Rails 5.2 Import XLSX with ActiveStorage and Creek - ruby-on-rails

I have a model called ImportTemp which is used for store imported XLSX file to database. I'm using ActiveStorage for storing the files.
this is the model code:
class ImportTemp < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to :user
has_one_attached :file
has_one_attached :log_result
this is my import controller code:
def import
# Check filetype
case File.extname(params[:file].original_filename)
when ".xlsx"
# Add File to ImportFile model
import = ImportTemp.new(import_type: 'UnitsUpload', user: current_user)
# Import unit via sidekiq with background jobs
# Notice
flash.now[:notice] = "We are processing your xlsx, we will inform you after it's done via notifications."
# Unit.import_file(xlsx)
else flash.now[:error] = t('shared.info.unknown')+": #{params[:file].original_filename}"
after upload the xlsx file, then the import will be processed in sidekiq. This is the worker code (still doesn't do the import actually) :
class ImportUnitWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options retry: false
def perform(file_id)
import_unit = ImportTemp.find(file_id)
# Open the uploaded xlsx to Creek
creek = Creek::Book.new(Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.rails_blob_path(import_unit.file, only_path: true))
sheet = creek.sheets[0]
puts "Opening Sheet #{sheet.name}"
sheet.rows.each do |row|
puts row
units = []
# Unit.import(units)
but after i tried it, it gives me error:
Zip::Error (File /rails/active_storage/blobs/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaHBCZz09IiwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJwdXIiOiJibG9iX2lkIn19--3960b6ba5b55f7004e09967d16dfabe63f09f0a9/2018-08-10_10_39_audit_gt.xlsx not found)
but if i tried to open it with my browser, which is the link looks like this:
it's working and the xlsx is downloaded. My question is what's wrong with it? why the file is not found in the sidekiq?

I ended up using Tempfile as suggested by George Claghorn. I don't know if this is the best solution or best practices, but it works for me now. I'm going to use this solution while waiting Rails 6 stable to come out with ActiveStorage::Blob#open feature.
def perform(file_id)
import = ImportTemp.find(file_id)
temp_unit = Tempfile.new([ 'unit_import_temp', '.xlsx' ], :encoding => 'ascii-8bit')
units = []
# Write xlsx from ImportTemp to Tempfile
# Open the temp xlsx to Creek
book = Creek::Book.new(temp_unit.path)
sheet = book.sheets[0]
sheet.rows.each do |row|
# Skip the header
next if row.values[0] == 'Name' || row.values[1] == 'Abbreviation'
cells = row.values
# Add cells to new Unit
unit = Unit.new(name: cells[0], abbrev: cells[1], desc: cells[2])
units << unit
# Import the unit
temp_unit.unlink # deletes the temp file

Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.rails_blob_path doesn’t return the path to the file on disk. Rather, it returns a path that can be combined with a hostname to produce an URL for downloading the file, for use in links.
You have two options:
If you’d prefer to keep ImportUnitWorker indifferent to the storage service in use, “download” the file to a tempfile on disk. Switch to Rails master and use ActiveStorage::Blob#open:
def perform(import_id)
import = ImportTemp.find(import_id)
units = []
import.file.open do |file|
book = Creek::Book.new(file.path)
sheet = creek.sheets[0]
# ...
If you don’t mind ImportWorker knowing that you use the disk service, ask the service for the path to the file on disk. ActiveStorage::Service::DiskService#path_for(key) is private in Rails 5.2, so either forcibly call it with send or upgrade to Rails master, where it’s public:
def perform(import_id)
import = ImportTemp.find(import_id)
units = []
path = ActiveStorage::Blob.service.send(:path_for, import.file.key)
book = Creek::Book.new(path)
sheet = creek.sheets[0]
# ...

The answer now seems to be (unless I am missing something):
Creek::Book.new file.service_url, check_file_extension: false, remote: true


Reading text from a PDF works in Rails console but not in Rails application

I have a simple one-page searchable PDF that is uploaded to a Rails 6 application model (Car) using Active Storage. I can extract the text from the PDF using the 'tempfile' and 'pdf-reader' gems in the Rails console:
> #car.creport.attached?
=> true
> f = Tempfile.new(['file', '.pdf'])
> f.binmode
> f.write(#car.creport.blob.download)
> r = PDF::Reader.new(f.path.to_s)
> r.pages[1].text
=> "Welcome to the ABC Car Report for January 16, 20...
But, if I try the same thing in the create method of my cars_controller.rb, it doesn't work:
# cars_controller.rb
def create
#car = Car.new(car_params)
#car.filetext = ""
f = Tempfile.new(['file', '.pdf'])
r = PDF::Reader.new(f.path.to_s)
#car.filetext = r.pages[1].text
When I run the Rails application I can create a new Car and select a PDF file to attach. But when I click 'Submit' I get a FileNotFoundError in cars_controller.rb at the f.write() line.
My gut instinct is that the controller is trying to read the blob in order to write it to the temp file too soon (i.e., before the blob has even been written). I tried inserting a sleep(2) to give it time, but I get the same FileNotFoundError.
Any ideas?
Thank you!
I don't get why you're jumping through so many hoops. And using .download without a block loads the entire file into memory (yikes). If #car.creport is an ActiveStorage attachment you can just use the open method instead:
#car.creport.blob.open do |file|
r = PDF::Reader.new(file) # just pass the IO object
#car.filetext = r.pages[1].text
end if #car.creport
This steams the file to disk instead (as a tempfile).
If you're just taking file input via a plain old file input you will get a ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile in the parameters that also is extemely easy to open:
params[:file].open do |file|
r = PDF::Reader.new(file) # just pass the IO object
#car.filetext = r.pages[1].text
end if params[:file].respond_to?(:open)
The difference looks like it's with your #car variable.
In the console you have a blob attached (#car.creport.attached? => true). In your controller, you're initializing a new instance of the Car class, so unless you have some initialization going on that attaches something in the background, that will be nil.
Why that would return a 'file not found' error I'm not sure, but from what I can see that's the only difference between code samples. You're trying to write #car.creport.blob.download, which is present on #car in console, but nil in your controller.

ActiveStorage Image import from Remote URL via activerecord-import gem

I am trying to import list of products via CSV, there is an image column with remote url. I am using activerecord import gem, when I use the setup below I don't get any errors or logs but images are not being created.
require 'open-uri'
file = open(row['image'])
product = Product.new(
name: row['name'],
sku: row['sku'],
brand_id: row['brand']
product.image.attach(io: file, filename: row['sku']+ '.jpg', content_type: 'image/jpg')
products << product
importing = Product.import products, recursive: true
am I missing something? Or is there a better way to handle this.
I was able to import image with regular csv parse. Still not sure, why activerecord import didn't work. I think I will ask this in the gem's github.
csv_text = resp.body
csv = CSV.parse(csv_text, :headers => true, :encoding => 'utf-8')
csv.each do |row|
file = open(row['image'])
t = Product.new
t.name = row['name']
t.image.attach(io: file, filename: row['name']+ '.jpg', content_type: 'image/jpg')
puts "#{t.name} saved"
Giving these prompts as an answer then:
The part of the code you shared (assuming other parts behave as expected) seems ok and like it is doing what it should but since your images are not created ...
(removed guesses part)
Edit: after your update revealing some context, my guess is that the first version (with ActiveRecord import) didn't work as the import gem doesn't invoke callbacks and/or probably skips something that is required for ActiveStorage to trigger the upload of the file attachment.

Rails - compressing CSV files

I'm trying to attach a zipped CSV file to an e-mail without any joy. I've tried following http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/Gzip.html:
class UserExportProcessor
#queue = :user_export_queue
def self.perform(person_id, collection_ids)
person = Person.unscoped.find(person_id)
collection = Person.unscoped.where(id: [49522, 70789])
file = ActiveSupport::Gzip.compress(collection.to_csv)
PersonMailer.people_export(person, file).deliver
This sends an attachment - still as a CSV file - filled with symbols (no letters or numbers).
When I try and remove the compression:
class UserExportProcessor
#queue = :user_export_queue
def self.perform(person_id, collection_ids)
person = Person.unscoped.find(person_id)
collection = Person.unscoped.where(id: [49522, 70789])
PersonMailer.people_export(person, collection.to_csv).deliver
The system e-mails the CSV file as it should and the CSV is properly formed. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to make a new file out of the compressed data? I've tried various approaches with no joy..
Thanks in advance
EDIT: I'm trying
class UserExportProcessor
require 'zip'
#queue = :user_export_queue
def self.perform(person_id, collection_ids)
person = Person.unscoped.find(person_id)
collection = Person.unscoped.where(id: [49522, 70789])
file = Zip::ZipFile.open("files.zip", Zip::ZipFile::CREATE) { |zipfile|
puts zipfile.get_output_stream(collection.to_csv)
PersonMailer.people_export(person, file).deliver
However this fails with:
Errno::ENAMETOOLONG: File name too long - /Users/mark/projects/bla/Role,Title,First Name,Last Name,Address 1,Address 2,Address 3,City,Postcode,Country,Email,Telephone,Mobile,Job Title,Company,Area of work,Department,Regions,Account Manager,Sales Coordinator,Production Studios,Production Partners,Genres,Last login,Created date
Is there any way for me to set the file name with the above approach?
The mistake probably happens in the code of PersonMailer.people_export (which you didn't include). So this is my best guess: you probably add the attachment and do not properly define the mime-type.
Make sure you set the correct file extension when you add the attachment:
something along this line should work:
attachments['archive.zip'] = ActiveSupport::Gzip.compress(collection.to_csv)

How in Ruby on Rails 4.2.6 make a statement which has to check for file extension and upload to right public folder

I'm working on an application which has an upload functionality for documents. I can download various kind of documents like pdf, docx and etc. However, all is uploaded in one folder like ../uploads/documents.
What I have to reach is when the upload began, a statement will check the file extension and upload it to the right folder named as the extension of the file. As an example, I can have a PDF in upload and the app check if the PDF directory exists and if not create one, then upload to that directory. So far I have done what below but I'm new in RoR so I would like to have some suggestions how to make what mentioned above:
This comes from my CTRL:
module UploaderWidget
class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
def initialize(params = {})
#file = params.delete(:file)
if #file
self.filename = sanitize_filename(#file.original_filename)
self.content_type = #file.content_type
self.file_contents = #file.read
def upload_local
path = "#{Rails.root}/public/uploads/document"
FileUtils.mkdir_p(path) unless File.exists?(path)
FileUtils.copy(#file.tempfile, path)
def sanitize_filename(filename)
return File.basename(filename)
def document_file_format
unless ["application/pdf","application/vnd.ms-excel",
"text/plain", "text/csv", "application/octet-stream"].include? self.content_type
errors.add(:file, 'Invalid file format.')
def file_size_under_one_mb
if (#file.size.to_f / NUM_BYTES_IN_MEGABYTE) > 1
errors.add(:file, 'File size cannot be over one megabyte.')
You can use the File.extname() method:
File.extname("test.rb") #=> ".rb"
File.extname("a/b/d/test.rb") #=> ".rb"
File.extname("foo.") #=> ""
File.extname("test") #=> ""
File.extname(".profile") #=> ""
File.extname(".profile.sh") #=> ".sh"
In your particular case, you could do something like this:
sanitize the file name and save it to an instance variable
extract the extension name and save it to an instance variable
eventually manipulate your extension name, e.g.
remove the '.' char
create an hash having every extension as a key and the sub-folder name as a value
define a method to manipulate the extension and return the folder name
build your path like path = Rails.root.join('public', 'uploads', 'document' sub_folder_name)
The rest of your code should work as it is

How to handle a file_as_string (generated by Prawn) so that it is accepted by Carrierwave?

I'm using Prawn to generate a PDF from the controller of a Rails app,
respond_to do |format|
format.pdf do
pdf = GenerateReportPdf.new(#object, view_context)
send_data pdf.render, filename: "Report", type: "application/pdf", disposition: "inline"
This works fine, but I now want to move GenerateReportPdf into a background task, and pass the resulting object to Carrierwave to upload directly to S3.
The worker looks like this
def perform
pdf = GenerateReportPdf.new(#object)
fileString = ???????
document = Document.new(
object_id: #object.id,
file: fileString )
# file is field used by Carrierwave
How do I handle the object returned by Prawn (?????) to ensure it is a format that can be read by Carrierwave.
fileString = pdf.render_file 'filename' writes the object to the root directory of the app. As I'm on Heroku this is not possible.
file = pdf.render returns ArgumentError: string contains null byte
fileString = StringIO.new( pdf.render_file 'filename' ) returns TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String
fileString = StringIO.new( pdf.render ) returns ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid: Validation failed: File You are not allowed to upload nil files, allowed types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx
fileString = File.open( pdf.render ) returns ArgumentError: string contains null byte
....and so on.
What am I missing? StringIO.new( pdf.render ) seems like it should work, but I'm unclear why its generating this error.
It turns out StringIO.new( pdf.render ) should indeed work.
The problem I was having was that the filename was being set incorrectly and, despite following the advise below on Carrierwave's wiki, a bug elsewhere in the code meant that the filename was returning as an empty string. I'd overlooked this an assumed that something else was needed
my code ended up looking like this
def perform
s = StringIO.new(pdf.render)
def s.original_filename; "my file name"; end
document = Document.new(
object_id: #object.id
document.file = s
You want to create a tempfile (which is fine on Heroku as long as you don't expect it to persist across requests).
def perform
# Create instance of your Carrierwave Uploader
uploader = MyUploader.new
# Generate your PDF
pdf = GenerateReportPdf.new(#object)
# Create a tempfile
tmpfile = Tempfile.new("my_filename")
# set to binary mode to avoid UTF-8 conversion errors
# Use render to write the file contents
tmpfile.write pdf.render
# Upload the tempfile with your Carrierwave uploader
uploader.store! tmpfile
# Close the tempfile and delete it
Here's a way you can use StringIO like Andy Harvey mentioned, but without adding a method to the StringIO intstance's eigenclass.
class VirtualFile < StringIO
attr_accessor :original_filename
def initialize(string, original_filename)
#original_filename = original_filename
def perform
pdf_string = GenerateReportPdf.new(#object)
file = VirtualFile.new(pdf_string, 'filename.pdf')
document = Document.new(object_id: #object.id, file: file)
This one took me couple of days, the key is to call render_file controlling the filepath so you can keep track of the file, something like this:
in one of my Models e.g.: Policy i have a list of documents and this is just the method for updating the model connected with the carrierwave e.g.:PolicyDocument < ApplicationRecord mount_uploader :pdf_file, PdfDocumentUploader
def upload_pdf_document_file_to_s3_bucket(document_type, filepath)
policy_document = self.policy_documents.where(policy_document_type: document_type)
.where(status: 'processing')
.where(pdf_file: nil).last
policy_document.pdf_file = File.open(file_path, "r")
policy_document.status = 's3_uploaded'
rescue => e
policy_document.status = 's3_uploaded_failed'
Rails.logger.error "Error uploading policy documents: #{e.inspect}"
in one of my Prawn PDF File Generators e.g.: PolicyPdfDocumentX in here please note how im rendering the file and returning the filepath so i can grab from the worker object itself
def generate_prawn_pdf_document
Prawn::Document.new do |pdf|
pdf.draw_text "Hello World PDF File", size: 8, at: [370, 462]
pdf.image Rails.root.join('app', 'assets', 'images', 'hello-world.png'), width: 550
def generate_tmp_file(filename)
file_path = File.join(Rails.root, "tmp/pdfs", filename)
return filepath
in the "global" Worker for creating files and uploading them in the s3 bucket e.g.: PolicyDocumentGeneratorWorker
def perform(filename, document_type, policy)
#here we create the instance of the prawn pdf generator class
pdf_generator_class = document_type.constantize.new
#here we are creating the file, but also `returning the filepath`
file_path = pdf_generator_class.generate_tmp_file(filename)
#here we are simply updating the model with the new file created
policy.upload_pdf_document_file_to_s3_bucket(document_type, file_path)
finally how to test, run rails c and:
the_policy = Policies.where....
PolicyDocumentGeneratorWorker.new.perform('report_x.pdf', 'PolicyPdfDocumentX',the_policy)
NOTE: im using meta-programming in case we have multiple and different file generators, constantize.new is just creating new prawn pdf doc generator instance so is similar to PolicyPdfDocument.new that way we can only have one pdf doc generator worker class that can handle all of your prawn pdf documents so for instance if you need a new document you can simply PolicyDocumentGeneratorWorker.new.perform('report_y.pdf', 'PolicyPdfDocumentY',the_policy)
hope this helps someone to save some time
