How to use workspace from local machine on Jenkins instance - jenkins

I have workspace in my local, I want to use it as workspace in jenkins instance. How do I mention that path location which is present in local? How do I make all the execution to run locally and use Jenkins just to trigger the jobs?

Connect your machine as an agent to Jenkins. Here is a good wiki. And in Remote root directory specify your workspace.


How to automatically copy artefacts from Jenkins job into given network drive?

I'd like the files generated by Jenkins script to be automatically copied into a given directory on the local network.
Is there a plugin or script for doing that ?
In my case it worked by using SCP in a build step "Execute shell". The remote server needs to be accessible via ssh.
If your artifacts are the result of a maven build, maybe a Nexus Repository Manager is what you are looking for. A simple mvn deploy would do the job.

How to control the workspace Jenkins starts the build on?

I have one Jenkins master node and 2 Jenkins slave nodes. All my job builds happen in the slave node. When I configured my slaves, I set the Remote root directory as /data/home/jenkins/jenkins-slave. Also, I give the custom workspace option as DEVELOP_BRANCH in the job configuration page of the respective job.
However, at the start of job, I get the following log information:
Building remotely on linux in workspace /data/home/jenkins/jenkins-slave/workspace/DEVELOP_BRANCH
I want to start my builds in this location.
Why does the extra workspace directory come into the picture? How do I remove it? I do not have access to Jenkins master node. So, if there is a workaround that can match my requirements, it would be awesome.
Note: By node, I refer to a Linux OS computer with redHat distribution.
In project configuration, under Advanced Project Options, you can check Use custom workspace and put a path there.
If you put an absolute path, it will be used without any extra workspace/ directory. (at least that's the behavior I can see on a windows server.)

How to trigger Jenkins job when a change is made in Server folders?

I want to trigger my Jenkins Job when a particular folder is modified in WAS server.Is there any plugin available ? I tried with 'FSTrigger' plugin but it is working only for local machine folder changes but not for server side changes. I am getting following message in FSTrigger floder log.
Trying to monitor the folder 'https:\server_name\folder_path'
The directory 'https:\server_name\folder_path' doesn't exist.
Kindly help me on this.!!
Regarding this answer:
How to set FSTrigger's folder path in Hudson CI integration tool?
I think you can only monitor a local URL, like:
To solve your problem, one solution is to connect your WAS server to your Jenkins master as a Jenkins slave.
And next, create a Jenkins job using the FSTrigger plugin and launch it on your WAS slave.

Jenkins's home directory

My Jenkins is installed on the default location: /var/lib/jenkins. Every time it builds, it changes my root directory of my workspace (on my local machine /home/john/p4) to /var/lib/jenkins/..., which shouldn't happen?
How to specify my root directory of my client(workspace) so that the build won't change its location? Should I change $JENKINS_HOME? If I should change it, then that's equavilent to the fact that I have to re-install Jenkins to the location I want, because $JENKINS_HOME is supposed to be the root directory for all jenkins files and builds.
What should be the correct behavior of Jenkins and P4 client? Also, does it have anything to do with the user who starts the builds in Jenkins? Does Jenkins user have anything to do with the Linux user who installs Jenkins?
The p4-plugin Jenkins requires it's own Perforce workspace and it WILL set the Perforce workspace root to match the Jenkins workspace root.
Let Jenkins create a new Perforce workspace (use a name that does not exist, I generally prefix it with jenkins-). If you want to be dynamic use a name like:
jenkins-${NODE_NAME}-${JOB_NAME} ${NODE_NAME} and ${JOB_NAME} will expand.
Next define a view mapping (or streams path) to specify the location of the files in Perforce and how you want them to appear in the workspace. e.g.:
//depot/myProj/main/... //jenkins-${NODE_NAME}-${JOB_NAME}/...
As for the user that connects to Perforce, that is defined in the Perforce Credentials, but the files sync'ed to the Jenkins Master (or Slave if you have a build farm) will use the UID/GID of the Jenkins service.
You can find the documentation for the p4-plugin here.

Build a project remotely but pick the code from local machine through Jenkins

I'm running jenkins on my local machine. I need to build and run a project on remote machine as a slave.
I have my project(Java code) in my local machine where the Jenkins is running. So Now when I build the project it looks for the code in my slave machine and says it's not able to find the build.xml in my slave machine.
I want to be able to have Jenkins looks for the code in my local machine and build it in my slave machine and run in the slave machine.
Is that possible? if yes pls help me.
You do not state which version control system you are using? Jenkins has version control plugins for Git, Subversion, etc...
The idea is that you commit and push your changes to your source code repository and the Jenkins slave will automatically pull down the code and compile if anything has changed.
Try the copy artifact plugin. You can create 2 jobs - 1st one to just check out the source code from your repo/version control/workspace. The second job (which runs on the slave restrict where this job can be run inside the job config) can copy those files automatically to the ...remote slave/workspace and then you do whatever you want with them.
This will do what you want, but as Mark O'Çonnor mentions, the idea is you commit the changes to your repository and then the other machine checks it out.
