Rest Assured :- Getting 404 response from Post request created using Pathparam and FormParam - rest-assured

I am a newbie to Rest Assured and need your help on the following issue.
I want to trigger a POST request which is as follows:-
Response resp = RestAssured.given().pathParam("build", bulid).
formParam("file", "").// Cast
formParam("type", "front").
formParam("auto_start", false).
Where build= abc/xyz
Thus. should result in as endpoint and body as:
"file" : "",
"type" : "front",
"auto_start" : false
But when triggered it gives 404, whereas when instead of using pathparam I hardcode the value of build in post request then it works fine.
Can someone please advise what am I doing wrong here.

Found out that the url was being encoded when sent as request uri which when disabled using used urlEncodingEnabled(false) resolved my issue.


Saturn API not responding to GET when using acceptJson

The F# Saturn web framework fails on retrieving a value for GET method when acceptJson is a part of pipeline.
Below a sample code that I run to reproduce the issue:
let api = pipeline {
plug acceptJson
set_header "x-pipeline-type" "Api"
let apiRouter = router {
not_found_handler (setStatusCode 404 >=> text "Api 404")
pipe_through api
get "/test" (text "Hello world")
let appRouter = router {
forward "/api" apiRouter
appRouter is then added in the use_router section of the application code.
When I'm sending the request with a header Content-Type:application/json the response is "404 not found". But if I remove plug acceptJson from the api pipeline definition I get a correct response.
How to make Saturn work with the plug acceptJson?
I suspect 3615 is right - this seems similar to a problem I just solved yesterday after beating my head against the wall for a week. A request to my app (just a straight app from "dotnew new Saturn") from my browser was accepted. But a request to the same url from a test method returned a 404. It boiled down to the fact that the test request was missing an "Accept" header. When I added "Accept text/html", it worked. What I deduced from that is that, if the app can't find a content type that will be accepted according to the request, then it will report a 404. Your situation is the same - you're trying to return Json, but the request didn't include an "Accept application/json", so it can't find any page that the request would accept.
Of course, I could be wrong.

Different response for same API method

New to the RestAssured and just checking different ways of working with REST APIs. For testing I am using In this I am trying the GET employee method using RequestSpecification and groovy way but I am getting different response.
My short code is:
RestAssured.baseURI = "";
RequestSpecification request = RestAssured.given();
Response response = request.get("/employee/72100");
And output I am getting is:
I am not getting why it is returning response with HTML tags. Can anyone explain or give hint to get same response as first call to get method.
NOTE: You may or may not get details for employeeID 72100
You can use any employee ID from response of:
Because the Body contains it .
You can use below statement if you need only the response
Response resp = given().baseUri("").get("/employee/72100");

restsharp and Postman

I am attempting to get an OAuth2 access token from ZOHO using RestSharp code. The Postman simulation works correctly so I know there is something I'm missing in my code.
I always get an "invalid client id" result status. However in Postman, it works and returns a code when I click the "Get new access token". I have the same items as in the Postman authorization tab (client_id, client_secret, etc). In Postman, "Body" is set to "none", and there are no parameters or headers. The only difference between my code and postman, is that Postman requires the Callback URL. My code is trying to get the code using "self-client", which bypasses the callback URL.
I have tried several different alternatives to the request call including ParameterType.Body, and ParameterType.GetOrPost. Is GetOrPost the same as a form?
client = New RestClient(ZOHO_API_URL)
request = New RestRequest(TokenUrl, Method.POST)
request.AddHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") ' also tried: "application/json")
request.AddParameter("grant_type", "authorization_code",
request.AddParameter("client_id", Client_ID, ParameterType.GetOrPost)
request.AddParameter("client_secret", Client_Secret,
request.AddParameter("code", Grant_Token, ParameterType.GetOrPost)
response = client.Execute(request)
This is the translated Postman code for RestSharp:
var client = new RestClient("http://");
var request = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
request.AddHeader("Postman-Token", "xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx");
request.AddHeader("cache-control", "no-cache");
IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request);
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong. I have tried to view the raw data coming across with Fiddler, but when I do that, Postman indicates a failure.
What code do I need to use to duplicate what Postman is doing?
How do I implement a callback URL if that is also required?
I quickly checked ZoHo REST API docs and it seems like you should use the Limited Input Device authentication flow.
From what I can understand from their help page, you indeed need to do a POST request, but parameters must be specified as query parameters:
You will also get better off with JSON set as a default for serialisation and content type just by using client.UseJson().
It maybe that Postman is following a redirect from your API endpoint as the functionality is different Postman verses RestSharp (possibly missing a trailing slash or similar).
Try adding
client.FollowRedirects = false;
to your RestSharp code and analyse the result.

AWS API Gateway issue for HTTP Method

I created an AWS API-gateway for an HTTP method PUT. When I do a test in API-gateway, that works fine, but when I call it from a REST client, I get 404 bad-request and missing authentication token errors. I didn't set any authorization to true or a required API key to true.
I passed these query parameters to a REST client:
auth_id : 8798iuyiu123123
time_stamp :1231231
test_json : [{"id"=>"1","value"=>"mount"},{"id"=>"2","value"=>"chart"}]
content-type : application/json
When I change the test_json value to %5B%7B%22id%22:%221%22,%22value%22:%22test%22%7D,%7B%22id%22:%222%22,%22value%22:%2213+%D8%B4%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%, then I get the response.
i am new to react, calling from react
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.query({ auth_id: localStorage.auth_id})
.query({ time_stamp:this.props.time_stamp})
.query({ test_json:JSON.stringify(newadd)})
should i pass this test_json through body?
Am I doing anything wrong?
This is usually related to requesting a URL that doesn't exist. Please make sure you're using the correct HTTP method and resource path to a valid resource (the sample invoke URL does not include any resource path). If this still doesn't work. Make sure you actually deployed your API.
The HTTP Response of Bad Request is because you have the Query Parameter that are not URL Encoded. There are 2 things that you can do now:
Pass the test_json as Query Param but making sure that they are URL Encoded. This will put a restriction on the size of the string and hence Not Recommended.
Pass the test_json as Request Body. (Recommended)

Postman gives right response,but restassured returns empty for same request?

As you can see that postman returns expected result
but res.asString() gives [] in the blow code,can you tell me why?
def "simple test"(){
String url=""
io.restassured.response.Response res=RestAssured.given().header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded").formParam("Action", "getDiagnosisList").formParam("Data", "[{\"subject\":\"冠心病\",\"option\":\"是\"}]").post(url)
It turns out that Chinese characters can't be encoded correctedly by default,after adding blow code,everything worked as expected:
Maybe the request did via postman has not been cached, and on the other hand the same request via restassured is using some kind of cache. Recently I was having a similar issue because of it was hitting the varnish server. I'd recommend you to take a look at the response headers from both postman and restassured.
