tvOS issue with Siri search deeplinking integration - ios

I have an issue where when user is playing a video , while video is being player, he uses siri to search for a different movie, which will load its corresponding movie details page and then select to play that movie, which deeplinks to your app which is playing a movie, when i play a new selected movie and dismiss avplayer and avplayercontroller, audio from previous video still continues to play. somehow avplayer is not cleared although i clear all subviews from window and initialize its super view controller class again. I am cluless what can i do erase older instance of avplayer. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions or faced similar issue.

A few suggestions:
Are you subclassing AVPlayerViewController? If so, that's a bad idea. The API docs specifically say not to do that.
Add a deinit function. If it's not being called when the old AVPlayer is dismissed, you know you have a retention problem. This is often caused by registering for notifications or boundary time observers.
If you view controller has a reference to the AVPlayer object, you might try overriding the viewDidDisappear function to call player.pause() and then setting the player reference first to a new instance of AVPlayer() then to nil. Not sure why this helps, but sometimes it does.
Definitely implement #2 above. If deinit is not getting called, you most certainly have an issue.


Is there a way to prevent AVPlayerViewController from updating the lock screen via MPNowPlayingInfoCenter?

here is my problem:
I've got an app playing audio files, updating the lockscreen info via MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.defaultCenter().nowPlayingInfo, and this part is working fine.
But in an other view, i'm playing a video with AVPlayerViewController and AVPlayer, and when the video starts playing, it's updating the lock screen automatically, with nothing except the video duration.
I didn't find anything about this behaviour in Apple's documentation, I can't find a way to disable it.
So far, I've tried calling UIApplication.sharedApplication().endReceivingRemoteControlEvents() before the video starts playing, and beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents() after. It doesn't work.
Does anyone know a way to prevent this?
Starting with iOS 10 there is a BOOL property in AVPlayerViewController called updatesNowPlayingInfoCenter, that has the default value: YES. Just change it to NO:
//playerController is an instance of AVPlayerViewController
if ([self.playerController respondsToSelector:#selector(setUpdatesNowPlayingInfoCenter:)])
self.playerController.updatesNowPlayingInfoCenter = NO;

How to properly delete/release AVPlayer/AVPlayerItem?

I am implementing a video app, that lists video and able to stream or watch local videos. If I try to watch videos with my player that inherits from AVPlayer, a lot of threads initated, after 15-20 times, the system does not alloc the AVPlayer well and, even if I do not get any error, the player view is blank and nothing happening...I need to kill app to restore.
How to deal with it?
Thanks in advance
I had the same issue, in my case the AVPlayerLayer didn’t get DE allocated successfully because somehow a custom label grabbed the strong reference of controller and the controller did not get DE allocated.

deinit {

in your controller and check this called or not. If not you have the solution.

I hope this helps.

Is it possible to use multiple 'MTAudioProcessingTap's?

In my iOS app, I'm using AVFoundation's AVComposition to create a video, with multiple audio tracks. I am trying to let the user see the volume/power-level for each audio-track. I've successfully implemented this for one track, but as soon as I try to use a second MTAudioProcessingTap, it fails with OSError -12780. In fact, if I use a processingTap and then go 'back' - deallocating the entire view controller, and re-opening that particular window, it won't even attach the processingTap again, even if the first AVPlayer playing the composition has been deallocated. To solve this, I found out from searching that I have to manually release it and clearing out the audioMix for the player, but that's not my problem now. Now, I can't clear out the other processingTap, I need them both!
I'm not completely sure what the MTAudioProcessingTap actually is, as it is the single least documented piece of code ever to come out of the Apple dev-team, by far. I've watched the WWDC, and gone through the iPad-sample-project they have made, but I can't figure out how to have two taps running.
I figured I might not actually need two taps, but maybe use one to handle more than one audioTrack, however if I somehow manage to use the same tap for two AudioTracks, I wouldn't know how to tell the taps apart in the static callbacks. Is there perhaps another way to monitor audio-levels from an AVComposition playing in an AVPlayer, or is there a way like this?

AVQueuePlayer stops playing when I navigate to previous view

I have used AVQueuePlayer several times and the default behaviour is to continue playing when you change view, but in my case when I navigate to the previous view where I came from by segue, the player stops. I put a breakpoint after dealloc to see if the AVQueuePlayer is released and from what I can see it's not deallocated (I have a strong reference to it using property). Please help!!!
I am streaming audio using several links from a server, not playing local files. I created the url, used the url to make AVPlayerItems, and added the player items into array, I used this array to initiate the AVQueuePlayer. I used GCD to make sure my array is completely ready before I play the AVQueuePlayer.
As soon I click on back button it stops. I am pulling out my hair
Create a singleton class that provides an interface to the AVQueuePlayer. That way you will be sure that it's alive even when you pop your view controllers.

AVplayer full removal video out of memory

I know there have been a few hints on Stackoverflow about this issue but I haven't found a very satisfying answer to my problem.
I want to completely remove a video playing with AVPlayer in an AVPlayerLayer class from memory. I have read your are actually not allowed to call dealloc of the class containing the AVPlayerLayer. But even when I do so, the video remains in memory (cfr the sound does not stop playing).
Some people hint that you should pause the player, or just load in a new video, but I want it gone...
I need this because when rotating the device, I want the video kicked out of memory and a new video loaded in for the new orientation. I need to destroy the video completely because the parent view it is in also needs to be destroyed.
This is the structure I have
-> UIScrollView
-> UIviewWithPlayer
In UIscrollView I call release and removefromsuperview on UIViewWithPlayer. In UIviewWithPlayer I call release and removefromsuperview on AVPlayerLayer. But that does not seem to work.
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
