NEO4J BoltConnectionError: No connection found, did you connect to Neo4j? - neo4j

I am new to Neo4j , using Desktop (3.4.1 Enterprise Version).
I have used LOAD CSV utility executed from Cypher Shell Command close to 1 Million records in the file. I have monitored the load using Neo4j browser by monitoring the count of properties and relationships that was created. Every time the load stops with the error "BoltConnectionError: No connection found, did you connect to Neo4j?" . I have also tried monitoring through the browser localhost:7474 - the error is different "server connection time out.. " , but the end result is that the load CSV fails to completed. Could someone please advise or guide me what needs to be done to resolve this issue ?

You should be loading along with USING PERIODIC COMMIT when loading data to batch the load and avoid killing your heap.
Also, you may want to EXPLAIN your query and ensure your load is using index lookups, especially if you're doing MERGEs on node properties.
In your query plan, watch out for Eager operations, that will effectively kill your periodic commit approach (and the browser should warn you with that query if it's in the query box prior to executing). You should include your query here for analysis and troubleshooting (along with the query plan) if the previous advice isn't enough to help you pinpoint the issue.


MySQL Error 2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query

I've read all post with the same or very close headline, but still can't find a proper solution or explanation to my problem.
I'm working with MySQL Workbench 6.3 CE. I have been able to create a database with several tables, and create a conexion with python to write data to it. Still, I had a problem related to a varchar field that needed to be set to more than 45 characters. When I try to set it to bigger limits, like VARCHAR(70), no matter how many times I try, wether I set higher limits for timeout, I get the 2013 error, saying my connection was closed during the query.
I'm using the above version of workbench, on windows 10, and I'm trying to modify that field from the workbench. Afer that first time, I can't drop a table either, nor can I connect from python.
What is happening?
Ok, apparently what was happening is that I had a block, and there where a lot of query waiting in a situation of "waiting for table metadata block".
I did the following in the console of workbench
Select concat('KILL ',id,';') from information_schema.processlist where user='root'
that generates a list of all those processes. I copy that list in a new tab, and execute a massive kill of processes. After that it worked again.
Can anybody explain me how did I arrive to that situation and what precautions to take in my python scripts so as to avoid it?
Thnak you

neo4j broken/corrupted after ungraceful shutdown

I'm using Neo4j over windows for testing purposes and I'm working with a db containing ~2 million relations and about the same amount of nodes. after I had an ungraceful shutdown of neo4j while writing a batch of relations the db got corrupted.
it seems like there are some broken nodes/relations in the db and whenever I try to read them I get this error (I'm using py2neo):
Error: NodeImpl#1292315 not found. This can be because someone else deleted this entity while we were trying to read properties from it, or because of concurrent modification of other properties on this entity. The problem should be temporary.
I tried rebooting but neo4j fails to recover from this error. I found this question:
Neo4j cannot read certain nodes. Throws NotFoundException. Corrupt database
but the answer he got is no good for me because it involved in going over the db and redo the indexing, and I can't even read those broken nodes/relations so I can't fix their index (tried it and got the same error).
In general I've had many stability issues with neo4j (and on multiple platforms, not just windows). if no decent solution is found for this problem I will have to switch to a different database.
thanks in advance!
I wrote a tool a while ago that allows you to copy a broken store and keeps the good records intact.
You might want to check it out. I assume you used the 2.1.x version of Neo4j.
For 2.0.x check out:
To verify if your datastore is consistent follow the steps mentioned in
Are you referring to batch inserter API when speaking of "while writing a batch of relations"?
If so, be aware that batch inserter API requires a clean shutdown, see the big fat red warning on
Are the broken nodes schema indexed and are you attempting to read them via this indexed label/property? If so, it's possible you may have a broken index following the sudden shutdown.
Assuming this is the case, you could try deleting the schema subdirectory within the graph store directory while the server is not running and let the database rebuild the index on restart. While this isn't an official way to recover from a broken index, it can sometimes work. Obviously, I suggest you back up your store before trying this.

Neo4j 2.0.4 browser cannot query large datasets

Whenever I try to run cypher queries in Neo4j browser 2.0 on large (anywhere from 3 to 10GB) batch-imported datasets, I receive an "Unknown Error." Then Neo4j server stops responding, and I need to exit out using Task Manager. Prior to this operation, the server shuts down quickly and easily. I have no such issues with smaller batch-imported datasets.
I work on a Win 7 64bit computer, using the Neo4j browser. I have adjusted the .properties file to allow for much larger memory allocations. I have configured my JVM heap to 12g, which should be fine for 64bit JDK. I just recently doubled my RAM, which I thought would fix the issue.
My CPU usage is pegged. I have the logs enabled but I don't know where to find them.
I really like the visualization capabilities of the 2.0.4 browser, does anyone know what might be going wrong?
Your query is taking a long time, and the web browser interface reports "Unknown Error" after a certain timeout period. The query is still running, but you won't see the results in the browser. This drove me nuts too when it first happened to me. If you run the query in the neo4j shell you can verify whether or not this is the problem, because the shell won't time out.
Once this timeout occurs, you can find that the whole system becomes quite non-responsive, especially if you re-run the query, because now you have two extremely long queries running in parallel!
Depending on the type of query, you may be able to improve performance. Sometimes it's as simple as limiting the number of returned nodes (in cases where you only need to find one node or path).
Hope this helps.
Grace and peace,

Neo4j, There is not enough space on the disk

In our application which is using neo4j-1.8.2 we have so called synchronization process. This process reads some data from SQL Server db, processes it in some way and makes appropriate changes to the graph database. In the case if we have disk space outage (those disk where we have neo4j database located), neo4j server stops working (it is still running stops answering the queries). In neo4j web admin I have the following response for each cypher query- "Failed to get current transaction.". In the log file I see:
SEVERE: The RuntimeException could not be mapped to a response, re-throwing to the HTTP container
org.neo4j.graphdb.TransactionFailureException: Unable to commit transaction
Caused by: There is not enough space on the disk
My question is: when I clean some content from disk and around 10GB of free space appeared, does it mean that neo4j server will start working (answering to queries) again automatically OR do I need to restart it?
I see that it is not working after cleaning some content, I have to restart it, then it starts working again? I want to know if this is expected or can I do something to avoid restarting neo4j server?
Thanks in advance,
You have to restart Neo4j when running out of disc. Best practice is to setup some monitoring system giving you alert if free disc space goes below a certain capacity.

Talend - Lock wait timeout exceeded

I use the ETL Talend Open Studio (TOS). I want transfered a data base A into a data base B. I use a tMap component. When I use a tLogRow to look results, it's ok. TOS shows data correctly. But when I make the transfer, TOS writes "Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction".
I don't understand this problem... It's ok for the reading of data but there is a problem for the writing of data.
Can you help me, please ?
Try running your job using a single connection to Mysql ( I assume you are using it as the error is a mysql error )
The error above can occur when you attempt to insert/update/delete from two or more connections concurrently.
to create a single connection and have all components share it you will need a pair of components: "tMysqlConnection" and "tMysqlCommit"
the Connection component should be placed before you attempt to query the database. Once you have it in the job, you can link the tMysqlInput components to it by selecting "use existing connection"
The Commit component will issue the commit command and close the transaction.
You will need Connection components for each separate DB server you are working with.
The base A contains 300 articles. I think that this problem is caused by Talend Open Studio. TOS can't execute more 100 articles. I have tried to "cut" the base A in three bases. Then, I run TOS. The error has missing. It's strange... but it works.
