Display ads on multiple Views by using single controller method in MVC - asp.net-mvc

I want to display different ads on multiple Views from single method. Currently, I have created separate controller method for the ads and then passing page name by using session from each View's controller method. I want to get rid off any code related to ads from each controller method.
Please suggest me way to do this.
Home controller
public ActionResult Index()
ClsHomeContent model = new ClsHomeContent();
List<Advertisement> advertList = new List<Advertisement>();
var context = new ApplicationDbContext();
var advert = context.Advertisement.ToList();
var pageName = context.Advertisement.Where(x => x.Page == "Home").Select(y => y.Page).FirstOrDefault();
Session["PageName"] = pageName;
return View(model);
HorseTracker Controller
public ActionResult HorseTracker()
List<Advertisement> advertList = new List<Advertisement>();
var advert = context.Advertisement.ToList();
var pageName = context.Advertisement.Where(x => x.Page == "HorseTracker").Select(y => y.Page).FirstOrDefault();
Session["PageName"] = pageName;
return View(model);
Then using this session value
public ClsAdvertisment advertPosition()
List<Advertisement> advertList = new List<Advertisement>();
ClsAdvertisment model = new ClsAdvertisment();
var context = new ApplicationDbContext();
var advert = context.Advertisement.ToList();
foreach (var advertisementData in advert)
if (advertisementData.Position == Session["PageName"] + "_Top_Left" || advertisementData.Position == Session["PageName"] + "_Top_Right" || advertisementData.Position == Session["PageName"] + "_Middle" || advertisementData.Position == Session["PageName"] + "_Left")
advertList.Add(new Advertisement()
AdvertId = advertisementData.AdvertId,
Position = advertisementData.Position,
FilePath = advertisementData.FilePath,
Hemisphere = advertisementData.Hemisphere,
Link = advertisementData.Link,
Title = advertisementData.Title
model.advertisement = advertList;
return model;
public PartialViewResult Advertisement()
var model= advertPosition();
return PartialView("_pAdvertisement", model);
Created separate partial view
foreach (var item in Model.advertisement)
if (#item.Hemisphere == 1 && item.Position == (string)Session["PageName"]+"_Top_Left")
<a href="#item.Link" title="#item.Title" target="_blank">
#Html.Image(item.FilePath, "Image", "", "")

You can get the name of the parent controller and action methods in the child method using the ParentActionViewContext property of ControllerContext
public PartialViewResult Advertisement()
ViewContext context = ControllerContext.ParentActionViewContext;
string controllerName = context.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
string actionName = context.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
ClsAdvertisment model = advertPosition(controllerName, actionName);
return PartialView("_pAdvertisement", model);
Then modify your advertPosition() to
public ClsAdvertisment advertPosition(string controllerName, string actionName)
and within that method, select the ads to be displayed based on those values, and there is also no need to use Session.


Access data from Viewbag Dropdown

I am getting the value from dropdown to controller but when it goes back to View it returns Null
public ActionResult Index(int departmentID)
ViewBag.dropdowndetail = null;
var strDDLValue = departmentID;
if (strDDLValue == null)
return HttpNotFound();
var emp = db.employees.ToList().FirstOrDefault(x=>x.depId==departmentID);
return View(emp);
I get it right
My viewbag was not getting any value in Post method so that why in View it was getting null Exception
I call my viewbag in Post method and give it the value.
change the following code with this.
public ActionResult Index(int departmentID)
var strDDLValue = departmentID;
if (strDDLValue == null)
return HttpNotFound();
var emp = db.employees.Where(x=>x.depId==departmentID).ToList();
ViewBag.dropdowndetail = db.departments.Distinct().ToList();
return View(emp);
You can use keyvalue approach in controller
ViewBag.dropdowndetail = db.departments.Distinct().Select(x => new KeyValuePair<int, string>(x.depid, x.DepartmentName));
and in View use ViewBag like this
#Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.depid, new SelectList((IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<int, string>>)ViewBag.dropdowndetail , "key", "value"), "--Select Departments--")

ASP.NET MVC - Check for duplicate in country name without using Model Annotation

I have a ViewModel and Repository that are being used by the Controller Action for Create
BackendEntities entity = new BackendEntities();
public void AddCountry(CountriesViewModel countryModel)
COUNTRIES2 newCountry = new COUNTRIES2()
Then, I call the Repository from the Controller Action for Create.
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection, CountriesViewModel countries)
CountriesRepository countryRepo = new CountriesRepository();
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// TODO: Add update logic here
var notif = new UINotificationViewModel()
notif_message = "Record saved successfully",
notif_type = NotificationType.SUCCESS,
TempData["notif"] = notif;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
catch (Exception e)
this.AddNotification("Country cannot be added.<br/> Kindly verify the data.", NotificationType.ERROR);
return View(countries);
Please how do I Validate for duplicate COUNTRY_NAME using the condition, where ACTION_STATUS is not equal to 2
I don't want to do it from Model or View, but in the Controller or Repository.
Probably putting it before countryRepo.AddCountry(countries) in the Controller.
Create a Method In your Country Repository
public bool IsNameExist(string name, int id)
var result =entity.COUNTRIES.Any(c => c.COUNTRY_NAME == name && c.ACTION_STATUS != 2 && && c.COUNTRY_ID != id);
return result;
Then In your controller
public ActionResult Create(FormCollection collection, CountriesViewModel countries)
if (countryRepo.IsNameExist(countries.COUNTRY_NAME, countries.COUNTRY_ID))
ModelState.AddModelError("COUNTRY_NAME", "COUNTRY NAME already exist.");

How to redirect view in separate target window

I am using visual studio 2012 and mvc4.
I want to open CertDet view in separate window
In index view I have used submit with post method.
My Controller -
public ActionResult Index(ModelCertificate cert)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
dbRTCEntities objCon = new dbRTCEntities();
Mst_Catref data = objCon.Mst_Catref.Where(x => x.Catref == cert.Catref).FirstOrDefault();
if (data != null)
return RedirectToAction("CertDet", new { catref = data.Catref, Excise = cert.ExciseNumber, customerNm = cert.CustomerName });
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Catref not found");
return View();
public ActionResult CertDet(string catref, string Excise, string customerNm)
dbRTCEntities objCon = new dbRTCEntities();
Mst_Catref data = objCon.Mst_Catref.Where(x => x.Catref == catref).FirstOrDefault();
ModelCertificate cert = new ModelCertificate();
return View(cert);
You should need something like this on your View:
#Html.ActionLink("CertDet", "CertDet", new { catref = data.Catref, Excise = cert.ExciseNumber, customerNm = cert.CustomerName }, new {target = "_blank"})
This will render something like this in a new window;

Populate Viewmodel inside an IF statement?

Im trying to populate a viewmodel based on the value from the querystring. Heres my controller:
public ViewResult Index(int? ShiftStatusID)
//Get logged in User
User user = _accountService.GetUser(_formsAuthService.GetLoggedInUserID());
if (ShiftStatusID == null) // Get all shifts
ViewModelShiftList viewModel = new ViewModelShiftList
Shifts = _shiftService.GetShifts(user.organisationID.Value).ToList()
else // Get shifts by status id
ViewModelShiftList viewModel = new ViewModelShiftList
Shifts = _shiftService.GetShiftsByStatus(user.organisationID.Value, ShiftStatusID).ToList()
return View(viewModel);
So it wont let me return the viewmodel to the view, saying "viewmodel does not exist in the current context". It wont let me declare the view model outside the if statement. How should this be done?
Try to move out if statement in your viewresult.
Here is a code example which should be working fine:
public ViewResult Index(int? ShiftStatusID)
//Get logged in User
User user = _accountService.GetUser(_formsAuthService.GetLoggedInUserID());
var viewModel = new ViewModelShiftList();
if (ShiftStatusID.HasValue)// Get shifts by status id
viewModel.Shifts = _shiftService.GetShifts(user.organisationID.Value).ToList();
else // Get all shifts
viewModel.Shifts = _shiftService.GetShiftsByStatus(user.organisationID.Value, ShiftStatusID).ToList();
return View(viewModel);
Clean up your code, remove duplicate lines:
public ViewResult Index(int? ShiftStatusID)
//Get logged in User
User user = _accountService.GetUser(_formsAuthService.GetLoggedInUserID());
List<Shift> shifts;
if(ShiftStatusID == null)
shifts = _shiftService.GetShifts(user.organisationID.Value).ToList();
shifts = _shiftService.GetShiftsByStatus(user.organisationID.Value, ShiftStatusID).ToList();
var viewModel = new ViewModelShiftList
Shifts = shifts
return View(viewModel);

two models in a view - not working for me

I have created an entity data model from my database. however in certain areas of the application i need to pass two models. thus i create a third model which has as properties the objects of each required model.
In the scenario, i want to use one model just to show some data to the user and the other is to be populated by the user using form elements. therefore, i create a constructor in my custom model to populate it. here's the code:
public class ordersModel
public ordersModel(order or)
this.prods = new order_products();
this.new_order = new order();
this.new_order.customer_id = or.customer_id;
this.new_order.my_id = or.my_id;
this.new_order.my_order_id = or.my_order_id;
this.new_order.order_date = or.order_date;
this.new_order.order_status_id = or.order_status_id;
public order new_order { get; set; }
public order_products prods { get; set; }
public ActionResult Create()
order or = new order();
// Store logged-in user's company id in Session
//or.my_id = Session["my_id"].ToString();
//do something to allow user to select customer, maybe use ajax
or.customer_id = "123";
or.order_amount = 0;
or.my_id = "74973f59-1f6c-4f4c-b013-809fa607cad5";
// display date picker to select date
or.order_date = DateTime.Now.Date;
// fetch statuses from database and show in select list box
or.order_status_id = 1;
return View(or);
// POST: /Orders/Create
public ActionResult Create(order or)
using (invoicrEntities db = new invoicrEntities())
var temp = db.last_order_number.SingleOrDefault(p => p.my_id == or.my_id);
if (temp != null)
or.my_order_id = temp.my_order_id + 1;
if (ModelState.IsValid)
ordersModel ord = new ordersModel(or);
temp.my_order_id = temp.my_order_id + 1;
//TempData["my_order_id"] = or.my_order_id;
return RedirectToAction("AddProducts", ord);
//return RedirectToAction("AddProducts", new { id = or.my_order_id });
return View(or);
return RedirectToAction("someErrorPageDueToCreateOrder");
public ActionResult AddProducts()
using (invoicrEntities db = new invoicrEntities())
//string my_id = TempData["my_id"].ToString();
//string my_order_id = TempData["my_order_id"].ToString();
string my_id = "74973f59-1f6c-4f4c-b013-809fa607cad5";
int my_order_id = 1;
//Int64 my_order_id = Convert.ToInt64(RouteData.Values["order_id"]);
// Display this list in the view
var prods = db.order_products.Where(p => p.my_id == my_id).Where(p => p.my_order_id == my_order_id).ToList();
var or = db.orders.Where(p => p.my_id == my_id).Where(p => p.my_order_id == my_order_id).ToList();
if (or.Count == 1)
//ViewData["name"] = "sameer";
ViewData["products_in_list"] = prods;
ViewData["order"] = or[0];
return View();
return RedirectToAction("someErrorPageDueToAddProducts");
public ActionResult AddProducts(order_products prod)
prod.my_id = "74973f59-1f6c-4f4c-b013-809fa607cad5";
// find a way to get the my_order_id
prod.my_order_id = 1;
return View();
<%# Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<invoicr.Models.ordersModel>" %>
<%: Model.new_order.my_id %>
the above statement gives an error
Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
what am i doing wrong here?
You seem to be passing the wrong model when redisplaying your Create view.
Try passing the ord instance which is of type ordersModel and which is what your view is strongly typed to:
public ActionResult Create(order or)
using (invoicrEntities db = new invoicrEntities())
var temp = db.last_order_number.SingleOrDefault(p => p.my_id == or.my_id);
if (temp != null)
or.my_order_id = temp.my_order_id + 1;
ordersModel ord = new ordersModel(or);
if (ModelState.IsValid)
temp.my_order_id = temp.my_order_id + 1;
return RedirectToAction("AddProducts", ord);
return View(ord);
return RedirectToAction("someErrorPageDueToCreateOrder");
Now that you have shown your AddProducts action you are not passing any model to the view although your view expects an ordersModel instance. So don't just return View();. You need to pass an instance of ordersModel:
if (or.Count == 1)
ViewData["products_in_list"] = prods;
ViewData["order"] = or[0];
ordersModel ord = new ordersModel(or[0]);
return View(ord);
