): TTimeStamp;
LTemp, LTemp2: Int64;
LTemp := Round(DateTime * FMSecsPerDay);
LTemp2 := (LTemp div IMSecsPerDay);
Result.Date := DateDelta + LTemp2;
Result.Time := Abs(LTemp) mod IMSecsPerDay;
Note the use of Round. The use of Round rather than Trunc is the reason why the latest Delphi code handles MinutesBetween in a robust fashion.
Assuming that you cannot upgrade right now, I would deal with the problem like this:
Leave your code unchanged. Continue to call MinutesBetween etc.
When you do upgrade, your code that calls MinutesBetween etc. will now work.
In the meantime fix MinutesBetween etc. with code hooks. When you do come to upgrade, you can simply remove the hooks.

Issue with in operator in Delphi 64 bits project

I'm porting a Delphi project to 64 bits and I have a problem with a line of code which has the IN operator.
The compiler raise this error
E2010 Incompatible types: 'Integer' and 'Int64'
I wrote this sample app to replicate the problem.
{$R *.res}
I : Integer;
L : Array of string;
if I in [0, High(L)] then
on E: Exception do
Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);
This code works ok in 32 bits, but why doesn't it compile in Delphi XE2 64 bits? How I can fix this issue?
It seems which my post caused a lot of confusion (sorry for that) , just for explain the original code which i'm porting is more complex, and I just wrote this code as a sample to illustrate the issue. the original code uses an in operator to check if a value (minor than 255) belongs to a group of values (all minor or equal to 255) like so
i in [0,1,3,50,60,70,80,127,High(LArray)]
This code can't be compiled because the High function is returning a 8 byte value, which is not a ordinal value. and the In operator can be only used in sets with ordinal values.
FYI, the size of the results returned by the High function is different depending of the parameter passed as argument.
Check this sample
Finally, you can fix your code casting the result of High function to integer.
if I in [0, Integer(High(L))] then
Check the additional info provided by David and remember to be very careful when you use the in operator to check the membership of a value in set with variable values. The in operator only checks the least significant byte of each element (in delphi 32 bits).
Check this sample
Writeln( 1 in [i]);
This return true because the low byte of 257 is 1.
And in Delphi 64 bits, the values greater than 255 are removed of the set. So this code
Writeln( 1 in [i]);
will return false because is equivalent to
Writeln( 1 in []);
What RRUZ says is quite correct.
To add a little bit more explanation, in 64 bit Delphi, dynamic array indices can be 64 bits wide. This is clearly needed, for example, when working with a large TBytes memory block. And so the high function must return a value of a type wide enough to hold all possible indices. So, high when applied to a dynamic array, returns a value of type Int64.
Once you start compiling 64 bit code the in operator is unsuited to the problem you are trying to solve. Whilst you could use the cast that RRUZ suggests, it may be clearer to write the code like this
if (I=low(L)) or (I=high(L)) then
Whilst the in operator makes for quite readable code, it is my opinion that a cast to Integer is not acceptable here. That will simply set a trap for you to fall into when you first have an array with more than high(Integer) elements. When that happens the code with the cast will stop working.
But in fact the problems run far deeper than this. The in version of the code fails long before you reach high(Integer) elements. It turns out that your code, whilst it compiles, does not really work. For example, consider this program:
program WeirdSets;
a: array of Integer;
SetLength(a, 257);
Writeln(BoolToStr(Length(a) in [0, Length(a)], True));
You would expect this program to output True but in fact it outputs False. If instead you were to write
Writeln(BoolToStr(Length(a) in [0, 257], True));
then the compiler reports:
[DCC Error] WeirdSets.dpr(9): E1012 Constant expression violates subrange bounds
The fundamental issue here is that sets are limited to 256 elements so as soon as you have an array with length greater than that, your code stops working.
Sadly, Delphi's support for sets is simply inadequate and is in urgent need of attention.
I also wonder whether you actually meant to write
if I in [0..High(L)] then
If so then I would recommend that you use the InRange function from Math.
if InRange(I, 0, High(L)) then
or even better
if InRange(I, low(L), High(L)) then
The most serious problem with the OP code is that in operator is limited to set size, i.e. [0..255]. Try this in any 32 bit version of Delphi to avoid the 64 bit issue:
I: Integer;
L: array of Integer;
SetLength(L, 1000);
I:= 999;
Assert(I in [0, High(L)]); // fails !
The OP is lucky if Length(L) <= 256 always, otherwise it is a bug you probably never thought of.
To find this bug switch range checking on:
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
I: Integer;
A: array of Integer;
SetLength(A, 1000);
I:= 999;
if I in [0, High(A)] then ShowMessage('OK!'); // Project .. raised exception
// class ERangeError with message 'Range check error'.

Delphi 2009 - Bug? Adding supposedly invalid values to a set

First of all, I'm not a very experienced programmer. I'm using Delphi 2009 and have been working with sets, which seem to behave very strangely and even inconsistently to me. I guess it might be me, but the following looks like there's clearly something wrong:
unit test;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
Edit1: TEdit;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
test: set of 1..2;
var Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
test := [3];
if 3 in test then
Edit1.Text := '3';
If you run the program and click the button, then, sure enough, it will display the string "3" in the text field. However, if you try the same thing with a number like 100, nothing will be displayed (as it should, in my opinion). Am I missing something or is this some kind of bug? Advice would be appreciated!
EDIT: So far, it seems that I'm not alone with my observation. If someone has some inside knowledge of this, I'd be very glad to hear about it. Also, if there are people with Delphi 2010 (or even Delphi XE), I would appreciate it if you could do some tests on this or even general set behavior (such as "test: set of 256..257") as it would be interesting to see if anything has changed in newer versions.
I was curious enough to take a look at the compiled code that gets produced, and I figured out the following about how sets work in Delphi 2010. It explains why you can do test := [8] when test: set of 1..2, and why Assert(8 in test) fails immediately after.
How much space is actually used?
An set of byte has one bit for every possible byte value, 256 bits in all, 32 bytes. An set of 1..2 requires 1 byte but surprisingly set of 100..101 also requires one byte, so Delphi's compiler is pretty smart about memory allocation. On the othter hand an set of 7..8 requires 2 bytes, and set based on a enumeration that only includes the values 0 and 101 requires (gasp) 13 bytes!
Test code:
TTestEnumeration = (te0=0, te101=101);
TTestEnumeration2 = (tex58=58, tex101=101);
procedure Test;
var A: set of 1..2;
B: set of 7..8;
C: set of 100..101;
D: set of TTestEnumeration;
E: set of TTestEnumeration2;
ShowMessage(IntToStr(SizeOf(A))); // => 1
ShowMessage(IntToStr(SizeOf(B))); // => 2
ShowMessage(IntToStr(SizeOf(C))); // => 1
ShowMessage(IntToStr(SizeOf(D))); // => 13
ShowMessage(IntToStr(SizeOf(E))); // => 6
The basic model behind the set is the set of byte, with 256 possible bits, 32 bytes.
Delphi determines the required continuous sub-range of the total 32 bytes range and uses that. For the case set of 1..2 it probably only uses the first byte, so SizeOf() returns 1. For the set of 100.101 it probably only uses the 13th byte, so SizeOf() returns 1. For the set of 7..8 it's probably using the first two bytes, so we get SizeOf()=2. This is an especially interesting case, because it shows us that bits are not shifted left or right to optimize storage. The other interesting case is the set of TTestEnumeration2: it uses 6 bytes, even those there are lots of unusable bits around there.
What kind of code is generated by the compiler?
Test 1, two sets, both using the "first byte".
procedure Test;
var A: set of 1..2;
B: set of 2..3;
A := [1];
B := [1];
For those understand Assembler, have a look at the generated code yourself. For those that don't understand assembler, the generated code is equivalent to:
A := CompilerGeneratedArray[1];
B := CompilerGeneratedArray[1];
And that's not a typo, the compiler uses the same pre-compiled value for both assignments. CompiledGeneratedArray[1] = 2.
Here's an other test:
procedure Test2;
var A: set of 1..2;
B: set of 100..101;
A := [1];
B := [1];
Again, in pseudo-code, the compiled code looks like this:
A := CompilerGeneratedArray1[1];
B := CompilerGeneratedArray2[1];
Again, no typo: This time the compiler uses different pre-compiled values for the two assignments. CompilerGeneratedArray1[1]=2 while CompilerGeneratedArray2[1]=0; The compiler generated code is smart enough not to overwrite the bits in "B" with invalid values (because B holds information about bits 96..103), yet it uses very similar code for both assignments.
All set operations work perfectly well IF you test with values that are in the base-set. For the set of 1..2, test with 1 and 2. For the set of 7..8 only test with 7 and 8. I don't consider the set to be broken. It serves it's purpose very well all over the VCL (and it has a place in my own code as well).
In my opinion the compiler generates sub-optimal code for set assignments. I don't think the table-lookups are required, the compiler could generate the values inline and the code would have the same size but better locality.
My opinion is that the side-effect of having the set of 1..2 behave the same as set of 0..7 is the side-effect of the previous lack of optimization in the compiler.
In the OP's case (var test: set of 1..2; test := [7]) the compiler should generate an error. I would not classify this as a bug because I don't think the compiler's behavior is supposed to be defined in terms of "what to do on bad code by the programmer" but in terms of "what to do with good code by the programmer"; None the less the compiler should generate the Constant expression violates subrange bounds, as it does if you try this code:
(code sample)
procedure Test;
var t: 1..2;
t := 3;
At runtime, if the code is compiled with {$R+}, the bad assignment should raise an error, as it does if you try this code:
(code sample)
procedure Test;
var t: 1..2;
i: Integer;
for i:=1 to 3 do
t := i;
According to the official documentation on sets (my emphasis):
The syntax for a set constructor is: [
item1, ..., itemn ] where each item is
either an expression denoting an
ordinal of the set's base type
Now, according to Subrange types:
When you use numeric or character
constants to define a subrange, the
base type is the smallest integer or
character type that contains the
specified range.
Therefore, if you specify
TNum = 1..2;
then the base type will be byte (most likely), and so, if
TSet = set of TNum;
test: TSet;
test := [255];
will work, but not
test := [256];
all according to the official specification.
I have no "inside knowledge", but the compiler logic seems rather transparent.
First, the compiler thinks that any set like set of 1..2 is a subset of set of 0..255. That is why set of 256..257 is not allowed.
Second, the compiler optimizes memory allocation - so it allocates only 1 byte for set of 1..2. The same 1 byte is allocated for set of 0..7, and there seems to be no difference between the both sets on binary level. In short, the compiler allocates as little memory as possible with alignment taken into account (that means for example that compiler never allocates 3 bytes for set - it allocates 4 bytes, even if set fits into 3 bytes, like set of 1..20).
There is some inconsistency in a way the compiler treats sets, which can be demonstrated by the following code sample:
TTestSet = set of 1..2;
TTestRec = packed record
FSet: TTestSet;
FByte: Byte;
Rec: TTestRec;
procedure TForm9.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
Rec.FSet:= [];
Rec.FByte:= 1; // as a side effect we set 8-th element of FSet
// (FSet actually has no 8-th element - only 0..7)
Assert(8 in Rec.FSet); // The assert should fail, but it does not!
if 8 in Rec.FSet then // another display of the bug
Edit1.Text := '8';
A set is stored as a number and can actually hold values that are not in the enumeration on which the set is based. I would expect an error, at least when Range Checking is on in the compiler options, but this doesn't seem to be the case. I'm not sure if this is a bug or by design though.
It is odd, though:
TNum = 1..2;
TSet = set of TNum;
test: TSet;
test2: TNum;
test2 := 4; // Not accepted
test := [4]; // Accepted
From the top of my head, this was a side effect of allowing non contiguous enumeration types.
The same holds for .NET bitflags: because in both cases the underlying types are compatible with integer, you can insert any integer in it (in Delphi limited to 0..255).
As far as I'm concerned, no bugs there.
For exemple, take the following code
var aByte: Byte;
aByte := 255;
aByte := aByte + 1;
if aByte = 0 then
ShowMessage('Is this a bug?');
Now, you can get 2 result from this code. If you compiled with Range Checking TRUE, an exception will be raise on the 2nd line. If you did NOT compile with Range Checking, the code will execute without any error and display the message dialogs.
The situation you encountered with the sets is similar, except that there is no compiler switch to force an exception to be raised in this situation (Well, as far as I know...).
Now, from your exemple:
test: set of 1..2;
That essentially declare a Byte sized set (If you call SizeOf(Test), it should return 1). A byte sized set can only contain 8 elements. In this case, it can contains [0] to [7].
Now, some exemple:
test := [8]; //Here, we try to set the 9th bit of a Byte sized variable. It doesn't work
Test := [4]; //Here, we try to set the 5th bit of a Byte Sized variable. It works.
Now, I need to admit I would kind of expect the "Constant expression violates subrange bounds" on the first line (but not on 2nd)
So yeah... there might be a small issue with the compiler.
As for your result being inconsistent... I'm pretty sure using set values out of the set's subrange values isn't guaranteed to give consistent result over different version of Delphi (Maybe not even over different compiles... So if your range is 1..2, stick with [1] and [2].
