What causes a "NO UID SEARCH State error" - imap

I have a script that connects via TCP/Sockets, Authenticates SSL, and then checks if the response from stream returns "OK".
It then sends a UID search command:
{tag} UID SEARCH (UNDELETED) (SENTSINCE "{RFC2060 Format Date}")
I then follow that with another OK check aswell as a * SEARCH stream response check.
When both of those are not true, I always end up with this as a result from the stream: xm005 NO UID SEARCH State error
Im not certain but is it possible this returns if the email has no UNDELETED inbox or something?
This seems to occur all the time on one of my chinese friends specific accounts on yeah.net (163-China related email service).
When I login to it with Windows 10's Mail App, I can see it has inboxes in CHINESE. Is it possible something to do with that is causing this issue?
I'm essentially wanting to search for every email within the sent-since date that has not been deleted, perhaps (UNDELETED) isn't a global declaration and is an actual inbox or something?
According to IMAPv4.1's RFC:
Messages that do not have the \Deleted flag set.
So maybe its not to do with Inbox's? regardless its pretty odd that both emails this occurs on have Chinese Inbox's yet my English-Only one works splendid.
I removed (UNDELETED) and attempted running, and the same issue occurs, so it's not that.

The "state" in the error message could mean "your state does not include a mailbox". Make sure to issue a SELECT command before UID SEARCH.


Missing or Invalid Url Parameter with Twitter API

I am using the Twitter API's Search Tweets endpoint (https://developer.twitter.com/en/docs/tweets/search/api-reference/get-search-tweets) to search for tweets on a particular topic. My application is written in Java and uses Twitter4j. I follow the guidelines (i.e. no more than 180 calls per minute and no more than 500 characters per query) however I do have a test case that has 50 word exclusions (so the total character count is 397). My test program also runs 100 such searches in rapid succession though, like I said, I observe the rate limits strictly.
The odd behavior I'm seeing is that the test runs fine and gets results initially, but after an arbitrary period of time, I start getting the following error:
Message: Missing or invalid url parameter. 403:The request is understood, but it has been refused. An accompanying error message will explain why. This code is used when requests are being denied due to update limits (https://support.twitter.com/articles/15364-about-twitter-limits-update-api-dm-and-following).
message - Missing or invalid url parameter.
code - 195
The error message confuses me because I'm not trying to perform any of the update actions listed in the link provided. I'm just searching tweets. I'm also not sure what "missing or invalid url parameter" means. Is a query parameter missing from my request? The only required parameter is the query itself which I am definitely passing. The url is definitely correct unless Twitter4j is generating incorrect urls. So what does this message mean?
When I stop and restart the search (i.e. the max_id and since_id values get reset to -1, the searches start working again...for a while. As far as I know, nothing else about the search changes when it is restarted. Just those two ids.

How to remove Ephemeral Messages

I'm trying to figure out the mechanism to post an ephemeral message to a user and then remove it and replace it with a message visible to all. Similar behavior to giphy in which the Slash Command shows an interactive ephemeral message and creates a channel message once the user decides which gif to send. I'm also curious about updating the ephemeral message. I assume this can be done by the response_url if we use an interactive ephemeral message.
I initially figured I'd just create a ephemeral message using chat.postEphemeral and then call chat.delete on it, but it seems chat.delete and chat.update can't be called on a message created using chat.postEphemeral.
The Slack message guidelines seems to suggest that a multi-step interactive flow should always be handled in an ephemeral way so that other channel user don't see all intermediate messages before the result but I'm having bad luck figuring out how to get rid of the ephemeral when done. Probably just being bad at reading but any help appreciated.
Edit with more details:
The documentation around using response_url and postEphemeral states
As you replace messages using chat.update or the replace_original
option, you cannot change a message's type from ephemeral to
in_channel. Once a message has been issued, it will retain its
visibility quality for life.
The message guidelines suggest:
If a user has initiated an action that has multiple steps, those steps
should be shown as ephemeral messages visible only to that user until
the entire action is complete to avoid cluttering the channel for
Presumably, I should be able to create an interaction in which I first send an in_channel interactive message.
When a user initiates an action, I should be able to send them a series of ephemeral messages using the response_url and passing response_type: 'ephemeral' and replace_original: false?
A new ephemeral interactive message created this way will have its own response_url for making edits, right?
Once I am done with the interactive flow via ephemeral messages, I can modify the original interactive message using its original response_url?
Lastly, how do I get rid of the last ephemeral edit? Or do I just change it to something like "Workflow completed" and hope for the best? I'm asking because Slash commands obviously seem to have a way to essentially replace the ephemeral message for an in_channel message and I'm trying to figure this kind of workflow out.
I searched high and low on how to do this and finally came across the answer.
Your ephemeral message must trigger an action, i.e. button click.
Your response to the action must use the following body
'response_type': 'ephemeral',
'text': '',
'replace_original': true,
'delete_original': true
'delete_original': true is the key here, which as far as I can tell is not mentioned in any of the API guides, however it is present in the API field guide under Top-level message fields
If you wish to change the response_type of your message instead of deleting it, you must do so by first deleting the ephemeral message and then posting the same message with 'response_type': 'in_channel'.
In my use case I wanted to take an ephemeral message and repost it with the exact same message body as an in-channel message. I have not found a way to retrieve the content of your ephemeral message, so the best method I've found is to pass whatever necessary data spawned your ephemeral message in the button's value so that your action handler can read this data and dynamically recreate the message body.
In my case, this was the user input being used to perform a query. On the off chance that data in the database changes between the time the original ephemeral message is posted and the in-channel version is posted they will be different. You may be able to send a JSON string directly through this value field and avoid making additional database calls and running the risk of messages changing when posted to the channel. The character limit of value is 2000 so JSON passing is extremely limited.
Assuming you use the same code to generate this body when initially creating the ephemeral message and also when recreating it in-channel, you should receive the same body and essentially are able to change an ephemeral message to in-channel message.
Some ephemeral messages can be "soft" deleted/replaced but only when posted as part of a message with interactive features like buttons or menus. When a button is clicked or a menu selection made, you have a chance to instruct Slack to either "delete" the original message, or replace it with a new one. These docs detail using responses and response_url to accomplish that.
A message created with chat.postEphemeral that itself has no interactive features can never be explicitly deleted. Once it's delivered, it's like a ghost and will disappear following a restart or refresh.
Answering your bulleted questions in order:
Correct, you essentially start a new chain of interactivity with net new ephemeral message you post to that user
Each interactive message interaction will have its own response URL. The new ephemeral message won't have a response_url you can use until the end user presses a button, selects a menu item, etc.
response_url will eventually expire ("using the response_url, your app can continue interacting with users up to 5 times within 30 minutes of the action invocation.") If the original message is non-ephemeral, using chat.update is a better strategy for longer timelines. With ephemeral messages, it's more of a "do your best" strategy. They'll eventually get cleaned up for the user after a refresh.
I think you have a good handle on what's best. Personally, I think it's easier to kick off a new "in_channel" message by using chat.postMessage instead of as a chain effect directly from a slash command or interaction.
The Kotlin/Java version for this solution using the Bolt API as shown below
import com.slack.api.bolt.handler.builtin.BlockActionHandler
import com.slack.api.bolt.request.builtin.BlockActionRequest
import com.slack.api.app_backend.interactive_components.response.ActionResponse
import com.slack.api.bolt.response.Response
import com.slack.api.bolt.context.builtin.ActionContext
object Handler : BlockActionHandler {
override fun apply(req: BlockActionRequest,
context: ActionContext): Response {
val response = ActionResponse
return context.ack()
If you are using Python and Flask the following code should work when you respond to a button click in the ephemeral message:
from flask import jsonify
response = jsonify({
'response_type': 'ephemeral',
'text': '',
'replace_original': 'true',
return make_response(response, 200)

IMAP search on header not working as expected

I am building library for IMAP my search command works file for the Inbox folder it returns me a number which I can use to fetch the mail. However when I try to search on Sent Items it does not work it does not give an error but just returns Search OK without any numbers. Can you please point out why this behavior. I am hitting Exchange 2010.
My search command is something like:
search all HEADER Message-ID "<cc6aed80-955b-4800-a3ac-6c3942ceecac>"
This is exactly how it is described in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/302965
Possibly of no use, but I ran into possibly the same problem.
In a mailbox with an email from "Bill Gates ", a search with the expression '(FROM "billy#microsoft.com")' returned nothing; a search for '(FROM gates)' return a hit.
I had to change my code to '(HEADER FROM "billy#microsoft.com")' to get it to work.
You may be able to use IMAP4.uid(command, arg[, ...])
See http://docs.python.org/2/library/imaplib.html#imaplib.IMAP4.uid

Twitter Error Could not post Tweet

What could be this Error?
Could not post Tweet. Error: 403 Reason: Status is a duplicate.
actually this is a edited message .
i get error code as 403 and Reason as Status is a duplicate.
Twitter checks messages if they are duplicates of the previous and does not accept them a second time.
So for testing you need to generate new messages (=content) each time.
This is documented somewhere at Twitter, but you can also read about on other sites.
The status is a duplicate, probably running your script twice without changing the status message.
Delete your last status update via Twitter web and run the script again. Or include date('r') or md5(mt_rand()) with your status message to generate a different one each time the script is run.
I also had encountered the same error. what the twitter site says is that they check the messages tweeted and discard (refuse) them if they are same. Discussion here says to use different texts each time you make a tweet. Else use a different account for tweeting.
import time, os, random, hashlib, datetime
gettime = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
random_data = os.urandom(128)
hash = hashlib.md5(gettime).hexdigest()[:8]
twitterpost = "foo bar %s" % hash

Determining the uid of a message appended to a mailbox via IMAP

How do I determine the UID of a message which is added via APPEND to a mailbox? Through STATUS I can get a prediction of the next value beforehand and I can SEARCH afterwards, but relying on these introduces a race condition as other messages might have been added between these commands.
If you IMAP server supports UIDPLUS, you will always get an APPENDUID response. This will contain the UID and the validity period for the UID.
Sample syntax from RFC 4315:
S: A003 OK [APPENDUID 38505 3955] APPEND completed
If your mailserver doesnt support UIDPLUS, you will have to do a FETCH for the UID, once your append operation is finished. If you are sure that no message was added after the append, go look for the last message in the FETCH response.
If you are worried about other messages getting added, you can save an IMAP header like Message-ID before the APPEND and later use it in the FETCH operation.
