Fitbit.Net 2.2 Activity log -

My project is MVC 5, I am using Fitbit.Net library to access user Fitbit's data. Is there a way to get the activity name and duration?
I tried
var stats = await fitbitClient.GetDayActivityAsync(DateTime.Today, null);
I get the following:

The problem was the logged activity was not one of the common Fitbit activities so it did not show up. However, if the activity is a common, it works.


Youtube API - Allows Subscribe User but takes away next day

we have a product that will subscribe a user to another user(s) after they go through and give us full permission to do so. The user is then subscribed to these other user(s) ... you can see this in youtube after the API is performed (seems successful) ... but a day later the subscribers are removed and gone? This always worked well. Anyone experience similar issues or know the why here?
When using the API with full permission scope, we Subscribe the user to a channel and we get varying results :
the Google_Service_YouTube_Subscription_Object is returned with valid data
The channel Subscription may or may not increase in value (counter at top)
The channel Subscriber list is not showing the new user (subscriber)
The user shows in their Youtube view that they are subscribed to the Channel
the user Comment on the video is displayed depending on the user privacy settings
the user Like on the video is counted
the NEXT day: comments, subscriber counts are removed from the Channel, likes on the video seems to stay
$youtube_client = new \Google_Client();
$youtube = new \Google_Service_YouTube($youtube_client);
$resourceIdyt = new \Google_Service_YouTube_ResourceId();
$subscriptionSnippetyt = new \Google_Service_YouTube_SubscriptionSnippet();
$subscriptionyt = new \Google_Service_YouTube_Subscription();
$subscriptionResponse = $youtube->subscriptions->insert('id,snippet', $subscriptionyt, array());

Events not being logged in with AppEventsLogger

I'm trying to use react-native-fbsdk for Facebook analytics. When I go to the events debugging page to check if it works, I can see a couple events like App Activation and App Installs and other stuff like Completed App Session. Of these, I'm manually logging App Activation whereas the rest is I think the sdk provides by default.
The problem is, it's not logging many other custom events that I'm trying to log.
How do I debug this? Thanks in advance.
When you send the custom events, are you setting the page_scoped_user_id correctly? Here is a raw JSON cutom event, per docs.
url : "<app_id>/activities",
form: {
custom_events: JSON.stringify([{
_eventName: "fb_mobile_purchase",
_valueToSum: 55.22,
_fb_currency: 'USD'
advertiser_tracking_enabled: 0,
application_tracking_enabled: 0,
extinfo: JSON.stringify(['mb1']),
page_id: <page_id>,
page_scoped_user_id: recipientId
The last value, recipientId, is misleading. If you want to log something the user sent, you would want to log the senderId property of that incoming message.

Slack deep link into client: how to link into im if im not open

I made a platform-independent contactlist-style standalone client for Slack in Qt/C++.
It uses Slack's Deep Linking scheme to navigate through the official Slack-Client when clicking Items in my ContactList.
The problem is, when clicking a user item in my list (which gets the user id and creates the link), the slack client will only enter the im dialog, if it was open before (if i have a im history with that user).
Otherwise it will just show the team directory context for that user, where i manually have to click "message" to actually enter the chat dialog.
Is there really no way to do it right just with slack:// deep links?
The only solution that i can think of right now is to open a new im, if not exist, using api call from my application before opening the link. or maybe open im's for all users at app launch.
But that's kind of a dirty workaround, that i don't like.
Is there a more elegant way to go directly to a new IM than this?
EDIT: quick Workaround without error handling is working this way:
void Window::contactListDoubleClicked(QTableWidgetItem *item)
QString id = listWidget->item(item->row(),1)->text();
int type = listWidget->item(item->row(),3)->text().toInt();
if (type == 1) { // if item is a user, we have to ensure that im exists by requesting
QEventLoop eventLoop;
QNetworkAccessManager mgr;
QObject::connect(&mgr, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)), &eventLoop, SLOT(quit()));
QNetworkRequest req(QUrl(QString("").append(m_token).append("&user=").append(id)));
QNetworkReply *reply = mgr.get(req);
// block stack until reply is ready
qDebug() << reply->readAll();
} else {

reporting success events in omniture

Trying to track how many visistors who don't log in see the popup box that prompts them to create an account, and then each subsequent page of that popup box (java lightbox).
I have these tags in the box coding (the vendor implemented it):
s.prop4=Login Success
event19 = Already Registered
Conversion flow ->
event20 = Welcome
event22 = Stop
event23 = Login
event24 = Plan Options
event25 = Create Account
event26 = Confirm Print Address
event27 = Enter Payment
event28,purchase=Transaction Complete
and then in Omniture I have put everything in its respective place, but I feel like i am missing something. I get a custom conversion report that shows how many got the login success vs the non-registered but none of the events past that.
What am I missing?

Rails and Websockets: need some direction on a feature

In my rails app a User has a profile and this profile can be publicly accessible. I have been looking at using the Pusher gem ( to use for plug-and-play websocket usage with my app.
Basically I am wanting it so that if a user is looking at a public profile and the owner of that profile happens to update that profile then the front-end is updated with the new information and the user is notified on the front-end about the update.
Any help on where to get started would be great!
For each public profile have a unique channel name e.g. <user_name>-profile.
Whenever an updated occurs on the user user_name's profile trigger an event on the user's channel, passing the updated data.
data = update_profile()
Pusher.trigger( '<user_name>-profile', 'profile-updated', {:profile => data} )
On the profile page running the the browser have the code that listens to updates only on the relevant channel:
var pusher = new Pusher( APP_KEY );
var channel = pusher.subscribe( '<user_name>-profile' );
channel.bind( 'profile-updated', function( update ) {
// Update UI to show new profile information
// Show something to indicate that an update has occurred
} );
The one problem here is that you will be triggering an event even when nobody is viewing the public profile. If you wanted to fix that you would need to use WebHooks and keep track of whether or not a profile channel was occupied and only trigger the event if it is.
