Swift - Is it possible to use ios Mail app attachments icon? - ios

In my app, I want to use an icon for the uploaded document based on its type. Is it possible to use Mail app attachment type icons?

Your app should bundle up any icon you want to use and not rely on icons supplied as part of another app. You can get a good graphic designer to generate icons for the different attachment types you want to support, or buy one of the many commercial icon sets on the market.
It is possible to extract the icons from any app; but while technically feasible it is not legally advisable.


need to apply dynamic app icon from web in iOS [duplicate]

Since iOS 10.3 has been released, Apple added a new feature which allows us to change the app icon dynamically, by using setAlternateIconName(_:completionHandler:) method. So far, as mentioned in the method documentation, we have to mention the name(s) of the alternate app icon(s) in the project .plist file, assigned to CFBundlePrimaryIcon key.
Actually, when working with static icons (icons that have been added directly to the app main bundle) it works as expected without any problems:
My question is:
Is it possible -or is there a workaround- to set the alternate app icon dynamically (for instance: icons that have been downloaded from the web and saved in the app documents directory)?
I don't think its possible.
setAlternateIconName(_:completionHandler:) API looks for the icons inside app bundle and cannot be changed to fetch from sandbox.
Also, most probably Apple reviews the app icons you have bundled for avoiding use of same app icons or icons similar to Apple apps.
Refer: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/example-code/uikit/how-to-change-your-app-icon-dynamically-with-setalternateiconname

Is it possible to dynamically create a sticker pack for iMessage through a companion app?

I'm looking to create a Sticker Pack for iMessage, loaded with preset images but having the ability for users to create their own custom stickers. It seems like an iMessage app wouldn't be able to give users that choice, but would a standalone app be able to do that? Everything I see seems to be based on the assumption that the developer uploads a set of stickers to the store and that these cannot be edited in any way afterwards.
Another option would be to store the edited/exported stickers from the app to a server, and then access that from the iMessage app.
Does anyone know if one of these might be possible? Thanks!

Is it allowed to let the alternate app icon to be dynamic?

Since iOS 10.3 has been released, Apple added a new feature which allows us to change the app icon dynamically, by using setAlternateIconName(_:completionHandler:) method. So far, as mentioned in the method documentation, we have to mention the name(s) of the alternate app icon(s) in the project .plist file, assigned to CFBundlePrimaryIcon key.
Actually, when working with static icons (icons that have been added directly to the app main bundle) it works as expected without any problems:
My question is:
Is it possible -or is there a workaround- to set the alternate app icon dynamically (for instance: icons that have been downloaded from the web and saved in the app documents directory)?
I don't think its possible.
setAlternateIconName(_:completionHandler:) API looks for the icons inside app bundle and cannot be changed to fetch from sandbox.
Also, most probably Apple reviews the app icons you have bundled for avoiding use of same app icons or icons similar to Apple apps.
Refer: https://www.hackingwithswift.com/example-code/uikit/how-to-change-your-app-icon-dynamically-with-setalternateiconname

Icons for two versions of the same iPhone/iPad App

I'm try to develop "pro" version of an app which is already at store. As far as I understand I need a seperate icon for the pro version. Is it possible to change the icon completely? For example instead of typing "pro", can I change the colours of the icon?
A common question: is there any relationship between two versions of the same app? Or are they completely separate apps?
Thank you
If you want to have different icons, you have to separate both apps, they cannot be the same. You'll have to do 2 separated apps in your case.
Also, remember, you'll want to upload a different Large icon (iTunes Artwork) file to iTunes Connect. Since that image, not the icon file inside the app bundle, is what your potential customers will see.

Does Apple reject apps that use images used in Apple's apps?

I'm making an audio player app.
In apple's Music app, if music album or podcast doesn't have artwork, musical note image or podcast icon image are shown instead of artwork.
I want to do same thing.
Can I use images in apple's Music app for my app?
Will apple reject my app?
Do I have to create images of musical note and podcast icon by my self?
Or is it recommended to use apple's images for my app for user experience?
I also want to use history icon, podcast icon, and audiobook icon which are used for tab bar icon in apple's apps.
Reusing toolbar / button icons is fine and Apple probably appreciates UI consistency. Many many apps make use of the Apple icons not included in the core set which are in the app store. Using 'larger' art will be frowned upon though, like splash arts / stock images.
I did used an image from Apple, and I might say it's rather bizzarre:
1) I uploaded an application for a client that used the "Photos" application icon, and everything went ok, the application was approved.
2) In the next month, I uploaded a new application, for a different client, but with the same logic (only the design was different) and used again the "Photos" application icon. This time the application was reject, stating that I couldn't use Apple icons. After that, I changed the icon and it was approved.
Next time, I won't be using images from Apple. In my case, I didn't had tight deadlines, but if I had, I would be screwed.
It depends on the reviewer. Some will let it go and others won't. As far as I am concerned, it isn't worth the risk. Just find/create another graphic to use.
Note, that you don't have legal rights to use Apple's images. They are copyrighted.
Even if the application is not rejected (approver doesn't have to notice the use of copyrighted image), you can have problems later.
Yes apple will reject the application if we use Apple's owned graphics/ property. you can check the guidelines if you need
