Grab value from parse column into label - ios

I have made a small app that uses Parse, I have a signUp viewController, and after signing up I have a usersVC viewController.
Inside Parse dashboard I added a column named profileName, I want that after signing up to grab the value that is inside this column to some label.
Here parse dashboard:
enter image description here
I mean I need something like: profileNameLbl.text = PFUser.current().profileName
but of course this wont compile.

On swift 4.2 use:
PFUser.current()?[“profileName”] as? String


Archer to Archer Data Feed in RSA Archer

Need to create Archer to Archer Data Feed that should set value of two fields as NULL in a cross referenced application, if the value of a field is Approved in first field. I am not getting how can I send a NULL value to the fields through data feed??
Archer doesn't have "NULL" value, but you still can get it done like this:
Step 1. Calculation. Open your data feed configuration and go to the source definition tab. Add a new field to the end of the list and make it calculated.Add formula to check value of 1st field that present in the data source and if it is equal to "Approved" then return empty string.
Something like this
=IF([field field] = VALUEOF([first field],[Approved]), "","SOMETHING ELSE")
The key here is to have this calculation return an empty string when you need it - "".
I suggest you to test your calculation in the calculated field in the application before you put it in the calculated data source field.
Step 2. Data feed mapping. Now you need to map new calculated field in your data feed to the field you want to remove value from. Go to the mapping tab in your data feed configuration and map the field. Make sure to selection options "Replace value" and "Empty Values" - this way existing value will be replaced even with empty values.
Similar approach works for me in multiple data feeds.
Good luck!
You can use novalue() function in the calculation
I don't believe there is a concept of NULL in Archer. The closest you're probably going to get is blank/empty. To do that, in the Data Map tab of your data feed, click the edit icon under Actions column. Check the box that Empty Values should be populated rather than ignored.
Assumption is that what is in the question is the only task required by the data feed.
Create report with the filter set as First Field = Approved
Fields to display should contain tracking id (tracking ID which is configured to System ID) of the Target app along with the Tracking ID of the Cross-Reference App.
In Source Definition add new source and give it an adequate name as clear or Null if you want
Where it says Raw Data Field in the drop-down, update this to static. Leave the source as not configured or unconfigured.
Map this newsource to the 2 fields that you are trying to clear. In Options set to Replace and uncheck add unknown and set to populate empty values.
Map the Tracking ID of the Target app and map the Tracking ID of the cross-reference.
Set key field definition for both apps to the tracking id
Set data feed to update only. Remove checkmark for create
If your are doing more than just clearing the 2 fields, then
Stan Utevski answer is mostly correct except you must have the field you are evaluating for "Approve" in the fields to display of your report. Otherwise the calculation will not validate.

XCTest unable to find textfield

I am learning XCTest framework. I want to test whether the textfield accepts numeric values or not [which it should not]. But XCTest is unable to find the textfield.
XCTAssertEqual(XCUIApplication().textFields["name"].title, "")
name is palceholder of textfield. I have only one textfield in this demo app. But test always fails on 1st line of test code and no error is shown.
Note: I have made the appropriate code for not letting the textfield
accept numeric values.
If you want to examine an element, first step is to check whether it is accessible by an identifier or not. The crash happens because the system can not find the text field named "name".
You have to set an identifier to that text field.
yourTextField.accessibilityIdentifier = "myTextField"
Now, you can get the textfield by the string "myTextField"
Use Voice over/Accessibility inspector to check elements labels/values/identifiers.

Showing random data from core-data using Swift 3

I need some help getting random data from core data using Swift 3, Xcode 8.3.1. I currently have an app that creates a list in tableview using data that is entered by the user.. (user enters a name and takes a picture of that person) The entity "Friend" holds the attributes "name", "image".
The first version of this app was just a name and I would use arc4random to randomly update a label with a name on a modally presented VC on a button click. The names were simply stored in an Array.
This version is including an image so I decided to try my hand at core-data (never used it before) and now I'm stuck at my random select button. Currently the app will store the data fine and then retrieve it and display everyone alphabetically along with their image in a tableview. As a new person is submitted the info gets stored and the tableview updates.
I need to show a randomly selected name and its image, but I don't know how to do this and research has failed me on getting it done.
If there is a better way of storing an image & name instead of core-data I'm open to changing as well. The app stores anywhere from 20-80 different names. It will never be used to store much more than that.
You can fetch your items from the context, which will give you an array of objects. Now you just use your favorite random function to get a random index for this array. And then use an object at that index.

Observing data on Firebase vs. checking an array?

I've got a situation where I've got a tableview being filled with names from Firebase.
When the view loads in, I pull all the necessary names from firebase, load them into an array, and base my tableview off that array.
I have an "add" button that takes whatever's in a text field and adds that name to both firebase and their list.
What I do not want to allow is for people to add a name that they have already added.
I'm pulling the names they've added from Firebase like:
so if the user were to type in Rob, it'd add it under that "names" bit, but if they typed in Bob/Sue it wouldn't allow them to add that again.
The two ways I see of doing this are to check if the name a user is wanting to add is in the array I'm filling on load, or to check against the names that are under their Names child on firebase.
Are there any strong arguments for using one over the other. Is it a "big deal" to run an observer to firebase? I feel like using firebase here is "safer" than checking the what if the users net is so or inturrupts, the array hasn't filled up yet, and they type in a name to add, add it, and everything is just a mess. I don't even know if something like that COULD happen.
Any advice here on which direction to take and why?
Important :- Never use Arrays or Tuples to store in Firebase Database, always prefer Dictionary
Make your DB look something like this :-
{ users : {
209384092834 : {
Names: {
Bob : True,
Sue : True
I would suggest you use a third path :-
Check if that name exists by referring to that child node and checking by taking a particular snap of that path instead of the entire list..
rootRef.child("users").child(timeStamp).child("Names").child(textField.text!).observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: {(snapshotRecieved) in
if snapshotRecieved.exists()
//Show Alert that user Exists i.e if user is rob/sue in your case
let ref = rootRef.child("users").child(timeStamp).child("Names")
ref.observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: {(snapshot) in
if let namesDict = snapshot!.value as? NSMutableDictionary{

How to add another column to my class in (Swift)

I am having some difficulty adding a new column to my class in Parse. Currently I have made a class (named: Venue Data) with the name and geopoints of restaurants. I would like to add to that class a column for image which will be paired respective to the specific restaurant. I am quite stumped as to how I should go about it. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Parse allows you to add columns to a class lazily, meaning that you can add a field to your PFObject and if it is not present in your Parse class, Parse will add that column for you.
Here's how you would add a column via code:
// Prepare image
let imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(yourImage)
let imageFile = PFFile(name:"image.png", data:imageData) // "image.png" is the name which would be shown on
// Add the new field to your object
yourObject["image"] = imageFile
You'll notice that Parse will create a new column named image on their web portal.
If you log in to Parse and are in your data view ("Core" should be highlighted at the top), you should have a few options that look like .
Click + Col and that should give you a new column to add!
If you're talking about how you would go about adding images specifically, I would store the URLs of the images as a string in Parse and load asynchronously the images in your app.
