I'M probably just overlooking something obvious, but I can't figure out how to insert an image (a png of a chart created by plantuml) into a DOORS attribute.
If I drag and drop the image into the attribute, it wants to create an external link to the image on my hard drive. If I start editing the attribute, and drag the image into the editor, it just shows an image icon.
Try using Insert > Picture and selecting your PNG (you'll need to switch to 'all files' as the type)
This would be working perfectly if it weren't for one aspect of what is going on. When I add the texture to the object (drag and drop it onto the object from the menu in the bottom right) it adds it exactly where I want, but it also adds it around the object large (too large for the object) and all blurred, and I want it to just stay white:
I want it to stay in the middle where it is, and have the surrounding area be the original color of the shirt.
I created a static physics body, and that allowed me to get to the materials of the Plane object. But I can't remove the coloring around the image.
Also, I exported the texture from Blender with Save Image As from Blender UV/Image Editor, I'm not sure if that is the correct way to export a texture to be used correctly in xcode.
I used the .obj file instead and got this far, but when it renders in the app there is no image, only they gray tshirt.
To export a .dae including textures from Blender, make sure to select UV Textures and the Copy checkbox unter Texture Options, in the Export options, during export. Then, in xcode, your texture will be available as a material under the Materials tab, and you just have to drag the image that you were using with the texture, onto the material (make sure you have the correct material selected) in the Scene Editor in Xcode.
I can make it work via creating the bitmap and saving it to a file. (The bitmap is a barcode). Afterwards loading it into the TImage via ppimage1.Picture.LoadFromFile(filepath);
With this way of doing it, you have to create and delete a temp directory for your image. I'd rather not do this if possible...
You can assign directly to the Picture graphic:
I created simple image with two layers from red point and gray transparent and save to PNG. Then I created project and added TListView and TImageList with options ColorDepth=cd32Bit, DrawingStyle=dsTransparent. Than added PNG image and set image index to ListView I saw different painted image. Maybe somebody know how did paint correctly? Thanks.
I finally found answer for my question. TImageList using Comctl32.dll("Algorithm hidden within a dll. But it is called “Black Source Method” (by Ron Jerry). Picture is changed before painting."), TImage and other viewers using Msimg32.dll("Looks like a most suitable function for drawing a pictures with partial transparency") and some viewers may using GDI32.dll. And this different paint not only PNG and also ICO. I attached Project and Screenshot. Thanks all who try help me!
In ImageJ i need to save all the ROI Measure (in the ROI manager) associated with the image.
And have the possibility to open lately still editable (move the Line , move the point , save measure in result)
So also have ImageJ a File where can save a work we are doing and open lately for re-editing?
You can save the ROI Manager's set of ROIs by clicking the More button and choosing "Save" from the menu. To restore them later, click "More" and choose "Open" from the menu.
I'd like to have an image and a combo box with 2 options: color, and black and white. When the combo box selection changes, I'd like to return the image as black and white and have this done dynamically on the server (so I don't have to store the black and white image on the server).
I was thinking I could point the img tag at a url like "/images/blackandwhite/120" where 120 is the image id of the color picture, and have it dynamically turn the image to black and white and return the image data to the browser.
Is this possible? How would I do this?
Storing two copies of the image will be much more efficient than processing the image everytime it is requested.
However, you might be able to get away with using CSS image filters:
Paperclip, by default, is prepared to "alter" images. The objects used for modifying the images are called "processors". Paperclip comes with just one processor, for making thumbnails.
Processors don't do what you want; they "process" the image "once", when the original image is loaded. They require the "processed" images to be stored permanently. If you erase the images, they don't re-create them; they throw an exception.
However, by looking at the source code you can learn how to do what you want.
Here's the relevant code that makes the thumbnails). As you can see, it simply calls "convert" (the Imagemagick command) with certain parameters.
This should point you in the right direction. For example: You could create a method in your model that creates the black and white version of your image inside /tmp/, and probably another one for deleting it. Your controller would have to call the former, send the image, and then delete the file.
There are several options in creating black and white images with Imagemagick - for example, you can create "real" black and white (2 colors only) or grayscale images. This forum post details the Imagemagick commands for several options.
Finally, a suggestion. If instead of this
Consider using this:
This way, you will not have to add additional routes, and your controller will be more restful. Then, on your show action, you just have to check whether param[:color] equals "blackandwhite"