Xtext crossreferencing no longer working? - xtext

I have used Xtext for many years, and have always been able to cross-reference from one grammar to another grammar. But today, on Eclipse Photon, the usual method no longer works.
In the same workspace, I create two Xtext projects, using default options, org.xtext.example.adsl.ADsl
grammar org.xtext.example.adsl.ADsl with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
generate aDsl "http://www.xtext.org/example/adsl/ADsl"
'AHello' name=ID '!';
and org.xtext.example.bdsl.BDsl,
grammar org.xtext.example.bdsl.BDsl with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
generate bDsl "http://www.xtext.org/example/bdsl/BDsl"
//import "http://www.xtext.org/example/adsl/ADsl" as adsl
'BHello' name=ID '!';
where BDsl would like to import ADsl via the commented-out import statement import "http://www.xtext.org/example/adsl/ADsl" as adsl for use in cross-referencing.
In the past, before uncommenting that import, I would have to add a resource reference referencedResource = "../org.xtext.example.adsl/model/generated/ADsl.genmodel" to GenerateBDsl.mwe2.
module org.xtext.example.bdsl.GenerateBDsl
import org.eclipse.xtext.xtext.generator.*
import org.eclipse.xtext.xtext.generator.model.project.*
var rootPath = ".."
Workflow {
component = XtextGenerator {
configuration = {
project = StandardProjectConfig {
baseName = "org.xtext.example.bdsl"
rootPath = rootPath
runtimeTest = {
enabled = true
eclipsePlugin = {
enabled = true
eclipsePluginTest = {
enabled = true
createEclipseMetaData = true
code = {
encoding = "UTF-8"
lineDelimiter = "\n"
fileHeader = "/*\n * generated by Xtext \${version}\n */"
language = StandardLanguage {
name = "org.xtext.example.bdsl.BDsl"
referencedResource = "../org.xtext.example.adsl/model/generated/ADsl.genmodel"
fileExtensions = "bdsl"
serializer = {
generateStub = false
validator = {
// composedCheck = "org.eclipse.xtext.validation.NamesAreUniqueValidator"
But when I generate the Xtext artifacts for BDsl, I now get the following error (the import still commented out).
434 [main] ERROR xt.generator.XtextGeneratorLanguage - Error loading 'ADsl.ecore'
The genmodel is certainly being found, since a completely different error is generated if the file cannot be found.
What is going on?
Am I making some stupid error?
Is this related to this bug? If so, is there a work around?
[... I am aware that the example contains no actual cross-references. I have purposely induced the error in the simplest possible manner. ...]

make sure you refer to the referenced genmodel in a way that it actually can be insolved. the ususal reference would look like platform:/resource/project/model/Some.genmodel so in your case referencedResource = "platform:/resource/org.xtext.example.adsl/model/generated/ADsl.genmodel"


How can I override a package source in Nix?

So I want to replace pkgs.picom in my home-manager config with a newer fork. How can I do that?
I have a feeling it's something like:
let newPicom = pkgs.picom.override.src.url = "https://github.com/ibhagwan/picom";
services.picom.package = newPicom;
But knowing Nix is probably actually some really long incantation with self: super: and so on.
nixos.wiki has an example of overriding the source of a package.
You do need to provide a reproducible source. A github repo url is mutable, so you need to specify the revision.
{ pkgs, ... }:
let newPicom = pkgs.picom.overrideAttrs (old: {
version = "git"; # usually harmless to omit
src = /* put your source here; typically a local path or
a fixed-output derivation produced by
builtins.fetchGit is also an option. Doesn't run
in parallel but does fetch private sources. */;
in {
services.picom.package = newPicom;
picom_overlay = (self: super: {
picom = super.picom.overrideAttrs (prev: {
version = "git";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "yshui";
repo = "picom";
rev = "31e58712ec11b198340ae217d33a73d8ac73b7fe";
sha256 = pkgs.lib.fakeSha256;
nixpkgs.overlays = [ picom_overlay ];
Of course, sha256 should be replaced with the relevant hash shown in the output error after building -- in this case:
sha256 = "sha256-VBnIzisg/7Xetd/AWVHlnaWXlxX+wqeYTpstO6+T5cE=";
Note that there is also a picom-next package so one can alternatively do:
picom_overlay = (self: super: {
picom = super.picom.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
inherit (super.picom-next) pname version src;
nixpkgs.overlays = [ picom_overlay ];
Or more simply with #RobertHensing's suggestion:
services.picom.package = pkgs.picom-next;

how to exclude fields from swagger grpc generated code

i'm trying to generate swagger JSON files using https://github.com/pseudomuto/protoc-gen-doc, I can't find a way to exclude some of the APIs of the grpc service/fields inside the messages.
found the relevant styling in swagger, but can't seem to find a way to add it in the protobuf file http://watson-developer-cloud.github.io/api-guidelines/swagger-coding-style.html#excluding-operations-from-the-sdks
service MyService {
rpc ExternalApi (ExternalApiRequest) returns (ExternalApiResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/my/externalApi"
rpc InternalApi (InternalApiRequest) returns (InternalApiResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/my/internalApi"
message ExternalApiResponse {
string prefix = 1;
string id = 2; // field to exclude
// message to exclude
message Header { }
is there a way to exclude actions / fields from the protocol buffer files?
You can add
string id = 2 [(grpc.gateway.protoc_gen_swagger.options.openapiv2_field).read_only = true];

How to configure tempusage in activemq grails app

I am using jms to send messages between two apps, here is the code for receiver app
xmlns amq:"http://activemq.apache.org/schema/core"
useJmx: '${grails.jms.useJmx}',
dataDirectory: '${grails.jms.dataDirectory}'){
amqConnectionFactory(ActiveMQConnectionFactory) {
brokerURL = '${grails.jms.brokerUrl}'
jmsConnectionFactory(SingleConnectionFactory) { bean ->
targetConnectionFactory = ref(amqConnectionFactory)
I am able to run the app but getting error like
"Store limit is 102400 mb, whilst the data directory: /my-activemq-data/localhost/KahaDB only has 7438 mb of usable space" in console. I just want to configure the temp memory usage, can anyone help me on this. thanks
Are you using the https://grails.org/plugin/activemq plugin?
If so, I added precisely that functionality to the plugin.
The plugin allows the following configuration options (just put them in your Config.groovy):
grails.activemq.active = (true|false) default to true
grails.activemq.useJms = (true|false) default to false
grails.activemq.startBroker = (true|false) default to true
grails.activemq.brokerId = (string) default to "brokerId"
grails.activemq.brokerName = (string) default to "localhost"
grails.activemq.persistent = (true|false) default to false
grails.activemq.port = (int) default to 61616
grails.activemq.tempUsageLimit = (size in bytes) defaults to 64Mb
grails.activemq.storeUsageLimit = (size in bytes) defaults to 64Mb
If you aren't using the plugin maybe you should :)
For reference, this is the resources.groovy file I use for most projects (which rely on an application server jndi based JMS service for test and production and use activemq for development):
import grails.util.Environment
import org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnectionFactory
import org.springframework.jms.connection.SingleConnectionFactory
import org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean
beans = {
switch(Environment.current) {
case Environment.PRODUCTION:
case Environment.TEST:
jmsConnectionFactory(JndiObjectFactoryBean) {
jndiName = "java:/ConnectionFactory"
case Environment.DEVELOPMENT:
jmsConnectionFactory(SingleConnectionFactory) {
targetConnectionFactory = { ActiveMQConnectionFactory cf ->
brokerURL = 'vm://localhost'
I had the same problem as you while using ActiveMQ with the activemq plugin, so I made a pull request adding those configuration options and setting them to a more reasonable default (for development) of 64Mb.
If you use the plugin you just need to add it to your BuildConfig plugins section, and it should work ok without further configuration, just the resources.groovy inside config/spring.
Anyway, the options I described should go into Config.groovy if you need any of them.
Finally, I got solution to my problem. here is the updated resource.groovy
activeMQTempUsage(TempUsage) {
activeMQTempUsage.limit = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
activeMQStoreUsage(StoreUsage) {
activeMQStoreUsage.limit = 1024 * 1024 * 1024
activeMQSystemUsage.tempUsage = ref('activeMQTempUsage')
activeMQSystemUsage.storeUsage = ref('activeMQStoreUsage')
tcpConnector(TransportConnector,uri:'tcp://localhost:61616') {
myBrokerService.useJmx = false
myBrokerService.persistent = true
myBrokerService.dataDirectory = 'my-activemq-data'
myBrokerService.systemUsage = ref('activeMQSystemUsage')
myBrokerService.transportConnectors = ref('connectors')
amqConnectionFactory(ActiveMQConnectionFactory) {
brokerURL = 'vm://localhost'
jmsConnectionFactory(SingleConnectionFactory) { bean ->
targetConnectionFactory = ref(amqConnectionFactory)
Using XbeanBrokerService properties we can achieve this, if you we want add more configuration we can add by using properties of XbeanBrokerService as like above.

Groovy Script - Logback configuration unawaited behaviour

I want to use Logback as my logging framework within Grails. therefore I set up everything in place to work but my implementation fails on the configuration file itself. the reason is, as I guess, somewhere whithin the scoping of Groovy Script but I'm not able to figure it out...
if I define my String properties without any identifier which I want to use later I get a warning that it may not be accessed. For example:
LOG_DIR = 'c:/temp/myproject/logs/'
BACKUP_DIR = LOG_DIR + 'backup/'
appender('F_MAIN', RollingFileAppender) {
file = LOG_DIR + 'test.log'
rollingPolicy(FixedWindowRollingPolicy) {
fileNamePattern = BACKUP_DIR + 'test.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.%i.log.zip'
// .... and so on
I get the following error message from Logback, which I'm pretty sure is indicating that both LOG_DIR and BACKUP_DIR can not be reached:
13:33:32,036 |-ERROR in ch.qos.logback.classic.gaffer.AppenderDelegate#6fd00b - Appender [F_MAIN] of type [ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.RollingFileAppender] has no appplicable [LOG_DIR] property
13:33:32,068 |-ERROR in ch.qos.logback.classic.gaffer.ComponentDelegate#788ac3 - Component of type [ch.qos.logback.core.rolling.FixedWindowRollingPolicy] has no appplicable [BACKUP_DIR] property
I also tried the following approach by declaring both variables with the #Field tag, but it still does not work:
#Field String LOG_DIR = 'c:/temp/myproject/logs/'
#Field String BACKUP_DIR = LOG_DIR + 'backup/'
appender('F_MAIN', RollingFileAppender) {
file = LOG_DIR + 'test.log'
rollingPolicy(FixedWindowRollingPolicy) {
fileNamePattern = BACKUP_DIR + 'test.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.%i.log.zip'
// .... and so on
what am I doing wrong here?
oh my!
after searching and a lot of trial/error I found the solution and it was so close and definitely seems obvious now: I had to declare both variables with def, so now they are visible throughout the whole script ;)
For example, this is working code:
def LOG_DIR = 'c:/temp/myproject/logs/'
def BACKUP_DIR = LOG_DIR + 'backup/'
appender('F_MAIN', RollingFileAppender) {
file = LOG_DIR + 'test.log'
rollingPolicy(FixedWindowRollingPolicy) {
fileNamePattern = BACKUP_DIR + 'test.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.%i.log.zip'
// .... and so on
now, I'm also able to use a function like this within my script:
def createFilename(String directory, String name, boolean isBackupFile) {
String filename = ''
if(isBackupFile) {
filename = "${directory}backup/MyProject-${name}.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.%i.log.zip"
} else {
filename = "${directory}MyProject-${name}.log"
return filename
def fileAppenderLog = createFilename(LOG_DIR, 'output', false)
def fileAppenderLogBackup = createFilename(LOG_DIR, 'output', true)
appender('F_MAIN', RollingFileAppender) {
file = fileAppenderLog
rollingPoliciy(FixedWindowRollingPolicy) {
fileNamePattern = fileAppenderLogBackup
// .... and so on
which is pretty useful, I think :), especially if you want to declare a bunch of different logfiles and even if you want to declare temporary logfiles which are created when Logback is rescanning this file ...

Parse file in Xtext MWE2 workflow

I would like to parse a file within an MWE2 workflow, e.g. by giving the org.eclipse.emf.mwe.utils.Reader component a file written in my DSL rather than the XMI representation of it.
Alternatively have a look at org.eclipse.xtext.mwe.UriBasedReader
I have found the solution at http://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/m/831365/
Workflow {
component = org.eclipse.xtext.mwe.Reader {
register = org.xtext.example.mydsl.MyDslStandaloneSetup {}
path = "modeldir"
loadResource = {
slot = "models"
Adjusted to the answer of Christian when using a single file it can be written
Workflow {
component = org.eclipse.xtext.mwe.UriBasedReader {
register = org.xtext.example.mydsl.MyDslStandaloneSetup {}
uri = "model.file"
loadResource = {
slot = "model"
