IOS enterprise self distribution not downloadable - ios

I am distributing my IOS app through enterprise account. I have hosted the html file on github and have placed the .ipa and plist files in google drives. Issue is my link ( don't redirect me to download. Any help?

Issue was with the url in my html file. After correcting that I was able to redirect to plist file, but there the issue was that it was showing text file instead of downloading ipa. I resolved that issue by installing SSL certificate.


how to upload my EnterPrise App(In-House App) to my own web server in iOS?

I have followed all the below link steps.
Enterprise App Distribution Link
7th step for in-house app distribution
in that above link in step no 7, They mention we need to provide
"App URL. A fully qualified HTTPS URL for the iOS App file."
if we give server link in that field the .ipa file (which is generated using Archieve) will automatically upload to location? or we need to manually upload ?
You have to manually upload the ipa file to the location that you will be provided in Manifest file.
From your web page you will have to provide a download link, that download link will have a download link path to your manifest file, and manifest file will be containing the link of your ipa file.

How to create .ipa file so the users can download and install like AppStore?

I want to create an app-store-like application ,I have an enterprise account and i unsigned applications withiResign,but when i upload the .ipa on server it doesn't show alert for installing and downloading the apps and doesn't start to download ipa.
I looked at this question,they said to create .index and info.plist ,but i don't have .plist of Applications ,for example instagram, facebook and etc, I don't have bundle-identifier or bundle-version for those applications.
What should i do for downloading and installing .ipa of applications?
Here is a simple plist which you can use.
Follow the below link for more explanation link

How to download an iOS Developer Enterprise Program Applications via URL?

I want to download an iOS Developer Enterprise Program Applications via URL. Now I have host the plist and ipa file in my server. And plist file is a https link, link can open with Browser, ipa also can download via link in plist file. But when I connect itms URL like itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url=https://xxxxxxxxxx.plist, it shows that "Cannot connect to xxxxx". How can I fix that? Thx.

How to distribute an enterprise iOS app?

It's an in-house iOS app for a small company. The company has iOS developer enterprise program. I am hoping that it is possible to distribute the app using their corporate website which has an SSL certificate i.e. without using an MDM server.
I am able to export an .ipa file for Enterprise Deployment. Thanks.
You can do it through their server in a few easy steps.
You need to first create an html page which the users can navigate to. This page will hold a button or link which will open a manifest plist with instructions to install the ipa file.
itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url="The url where the manifest.plist can be found"
This means that you not only need to generate a .ipa but also a .plist which will be the manifest. You can search how to generate manifest for iOS. One thing to keep in mind, the path to the .ipa referenced in the .plist will need to be its path on the server for example:
For this example we can assume that the myapp/ directory holds the .ipa, .plist and .html file for the app.
Assuming all provisioning profiles are set correctly, the user should then be able to download the app.

iOS App distribution - Archiving an .ipa file

I have an .ipa file which is signed with an Enterprise Certificate and using an inHouse distribution profile. I do not have the original source code with me. When I went through the distribution article in Dev center, I understood that it has to be archived for distribution purpose. I do not know how to archive an .ipa file. Could you please assist me in this? I'm new to this iOS development world.
I am going to assume everything was built and signed properly, with the proper provisioning profiles and distribution certificates.
You need the myApp.ipa and the myApp.plist generated by XCode, there may be others ways, but generating these via Xcode is the easiest. Once you have both of these files, upload them to your server (e.g. public_html/app/myApp.ipa and public_html/app/myApp.plist).
Your users navigate to your download page via Safari. On this page you include a link like the following:
Install the app
It is pointing to the myApp.plist. This must have (among other things) an item like the following (not sure about the exact format at the moment, but it is easy to spot if you open the .plist file in text editor):
This URL is also usually added during the archive in XCode, but it can be easliy edited. It points to the .ipa (which really a zip file containg the executable and other resources like images).
When users tap "Install the app" in Safari, it will read the plist file, and if everything was successful up to this point, will prompt the user to install the application.
